Exemplo n.º 1
def test_Microsecond():
    assert_offset_equal(Micro(), datetime(2010, 1, 1),
                        datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1))
    assert_offset_equal(Micro(-1), datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
                        datetime(2010, 1, 1))

    assert_offset_equal(2 * Micro(), datetime(2010, 1, 1),
                        datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2))
    assert_offset_equal(-1 * Micro(), datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
                        datetime(2010, 1, 1))

    assert Micro(3) + Micro(2) == Micro(5)
    assert Micro(3) - Micro(2) == Micro()
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_tick_mul_float():
    off = Micro(2)

    # Case where we retain type
    result = off * 1.5
    expected = Micro(3)
    assert result == expected
    assert isinstance(result, Micro)

    # Case where we bump up to the next type
    result = off * 1.25
    expected = Nano(2500)
    assert result == expected
    assert isinstance(result, Nano)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_Nanosecond():
    timestamp = Timestamp(datetime(2010, 1, 1))
    assert_offset_equal(Nano(), timestamp, timestamp + np.timedelta64(1, "ns"))
    assert_offset_equal(Nano(-1), timestamp + np.timedelta64(1, "ns"), timestamp)
    assert_offset_equal(2 * Nano(), timestamp, timestamp + np.timedelta64(2, "ns"))
    assert_offset_equal(-1 * Nano(), timestamp + np.timedelta64(1, "ns"), timestamp)

    assert Nano(3) + Nano(2) == Nano(5)
    assert Nano(3) - Nano(2) == Nano()

    # GH9284
    assert Nano(1) + Nano(10) == Nano(11)
    assert Nano(5) + Micro(1) == Nano(1005)
    assert Micro(5) + Nano(1) == Nano(5001)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_resolution(self):
        def _assert_less(ts1, ts2):
            val1 = self.dtc.convert(ts1, None, None)
            val2 = self.dtc.convert(ts2, None, None)
            if not val1 < val2:
                raise AssertionError(f"{val1} is not less than {val2}.")

        # Matplotlib's time representation using floats cannot distinguish
        # intervals smaller than ~10 microsecond in the common range of years.
        ts = Timestamp("2012-1-1")
        _assert_less(ts, ts + Second())
        _assert_less(ts, ts + Milli())
        _assert_less(ts, ts + Micro(50))
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_ts(_file, _s):

    _df = pd.read_csv(_file,
                      names=['date', 'EURUSD', 'EURJPY', 'EURAUD',

    del _df['EURJPY'], _df['EURAUD'], _df['USDJPY']

    _df['EURUSD'] = _df['EURUSD'].apply(lambda x: x.split(':')[1])
    # delete row with ''
    _df = _df.drop(_df.ix[_df.EURUSD == ''].index)
    _df['EURUSD'] = _df['EURUSD'].astype(float)

    _df['time'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(
        _df['date'].apply(lambda x: x.split('.')[0]))
    _df['micros'] = _df['date'].apply(lambda x: x.split('.')[1]).astype(
        int) + 1
    _df['micros'] = _df['micros'].apply(lambda _x: Micro(_x))
    _df.index = _df['time'] + _df['micros']  # index as Datetime

    del _df['date']
    del _df['time']
    del _df['micros']

    # pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
    _ts = pd.DataFrame(_df['EURUSD'].resample(_s).bfill())
    _ts['change'] = _ts['EURUSD'] - _ts['EURUSD'].shift()

    _ts['A'] = 1
    _ts.loc[_ts.change == 0, 'A'] = 0

    _ts['D'] = 0
    _ts.loc[_ts.change > 0, 'D'] = 1
    _ts.loc[_ts.change < 0, 'D'] = -1

    _ts['A_lag1'] = _ts['A'].shift(1)  # 'A': Ai; 'A_lag1': Aim1
    _ts['D_lag1'] = _ts['D'].shift(1)  # 'D': Di; 'D_lag1': Dim1

    return _ts.dropna()
Exemplo n.º 6
def resample(df, sampling_period=1):
    """Resample the data

    Warning: does not handle missing values

    df: pandas.DataFrame,
        index: pandas.DatetimeIndex
        values: power measured

    sampling_period: float of int, optional
        Elapsed time between two measures in second

    df: pandas.DataFrame,
        index: pandas.DatetimeIndex with sampling_period seconds between
            two timestapms
        values: power measured
    assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame)
    assert isinstance(df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex)

    if isinstance(sampling_period, int):
        df = df.resample(Second(sampling_period),
        period = sampling_period * (10**6)
        df = df.resample(Micro(period),
    return df
Exemplo n.º 7

from pandas.tseries.offsets import (Day, BDay, Hour, Minute, Second, Milli,
                                    Week, Micro, MonthEnd, MonthBegin,
                                    BMonthBegin, BMonthEnd, YearBegin, YearEnd,
                                    BYearBegin, BYearEnd, QuarterBegin,
                                    QuarterEnd, BQuarterBegin, BQuarterEnd)

_offset_map = {
    'D'     : Day(),
    'B'     : BDay(),
    'H'     : Hour(),
    'T'     : Minute(),
    'S'     : Second(),
    'L'     : Milli(),
    'U'     : Micro(),
    None    : None,

    # Monthly - Calendar
    'M'      : MonthEnd(),
    'MS'     : MonthBegin(),

    # Monthly - Business
    'BM'     : BMonthEnd(),
    'BMS'    : BMonthBegin(),

    # Annual - Calendar
    'A-JAN' : YearEnd(month=1),
    'A-FEB' : YearEnd(month=2),
    'A-MAR' : YearEnd(month=3),
    'A-APR' : YearEnd(month=4),
Exemplo n.º 8
    'BA': 'BA-DEC',  # BYearEnd(month=12),
    'BAS': 'BAS-JAN',  # BYearBegin(month=1),
    'Min': 'T',
    'min': 'T',
    'ms': 'L',
    'us': 'U',
    'ns': 'N'

_name_to_offset_map = {
    'days': Day(1),
    'hours': Hour(1),
    'minutes': Minute(1),
    'seconds': Second(1),
    'milliseconds': Milli(1),
    'microseconds': Micro(1),
    'nanoseconds': Nano(1)

_INVALID_FREQ_ERROR = "Invalid frequency: {0}"

def to_offset(freqstr):
    Return DateOffset object from string representation or
    Timedelta object

    >>> to_offset('5Min')
Exemplo n.º 9

def get_period_alias(offset_str: str) -> Optional[str]:
    Alias to closest period strings BQ->Q etc.
    return _offset_to_period_map.get(offset_str, None)

_name_to_offset_map = {
    "days": Day(1),
    "hours": Hour(1),
    "minutes": Minute(1),
    "seconds": Second(1),
    "milliseconds": Milli(1),
    "microseconds": Micro(1),
    "nanoseconds": Nano(1),

def to_offset(freq) -> Optional[DateOffset]:
    Return DateOffset object from string or tuple representation
    or datetime.timedelta object.

    freq : str, tuple, datetime.timedelta, DateOffset or None

Exemplo n.º 10
class TestDateTimeConverter:
    def dtc(self):
        return converter.DatetimeConverter()

    def test_convert_accepts_unicode(self, dtc):
        r1 = dtc.convert("12:22", None, None)
        r2 = dtc.convert("12:22", None, None)
        assert r1 == r2, "DatetimeConverter.convert should accept unicode"

    def test_conversion(self, dtc):
        rs = dtc.convert(["2012-1-1"], None, None)[0]
        xp = dates.date2num(datetime(2012, 1, 1))
        assert rs == xp

        rs = dtc.convert("2012-1-1", None, None)
        assert rs == xp

        rs = dtc.convert(date(2012, 1, 1), None, None)
        assert rs == xp

        rs = dtc.convert("2012-1-1", None, None)
        assert rs == xp

        rs = dtc.convert(Timestamp("2012-1-1"), None, None)
        assert rs == xp

        # also testing datetime64 dtype (GH8614)
        rs = dtc.convert("2012-01-01", None, None)
        assert rs == xp

        rs = dtc.convert("2012-01-01 00:00:00+0000", None, None)
        assert rs == xp

        rs = dtc.convert(
            np.array(["2012-01-01 00:00:00+0000", "2012-01-02 00:00:00+0000"]),
        assert rs[0] == xp

        # we have a tz-aware date (constructed to that when we turn to utc it
        # is the same as our sample)
        ts = Timestamp("2012-01-01").tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(
        rs = dtc.convert(ts, None, None)
        assert rs == xp

        rs = dtc.convert(ts.to_pydatetime(), None, None)
        assert rs == xp

        rs = dtc.convert(Index([ts - Day(1), ts]), None, None)
        assert rs[1] == xp

        rs = dtc.convert(Index([ts - Day(1), ts]).to_pydatetime(), None, None)
        assert rs[1] == xp

    def test_conversion_float(self, dtc):
        rtol = 0.5 * 10**-9

        rs = dtc.convert(Timestamp("2012-1-1 01:02:03", tz="UTC"), None, None)
        xp = converter.dates.date2num(Timestamp("2012-1-1 01:02:03", tz="UTC"))
        tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp, rtol=rtol)

        rs = dtc.convert(Timestamp("2012-1-1 09:02:03", tz="Asia/Hong_Kong"),
                         None, None)
        tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp, rtol=rtol)

        rs = dtc.convert(datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3), None, None)
        tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp, rtol=rtol)

    def test_conversion_outofbounds_datetime(self, dtc):
        # 2579
        values = [date(1677, 1, 1), date(1677, 1, 2)]
        rs = dtc.convert(values, None, None)
        xp = converter.dates.date2num(values)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(rs, xp)
        rs = dtc.convert(values[0], None, None)
        xp = converter.dates.date2num(values[0])
        assert rs == xp

        values = [datetime(1677, 1, 1, 12), datetime(1677, 1, 2, 12)]
        rs = dtc.convert(values, None, None)
        xp = converter.dates.date2num(values)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(rs, xp)
        rs = dtc.convert(values[0], None, None)
        xp = converter.dates.date2num(values[0])
        assert rs == xp

            (0, "00:00"),  # time2num(datetime.time.min)
            (86399.999999, "23:59:59.999999"),  # time2num(datetime.time.max)
            (90000, "01:00"),
            (3723, "01:02:03"),
            (39723.2, "11:02:03.200"),
    def test_time_formatter(self, time, format_expected):
        # issue 18478
        result = converter.TimeFormatter(None)(time)
        assert result == format_expected

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", ("B", "L", "S"))
    def test_dateindex_conversion(self, freq, dtc):
        rtol = 10**-9
        dateindex = tm.makeDateIndex(k=10, freq=freq)
        rs = dtc.convert(dateindex, None, None)
        xp = converter.dates.date2num(dateindex._mpl_repr())
        tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp, rtol=rtol)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [Second(), Milli(), Micro(50)])
    def test_resolution(self, offset, dtc):
        # Matplotlib's time representation using floats cannot distinguish
        # intervals smaller than ~10 microsecond in the common range of years.
        ts1 = Timestamp("2012-1-1")
        ts2 = ts1 + offset
        val1 = dtc.convert(ts1, None, None)
        val2 = dtc.convert(ts2, None, None)
        if not val1 < val2:
            raise AssertionError(f"{val1} is not less than {val2}.")

    def test_convert_nested(self, dtc):
        inner = [Timestamp("2017-01-01"), Timestamp("2017-01-02")]
        data = [inner, inner]
        result = dtc.convert(data, None, None)
        expected = [dtc.convert(x, None, None) for x in data]
        assert (np.array(result) == expected).all()
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_rule_aliases(self):
     rule = to_offset('10us')
     self.assertEqual(rule, Micro(10))
Exemplo n.º 12
def parse_file(filepath):
    trace = Ftrace(filepath, ['tsens_threshold_hit', 'tsens_read', 'tsens_threshold_clear', 'clock_set_rate'])
    return (filepath, trace)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fp, trace = parse_file(FILEPATH)

    # duration
    total_duration = trace.duration if not INTERVAL else INTERVAL.duration

    # Thermal
    NAMES = [TSENS_ALIAS[tsens] for tsens in trace.thermal.names if tsens in TSENS_ALIAS] + CLKS
    df_therm = DataFrame(columns=NAMES)
    for tsens in trace.thermal.names:
        for therm in trace.thermal.temp_intervals(tsens=tsens, interval=INTERVAL):
            df_therm.loc[start + Micro(therm.interval.start*1e6), TSENS_ALIAS[tsens]] = therm.temp

    # lets look at clocks.
    for clk in CLKS:
        for freq_event in trace.clock.frequency_intervals(clock=clk, interval=INTERVAL):
            i_start=start + Micro(freq_event.interval.start*1e6)
            i_end=start + Micro(freq_event.interval.end*1e6)
                df_therm.loc[i_start:i_end, clk] = freq_event.frequency
            except KeyError:
                print "Error logging " + str(freq_event)
                df_therm[start + Micro(freq_event.interval.start*1e6):start + Micro(freq_event.interval.end*1e6), clk] = freq_event.frequency
        for clk_event in trace.clock.clock_intervals(clock=clk, state=ftrace.clock.ClockState.DISABLED, interval=INTERVAL):
            df_therm.loc[start + Micro(clk_event.interval.start*1e6): start + Micro(clk_event.interval.end*1e6), clk] = 0

Exemplo n.º 13

CLKS =['a57_clk', 'a53_clk', 'oxili_gfx3d_clk']

trace = Ftrace(r'C:\Users\c00759961\Documents\temp\nina-MDA35B-camera-UHD-recording-after.html', 
               ['tsens_read', 'tsens_threshold_clear', 'tsens_threshold_hit', 
                'clock_set_rate', 'clock_enable', 'clock_disable'])
start = Timestamp('1/1/1970')
#end = start + Second(trace.duration)

NAMES = [TSENS_ALIAS[tsens] for tsens in trace.thermal.names if tsens in TSENS_ALIAS] + CLKS
df_therm = DataFrame(columns=NAMES)
#index=period_range(start=start, end=end, freq='1U')
for tsens in trace.thermal.names:
    for therm in trace.thermal.temp_intervals(tsens=tsens):
        df_therm.loc[start + Micro(therm.interval.end*1e6), TSENS_ALIAS[tsens]] = therm.temp

# lets look at clocks.
for clk in CLKS:
    for freq_event in trace.clock.frequency_intervals(clock=clk):
        df_therm.loc[start + Micro(freq_event.interval.end*1e6), clk] = freq_event.frequency

    for clk_event in trace.clock.clock_intervals(clock=clk, 
        df_therm.loc[start + Micro(clk_event.interval.end*1e6), clk] = 0
# Resample to every 100milliseconds
df_therm = df_therm.asfreq('100L', method='ffill').fillna(method='ffill').fillna(-1)
Exemplo n.º 14
        'tsens_threshold_hit', 'tsens_read', 'tsens_threshold_clear',

    # duration
    total_duration = trace.duration

    # Thermal
    NAMES = [
        for tsens in trace.thermal.names if tsens in TSENS_ALIAS
    ] + CLKS
    df_therm = DataFrame(columns=NAMES)
    for tsens in trace.thermal.names:
        for therm in trace.thermal.temp_intervals(tsens=tsens, interval=None):
            df_therm.loc[start + Micro(therm.interval.start * 1e6),
                         TSENS_ALIAS[tsens]] = therm.temp

    # lets look at clocks.
    for clk in CLKS:
        for freq_event in trace.clock.frequency_intervals(clock=clk,
            i_start = start + Micro(freq_event.interval.start * 1e6)
            i_end = start + Micro(freq_event.interval.end * 1e6)
                df_therm.loc[i_start:i_end, clk] = freq_event.frequency
            except KeyError:
                print "Error logging " + str(freq_event)
                df_therm[start + Micro(freq_event.interval.start * 1e6):start +
                         Micro(freq_event.interval.end * 1e6),
                         clk] = freq_event.frequency