Exemplo n.º 1
def calc_step(median_force, element_size):
    """Calculation of density and ssa from median of force and element size.

    This is the actual math described in the publication.

    :param median_force: Median of force.
    :param element_size: Element size.
    :return: Tuple containing density and ssa value.
    l = element_size
    fm = median_force

    # Equation 9 in publication
    a1 = 420.47
    a2 = 102.47
    a3 = -121.15
    a4 = -169.96
    density = a1 + a2 * np.log(fm) + a3 * np.log(fm) * l + a4 * l

    # Equation 11 in publication
    c1 = 0.131
    c2 = 0.355
    c3 = 0.0291
    lc = c1 + c2 * l + c3 * np.log(fm)

    # Equation 12 in publication
    ssa = 4 * (1 - (density / DENSITY_ICE)) / lc

    return density, ssa
Exemplo n.º 2
def gmean(a, axis=0, dtype=None):
    # A copy/paste of scipy.stats.mstats.gmean function to
    # avoid the scipy dependency
    if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
        # if not an ndarray object attempt to convert it
        log_a = np.log(np.array(a, dtype=dtype))
    elif dtype:
        # Must change the default dtype allowing array type
        if isinstance(a, np.ma.MaskedArray):
            log_a = np.log(np.ma.asarray(a, dtype=dtype))
            log_a = np.log(np.asarray(a, dtype=dtype))
        log_a = np.log(a)
    return np.exp(log_a.mean(axis=axis))
Exemplo n.º 3
def range_volatility(ticker, components): 
	# Parse and check: find components matching dates, ensure start and end are present, ensure dates are valid
	today, dates = current_date(), []
	for each in components: 
		if PATTERNS['valid_date'].match(each):
	if len(dates)!=2:
		return {"message": Response.vol_required_dates(ticker)}
	for each in dates: 
		if each > today: 
			return {"message": Response.invalid_date(each)}
			date = datetime.datetime.strptime(each, '%Y-%m-%d')
		except ValueError: 
			return {"message": Response.invalid_date(each)}

	# Volatility Calculation
	dates = sorted(dates)
	start, end = dates[0], dates[1]
		quotes = data.DataReader(ticker, 'google')['Close'].loc[start:end]
		if len(quotes) < 10: 
			return {"message": Response.vol_range_size(ticker)}
	except Exception:
		return {"message": Response.data_notfound(ticker)}
	logreturns = np.log(quotes / quotes.shift(1))
	vol = round(np.sqrt(252*logreturns.var()), 5)
	return {"message" : Response.range_vol(ticker, start, end, vol)}
Exemplo n.º 4
 def populate_df(self, start, end=None):
     :param start: start date of the historical data (ex: '2010-01-01')
     :param end: end date of the historical data
     self.df = helper.get_historical_data(self.ticker, start, end)
     self.df['daily_return'] = np.log(self.df['Adj Close'].pct_change() + 1)
Exemplo n.º 5
def hist_vol(sym, days=10):
        quotes = DataReader(sym, 'yahoo')['Close'][-days:]
    except Exception:
        print "Problem getting historical volatility!"
        raise SystemExit(code)
        return None, None
    logreturns = np.log(quotes / quotes.shift(1))
    vol = np.sqrt(252*logreturns.var()) #252 trading days in year (annualized volatility)
    return float(vol)
def compute_gap(clustering, data, k_max=5, n_references=5):
    if len(data.shape) == 1:
        data = data.reshape(-1, 1)
    reference = np.random.rand(*data.shape)
    reference_inertia = []
    for k in range(1, k_max + 1):
        local_inertia = []
        for _ in range(n_references):
            clustering.n_clusters = k
            assignments = clustering.fit_predict(reference)
            local_inertia.append(compute_inertia(assignments, reference))

    ondata_inertia = []
    for k in range(1, k_max + 1):
        clustering.n_clusters = k
        assignments = clustering.fit_predict(data)
        ondata_inertia.append(compute_inertia(assignments, data))

    gap = np.log(reference_inertia) - np.log(ondata_inertia)
    return gap, np.log(reference_inertia), np.log(ondata_inertia)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def trailing_volatility(ticker, days):
		Returns equally-weighted historical volatility for a stock during the last X trading days
		(annualized std deviation of daily log returns) using market close prices.
		Google API - data available from Jan 4, 2010 to present and is adjusted for stock splits.

            ticker_input = "WIKI/" + ticker
            quotes = quandl.get(ticker_input, order='desc')['Close'][:days]
        except Exception:
            return False
        logreturns = np.log(quotes / quotes.shift(1))
        return round(np.sqrt(252 * logreturns.var()), 5)
Exemplo n.º 8
def trailing_volatility(ticker, components):
	for each in components: 
		if PATTERNS['tvol'].match(each):
			days = int(each)
	if days==None:
		return {"message": Response.trailing_days(ticker)}
		quotes = data.DataReader(ticker, 'google')['Close'][-days:]
	except Exception:
		return {"message": Response.data_notfound(ticker)}
	logreturns = np.log(quotes / quotes.shift(1))
	vol = round(np.sqrt(252*logreturns.var()), 5)
	return {"message" : Response.trailing_vol(days, ticker, vol)}
 def PlotMatrix(self) -> plt:
     prf_returns = (self._stats.Returns.pct_change() + 1)[1:]
     avg_return = (prf_returns-1).mean()
     daily_pct_change = np.log(self._stats.Returns.pct_change() + 1)
     vols = daily_pct_change.std() * np.sqrt(252)
     plt.rcParams['date.epoch'] = '0000-12-31'
     fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(self._a_float, self._a_float/2.0))
     #print('AX', type(ax)) AX <class 'matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot'>
     ax.set(ylabel='Simple Return Std', xlabel='Simple Return Mean')
     ax.scatter(vols, avg_return)
     for i, txt in enumerate(list(vols.index)):
         ax.annotate(txt, (vols[i], avg_return[i]))
     return plt
 def __init__(self, y_stocks: list):
     self._a_float = 3 * math.log(y_stocks[0].TimeSpan.MonthCount)
     self._a_suffix = y_stocks[0].Column
     self._a_ts = y_stocks[0].TimeSpan
     self._a_length = len(y_stocks)
     iso_weight: float = round(1.0 / len(y_stocks), 3)
     self._stocks = y_stocks
     self._weights = np.array(len(y_stocks) * [iso_weight], dtype=float)
     self._basics = PortfolioBasics(y_stocks, self._a_float, self._legend_place)
     self._stats = PortfolioStats(self._weights, self._basics)
     self._final = PortfolioFinal(y_stocks, self._a_float, self._legend_place)
     print('Volatility\t\t\t\t\t', self._final.Volatility)
     print('Annual Expected Return\t\t', self._final.AnnualExpectedReturn)
     print('Risk Free Rate\t\t\t\t', self._final.RiskFreeRate)
     print('Free 0.005 Sharpe Ratio\t\t', self._final.Free005SharpeRatio)
     print('Kurtosis\n', self._final.KurtosisSeries)
     print('Skewness\n', self._final.SkewnessSeries)
     print('Frequency\n', self._final.Frequency)
     self._dataSimpleCorrelation = self._stats.SimpleReturnsNan.corr()
     self._dataSimpleCovariance = self._stats.SimpleReturnsNan.cov()
     self._dataSimpleCovarianceAnnual = self._dataSimpleCovariance * 252
     self._dataSimpleSummary = self._stats.SimpleReturnsNanSummary
     self._dataWeightedReturns = self._stats.SimpleWeightedReturns
     # axis =1 tells pandas we want to add the rows
     self._portfolio_weighted_returns = round(self._dataWeightedReturns.sum(axis=1), 5)
     print('7', self._portfolio_weighted_returns.head())
     print('7', self._stats.SimpleWeightedReturnsSum.head())
     #self._dataWeightedReturns['PORTFOLIOWeighted'] = portfolio_weighted_returns
     portfolio_weighted_returns_mean = round(self._portfolio_weighted_returns.mean(), 5)
     print('port_ret mean', portfolio_weighted_returns_mean)
     print(round(self._stats.SimpleWeightedReturnsSum.mean(), 5))
     portfolio_weighted_returns_std = round(self._portfolio_weighted_returns.std(), 5)
     print('port_ret std', portfolio_weighted_returns_std)
     self._portfolio_weighted_returns_cum: Series = round((self._portfolio_weighted_returns + 1).cumprod(), 5)
     #self._dataWeightedReturns['PORTFOLIOCumulative'] = self._portfolio_weighted_returns_cum
     print('$', self._dataWeightedReturns.head())
     self._portfolio_weighted_returns_geom = round(np.prod(self._portfolio_weighted_returns + 1) ** (252 / self._portfolio_weighted_returns.shape[0]) - 1, 5)
     print('geometric_port_return', self._portfolio_weighted_returns_geom)
     self._portfolio_weighted_annual_std = round(np.std(self._portfolio_weighted_returns) * np.sqrt(252), 5)
     print('port_ret annual', self._portfolio_weighted_annual_std)
     self._portfolio_weighted_sharpe_ratio = round(self._portfolio_weighted_returns_geom / self._portfolio_weighted_annual_std, 5)
     print('port_sharpe_ratio', self._portfolio_weighted_sharpe_ratio)
     print('%', self._stats.Returns.head())
     self._data_returns_avg = self._getDataReturnsAverage(self._stats.Returns)
     print('^', self._data_returns_avg.head())
     daily_log_pct_changes: DataFrame = np.log(self._stats.Returns.pct_change() + 1) #avant portfolio
     daily_log_pct_changes.columns = daily_log_pct_changes.columns + 'LogReturn'
     print('&', daily_log_pct_changes.head())
     daily_log_volatilities: DataFrame = (daily_log_pct_changes.std() * np.sqrt(252)).to_frame()
     daily_log_volatilities.columns = ['Volatility']
     print('*', daily_log_volatilities)
     port_daily_simple_ret: float = round(np.sum(self._stats.SimpleReturnsNan.mean()*self._weights), 5)
     port_weekly_simple_ret: float = round(4.856 * port_daily_simple_ret, 5)
     port_monthly_simple_ret: float = round(21 * port_daily_simple_ret, 5)
     port_quarterly_simple_ret: float = round(63 * port_daily_simple_ret, 5)
     port_yearly_simple_ret: float = round(252 * port_daily_simple_ret, 5)
     print('port_daily_simple_ret', str(100*port_daily_simple_ret) + '%')
     print('port_weekly_simple_ret', str(100*port_weekly_simple_ret) + '%')
     print('port_monthly_simple_ret', str(100*port_monthly_simple_ret) + '%')
     print('port_quarterly_simple_ret', str(100*port_quarterly_simple_ret) + '%')
     print('port_yearly_simple_ret', str(100*port_yearly_simple_ret) + '%')
     self._optimizer = PortfolioOptimizer(self._legend_place, self._a_float, self._stats, self._basics.Data)
     self._stock_market_index = SnP500Index('yahoo', "^GSPC", self._a_ts)
     self._linear_reg = PortfolioLinearReg(self._stock_market_index, self._stats.Returns)
     print(f'The portfolio beta is {self._linear_reg.Beta}, for each 1% of index portfolio will move {self._linear_reg.Beta}%')
     print('The portfolio alpha is ', self._linear_reg.Alpha)
     print('_', self._basics.DataLogReturns.head())
     cov_mat_annual = self._basics.DataLogReturns.cov() * 252
     print('-', cov_mat_annual)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _getLogReturns(self, a_df: DataFrame = DataFrame()) -> DataFrame:
     new_df: DataFrame = np.log(a_df / a_df.shift(1))
     new_df.columns = new_df.columns.str.replace(self._column, 'LogReturn')
     return new_df
Exemplo n.º 12
# @Last Modified by:   boyac
# @Last Modified time: 2016-05-02 19:09:29

from pandas import np
import pandas_datareader.data as web

def gk_vol(sym, days):
    Return the annualized stddev of daily log returns of picked stock
    Historical Open-High-Low-Close Volatility: Garman Klass
    sigma**2 = ((h-l)**2)/2 - (2ln(2) - 1)(c-o)**2
    ref: http://www.wilmottwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Volatility

        o = web.DataReader(sym, 'yahoo')['Open'][-days:]
        h = web.DataReader(sym, 'yahoo')['High'][-days:]
        l = web.DataReader(sym, 'yahoo')['Low'][-days:]
        c = web.DataReader(sym, 'yahoo')['Close'][-days:]
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error getting data for symbol '{}'.\n".format(sym), e
        return None, None
    sigma = np.sqrt(252 * sum((np.log(h / l))**2 / 2 - (2 * np.log(2) - 1) *
                              (np.log(c / o)**2)) / days)
    return sigma

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print gk_vol('FB', 30)  # facebook
Exemplo n.º 13
def volatility(df):
    quotes = df['close']
    logreturns = np.log(quotes / quotes.shift(1))
    vol = np.sqrt(252 * logreturns.var())
    return vol
Exemplo n.º 14
from pandas import np
import pandas_datareader.data as web
import threading

def hv(sym, days):
    Return the annualized stddev of daily log returns of picked stock,
    and auto refresh data loading every 5 seconds.
    	# past number of 'days' close price data, normally between (30, 60)
        hv.quotes = web.DataReader(sym, 'yahoo')['Close'][-days:]     
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error getting data for symbol '{}'.\n".format(sym), e
        return None, None
    logreturns = np.log(hv.quotes / hv.quotes.shift(1))
    # return square root * trading days * logreturns variance
    # NYSE 252 trading days, Shanghai Stock Exchange = 242, Tokyo Stock Exchange = 246 days?
    return np.sqrt(252*logreturns.var()) 
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print hv('FB', 30) # facebook/ 0.294282265956
    threading.Timer(5, hv.quotes).start()
# [BUG]Cannot read Time Series data
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.11/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_log(self):
     y = [0.08, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
     log_y = np.log(y)
     print(f"y    ={y}")
Exemplo n.º 16
from pandas import np
import pandas_datareader.data as web

def historical_volatility(sym, days): # stock symbol, number of days
    "Return the annualized stddev of daily log returns of picked stock"
        # past number of 'days' close price data, normally between (30, 60)
        quotes = web.DataReader(sym, 'yahoo')['Close'][-days:] 
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error getting data for symbol '{}'.\n".format(sym), e
        return None, None
    logreturns = np.log(quotes / quotes.shift(1))
    # return square root * trading days * logreturns variance
    # NYSE = 252 trading days; Shanghai Stock Exchange = 242; Tokyo Stock Exchange = 246 days?
    return np.sqrt(252*logreturns.var()) 
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print historical_volatility('FB', 30) # facebook
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _getLogDailyReturns(self, a_df: DataFrame = DataFrame()) -> DataFrame:
     new_df: DataFrame() = np.log(a_df / a_df.shift(1))
     new_df.columns = new_df.columns.str.replace(self._portfolio_basics.Column, 'LogDailyRet')
     return new_df
Exemplo n.º 18
# facecolor:背景颜色
# edgecolor:边框颜色
# frameon:是否显示边框
# figure = plt.figure(num='gg', figsize=(5, 3), dpi=None, facecolor='red', edgecolor=None, frameon=True)
# plt.show()

# 创建单个子图
# nrows:subplot的行数
# ncols:subplot的列数
# sharex:所有subplot应该使用相同的X轴刻度(调节xlim将会影响所有的subplot)
# sharex:所有subplot应该使用相同的Y轴刻度(调节ylim将会影响所有的subplot)
# subpolt_kw:用于创建各subplot的关键字字典
# **fig_kw 创建figure时的其他关键字
# plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, sharex, sharey, subplot_kw, **fig_kw)
x = np.arange(0, 100)
# 第一行左图
plt.plot(x, x)
plt.plot(x, -x)
plt.plot(x, x**2)
plt.grid(color='r', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.3)
plt.plot(x, np.log(x))