Exemplo n.º 1
def test_embed_select_str_link_two_steps(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string1 = Str()
    select.link(string1, value='object')
    string2 = Str()
    string1.link(string2, object='object')
    panel = Row(select, string1, string2)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    _, state = document.roots
    assert set(state.state) == {'A', 'B', 'C'}
    for k, v in state.state.items():
        content = json.loads(v['content'])
        assert 'events' in content
        events = content['events']
        assert len(events) == 2
        event = events[0]
        assert event['kind'] == 'ModelChanged'
        assert event['attr'] == 'text'
        assert event['model'] == model.children[1].ref
        assert event['new'] == '<pre>%s</pre>' % k

        event = events[1]
        assert event['kind'] == 'ModelChanged'
        assert event['attr'] == 'text'
        assert event['model'] == model.children[2].ref
        assert event['new'] == '<pre>%s</pre>' % k
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_embed_select_str_explicit_values_not_found(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string = Str()

    def link(target, event):
        target.object = event.new

    select.link(string, callbacks={'value': link})
    panel = Row(select, string)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        embed_state(panel, model, document, states={select: ['A', 'D']})
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_embed_discrete(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string = Str()
    select.link(string, value='object')
    panel = Row(select, string)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    _, state = document.roots
    assert set(state.state) == {'A', 'B', 'C'}
    for k, v in state.state.items():
        content = json.loads(v['content'])
        assert 'events' in content
        events = content['events']
        assert len(events) == 1
        event = events[0]
        assert event['kind'] == 'ModelChanged'
        assert event['attr'] == 'text'
        assert event['model'] == model.children[1].ref
        assert event['new'] == '<pre>%s</pre>' % k
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_embed_select_str_jslink(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string = Str()
    select.link(string, value='object')
    panel = Row(select, string)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    assert len(document.roots) == 1
    assert model is document.roots[0]

    ref = model.ref['id']
    cbs = list(model.select({'type': CustomJS}))
    assert len(cbs) == 2
    cb1, cb2 = cbs
    cb1, cb2 = (cb1,
                cb2) if select._models[ref][0] is cb1.args['source'] else (cb2,
    assert cb1.code == """
    var value = source['value'];
    value = value;
    value = JSON.stringify(value).replace(/,/g, ", ").replace(/:/g, ": ");
    try {
      var property = target.properties['text'];
      if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); }
    } catch(err) {
      console.log('WARNING: Could not set text on target, raised error: ' + err);
    try {
      target['text'] = value;
    } catch(err) {

    assert cb2.code == """
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_embed_select_str_link(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string = Str()

    def link(target, event):
        target.object = event.new

    select.link(string, callbacks={'value': link})
    panel = Row(select, string)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    _, state = document.roots
    assert set(state.state) == {'A', 'B', 'C'}
    for k, v in state.state.items():
        content = json.loads(v['content'])
        assert 'events' in content
        events = content['events']
        assert len(events) == 1
        event = events[0]
        assert event['kind'] == 'ModelChanged'
        assert event['attr'] == 'text'
        assert event['model'] == model.children[1].ref
        assert event['new'] == '&lt;pre&gt;%s&lt;/pre&gt;' % k