Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_union(self, closed, sort):
        index = monotonic_index(0, 11, closed=closed)
        other = monotonic_index(5, 13, closed=closed)

        expected = monotonic_index(0, 13, closed=closed)
        result = index[::-1].union(other, sort=sort)
        if sort is None:
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, expected)

        result = other[::-1].union(index, sort=sort)
        if sort is None:
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, expected)

        tm.assert_index_equal(index.union(index, sort=sort), index)
        tm.assert_index_equal(index.union(index[:1], sort=sort), index)

        # GH 19101: empty result, same dtype
        index = empty_index(dtype='int64', closed=closed)
        result = index.union(index, sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, index)

        # GH 19101: empty result, different dtypes
        other = empty_index(dtype='float64', closed=closed)
        result = index.union(other, sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, index)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_reindex(self):
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.ts1.index)

        for col in newFrame.columns:
            for idx, val in compat.iteritems(newFrame[col]):
                if idx in self.frame.index:
                    if np.isnan(val):
                        self.assertEqual(val, self.frame[col][idx])

        for col, series in compat.iteritems(newFrame):
            self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(series.index, newFrame.index))
        emptyFrame = self.frame.reindex(Index([]))
        self.assertEqual(len(emptyFrame.index), 0)

        # Cython code should be unit-tested directly
        nonContigFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.ts1.index[::2])

        for col in nonContigFrame.columns:
            for idx, val in compat.iteritems(nonContigFrame[col]):
                if idx in self.frame.index:
                    if np.isnan(val):
                        self.assertEqual(val, self.frame[col][idx])

        for col, series in compat.iteritems(nonContigFrame):

        # corner cases

        # Same index, copies values but not index if copy=False
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.frame.index, copy=False)
        self.assertIs(newFrame.index, self.frame.index)

        # length zero
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex([])
        self.assertEqual(len(newFrame.columns), len(self.frame.columns))

        # length zero with columns reindexed with non-empty index
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex([])
        newFrame = newFrame.reindex(self.frame.index)
        self.assertEqual(len(newFrame.index), len(self.frame.index))
        self.assertEqual(len(newFrame.columns), len(self.frame.columns))

        # pass non-Index
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(list(self.ts1.index))
        self.assert_index_equal(newFrame.index, self.ts1.index)

        # copy with no axes
        result = self.frame.reindex()
        assert_frame_equal(result, self.frame)
        self.assertFalse(result is self.frame)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_symmetric_difference(self):
        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            first = idx[1:]
            second = idx[:-1]
            if isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                answer = idx[[0, -1]]
                result = first.symmetric_difference(second)
                self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(result, answer))

            # GH 10149
            cases = [klass(second.values)
                     for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
            for case in cases:
                if isinstance(idx, PeriodIndex):
                    msg = "can only call with other PeriodIndex-ed objects"
                    with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
                        result = first.symmetric_difference(case)
                elif isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                    result = first.symmetric_difference(case)
                    self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(result, answer))

            if isinstance(idx, MultiIndex):
                msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
                with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, msg):
                    result = first.symmetric_difference([1, 2, 3])

        # 12591 deprecated
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_intersection_base(self):
        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            first = idx[:5]
            second = idx[:3]
            intersect = first.intersection(second)

            if isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                assert tm.equalContents(intersect, second)

            # GH 10149
            cases = [klass(second.values)
                     for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
            for case in cases:
                if isinstance(idx, PeriodIndex):
                    msg = "can only call with other PeriodIndex-ed objects"
                    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                elif isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                    result = first.intersection(case)
                    assert tm.equalContents(result, second)

            if isinstance(idx, MultiIndex):
                msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
                with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
                    first.intersection([1, 2, 3])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_difference_base(self, sort):
        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            first = idx[2:]
            second = idx[:4]
            answer = idx[4:]
            result = first.difference(second, sort)

            if isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                assert tm.equalContents(result, answer)

            # GH 10149
            cases = [klass(second.values)
                     for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
            for case in cases:
                if isinstance(idx, PeriodIndex):
                    msg = "can only call with other PeriodIndex-ed objects"
                    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                        first.difference(case, sort)
                elif isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                elif isinstance(idx, (DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex)):
                    assert result.__class__ == answer.__class__
                    result = first.difference(case, sort)
                    assert tm.equalContents(result, answer)

            if isinstance(idx, MultiIndex):
                msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
                with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
                    first.difference([1, 2, 3], sort)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_difference_base(self):
        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            first = idx[2:]
            second = idx[:4]
            answer = idx[4:]
            result = first.difference(second)

            if isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(result, answer))

            # GH 10149
            cases = [klass(second.values)
                     for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
            for case in cases:
                if isinstance(idx, PeriodIndex):
                    msg = "can only call with other PeriodIndex-ed objects"
                    with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
                        result = first.difference(case)
                elif isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                elif isinstance(idx, (DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex)):
                    self.assertEqual(result.__class__, answer.__class__)
                    tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.asi8, answer.asi8)
                    result = first.difference(case)
                    self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(result, answer))

            if isinstance(idx, MultiIndex):
                msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
                with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, msg):
                    result = first.difference([1, 2, 3])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_union_base(self):
        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            first = idx[3:]
            second = idx[:5]
            everything = idx
            union = first.union(second)
            self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(union, everything))

            # GH 10149
            cases = [klass(second.values)
                     for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
            for case in cases:
                if isinstance(idx, PeriodIndex):
                    msg = "can only call with other PeriodIndex-ed objects"
                    with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
                        result = first.union(case)
                elif isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                    result = first.union(case)
                    self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(result, everything))

            if isinstance(idx, MultiIndex):
                msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
                with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, msg):
                    result = first.union([1, 2, 3])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _check_iris_loaded_frame(self, iris_frame):
        pytype = iris_frame.dtypes[0].type
        row = iris_frame.iloc[0]

            issubclass(pytype, np.floating), 'Loaded frame has incorrect type')
        tm.equalContents(row.values, [5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa'])
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_symmetric_difference(self):
        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            first = idx[1:]
            second = idx[:-1]
            if isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                answer = idx[[0, -1]]
                result = first.symmetric_difference(second)
                assert tm.equalContents(result, answer)

            # GH 10149
            cases = [klass(second.values)
                     for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
            for case in cases:
                if isinstance(idx, PeriodIndex):
                    msg = "can only call with other PeriodIndex-ed objects"
                    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                elif isinstance(idx, CategoricalIndex):
                    result = first.symmetric_difference(case)
                    assert tm.equalContents(result, answer)

            if isinstance(idx, MultiIndex):
                msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
                with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
                    first.symmetric_difference([1, 2, 3])
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_reindex(self):
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.ts1.index)

        for col in newFrame.columns:
            for idx, val in newFrame[col].items():
                if idx in self.frame.index:
                    if np.isnan(val):
                        assert np.isnan(self.frame[col][idx])
                        assert val == self.frame[col][idx]
                    assert np.isnan(val)

        for col, series in newFrame.items():
            assert tm.equalContents(series.index, newFrame.index)
        emptyFrame = self.frame.reindex(Index([]))
        assert len(emptyFrame.index) == 0

        # Cython code should be unit-tested directly
        nonContigFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.ts1.index[::2])

        for col in nonContigFrame.columns:
            for idx, val in nonContigFrame[col].items():
                if idx in self.frame.index:
                    if np.isnan(val):
                        assert np.isnan(self.frame[col][idx])
                        assert val == self.frame[col][idx]
                    assert np.isnan(val)

        for col, series in nonContigFrame.items():
            assert tm.equalContents(series.index, nonContigFrame.index)

        # corner cases

        # Same index, copies values but not index if copy=False
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.frame.index, copy=False)
        assert newFrame.index is self.frame.index

        # length zero
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex([])
        assert newFrame.empty
        assert len(newFrame.columns) == len(self.frame.columns)

        # length zero with columns reindexed with non-empty index
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex([])
        newFrame = newFrame.reindex(self.frame.index)
        assert len(newFrame.index) == len(self.frame.index)
        assert len(newFrame.columns) == len(self.frame.columns)

        # pass non-Index
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(list(self.ts1.index))
        tm.assert_index_equal(newFrame.index, self.ts1.index)

        # copy with no axes
        result = self.frame.reindex()
        assert_frame_equal(result, self.frame)
        assert result is not self.frame
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_intersection(self, closed, sort):
        index = monotonic_index(0, 11, closed=closed)
        other = monotonic_index(5, 13, closed=closed)

        expected = monotonic_index(5, 11, closed=closed)
        result = index[::-1].intersection(other, sort=sort)
        if sort is None:
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, expected)

        result = other[::-1].intersection(index, sort=sort)
        if sort is None:
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, expected)

        tm.assert_index_equal(index.intersection(index, sort=sort), index)

        # GH 19101: empty result, same dtype
        other = monotonic_index(300, 314, closed=closed)
        expected = empty_index(dtype='int64', closed=closed)
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # GH 19101: empty result, different dtypes
        other = monotonic_index(300, 314, dtype='float64', closed=closed)
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # GH 26225: nested intervals
        index = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (0, 2)])
        other = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (1, 3)])
        expected = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (1, 3)])
        result = index.intersection(other)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # GH 26225: duplicate element
        index = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)])
        other = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (2, 3)])
        expected = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 3)])
        result = index.intersection(other)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # GH 26225
        index = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(0, 3), (0, 2)])
        other = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(0, 2), (1, 3)])
        expected = IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(0, 2)])
        result = index.intersection(other)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # GH 26225: duplicate nan element
        index = IntervalIndex([np.nan, np.nan])
        other = IntervalIndex([np.nan])
        expected = IntervalIndex([np.nan])
        result = index.intersection(other)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_add(self):
        firstCat = self.strIndex + self.dateIndex
        secondCat = self.strIndex + self.strIndex

        self.assert_(tm.equalContents(np.append(self.strIndex, self.dateIndex), firstCat))
        self.assert_(tm.equalContents(secondCat, self.strIndex))
        tm.assert_contains_all(self.strIndex, firstCat.indexMap)
        tm.assert_contains_all(self.strIndex, secondCat.indexMap)
        tm.assert_contains_all(self.dateIndex, firstCat.indexMap)

        # this is valid too
        shifted = self.dateIndex + timedelta(1)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_union(self):
        first = self.index[:5]
        second = self.index[5:]
        everything = self.index
        union = first.union(second)
        self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(union, everything))

        # GH 10149
        cases = [klass(second.values) for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
        for case in cases:
            result = first.union(case)
            self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(result, everything))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_union2(self):
        everything = tm.makeDateIndex(10)
        first = everything[:5]
        second = everything[5:]
        union = first.union(second)
        assert tm.equalContents(union, everything)

        # GH 10149
        cases = [klass(second.values) for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
        for case in cases:
            result = first.union(case)
            assert tm.equalContents(result, everything)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_reindex(self):
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.ts1.index)

        for col in newFrame.cols():
            for idx, val in newFrame[col].iteritems():
                if idx in self.frame.index:
                    if np.isnan(val):
                        self.assertEqual(val, self.frame[col][idx])

        for col, series in newFrame.iteritems():
            self.assert_(common.equalContents(series.index, newFrame.index))
        emptyFrame = self.frame.reindex(Index([]))
        self.assert_(len(emptyFrame.index) == 0)

        # Cython code should be unit-tested directly
        nonContigFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.ts1.index[::2])

        for col in nonContigFrame.cols():
            for idx, val in nonContigFrame[col].iteritems():
                if idx in self.frame.index:
                    if np.isnan(val):
                        self.assertEqual(val, self.frame[col][idx])

        for col, series in nonContigFrame.iteritems():
            self.assert_(common.equalContents(series.index, nonContigFrame.index))

        # corner cases

        # Same index, copies values
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(self.frame.index)
        self.assert_(newFrame.index is self.frame.index)

        # length zero
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex([])
        self.assert_(not newFrame)
        self.assertEqual(len(newFrame.cols()), len(self.frame.cols()))

        # pass non-Index
        newFrame = self.frame.reindex(list(self.ts1.index))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_intersection(self):
        first = self.index
        second = self.index[5:]
        intersect = first.intersection(second)
        self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(intersect, second))

        # GH 10149
        cases = [klass(second.values) for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
        for case in cases:
            result = first.intersection(case)
            self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(result, second))

        third = Index(['a', 'b', 'c'])
        result = first.intersection(third)
        expected = pd.Index([], dtype=object)
        self.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_constructor(self):
        assert self.ts.index.is_all_dates

        # Pass in Series
        derived = Series(self.ts)
        assert derived.index.is_all_dates

        assert tm.equalContents(derived.index, self.ts.index)
        # Ensure new index is not created
        assert id(self.ts.index) == id(derived.index)

        # Mixed type Series
        mixed = Series(['hello', np.NaN], index=[0, 1])
        assert mixed.dtype == np.object_
        assert mixed[1] is np.NaN

        assert not self.empty.index.is_all_dates
        assert not Series({}).index.is_all_dates
        pytest.raises(Exception, Series, np.random.randn(3, 3),

        mixed.name = 'Series'
        rs = Series(mixed).name
        xp = 'Series'
        assert rs == xp

        # raise on MultiIndex GH4187
        m = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
        pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, Series, m)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_constructor(self, datetime_series, empty_series):
        assert datetime_series.index.is_all_dates

        # Pass in Series
        derived = Series(datetime_series)
        assert derived.index.is_all_dates

        assert tm.equalContents(derived.index, datetime_series.index)
        # Ensure new index is not created
        assert id(datetime_series.index) == id(derived.index)

        # Mixed type Series
        mixed = Series(['hello', np.NaN], index=[0, 1])
        assert mixed.dtype == np.object_
        assert mixed[1] is np.NaN

        assert not empty_series.index.is_all_dates
        assert not Series({}).index.is_all_dates

        # exception raised is of type Exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Data must be 1-dimensional"):
            Series(np.random.randn(3, 3), index=np.arange(3))

        mixed.name = 'Series'
        rs = Series(mixed).name
        xp = 'Series'
        assert rs == xp

        # raise on MultiIndex GH4187
        m = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
        msg = "initializing a Series from a MultiIndex is not supported"
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg):
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_constructor(self):

        # Pass in Series
        derived = Series(self.ts)

        self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(derived.index, self.ts.index))
        # Ensure new index is not created
        self.assertEqual(id(self.ts.index), id(derived.index))

        # Mixed type Series
        mixed = Series(['hello', np.NaN], index=[0, 1])
        self.assertEqual(mixed.dtype, np.object_)
        self.assertIs(mixed[1], np.NaN)

        self.assertRaises(Exception, Series, np.random.randn(3, 3),

        mixed.name = 'Series'
        rs = Series(mixed).name
        xp = 'Series'
        self.assertEqual(rs, xp)

        # raise on MultiIndex GH4187
        m = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Series, m)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_union_misc(self, sort):
        index = period_range('1/1/2000', '1/20/2000', freq='D')

        result = index[:-5].union(index[10:], sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, index)

        # not in order
        result = _permute(index[:-5]).union(_permute(index[10:]), sort=sort)
        if sort is None:
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, index)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, index)

        # raise if different frequencies
        index = period_range('1/1/2000', '1/20/2000', freq='D')
        index2 = period_range('1/1/2000', '1/20/2000', freq='W-WED')
        with pytest.raises(period.IncompatibleFrequency):
            index.union(index2, sort=sort)

        msg = 'can only call with other PeriodIndex-ed objects'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):

        index3 = period_range('1/1/2000', '1/20/2000', freq='2D')
        with pytest.raises(period.IncompatibleFrequency):
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_intersection2(self):
        first = tm.makeDateIndex(10)
        second = first[5:]
        intersect = first.intersection(second)
        assert tm.equalContents(intersect, second)

        # GH 10149
        cases = [klass(second.values) for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
        for case in cases:
            result = first.intersection(case)
            assert tm.equalContents(result, second)

        third = Index(['a', 'b', 'c'])
        result = first.intersection(third)
        expected = pd.Index([], dtype=object)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_getitem(self):
        # slicing

        sl = self.frame[:20]
        self.assertEqual(20, len(sl.index))

        # column access

        for _, series in sl.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(20, len(series.index))
            self.assert_(common.equalContents(series.index, sl.index))

        for key, _ in self.frame._series.iteritems():
            self.assert_(self.frame[key] is not None)

        self.assert_('random' not in self.frame)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.frame.__getitem__, 'random')

        # boolean indexing
        d = self.tsframe.index[10]
        indexer = self.tsframe.index > d

        subindex = self.tsframe.index[indexer]
        subframe = self.tsframe[indexer]

        self.assert_(np.array_equal(subindex, subframe.index))
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.tsframe.__getitem__, indexer[:-1])
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_union(self):
        first = self.strIndex[5:20]
        second = self.strIndex[:10]
        everything = self.strIndex[:20]
        union = first.union(second)
        self.assert_(tm.equalContents(union, everything))

        # Corner cases
        union = first.union(first)
        self.assert_(union is first)

        union = first.union([])
        self.assert_(union is first)

        # non-iterable input
        self.assertRaises(Exception, first.union, 0.5)

        # preserve names
        first.name = 'A'
        second.name = 'A'
        union = first.union(second)
        self.assert_(union.name == 'A')

        second.name = 'B'
        union = first.union(second)
        self.assert_(union.name is None)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_constructor(self):
        # Recognize TimeSeries
        self.assert_(isinstance(self.ts, TimeSeries))

        # Pass in Series
        derived = Series(self.ts)
        self.assert_(isinstance(derived, TimeSeries))

        self.assert_(tm.equalContents(derived.index, self.ts.index))
        # Ensure new index is not created
        self.assertEquals(id(self.ts.index), id(derived.index))

        # Pass in scalar
        scalar = Series(0.5)
        self.assert_(isinstance(scalar, float))

        # Mixed type Series
        mixed = Series(['hello', np.NaN], index=[0, 1])
        self.assert_(mixed.dtype == np.object_)
        self.assert_(mixed[1] is np.NaN)

        self.assert_(not isinstance(self.empty, TimeSeries))
        self.assert_(not isinstance(Series({}), TimeSeries))

        self.assertRaises(Exception, Series, np.random.randn(3, 3),
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_combine_first(self):
        # disjoint
        head, tail = self.frame[:5], self.frame[5:]

        combined = head.combine_first(tail)
        reordered_frame = self.frame.reindex(combined.index)
        assert_frame_equal(combined, reordered_frame)
        assert tm.equalContents(combined.columns, self.frame.columns)
        assert_series_equal(combined['A'], reordered_frame['A'])

        # same index
        fcopy = self.frame.copy()
        fcopy['A'] = 1
        del fcopy['C']

        fcopy2 = self.frame.copy()
        fcopy2['B'] = 0
        del fcopy2['D']

        combined = fcopy.combine_first(fcopy2)

        assert (combined['A'] == 1).all()
        assert_series_equal(combined['B'], fcopy['B'])
        assert_series_equal(combined['C'], fcopy2['C'])
        assert_series_equal(combined['D'], fcopy['D'])

        # overlap
        head, tail = reordered_frame[:10].copy(), reordered_frame
        head['A'] = 1

        combined = head.combine_first(tail)
        assert (combined['A'][:10] == 1).all()

        # reverse overlap
        tail['A'][:10] = 0
        combined = tail.combine_first(head)
        assert (combined['A'][:10] == 0).all()

        # no overlap
        f = self.frame[:10]
        g = self.frame[10:]
        combined = f.combine_first(g)
        assert_series_equal(combined['A'].reindex(f.index), f['A'])
        assert_series_equal(combined['A'].reindex(g.index), g['A'])

        # corner cases
        comb = self.frame.combine_first(self.empty)
        assert_frame_equal(comb, self.frame)

        comb = self.empty.combine_first(self.frame)
        assert_frame_equal(comb, self.frame)

        comb = self.frame.combine_first(DataFrame(index=["faz", "boo"]))
        assert "faz" in comb.index

        # #2525
        df = DataFrame({'a': [1]}, index=[datetime(2012, 1, 1)])
        df2 = DataFrame({}, columns=['b'])
        result = df.combine_first(df2)
        assert 'b' in result
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_timedelta(self):
     # this is valid too
     index = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=50, freq='B')
     shifted = index + timedelta(1)
     back = shifted + timedelta(-1)
     self.assert_(tm.equalContents(index, back))
     self.assertEqual(shifted.freq, index.freq)
     self.assertEqual(shifted.freq, back.freq)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_intersection_base(idx):
    first = idx[:5]
    second = idx[:3]
    intersect = first.intersection(second)

    assert tm.equalContents(intersect, second)

    # GH 10149
    cases = [klass(second.values)
             for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
    for case in cases:
        result = first.intersection(case)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, second)

    msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
    with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg):
        result = first.intersection([1, 2, 3])
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_union_base(idx):
    first = idx[3:]
    second = idx[:5]
    everything = idx
    union = first.union(second)
    assert tm.equalContents(union, everything)

    # GH 10149
    cases = [klass(second.values)
             for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
    for case in cases:
        result = first.union(case)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, everything)

    msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
    with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg):
        result = first.union([1, 2, 3])
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_symmetric_difference(idx):
    first = idx[1:]
    second = idx[:-1]
    answer = idx[[0, -1]]
    result = first.symmetric_difference(second)
    assert tm.equalContents(result, answer)

    # GH 10149
    cases = [klass(second.values)
             for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
    for case in cases:
        result = first.symmetric_difference(case)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, answer)

    msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
    with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg):
        first.symmetric_difference([1, 2, 3])
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_difference_base(idx, sort):
    first = idx[2:]
    second = idx[:4]
    answer = idx[4:]
    result = first.difference(second, sort)

    assert tm.equalContents(result, answer)

    # GH 10149
    cases = [klass(second.values)
             for klass in [np.array, Series, list]]
    for case in cases:
        result = first.difference(case, sort)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, answer)

    msg = "other must be a MultiIndex or a list of tuples"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
        first.difference([1, 2, 3], sort)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_join_index(self):
        # left / right

        f = self.frame.reindex(columns=['A', 'B'])[:10]
        f2 = self.frame.reindex(columns=['C', 'D'])

        joined = f.join(f2)
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.cols()), 4)

        joined = f.join(f2, how='left')
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.cols()), 4)

        joined = f.join(f2, how='right')
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.cols()), 4)

        # corner case
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.frame.join, self.frame, how='left')

        # inner

        f = self.frame.reindex(columns=['A', 'B'])[:10]
        f2 = self.frame.reindex(columns=['C', 'D'])

        joined = f.join(f2, how='inner')
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.cols()), 4)

        # corner case
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.frame.join, self.frame, how='inner')

        # outer

        f = self.frame.reindex(columns=['A', 'B'])[:10]
        f2 = self.frame.reindex(columns=['C', 'D'])

        joined = f.join(f2, how='outer')
        self.assert_(common.equalContents(self.frame.index, joined.index))
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.cols()), 4)

        # corner case
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.frame.join, self.frame, how='outer')

        self.assertRaises(Exception, f.join, f2, how='foo')
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_union(idx, sort):
    piece1 = idx[:5][::-1]
    piece2 = idx[3:]

    the_union = piece1.union(piece2, sort=sort)

    if sort is None:
        tm.assert_index_equal(the_union, idx.sort_values())

    assert tm.equalContents(the_union, idx)

    # corner case, pass self or empty thing:
    the_union = idx.union(idx, sort=sort)
    assert the_union is idx

    the_union = idx.union(idx[:0], sort=sort)
    assert the_union is idx
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_intersection(idx, sort):
    piece1 = idx[:5][::-1]
    piece2 = idx[3:]

    the_int = piece1.intersection(piece2, sort=sort)

    if sort:
        tm.assert_index_equal(the_int, idx[3:5])
    assert tm.equalContents(the_int, idx[3:5])

    # corner case, pass self
    the_int = idx.intersection(idx, sort=sort)
    assert the_int is idx

    # empty intersection: disjoint
    empty = idx[:2].intersection(idx[2:], sort=sort)
    expected = idx[:0]
    assert empty.equals(expected)
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_slice(test_data):
    numSlice = test_data.series[10:20]
    numSliceEnd = test_data.series[-10:]
    objSlice = test_data.objSeries[10:20]

    assert test_data.series.index[9] not in numSlice.index
    assert test_data.objSeries.index[9] not in objSlice.index

    assert len(numSlice) == len(numSlice.index)
    assert test_data.series[numSlice.index[0]] == numSlice[numSlice.index[0]]

    assert numSlice.index[1] == test_data.series.index[11]
    assert tm.equalContents(numSliceEnd, np.array(test_data.series)[-10:])

    # Test return view.
    sl = test_data.series[10:20]
    sl[:] = 0

    assert (test_data.series[10:20] == 0).all()
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_slice(string_series, object_series):
    numSlice = string_series[10:20]
    numSliceEnd = string_series[-10:]
    objSlice = object_series[10:20]

    assert string_series.index[9] not in numSlice.index
    assert object_series.index[9] not in objSlice.index

    assert len(numSlice) == len(numSlice.index)
    assert string_series[numSlice.index[0]] == numSlice[numSlice.index[0]]

    assert numSlice.index[1] == string_series.index[11]
    assert tm.equalContents(numSliceEnd, np.array(string_series)[-10:])

    # Test return view.
    sl = string_series[10:20]
    sl[:] = 0

    assert (string_series[10:20] == 0).all()
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_join_index(self):
        # left / right

        f = self.frame.reindex(columns=['A', 'B'])[:10]
        f2 = self.frame.reindex(columns=['C', 'D'])

        joined = f.join(f2)
        self.assert_index_equal(f.index, joined.index)
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.columns), 4)

        joined = f.join(f2, how='left')
        self.assert_index_equal(joined.index, f.index)
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.columns), 4)

        joined = f.join(f2, how='right')
        self.assert_index_equal(joined.index, f2.index)
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.columns), 4)

        # inner

        f = self.frame.reindex(columns=['A', 'B'])[:10]
        f2 = self.frame.reindex(columns=['C', 'D'])

        joined = f.join(f2, how='inner')
        self.assert_index_equal(joined.index, f.index.intersection(f2.index))
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.columns), 4)

        # outer

        f = self.frame.reindex(columns=['A', 'B'])[:10]
        f2 = self.frame.reindex(columns=['C', 'D'])

        joined = f.join(f2, how='outer')
        self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(self.frame.index, joined.index))
        self.assertEqual(len(joined.columns), 4)

        assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'join method', f.join, f2, how='foo')

        # corner case - overlapping columns
        for how in ('outer', 'left', 'inner'):
            with assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'columns overlap but '
                                    'no suffix'):
                self.frame.join(self.frame, how=how)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_union_misc(self, sort):
        index = period_range("1/1/2000", "1/20/2000", freq="D")

        result = index[:-5].union(index[10:], sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, index)

        # not in order
        result = _permute(index[:-5]).union(_permute(index[10:]), sort=sort)
        if sort is None:
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, index)
        assert tm.equalContents(result, index)

        # raise if different frequencies
        index = period_range("1/1/2000", "1/20/2000", freq="D")
        index2 = period_range("1/1/2000", "1/20/2000", freq="W-WED")
        with pytest.raises(period.IncompatibleFrequency):
            index.union(index2, sort=sort)

        index3 = period_range("1/1/2000", "1/20/2000", freq="2D")
        with pytest.raises(period.IncompatibleFrequency):
Exemplo n.º 38
    def test_constructor(self):
        # Recognize TimeSeries
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):

        # Pass in Series
        derived = Series(self.ts)
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):

        self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(derived.index, self.ts.index))
        # Ensure new index is not created
        self.assertEqual(id(self.ts.index), id(derived.index))

        # Mixed type Series
        mixed = Series(['hello', np.NaN], index=[0, 1])
        self.assertEqual(mixed.dtype, np.object_)
        self.assertIs(mixed[1], np.NaN)

        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
                          np.random.randn(3, 3),

        mixed.name = 'Series'
        rs = Series(mixed).name
        xp = 'Series'
        self.assertEqual(rs, xp)

        # raise on MultiIndex GH4187
        m = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Series, m)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_timedelta(self):
        # this is valid too
        index = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=50, freq='B')
        shifted = index + timedelta(1)
        back = shifted + timedelta(-1)
        self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(index, back))
        self.assertEqual(shifted.freq, index.freq)
        self.assertEqual(shifted.freq, back.freq)

        result = index - timedelta(1)
        expected = index + timedelta(-1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # GH4134, buggy with timedeltas
        rng = date_range('2013', '2014')
        s = Series(rng)
        result1 = rng - pd.offsets.Hour(1)
        result2 = DatetimeIndex(s - np.timedelta64(100000000))
        result3 = rng - np.timedelta64(100000000)
        result4 = DatetimeIndex(s - pd.offsets.Hour(1))
        tm.assert_index_equal(result1, result4)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result2, result3)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test_constructor(self, datetime_series):
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(DeprecationWarning,
            empty_series = Series()
        assert datetime_series.index.is_all_dates

        # Pass in Series
        derived = Series(datetime_series)
        assert derived.index.is_all_dates

        assert tm.equalContents(derived.index, datetime_series.index)
        # Ensure new index is not created
        assert id(datetime_series.index) == id(derived.index)

        # Mixed type Series
        mixed = Series(["hello", np.NaN], index=[0, 1])
        assert mixed.dtype == np.object_
        assert mixed[1] is np.NaN

        assert not empty_series.index.is_all_dates
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(DeprecationWarning,
            assert not Series().index.is_all_dates

        # exception raised is of type Exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Data must be 1-dimensional"):
            Series(np.random.randn(3, 3), index=np.arange(3))

        mixed.name = "Series"
        rs = Series(mixed).name
        xp = "Series"
        assert rs == xp

        # raise on MultiIndex GH4187
        m = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
        msg = "initializing a Series from a MultiIndex is not supported"
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg):
Exemplo n.º 41
    def test_intersection(self, sort):
        index = period_range("1/1/2000", "1/20/2000", freq="D")

        result = index[:-5].intersection(index[10:], sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, index[10:-5])

        # not in order
        left = _permute(index[:-5])
        right = _permute(index[10:])
        result = left.intersection(right, sort=sort)
        if sort is None:
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, index[10:-5])
        assert tm.equalContents(result, index[10:-5])

        # raise if different frequencies
        index = period_range("1/1/2000", "1/20/2000", freq="D")
        index2 = period_range("1/1/2000", "1/20/2000", freq="W-WED")
        with pytest.raises(period.IncompatibleFrequency):
            index.intersection(index2, sort=sort)

        index3 = period_range("1/1/2000", "1/20/2000", freq="2D")
        with pytest.raises(period.IncompatibleFrequency):
            index.intersection(index3, sort=sort)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_tquery(self):
     iris_results = sql.tquery("SELECT * FROM iris",
     row = iris_results[0]
     tm.equalContents(row, [5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa'])
Exemplo n.º 43
 def test_iter(self):
     tm.equalContents(list(self.panel4d), self.panel4d.labels)
Exemplo n.º 44
 def test_keys(self):
     tm.equalContents(list(self.panel4d.keys()), self.panel4d.labels)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_reindex(self, float_frame):
        datetime_series = tm.makeTimeSeries(nper=30)

        newFrame = float_frame.reindex(datetime_series.index)

        for col in newFrame.columns:
            for idx, val in newFrame[col].items():
                if idx in float_frame.index:
                    if np.isnan(val):
                        assert np.isnan(float_frame[col][idx])
                        assert val == float_frame[col][idx]
                    assert np.isnan(val)

        for col, series in newFrame.items():
            assert tm.equalContents(series.index, newFrame.index)
        emptyFrame = float_frame.reindex(Index([]))
        assert len(emptyFrame.index) == 0

        # Cython code should be unit-tested directly
        nonContigFrame = float_frame.reindex(datetime_series.index[::2])

        for col in nonContigFrame.columns:
            for idx, val in nonContigFrame[col].items():
                if idx in float_frame.index:
                    if np.isnan(val):
                        assert np.isnan(float_frame[col][idx])
                        assert val == float_frame[col][idx]
                    assert np.isnan(val)

        for col, series in nonContigFrame.items():
            assert tm.equalContents(series.index, nonContigFrame.index)

        # corner cases

        # Same index, copies values but not index if copy=False
        newFrame = float_frame.reindex(float_frame.index, copy=False)
        assert newFrame.index is float_frame.index

        # length zero
        newFrame = float_frame.reindex([])
        assert newFrame.empty
        assert len(newFrame.columns) == len(float_frame.columns)

        # length zero with columns reindexed with non-empty index
        newFrame = float_frame.reindex([])
        newFrame = newFrame.reindex(float_frame.index)
        assert len(newFrame.index) == len(float_frame.index)
        assert len(newFrame.columns) == len(float_frame.columns)

        # pass non-Index
        newFrame = float_frame.reindex(list(datetime_series.index))
        tm.assert_index_equal(newFrame.index, datetime_series.index)

        # copy with no axes
        result = float_frame.reindex()
        assert_frame_equal(result, float_frame)
        assert result is not float_frame
Exemplo n.º 46
 def _tquery(self):
     iris_results = self.pandasSQL.tquery("SELECT * FROM iris")
     row = iris_results[0]
     tm.equalContents(row, [5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa'])
Exemplo n.º 47
 def test_read_table_columns(self):
     iris_frame = sql.read_table("iris",
                                 columns=['SepalLength', 'SepalLength'])
                      ['SepalLength', 'SepalLength'])
Exemplo n.º 48
 def test_iter(self):
     self.assert_(common.equalContents(list(self.frame), self.frame.cols()))
Exemplo n.º 49
 def test_keys(self):
     tm.equalContents(self.panel.keys(), self.panel.items)
Exemplo n.º 50
 def test_execute_sql(self):
     # drop_sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"  # should already be done
     iris_results = sql.execute(
         "SELECT * FROM iris", con=self.conn, flavor='sqlite')
     row = iris_results.fetchone()
     tm.equalContents(row, [5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa'])
Exemplo n.º 51
 def _execute_sql(self):
     # drop_sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"  # should already be done
     iris_results = self.pandasSQL.execute("SELECT * FROM iris")
     row = iris_results.fetchone()
     tm.equalContents(row, [5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa'])
Exemplo n.º 52
 def test_iter(self, float_frame):
     assert tm.equalContents(list(float_frame), float_frame.columns)
Exemplo n.º 53
 def test_iter(self):
     assert tm.equalContents(list(self.frame), self.frame.columns)
Exemplo n.º 54
 def test_iter(self):
     tm.equalContents(list(self.panel), self.panel.items)
Exemplo n.º 55
 def test_ne(self):
     ts = Series([3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], dtype=float)
     expected = [True, True, False, True, True]
     assert tm.equalContents(ts.index != 5, expected)
     assert tm.equalContents(~(ts.index == 5), expected)
Exemplo n.º 56
 def test_iter(self):
     self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(list(self.frame), self.frame.columns))