Exemplo n.º 1
# 'TAXIED 19:59',

def getstatustime(status):
	import re
	import dateutil.parser as dparser
	pattern = '([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$'
	""" 0-1 followed by 0-9 OR 2 followed by 0-3 ; followed by : ; 
	 followed by 0-5 followed by 0-9 
	 $ -> pattern must be at the end of the string """
	if re.search(pattern,status):	
		return dparser.parse(status, fuzzy=True)
		return None

gatwdata.datetimestatus = gatwdata.datetimestatus.map(getstatustime)

# datetimestatus day set to today the status column only provide time information
# fuzzy=true uses today's data when no date information is found


import csv
f = open('/Users/aidanoboyle/Documents/2014-06-18-22-14.dubl.csv')
csvraw = csv.reader(f)
m = []
m = [line for line in csvraw]

# direction = []