Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_freq(ax, series):
    # get frequency from data
    freq = getattr(series.index, 'freq', None)
    if freq is None:
        freq = getattr(series.index, 'inferred_freq', None)

    ax_freq = getattr(ax, 'freq', None)
    if ax_freq is None:
        if hasattr(ax, 'left_ax'):
            ax_freq = getattr(ax.left_ax, 'freq', None)
        elif hasattr(ax, 'right_ax'):
            ax_freq = getattr(ax.right_ax, 'freq', None)

    # use axes freq if no data freq
    if freq is None:
        freq = ax_freq

    # get the period frequency
    if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
        freq = freq.rule_code
        freq = frequencies.get_base_alias(freq)

    freq = frequencies.get_period_alias(freq)
    return freq, ax_freq
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _maybe_convert_timedelta(self, other):
     if isinstance(
             other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, offsets.Tick, np.ndarray)):
         offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq.rule_code)
         if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
             if isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
                 nanos = np.vectorize(delta_to_nanoseconds)(other)
                 nanos = delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
             offset_nanos = delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
             check = np.all(nanos % offset_nanos == 0)
             if check:
                 return nanos // offset_nanos
     elif isinstance(other, offsets.DateOffset):
         freqstr = other.rule_code
         base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)
         if base == self.freq.rule_code:
             return other.n
         msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
         raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
     elif is_integer(other):
         # integer is passed to .shift via
         # _add_datetimelike_methods basically
         # but ufunc may pass integer to _add_delta
         return other
     # raise when input doesn't have freq
     msg = "Input has different freq from PeriodIndex(freq={0})"
     raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg.format(self.freqstr))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _maybe_convert_timedelta(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, offsets.Tick, Timedelta)):
         offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq.rule_code)
         if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
             nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
             offset_nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
             if nanos % offset_nanos == 0:
                 return nanos // offset_nanos
     elif isinstance(other, offsets.DateOffset):
         freqstr = frequencies.get_standard_freq(other)
         base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)
         if base == self.freq.rule_code:
             return other.n
     elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
         if com.is_integer_dtype(other):
             return other
         elif com.is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
             offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq)
             if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
                 nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
                 offset_nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
                 if (nanos % offset_nanos).all() == 0:
                     return nanos // offset_nanos
     msg = "Input has different freq from PeriodIndex(freq={0})"
     raise ValueError(msg.format(self.freqstr))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _is_dynamic_freq(self, freq):
     if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
         freq = freq.rule_code
         freq = get_base_alias(freq)
     freq = get_period_alias(freq)
     return freq is not None
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _maybe_convert_timedelta(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64,
                           offsets.Tick, Timedelta)):
         offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq.rule_code)
         if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
             nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
             offset_nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
             if nanos % offset_nanos == 0:
                 return nanos // offset_nanos
     elif isinstance(other, offsets.DateOffset):
         freqstr = other.rule_code
         base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)
         if base == self.freq.rule_code:
             return other.n
         msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
         raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
     elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
         if is_integer_dtype(other):
             return other
         elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
             offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq)
             if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
                 nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
                 offset_nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
                 if (nanos % offset_nanos).all() == 0:
                     return nanos // offset_nanos
     # raise when input doesn't have freq
     msg = "Input has different freq from PeriodIndex(freq={0})"
     raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg.format(self.freqstr))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _add_offset(self, other):
     assert not isinstance(other, Tick)
     base = frequencies.get_base_alias(other.rule_code)
     if base != self.freq.rule_code:
         msg = DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
         raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
     return self.shift(other.n)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _use_dynamic_x(ax, data):
    freq = _get_index_freq(data)
    ax_freq = _get_ax_freq(ax)

    if freq is None:  # convert irregular if axes has freq info
        freq = ax_freq
    else:  # do not use tsplot if irregular was plotted first
        if (ax_freq is None) and (len(ax.get_lines()) > 0):
            return False

    if freq is None:
        return False

    if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
        freq = freq.rule_code
        freq = frequencies.get_base_alias(freq)
    freq = frequencies.get_period_alias(freq)

    if freq is None:
        return False

    # hack this for 0.10.1, creating more technical debt...sigh
    if isinstance(data.index, ABCDatetimeIndex):
        base = frequencies.get_freq(freq)
        x = data.index
        if (base <= frequencies.FreqGroup.FR_DAY):
            return x[:1].is_normalized
        return Period(x[0], freq).to_timestamp(tz=x.tz) == x[0]
    return True
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _add_offset(self, other):
        assert not isinstance(other, Tick)
        base = frequencies.get_base_alias(other.rule_code)
        if base != self.freq.rule_code:
            _raise_on_incompatible(self, other)

        # Note: when calling parent class's _add_timedeltalike_scalar,
        #  it will call delta_to_nanoseconds(delta).  Because delta here
        #  is an integer, delta_to_nanoseconds will return it unchanged.
        result = super(PeriodArray, self)._add_timedeltalike_scalar(other.n)
        return type(self)(result, freq=self.freq)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _add_delta(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, offsets.Tick, Timedelta)):
            offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq)
            if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
                nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
                offset_nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
                if nanos % offset_nanos == 0:
                    return self.shift(nanos // offset_nanos)
        elif isinstance(other, offsets.DateOffset):
            freqstr = frequencies.get_standard_freq(other)
            base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)

            if base == self.freq:
                return self.shift(other.n)
        raise ValueError("Input has different freq from PeriodIndex(freq={0})".format(self.freq))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _maybe_convert_timedelta(self, other):
        Convert timedelta-like input to an integer multiple of self.freq

        other : timedelta, np.timedelta64, DateOffset, int, np.ndarray

        converted : int, np.ndarray[int64]

        IncompatibleFrequency : if the input cannot be written as a multiple
            of self.freq.  Note IncompatibleFrequency subclasses ValueError.
        if isinstance(
                other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, Tick, np.ndarray)):
            offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq.rule_code)
            if isinstance(offset, Tick):
                if isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
                    nanos = np.vectorize(delta_to_nanoseconds)(other)
                    nanos = delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
                offset_nanos = delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
                check = np.all(nanos % offset_nanos == 0)
                if check:
                    return nanos // offset_nanos
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            freqstr = other.rule_code
            base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)
            if base == self.freq.rule_code:
                return other.n
            msg = DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
        elif lib.is_integer(other):
            # integer is passed to .shift via
            # _add_datetimelike_methods basically
            # but ufunc may pass integer to _add_delta
            return other

        # raise when input doesn't have freq
        msg = "Input has different freq from {cls}(freq={freqstr})"
        raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _maybe_convert_timedelta(self, other):
        Convert timedelta-like input to an integer multiple of self.freq

        other : timedelta, np.timedelta64, DateOffset, int, np.ndarray

        converted : int, np.ndarray[int64]

        IncompatibleFrequency : if the input cannot be written as a multiple
            of self.freq.  Note IncompatibleFrequency subclasses ValueError.
        if isinstance(
                other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, Tick, np.ndarray)):
            offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq.rule_code)
            if isinstance(offset, Tick):
                # _check_timedeltalike_freq_compat will raise if incompatible
                delta = self._data._check_timedeltalike_freq_compat(other)
                return delta
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            freqstr = other.rule_code
            base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)
            if base == self.freq.rule_code:
                return other.n

            msg = DIFFERENT_FREQ.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
        elif is_integer(other):
            # integer is passed to .shift via
            # _add_datetimelike_methods basically
            # but ufunc may pass integer to _add_delta
            return other

        # raise when input doesn't have freq
        msg = DIFFERENT_FREQ.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
        raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _maybe_convert_timedelta(self, other):
        Convert timedelta-like input to an integer multiple of self.freq

        other : timedelta, np.timedelta64, DateOffset, int, np.ndarray

        converted : int, np.ndarray[int64]

        IncompatibleFrequency : if the input cannot be written as a multiple
            of self.freq.  Note IncompatibleFrequency subclasses ValueError.
        if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, Tick, np.ndarray)):
            offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq.rule_code)
            if isinstance(offset, Tick):
                # _check_timedeltalike_freq_compat will raise if incompatible
                delta = self._data._check_timedeltalike_freq_compat(other)
                return delta
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            freqstr = other.rule_code
            base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)
            if base == self.freq.rule_code:
                return other.n
            msg = DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
        elif is_integer(other):
            # integer is passed to .shift via
            # _add_datetimelike_methods basically
            # but ufunc may pass integer to _add_delta
            return other

        # raise when input doesn't have freq
        msg = "Input has different freq from {cls}(freq={freqstr})"
        raise IncompatibleFrequency(
            msg.format(cls=type(self).__name__, freqstr=self.freqstr))
Exemplo n.º 13
def _maybe_convert_index(ax, data):
    # tsplot converts automatically, but don't want to convert index
    # over and over for DataFrames
    if isinstance(data.index, ABCDatetimeIndex):
        freq = getattr(data.index, 'freq', None)

        if freq is None:
            freq = getattr(data.index, 'inferred_freq', None)
        if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
            freq = freq.rule_code

        if freq is None:
            freq = _get_ax_freq(ax)

        if freq is None:
            raise ValueError('Could not get frequency alias for plotting')

        freq = frequencies.get_base_alias(freq)
        freq = frequencies.get_period_alias(freq)

        data = data.to_period(freq=freq)
    return data
Exemplo n.º 14
def _maybe_convert_index(ax, data):
    # tsplot converts automatically, but don't want to convert index
    # over and over for DataFrames
    if isinstance(data.index, DatetimeIndex):
        freq = getattr(data.index, 'freq', None)

        if freq is None:
            freq = getattr(data.index, 'inferred_freq', None)
        if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
            freq = freq.rule_code

        if freq is None:
            freq = _get_ax_freq(ax)

        if freq is None:
            raise ValueError('Could not get frequency alias for plotting')

        freq = frequencies.get_base_alias(freq)
        freq = frequencies.get_period_alias(freq)

        data = data.to_period(freq=freq)
    return data
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _maybe_convert_timedelta(self, other):
     if isinstance(other,
                   (timedelta, np.timedelta64, offsets.Tick, np.ndarray)):
         offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq.rule_code)
         if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
             if isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
                 nanos = np.vectorize(delta_to_nanoseconds)(other)
                 nanos = delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
             offset_nanos = delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
             check = np.all(nanos % offset_nanos == 0)
             if check:
                 return nanos // offset_nanos
     elif isinstance(other, offsets.DateOffset):
         freqstr = other.rule_code
         base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)
         if base == self.freq.rule_code:
             return other.n
         msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
         raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
     elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
         if is_integer_dtype(other):
             return other
         elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
             offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq)
             if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
                 nanos = delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
                 offset_nanos = delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
                 if (nanos % offset_nanos).all() == 0:
                     return nanos // offset_nanos
     elif is_integer(other):
         # integer is passed to .shift via
         # _add_datetimelike_methods basically
         # but ufunc may pass integer to _add_delta
         return other
     # raise when input doesn't have freq
     msg = "Input has different freq from PeriodIndex(freq={0})"
     raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg.format(self.freqstr))
Exemplo n.º 16
def tsplot(series, plotf, *args, **kwargs):
    Plots a Series on the given Matplotlib axes object

    axes : Axes
    series : Series

    Supports same args and kwargs as Axes.plot

    # Used inferred freq is possible, need a test case for inferred
    freq = getattr(series.index, 'freq', None)
    if freq is None and hasattr(series.index, 'inferred_freq'):
        freq = series.index.inferred_freq

    if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
        freq = freq.rule_code
        freq = frequencies.get_base_alias(freq)

    freq = frequencies.to_calendar_freq(freq)
    # Convert DatetimeIndex to PeriodIndex
    if isinstance(series.index, DatetimeIndex):
        idx = series.index.to_period(freq=freq)
        series = Series(series.values, idx, name=series.name)

    if not isinstance(series.index, PeriodIndex):
        #try to get it to DatetimeIndex then to period
        if series.index.inferred_type == 'datetime':
            idx = DatetimeIndex(series.index).to_period(freq=freq)
            series = Series(series.values, idx, name=series.name)
            raise TypeError('series argument to tsplot must have '
                            'DatetimeIndex or PeriodIndex')

    if freq != series.index.freq:
        series = series.asfreq(freq)

    series = series.dropna()

    if 'ax' in kwargs:
        ax = kwargs.pop('ax')
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Specialized ts plotting attributes for Axes
    ax.freq = freq
    xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
    xaxis.freq = freq
    xaxis.converter = DateConverter
    ax.legendlabels = [kwargs.get('label', None)]
    ax.view_interval = None
    ax.date_axis_info = None

    # format args and lot
    args = _check_plot_params(series, series.index, freq, *args)
    plotted = plotf(ax, *args,  **kwargs)

    format_dateaxis(ax, ax.freq)

    # when adding a right axis (using add_yaxis), for some reason the
    # x axis limits don't get properly set. This gets around the problem
    xlim = ax.get_xlim()
    if xlim[0] == 0.0 and xlim[1] == 1.0:
        # if xlim still at default values, autoscale the axis

    left = series.index[0] #get_datevalue(series.index[0], freq)
    right = series.index[-1] #get_datevalue(series.index[-1], freq)
    ax.set_xlim(left, right)

    return plotted
Exemplo n.º 17
def tsplot(series, plotf, **kwargs):
    Plots a Series on the given Matplotlib axes or the current axes

    axes : Axes
    series : Series

    Supports same kwargs as Axes.plot

    # Used inferred freq is possible, need a test case for inferred
    freq = getattr(series.index, 'freq', None)
    if freq is None and hasattr(series.index, 'inferred_freq'):
        freq = series.index.inferred_freq

    if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
        freq = freq.rule_code
        freq = frequencies.get_base_alias(freq)

    freq = frequencies.get_period_alias(freq)
    # Convert DatetimeIndex to PeriodIndex
    if isinstance(series.index, DatetimeIndex):
        series = series.to_period(freq=freq)

    if freq != series.index.freq:
        series = series.asfreq(freq)

    style = kwargs.pop('style', None)

    if 'ax' in kwargs:
        ax = kwargs.pop('ax')
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Specialized ts plotting attributes for Axes
    ax.freq = freq
    xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
    xaxis.freq = freq
    xaxis.converter = DateConverter
    ax.legendlabels = [kwargs.get('label', None)]
    ax.view_interval = None
    ax.date_axis_info = None

    # format args and lot
    mask = isnull(series)
    if mask.any():
        masked_array = np.ma.array(series.values)
        masked_array = np.ma.masked_where(mask, masked_array)
        args = [series.index, masked_array]
        args = [series.index, series]

    if style is not None:

    plotf(ax, *args,  **kwargs)

    format_dateaxis(ax, ax.freq)

    left = series.index[0] #get_datevalue(series.index[0], freq)
    right = series.index[-1] #get_datevalue(series.index[-1], freq)
    ax.set_xlim(left, right)

    return ax
Exemplo n.º 18
def tsplot(series, plotf, *args, **kwargs):
    Plots a Series on the given Matplotlib axes object

    axes : Axes
    series : Series

    Supports same args and kwargs as Axes.plot

    # Used inferred freq is possible, need a test case for inferred
    freq = getattr(series.index, 'freq', None)
    if freq is None and hasattr(series.index, 'inferred_freq'):
        freq = series.index.inferred_freq

    if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
        freq = freq.rule_code
        freq = frequencies.get_base_alias(freq)

    freq = frequencies.to_calendar_freq(freq)
    # Convert DatetimeIndex to PeriodIndex
    if isinstance(series.index, DatetimeIndex):
        idx = series.index.to_period(freq=freq)
        series = Series(series.values, idx, name=series.name)

    if not isinstance(series.index, PeriodIndex):
        #try to get it to DatetimeIndex then to period
        if series.index.inferred_type == 'datetime':
            idx = DatetimeIndex(series.index).to_period(freq=freq)
            series = Series(series.values, idx, name=series.name)
            raise TypeError('series argument to tsplot must have '
                            'DatetimeIndex or PeriodIndex')

    if freq != series.index.freq:
        series = series.asfreq(freq)

    series = series.dropna()

    style = kwargs.pop('style', None)

    if 'ax' in kwargs:
        ax = kwargs.pop('ax')
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Specialized ts plotting attributes for Axes
    ax.freq = freq
    xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
    xaxis.freq = freq
    xaxis.converter = DateConverter
    ax.legendlabels = [kwargs.get('label', None)]
    ax.view_interval = None
    ax.date_axis_info = None

    # format args and lot
    args = _check_plot_params(series, series.index, freq, style, *args)
    plotted = plotf(ax, *args,  **kwargs)

    format_dateaxis(ax, ax.freq)

    # when adding a right axis (using add_yaxis), for some reason the
    # x axis limits don't get properly set. This gets around the problem
    xlim = ax.get_xlim()
    if xlim[0] == 0.0 and xlim[1] == 1.0:
        # if xlim still at default values, autoscale the axis

    left = series.index[0] #get_datevalue(series.index[0], freq)
    right = series.index[-1] #get_datevalue(series.index[-1], freq)
    ax.set_xlim(left, right)

    return plotted