def generate_ma_table(frequency, start=None, end=None, ma_list=None, market_ticker='^GSPC'): """ :param frequency: ['w','d'] :param ma_list: ['SMA','EMA','DMA']:Period :param start: :param end: :param :market_ticker: :return: """ end = if end == None else end start = end - datetime.timedelta(days=365) if start == None else start if frequency == 'w': max_period = 100 if ma_list==None else max(max(ma_list.values())) timedelta = datetime.timedelta(weeks=max_period) else: max_period = 365 if ma_list==None else max(max(ma_list.values())) timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=max_period) prices = pdr.get_data_yahoo(market_ticker, interval=frequency)['Close'] datetest = datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 12) # print(prices) # print(type(prices)) # print(prices.asof(datetest)) print(prices) print(prices[prices.keys() == str(datetest)]) # print(prices.take()) pd.rolling(10)
def KeltnerChannel(df, n): MA=pd.Series(pd.rolling(df['Close']).mean()) RangeMA = pd.Series(pd.rolling(df['High'] - df['Low']).mean()) Upper=MA + RangeMA * kelt_mult Lower=MA - RangeMA * kelt_mult df = df.join(Upper) df = df.join(Lower) return df
def smooth(df,columns,names,period,**keyword_parameters): """Smooths out spikey data in a 3D trajectory by running a moving average over specified columns of input dataframe. Optionally, the smoothed curve can be shifted back close to its originally position by including the shift optional argument. Args: df (dataframe): pandas dataframe columns (list): list of dataframe headers to smooth names (list): names of new columns in same order as columns Returns: dataframe: pandas dataframe containing smoothed and/or shifted columns. """ df=deepcopy(df) for i in range(len(columns)): df[names[i]]=pd.rolling(df[columns[i]],period).mean() if ('shift' in keyword_parameters): shift = keyword_parameters['shift'] if shift: shift_names=keyword_parameters['shift_names'] shift_period=keyword_parameters['shift_period'] for i in range(len(columns)): df[shift_names[i]]=df[names[i]].shift(shift_period) return df
def test_run2(): dates = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY', 'FB', 'GOOG', 'NFLX'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) # PLot SPY data, retain matplotlib axis object ax = df['SPY'].plot(title="SPY rolling mean", label='SPY') # Compute rolling mean using 20 day window rm_SPY = pd.rolling_mean(df['SPY'], window=20) # Non deprecated version pd.rolling(values, window=window).mean() def get_rolling_std(values, window): """Return rolling standard deviation of given values, using specified window size.""" # TODO: Compute and return rolling standard deviation return pd.rolling(values, window=window).std() # ax=ax adds new plot to old plot rm_SPY.plot(label='Rolling mean', ax=ax) #labels ax.add_xlabel("Date") ax.add_ylabel("Price") ax.legend(loc='upper left') # Compute Bollinger Bands # 1. Computer rolling mean # 2. Compute rolling standard deviation # 3. Computer upper_band and lower_band # NON DEPRECATED def get_rolling_mean(values, window): """Return rolling mean of given values, using specified window size.""" return pd.rolling(values, window=window).mean() def get_rolling_std(values, window): """Return rolling standard deviation of given values, using specified window size.""" # TODO: Compute and return rolling standard deviation return pd.rolling(values, window=window).std() def get_bollinger_bands(rm, rstd): """Return upper and lower Bollinger Bands.""" # TODO: Compute upper_band and lower_band upper_band = rm + 2 * rstd lower_band = rm - 2 * rstd return upper_band, lower_band
def OBV(df, n): i = 0 OBV = [0] while i < df.index[-1]: if + 1, 'Close') -, 'Close') > 0: OBV.append( + 1, 'TradeVolume')) if + 1, 'Close') -, 'Close') == 0: OBV.append(0) if + 1, 'Close') -, 'Close') < 0: OBV.append( + 1, 'TradeVolume')) i = i + 1 OBV = pd.Series(OBV) OBV_ma = pd.Series(pd.rolling(OBV, n).mean(), name='OBV_' + str(n)) return OBV_ma
def zmld_so(s, t, p, threshold=0.05, smooth=None): """ Computes mixed layer depth of Southern Ocean waters. Parameters ---------- s : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] t : array_like temperature [℃ (ITS-90)] p : array_like pressure [db]. smooth : int size of running mean window, to smooth data. References ---------- Mitchell B. G., Holm-Hansen, O., 1991. Observations of modeling of the Antartic phytoplankton crop in relation to mixing depth. Deep Sea Research, 38(89):981-1007. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(91)90093-U """ from pandas import rolling sigma_t = sigmatheta(s, t, p) depth = copy(p) if smooth is not None: sigma_t = rolling(sigma_t, smooth, min_periods=1).mean() sublayer = np.where(depth[(depth >= 5) & (depth <= 10)])[0] sigma_x = np.nanmean(sigma_t[sublayer]) nan_sigma = np.where(sigma_t < sigma_x + threshold)[0] sigma_t[nan_sigma] = np.nan der = np.divide(np.diff(sigma_t), np.diff(depth)) mld = np.where(der == np.nanmax(der))[0] zmld = depth[mld] return zmld
def CCI(df, n): PP = (df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3 CCI = pd.Series((PP - pd.rolling(PP, n).mean()) / pd.rolling(PP, n).std(), name='CCI_' + str(n)) return CCI
def 변동성대비모멘텀(데이터): return (데이터 / 데이터.shift(12)) / pd.rolling(12).std(데이터)
#!/usr/bin/python # coding: UTF-8 import tushare as ts import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import talib df = ts.get_k_data('600600') df['MA10_rolling'] = pd.rolling(df['close']).mean(10) close = [float(x) for x in df['close']] # 调用talib计算10日移动平均线的值 df['MA10_talib'] = talib.MA(np.array(close), timeperiod=10) df.tail(12)
def MA(df, n): ##MA = pd.Series(pd.rolling_mean(df['Close'], n), name = 'MA_' + str(n)) MA = pd.Series(pd.rolling(n).mean(), name='MA_' + str(n)) df = df.join(MA) return df
close_px close_px['AAPL'].plot() close_px.ix['2009'].plot() close_px['AAPL'].ix['01-2011':'03-2011'].plot() appl_q = close_px['AAPL'].resample('Q-DEC',fill_method='ffill') appl_q.ix['2009'].plot() close() close() appl_q.ix['2009'].plot() close() appl_q = close_px['AAPL'].resample('Q-DEC',fill_method='ffill') close_px['AAPL'].ix['01-2011':'03-2011'].plot() close() close_px.AAPL.plot() pd.rolling_mean(close_px.AAPL,250).plot() pd.rolling(close_px.AAPL,250).mean().plot() pd.rolling_mean(close_px.AAPL,250).plot() appl_std250 = pd.rolling_std(close_px.AAPL,250,min_periods=10) appl_std250 = pd.rolling(close_px.AAPL,250,min_periods=10).std() appl_std250 = close_px.AAPL.rolling(250,min_periods=10).std() appl_std250[5:12] appl_std250.plot() close() appl_std250.plot() expanding_mean = lambda x:rolling_mean(x, len(x), min_periods=1) close_px.rolling(60).mean().plot(logy=True) close() fig_axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2,ncols=1,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(12,7)) aapl_px = close_px.AAPL['2005':'2009'] ma60 = aapl_px.rolling(60,min_periods=50) ewma60 = pd.ewma(aapl_px,span=60)
def get_rolling_std(values, window): """Return rolling standard deviation of given values, using specified window size.""" # TODO: Compute and return rolling standard deviation return pd.rolling(values, window=window).std()
def get_rolling_mean(values, window): """Return rolling mean of given values, using specified window size.""" return pd.rolling(values, window=window).mean()