Exemplo n.º 1
def upside_potential_ratio(rets, mar=0, full=0, expanding=0):
    if isinstance(rets, pd.Series):
        above = rets[rets > mar]
        excess = -mar + above
        if expanding:
            n = pd.expanding_count(rets) if full else pd.expanding_count(above)
            upside = excess.cumsum() / n
            downside = downside_deviation(rets,
            return (upside / downside).reindex(
            n = rets.count() if full else above.count()
            upside = excess.sum() / n
            downside = downside_deviation(rets, mar=mar, full=full)
            return upside / downside
        vals = {
            c: upside_potential_ratio(rets[c],
            for c in rets.columns
        if expanding:
            return pd.DataFrame(vals, columns=rets.columns)
            return pd.Series(vals)
Exemplo n.º 2
def downside_deviation(returns, mar=0, full=1, expanding=0):
    Compute the downside risk. This is the risk of all returns below the mar value. If
    exclude is 0, then do not include returns above mar, else set them to 0.
    returns: periodic return stream
    mar: minimum acceptable return
    full: if true, use the entire series, else use the subset below mar
    if isinstance(returns, pd.Series):
        below = returns[returns < mar]
        if expanding:
            n = pd.expanding_count(returns) if full else pd.expanding_count(below)
            ssum = ((below - mar) ** 2).cumsum()
            return ((ssum / n) ** (.5)).reindex(returns.index).fillna(method='ffill')
            n = returns.count() if full else below.count()
            ssum = ((below - mar) ** 2).sum()
            return np.sqrt(ssum / n)
        vals = {c: downside_deviation(returns[c], mar=mar, full=full, expanding=expanding) for c in returns.columns}
        if expanding:
            return pd.DataFrame(vals, columns=returns.columns)
            return pd.Series(vals)
Exemplo n.º 3
def returns_annualized(returns, geometric=True, scale=None, expanding=False):
    """return the annualized cumulative returns

    returns : DataFrame or Series
    geometric : link the returns geometrically
    scale: None or scalar or string (ie 12 for months in year),
           If None, attempt to resolve from returns
           If scalar, then use this as the annualization factor
           If string, then pass this to periodicity function to resolve annualization factor
    expanding: bool, default is False
                If True, return expanding series/frames.
                If False, return final result.
    scale = _resolve_periods_in_year(scale, returns)
    if expanding:
        if geometric:
            n = pd.expanding_count(returns)
            return ((1.0 + returns).cumprod()**(scale / n)) - 1.0
            return pd.expanding_mean(returns) * scale
        if geometric:
            n = returns.count()
            return ((1.0 + returns).prod()**(scale / n)) - 1.0
            return returns.mean() * scale
Exemplo n.º 4
def clicks_chart(request, pk):
    # TODO: Add a stats page for each link where you can see the traffic for that link for the last 30 days in a line chart.
    # FIXME: Add error checking if 0 clicks
    thirty_days_ago = timezone.now() - timedelta(days=30)
    clicks = Click.objects.filter(bookmark_id=pk).filter(
        timestamp__gte=thirty_days_ago)  # .annotate(count_recent=Count('click'))
    df = pd.DataFrame(model_to_dict(click) for click in clicks)
    df['count'] = 1
    df.index = df['timestamp']
    counts = df['count']
    counts = counts.sort_index()
    series = pd.expanding_count(counts).resample('D', how=np.max,
    response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png')

    fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    # ax.plot(series)
    plt.title("Total clicks over past 30 days")
    plt.xlim(thirty_days_ago, timezone.now())
    canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, axisbg='red')
    # ax.plot(series)
    return response
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: perf.py Projeto: ychaim/tia
def returns_annualized(returns, geometric=True, scale=None, expanding=False):
    """ return the annualized cumulative returns

    returns : DataFrame or Series
    geometric : link the returns geometrically
    scale: None or scalar or string (ie 12 for months in year),
           If None, attempt to resolve from returns
           If scalar, then use this as the annualization factor
           If string, then pass this to periodicity function to resolve annualization factor
    expanding: bool, default is False
                If True, return expanding series/frames.
                If False, return final result.
    scale = _resolve_periods_in_year(scale, returns)
    if expanding:
        if geometric:
            n = pd.expanding_count(returns)
            return ((1. + returns).cumprod() ** (scale / n)) - 1.
            return pd.expanding_mean(returns) * scale
        if geometric:
            n = returns.count()
            return ((1. + returns).prod() ** (scale / n)) - 1.
            return returns.mean() * scale
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: perf.py Projeto: ychaim/tia
def upside_potential_ratio(rets, mar=0, full=0, expanding=0):
    if isinstance(rets, pd.Series):
        above = rets[rets > mar]
        excess = -mar + above
        if expanding:
            n = pd.expanding_count(rets) if full else pd.expanding_count(above)
            upside = excess.cumsum() / n
            downside = downside_deviation(rets, mar=mar, full=full, expanding=1)
            return (upside / downside).reindex(rets.index).fillna(method='ffill')
            n = rets.count() if full else above.count()
            upside = excess.sum() / n
            downside = downside_deviation(rets, mar=mar, full=full)
            return upside / downside
        vals = {c: upside_potential_ratio(rets[c], mar=mar, full=full, expanding=expanding) for c in rets.columns}
        if expanding:
            return pd.DataFrame(vals, columns=rets.columns)
            return pd.Series(vals)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: perf.py Projeto: ychaim/tia
def downside_deviation(rets, mar=0, expanding=0, full=0, ann=0):
    """Compute the downside deviation for the specifed return series
    :param rets: periodic return series
    :param mar: minimum acceptable rate of return (MAR)
    :param full: If True, use the lenght of full series. If False, use only values below MAR
    :param expanding:
    :param ann: True if result should be annualized
    below = rets[rets < mar]
    if expanding:
        n = pd.expanding_count(rets)[below.index] if full else pd.expanding_count(below)
        dd = np.sqrt(((below - mar) ** 2).cumsum() / n)
        if ann:
            dd *= np.sqrt(periods_in_year(rets))
        return dd.reindex(rets.index).ffill()
        n = rets.count() if full else below.count()
        dd = np.sqrt(((below - mar) **2).sum() / n)
        if ann:
            dd *= np.sqrt(periods_in_year(rets))
        return dd
Exemplo n.º 8
def downside_deviation(rets, mar=0, expanding=0, full=0, ann=0):
    """Compute the downside deviation for the specifed return series
    :param rets: periodic return series
    :param mar: minimum acceptable rate of return (MAR)
    :param full: If True, use the lenght of full series. If False, use only values below MAR
    :param expanding:
    :param ann: True if result should be annualized
    below = rets[rets < mar]
    if expanding:
        n = pd.expanding_count(rets)[
            below.index] if full else pd.expanding_count(below)
        dd = np.sqrt(((below - mar)**2).cumsum() / n)
        if ann:
            dd *= np.sqrt(periods_in_year(rets))
        return dd.reindex(rets.index).ffill()
        n = rets.count() if full else below.count()
        dd = np.sqrt(((below - mar)**2).sum() / n)
        if ann:
            dd *= np.sqrt(periods_in_year(rets))
        return dd
Exemplo n.º 9
 def expanding_smoother(self, data, stype='rolling_mean', min_periods=None, freq=None):
     Perform a expanding smooting on the data for a complete help refer to http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/computation.html
     :param data: pandas dataframe input data
     :param stype: soothing type
     :param min_periods: periods
     :param freq: frequence
     smoothing types:
     expanding_count	Number of non-null observations
     expanding_sum	Sum of values
     expanding_mean	Mean of values
     expanding_median	Arithmetic median of values
     expanding_min	Minimum
     expanding_max	Maximum
     expandingg_std	Unbiased standard deviation
     expanding_var	Unbiased variance
     expanding_skew	Unbiased skewness (3rd moment)
     expanding_kurt	Unbiased kurtosis (4th moment)
     if stype == 'count':
         newy = pd.expanding_count(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'sum':
         newy = pd.expanding_sum(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'mean':
         newy = pd.expanding_mean(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'median':
         newy = pd.expanding_median(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'min':
         newy = pd.expanding_min(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'max':
         newy = pd.expanding_max(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'std':
         newy = pd.expanding_std(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'var':
         newy = pd.expanding_var(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'skew':
         newy = pd.expanding_skew(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     if stype == 'kurt':
         newy = pd.expanding_kurt(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq)
     return newy
Exemplo n.º 10
def updates_chart(request):
    updates = Update.objects.all()
    df = pd.DataFrame(model_to_dict(update) for update in updates)
    df['count'] = 1
    df.index = df['posted_at']
    counts = df['count']
    counts = counts.sort_index()
    series = pd.expanding_count(counts).resample('W', how=np.max, fill_method='pad')
    response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png')

    fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    # ax.plot(series)
    plt.title("Total updates over time")
    canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
    return response
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get(self, request, pk):

        context = self.get_context_data()
        bm = get_object_or_404(Bookmark, pk=pk)
        pf = bm.profile
        context['bookmark'] = bm
        context['profile'] = pf

        clicks = bm.click_set.all()
        clicks = pd.DataFrame(model_to_dict(click) for click in clicks)
        clicks['count'] = 1
        clicks = clicks.set_index('timestamp')
        counts = clicks['count']
        counts = counts.sort_index()
        series = pd.expanding_count(counts).resample('D', how=np.max, \
        context['data'] = list(series)
        context['data_labels'] = list(range(len(context['data'])))

        return render(request, 'urlyapp/bookmark.html', context)
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: ret.py Projeto: xie3ge/tia
 def ltd_rets_ann(self):
     return (1. + self.ltd_rets) ** (self.pds_per_year / pd.expanding_count(self.rets)) - 1.