Exemplo n.º 1
slices = [(begin + duration * step / steps,
           begin + duration * (step + 2) / steps)
          for step in range(0, steps - 2)]

slicedDates = [begin + (begin - end) / 2 for (begin, end) in slices
               ]  # re-center date in middle of avg window

idx = pandas.to_datetime(slicedDates, unit='s', utc=True)
df1 = DataFrame(
        'inside': mean_std(blairInside, slices)[0],
        'outside': mean_std(blairOutside, slices)[0]
    columns=['inside', 'outside'])
    matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M', tz=timezone("America/New_York")))

def fill_error_tube(b, color):
    (mean, error) = mean_std(b, slices)
    plt.fill_between(df1.index, mean - error, mean + error, color=color)

fill_error_tube(blairInside, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
fill_error_tube(blairOutside, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

plt.ylabel("Temperatur [Celsius]", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel("Time [Hours]", fontsize=20)
filt = lambda b: b[np.logical_and(b['time'] != 0, b['sid'] == 2)]
blairOutside = filt(blairOutsideAll)
blairInside = filt(blairInsideAll)

begin = blairInside['time'][0]
end = blairInside['time'][-1]
duration = end - begin
steps = 300
slices = [(begin + duration * step / steps, begin + duration * (step + 2) / steps) for step in range(0, steps-2)]

slicedDates = [begin + (begin - end) / 2 for ( begin, end) in slices] # re-center date in middle of avg window

idx = pandas.to_datetime(slicedDates, unit='s', utc=True)
df1 = DataFrame({'inside': mean_std(blairInside, slices)[0], 'outside': mean_std(blairOutside, slices)[0]}
                , index=idx, columns=['inside', 'outside'])
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M', tz=timezone("America/New_York")))

def fill_error_tube(b, color):
    (mean, error) = mean_std(b, slices)
    plt.fill_between(df1.index, mean - error, mean + error, color=color)

fill_error_tube(blairInside, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
fill_error_tube(blairOutside, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

plt.ylabel("Temperatur [Celsius]", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel("Time [Hours]", fontsize=20)

Exemplo n.º 3
print("feature-column.py metric=" + args.metric + " out=" + args.out)

def read_ssv(fname):
    lines = [line.split() for line in open(fname, 'r')]
    if args.format.lower() == 'galago_eval':
        return lines
    elif args.format.lower() == 'trec_eval':
        return [[line[1], line[0]] + line[2:] for line in lines]

namestsv = read_ssv(args.names)
namesDict = {row[0]: row[2][8:] for row in namestsv}

for run in args.runs:
    tsv = read_ssv(run)
    values = [float(row[2]) for row in tsv if row[0] in namesDict]
    tsv = read_ssv(run)
    labels = [namesDict[row[0]] for row in tsv if row[0] in namesDict]

    df2 = DataFrame(values, index=labels, columns=[os.path.basename(run)])

    df2.plot(kind='bar', color=['1.0', '0.70', '0.0', '0.50'])
    plt.ylabel(args.metric, fontsize=20)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
    plt.savefig(args.out + os.path.basename(run) + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    # plt.show()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def plot_output(name, infile_path, model_names, filter):
        Reads predictions from csv files and generates plots and output csv. Input csv files should be in the
        infile_path with following structure:

        ``infile_path`` /
                                ../config.csv, test_.csv,train_.csv
                                ../config.csv, test_.csv,train_.csv

        The function also exports the data used to generate graphs as csv files the following folder:
        these csv files can be used to reproduce outputs.

        name : string
         name of the csv files to which data will be exported

        infile_path : string
         the folder which contains csv for configs and test and train

        model_names : list
         name of the sub-directories in ``infile_path`` to consider

        filter : callable
         a filter which will be applied in config files to filter which configs should be considered. For example,
         lambda x: x['method'] == 'full' will only consider outputs which used 'full' method
        graphs = {
            'SSE': {},
            'MSSE': {},
            'NLPD': {},
            'ER': {},
            'intensity': {},
        graph_n = {}
        for m in model_names:
            data_config = PlotOutput.read_config(
                infile_path + m + '/' + model_logging.CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
            if filter is None or filter(data_config):
                data_test = pandas.read_csv(
                    infile_path + m + '/' +
                cols = data_test.columns
                dim = 0
                for element in cols:
                    if element.startswith('true_Y'):
                        dim += 1

                data_train = pandas.read_csv(infile_path + m + '/' +
                Y_mean = data_train['Y_0'].mean()

                Ypred = np.array(
                    [data_test['predicted_Y_%d' % (d)] for d in range(dim)])
                Ytrue = np.array(
                    [data_test['true_Y_%d' % (d)] for d in range(dim)])
                Yvar = np.array([
                    data_test['predicted_variance_%d' % (d)]
                    for d in range(dim)

                if not (PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config)
                        in graph_n.keys()):
                    graph_n[PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config)] = 0
                graph_n[PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config)] += 1

                if data_config['ll'] in [CogLL.__name__]:
                    for i in range(Ytrue.shape[0]):
                        Y_mean = data_train['Y_' + str(i)].mean()
                            PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config) + '_' +
                            str(i), ((Ypred[i] - Ytrue[i])**2).mean() /
                            ((Y_mean - Ytrue[i])**2).mean())
                        NLPD = np.array(data_test['NLPD_' + str(i)])
                            PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config) + '_' +
                            str(i), NLPD)

                if data_config['ll'] in [
                        UnivariateGaussian.__name__, WarpLL.__name__
                    NLPD = np.array(data_test['NLPD_0'])
                        graphs['SSE'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config),
                        (Ypred[0] - Ytrue[0])**2 /
                        ((Y_mean - Ytrue[0])**2).mean())
                        graphs['NLPD'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config),

                if data_config['ll'] in [LogisticLL.__name__]:
                    NLPD = np.array(data_test['NLPD_0'])
                        graphs['ER'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config),
                            (((Ypred[0] > 0.5) & (Ytrue[0] == -1))
                             | ((Ypred[0] < 0.5) & (Ytrue[0] == 1))).mean()
                        graphs['NLPD'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config),

                if data_config['ll'] in [SoftmaxLL.__name__]:
                    NLPD = np.array(data_test['NLPD_0'])
                        graphs['ER'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config),
                        np.array([(np.argmax(Ytrue, axis=0) != np.argmax(
                            Ypred, axis=0)).mean()]))
                        graphs['NLPD'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config),

                if data_config['ll'] in [LogGaussianCox.__name__]:
                    X0 = np.array([data_test['X_0']])

                            X0[0, :] / 365 + 1851.2026, Ypred[0, :],
                            Yvar[0, :], Ytrue[0, :]

        for n, g in graphs.iteritems():
            if g:
                for k in g.keys():
                    if k in graph_n.keys():
                        print k, 'n: ', graph_n[k]
                if n in ['SSE', 'NLPD']:
                    g = DataFrame(
                        dict([(k, Series(v)) for k, v in g.iteritems()]))
                    ax = g.plot(kind='box', title=n)
                    g.to_csv('../graph_data/' + name + '_' + n + '_data.csv',
                if n in ['ER', 'MSSE']:
                    g = DataFrame(
                        dict([(k, Series(v)) for k, v in g.iteritems()]))
                    g.to_csv('../graph_data/' + name + '_' + n + '_data.csv',
                    m = g.mean()
                    errors = g.std()
                    ax = m.plot(kind='bar', yerr=errors, title=n)
                    patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
                    ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='lower center')
                if n in ['intensity']:
                    X = g.values()[0][:, 0]
                    true_data = DataFrame({'x': X, 'y': g.values()[0][:, 3]})
                    true_data.to_csv('../graph_data/' + name + '_' + 'true_y' +
                    color = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w']
                    c = 0
                    graph_data = DataFrame()
                    for k, v in g.iteritems():
                        # plt.plot(X, v[:, 1], hold=True, color=color[c], label=k)
                        # plt.fill_between(X, v[:, 1] - 2 * np.sqrt(v[:, 2]), v[:, 1] + 2 * np.sqrt(v[:, 2]), alpha=0.2, facecolor=color[c])
                        graph_data = graph_data.append(
                                'x': X,
                                'm': v[:, 1],
                                'v': v[:, 2],
                                'model_sp': [k] * X.shape[0]
                        c += 1
                    plt.legend(loc='upper center')
                    graph_data.to_csv('../graph_data/' + name + '_' + n +

Exemplo n.º 5
    def plot_output(name, infile_path, model_names, filter):
        Reads predictions from csv files and generates plots and output csv. Input csv files should be in the
        infile_path with following structure:

        ``infile_path`` /
                                ../config.csv, test_.csv,train_.csv
                                ../config.csv, test_.csv,train_.csv

        The function also exports the data used to generate graphs as csv files the following folder:
        these csv files can be used to reproduce outputs.

        name : string
         name of the csv files to which data will be exported

        infile_path : string
         the folder which contains csv for configs and test and train

        model_names : list
         name of the sub-directories in ``infile_path`` to consider

        filter : callable
         a filter which will be applied in config files to filter which configs should be considered. For example,
         lambda x: x['method'] == 'full' will only consider outputs which used 'full' method
        graphs = {
            'SSE': {},
            'MSSE': {},
            'NLPD': {},
            'ER': {},
            'intensity': {},
        graph_n = {}
        for m in model_names:
            data_config = PlotOutput.read_config(infile_path + m + '/' + model_logging.CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
            if filter is None or filter(data_config):
                data_test = pandas.read_csv(infile_path + m + '/' + model_logging.PREDICTIONS_FILE_NAME)
                cols = data_test.columns
                dim = 0
                for element in cols:
                    if element.startswith('true_Y'):
                        dim += 1

                data_train = pandas.read_csv(infile_path + m + '/' + model_logging.TRAINING_FILE_NAME)
                Y_mean = data_train['Y_0'].mean()

                Ypred = np.array([data_test['predicted_Y_%d' % (d)] for d in range(dim)])
                Ytrue = np.array([data_test['true_Y_%d' % (d)] for d in range(dim)])
                Yvar = np.array([data_test['predicted_variance_%d' % (d)] for d in range(dim)])

                if not (PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config) in graph_n.keys()):
                    graph_n[PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config)] = 0
                graph_n[PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config)] += 1

                if data_config['ll'] in [CogLL.__name__]:
                    for i in range(Ytrue.shape[0]):
                        Y_mean = data_train['Y_' + str(i)].mean()
                        PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['MSSE'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config) + '_' + str(i),
                                               ((Ypred[i] - Ytrue[i])**2).mean() / ((Y_mean - Ytrue[i]) ** 2).mean())
                        NLPD = np.array(data_test['NLPD_' + str(i)])
                        PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['NLPD'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config) + '_' + str(i), NLPD)

                if data_config['ll'] in [UnivariateGaussian.__name__, WarpLL.__name__]:
                    NLPD = np.array(data_test['NLPD_0'])
                    PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['SSE'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config),
                                           (Ypred[0] - Ytrue[0])**2 / ((Y_mean - Ytrue[0]) **2).mean())
                    PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['NLPD'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config), NLPD)

                if data_config['ll'] in [LogisticLL.__name__]:
                    NLPD = np.array(data_test['NLPD_0'])
                    PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['ER'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config), np.array([(((Ypred[0] > 0.5) & (Ytrue[0] == -1))
                                                                 | ((Ypred[0] < 0.5) & (Ytrue[0] == 1))
                    PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['NLPD'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config), NLPD)

                if data_config['ll'] in [SoftmaxLL.__name__]:
                    NLPD = np.array(data_test['NLPD_0'])
                    PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['ER'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config), np.array(
                        [(np.argmax(Ytrue, axis=0) != np.argmax(Ypred, axis=0)).mean()]))
                    PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['NLPD'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config), NLPD)

                if data_config['ll'] in [LogGaussianCox.__name__]:
                    X0 = np.array([data_test['X_0']])

                    PlotOutput.add_to_list(graphs['intensity'], PlotOutput.config_to_str(data_config),
                                           np.array([X0[0,:]/365+1851.2026, Ypred[0, :], Yvar[0, :], Ytrue[0, :]]).T)

        for n, g in graphs.iteritems():
            if g:
                for k in g.keys():
                    if k in graph_n.keys():
                        print k, 'n: ', graph_n[k]
                if n in ['SSE', 'NLPD']:
                    g= DataFrame(dict([(k,Series(v)) for k,v in g.iteritems()]))
                    ax = g.plot(kind='box', title=n)
                    g.to_csv('../graph_data/' + name  + '_' + n + '_data.csv', index=False)
                if n in ['ER', 'MSSE']:
                    g= DataFrame(dict([(k,Series(v)) for k,v in g.iteritems()]))
                    g.to_csv('../graph_data/' + name  + '_' + n + '_data.csv', index=False)
                    m = g.mean()
                    errors = g.std()
                    ax =m.plot(kind='bar', yerr=errors, title=n)
                    patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
                    ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='lower center')
                if n in ['intensity']:
                    X = g.values()[0][:, 0]
                    true_data = DataFrame({'x': X, 'y': g.values()[0][:, 3]})
                    true_data.to_csv('../graph_data/' + name  + '_' + 'true_y' + '_data.csv', index=False)
                    color = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w']
                    c = 0
                    graph_data = DataFrame()
                    for k,v in g.iteritems():
                        # plt.plot(X, v[:, 1], hold=True, color=color[c], label=k)
                        # plt.fill_between(X, v[:, 1] - 2 * np.sqrt(v[:, 2]), v[:, 1] + 2 * np.sqrt(v[:, 2]), alpha=0.2, facecolor=color[c])
                        graph_data = graph_data.append(DataFrame({'x': X, 'm' : v[:, 1], 'v' :v[:, 2], 'model_sp' :[k] * X.shape[0]}
                        c += 1
                    plt.legend(loc='upper center')
                    graph_data.to_csv('../graph_data/' + name  + '_' + n + '_data.csv', index=False)
