Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, df, config_file: Path = None, **kwargs):
        if config_file:

        # Treat index as any other column
        if (not pd.Index(np.arange(0, len(df))).equals(df.index)
                or df.index.dtype != np.int64):
            df = df.reset_index()

        # Rename reserved column names
        df = rename_index(df)

        # Remove spaces and colons from column names
        df = clean_column_names(df)

        # Sort column names
        sort = config["sort"].get(str)
        if sys.version_info[1] <= 5 and sort != "None":
            warnings.warn("Sorting is supported from Python 3.6+")

        if sort in ["asc", "ascending"]:
            df = df.reindex(sorted(df.columns, key=lambda s: s.casefold()),
        elif sort in ["desc", "descending"]:
            df = df.reindex(reversed(
                sorted(df.columns, key=lambda s: s.casefold())),
        elif sort != "None":
            raise ValueError(
                '"sort" should be "ascending", "descending" or None.')

        # Store column order
        config["column_order"] = df.columns.tolist()

        # Get dataset statistics
        description_set = describe_df(df)

        # Get sample
        sample = {}
        n_head = config["samples"]["head"].get(int)
        if n_head > 0:
            sample["head"] = df.head(n=n_head)

        n_tail = config["samples"]["tail"].get(int)
        if n_tail > 0:
            sample["tail"] = df.tail(n=n_tail)

        # Render HTML
        self.html = to_html(sample, description_set)
        self.minify_html = config["minify_html"].get(bool)
        self.use_local_assets = config["use_local_assets"].get(bool)
        self.title = config["title"].get(str)
        self.description_set = description_set
        self.sample = sample
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, df, minimal=False, config_file: Path = None, **kwargs):
        if config_file is not None and minimal:
            raise ValueError(
                "Arguments `config_file` and `minimal` are mutually exclusive."

        if minimal:
            config_file = get_config_minimal()

        if config_file:

        self.date_start = datetime.utcnow()

        # Treat index as any other column
        if (not pd.Index(np.arange(0, len(df))).equals(df.index)
                or df.index.dtype != np.int64):
            df = df.reset_index()

        # Rename reserved column names
        df = rename_index(df)

        # Remove spaces and colons from column names
        df = clean_column_names(df)

        # Sort names according to config (asc, desc, no sort)
        df = self.sort_column_names(df)
        config["column_order"] = df.columns.tolist()

        # Get dataset statistics
        description_set = describe_df(df)

        # Build report structure
        self.sample = self.get_sample(df)
        self.title = config["title"].get(str)
        self.description_set = description_set

        self.date_end = datetime.utcnow()
        self.report = get_report_structure(self.date_start, self.date_end,
                                           self.sample, description_set)