Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_global_pinger_memo(self):
   fast_pinger = Pinger(timeout=self.fast_timeout_seconds, tries=2)
   slow_pinger = Pinger(timeout=self.slow_timeout_seconds, tries=2)
     fast_pinger.pings([self.slow_netloc])[0][1], Pinger.UNREACHABLE, msg=self.message)
     slow_pinger.pings([self.slow_netloc])[0][1], Pinger.UNREACHABLE, msg=self.message)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, options, log, stable_name, pinger=None, resolver=None):
        """Create a cache factory from settings.

    :param options: Task's scoped options.
    :param log: Task's context log.
    :param stable_name: Task's stable name.
    :param pinger: Pinger to choose the best remote artifact cache URL.
    :param resolver: Resolver to look up remote artifact cache URLs.
    :return: cache factory.
        self._options = options
        self._log = log
        self._stable_name = stable_name

        # Created on-demand.
        self._read_cache = None
        self._write_cache = None

        # Protects local filesystem setup, and assignment to the references above.
        self._cache_setup_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Caches are supposed to be close, and we don't want to waste time pinging on no-op builds.
        # So we ping twice with a short timeout.
        # TODO: Make lazy.
        self._pinger = pinger or Pinger(timeout=self._options.pinger_timeout,

        # resolver is also close but failing to resolve might have broader impact than
        # single ping failure, therefore use a higher timeout with more retries.
        self._resolver = resolver or \
                         (RESTfulResolver(timeout=1.0, tries=3) if self._options.resolver == 'rest' else \
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_artifact_cache(log, artifact_root, spec, task_name, action='using'):
  """Returns an artifact cache for the specified spec.

  spec can be:
    - a path to a file-based cache root.
    - a URL of a RESTful cache root.
    - a bar-separated list of URLs, where we'll pick the one with the best ping times.
    - A list of the above, for a combined cache.
  if not spec:
    raise ValueError('Empty artifact cache spec')
  if isinstance(spec, basestring):
    if spec.startswith('/') or spec.startswith('~'):
      path = os.path.join(spec, task_name)
      log.info('%s %s local artifact cache at %s' % (task_name, action, path))
      return LocalArtifactCache(log, artifact_root, path)
    elif spec.startswith('http://') or spec.startswith('https://'):
      # Caches are supposed to be close, and we don't want to waste time pinging on no-op builds.
      # So we ping twice with a short timeout.
      pinger = Pinger(timeout=0.5, tries=2)
      best_url = select_best_url(spec, pinger, log)
      if best_url:
        url = best_url.rstrip('/') + '/' + task_name
        log.info('%s %s remote artifact cache at %s' % (task_name, action, url))
        return RESTfulArtifactCache(log, artifact_root, url)
        log.warn('%s has no reachable artifact cache in %s.' % (task_name, spec))
        return None
      raise ValueError('Invalid artifact cache spec: %s' % spec)
  elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
    caches = filter(None, [ create_artifact_cache(log, artifact_root, x, task_name, action) for x in spec ])
    return CombinedArtifactCache(caches) if caches else None
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_https_external_pinger(self):
     # NB(gmalmquist): I spent quite some time trying to spin up an HTTPS server and get it to work
     # with this test, but it appears to be more trouble than it's worth. If you're feeling
     # ambitious, feel free to give it a try.
     pinger = Pinger(timeout=self.slow_delay_seconds, tries=2)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_pinger_timeout_config(self):
   test = Pinger(timeout=self.fast_timeout_seconds, tries=2)
   netlocs = [self.fast_netloc, self.slow_netloc]
   ping_results = dict(test.pings(netlocs))
   self.assertLess(ping_results[self.fast_netloc], self.fast_timeout_seconds)
     ping_results[self.slow_netloc], Pinger.UNREACHABLE, msg=self.message)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_pinger_times_correct(self):
   test = Pinger(timeout=self.slow_timeout_seconds, tries=2)
   netlocs = [self.fast_netloc, self.slow_netloc, self.unreachable_netloc]
   ping_results = dict(test.pings(netlocs))
   self.assertNotEqual(ping_results[self.slow_netloc], Pinger.UNREACHABLE)
   self.assertLess(ping_results[self.fast_netloc], ping_results[self.slow_netloc])
   self.assertEqual(ping_results[self.unreachable_netloc], Pinger.UNREACHABLE, msg=self.message)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_pinger_times_correct(self):
     test = Pinger(timeout=.5, tries=2)
     netlocs = [self.fast_netloc, self.slow_netloc, self.timeout_netloc]
     ping_results = dict(test.pings(netlocs))
     self.assertEqual(ping_results[self.timeout_netloc], Pinger.UNREACHABLE)
Exemplo n.º 8
  def pinger(self, timeout, urls, tries=2):
    with mock.patch('pants.cache.pinger.Timer.elapsed', new_callable=mock.PropertyMock) as elapsed:
      times = []
      for url in urls:
        for _ in range(tries):
          self.expect_response(url, timeout, times)
      elapsed.side_effect = times

      yield Pinger(timeout=timeout, tries=tries)

      # Ensure our mock Timer was used exactly the number of times we expected.
      self.assertEqual(elapsed.call_count, len(times))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, options, log, stable_name, pinger=None):
        self._options = options
        self._log = log
        self._stable_name = stable_name

        # Created on-demand.
        self._read_cache = None
        self._write_cache = None

        # Protects local filesystem setup, and assignment to the references above.
        self._cache_setup_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Caches are supposed to be close, and we don't want to waste time pinging on no-op builds.
        # So we ping twice with a short timeout.
        # TODO: Make lazy.
        self._pinger = pinger or Pinger(timeout=0.5, tries=2)
Exemplo n.º 10
def create_artifact_cache(log, artifact_root, spec, task_name, compression,
                          action='using', local=None):
  """Returns an artifact cache for the specified spec.

  spec can be:
    - a path to a file-based cache root.
    - a URL of a RESTful cache root.
    - a bar-separated list of URLs, where we'll pick the one with the best ping times.
    - A list or tuple of two specs, local, then remote, each as described above

  :param log: context.log
  :param str artifact_root: The path under which cacheable products will be read/written.
  :param str spec: See above.
  :param str task_name: The name of the task using this cache (eg 'ScalaCompile')
  :param int compression: The gzip compression level for created artifacts.
                          Valid values are 1-9, or Falsy-y to disable compression.
  :param str action: A verb, eg 'read' or 'write' for printed messages.
  :param LocalArtifactCache local: A local cache for use by created remote caches
  if not spec:
    raise EmptyCacheSpecError()
  if compression and not isinstance(compression, (int, long)):
    raise ValueError('compression value must be an integer: {comp}'.format(comp=compression))

  def recurse(new_spec, new_local=local):
    return create_artifact_cache(log=log, artifact_root=artifact_root, spec=new_spec,
                                 task_name=task_name, compression=compression, action=action,

  def is_remote(spec):
    return spec.startswith('http://') or spec.startswith('https://')

  if isinstance(spec, basestring):
    if spec.startswith('/') or spec.startswith('~'):
      path = os.path.join(spec, task_name)
      log.debug('{0} {1} local artifact cache at {2}'.format(task_name, action, path))
      return LocalArtifactCache(artifact_root, path, compression)
    elif is_remote(spec):
      # Caches are supposed to be close, and we don't want to waste time pinging on no-op builds.
      # So we ping twice with a short timeout.
      pinger = Pinger(timeout=0.5, tries=2)
      best_url = select_best_url(spec, pinger, log)
      if best_url:
        url = best_url.rstrip('/') + '/' + task_name
        log.debug('{0} {1} remote artifact cache at {2}'.format(task_name, action, url))
        local = local or TempLocalArtifactCache(artifact_root)
        return RESTfulArtifactCache(artifact_root, url, local)
        log.warn('{0} has no reachable artifact cache in {1}.'.format(task_name, spec))
        return None
      raise CacheSpecFormatError('Invalid artifact cache spec: {0}'.format(spec))
  elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)) and len(spec) is 1:
    return recurse(spec[0])
  elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)) and len(spec) is 2:
    first = recurse(spec[0])
    if not isinstance(first, LocalArtifactCache):
      raise LocalCacheSpecRequiredError(
        'First of two cache specs must be a local cache path. Found: {0}'.format(spec[0]))
    if not is_remote(spec[1]):
      raise RemoteCacheSpecRequiredError(
        'Second of two cache specs must be a remote spec. Found: {0}'.format(spec[1]))
    return recurse(spec[1], new_local=first)
    raise InvalidCacheSpecError('Invalid artifact cache spec: {0}'.format(spec))