Exemplo n.º 1
    refs = []
    doneRefs = {}

    for mapEntry, prediction in izip(mapFile, predictionFile):
        referee, reference = mapEntry.strip().split(":")
        label, confidence, invConfidence = prediction.strip().split()

        if referee != currentReferee:
            if currentReferee:
                predictionOut = [x[0] for x in refs]
                resultsFile.write(currentReferee + ", " +
                                  " ".join(predictionOut) + "\n")
                doneRefs[currentReferee] = 1
            refs = []
            currentReferee = referee
            if label == "1":
                if reference in refCounts:
                    confidence = refCounts[reference]
                refs = papers.appendMax((reference, confidence), refs, 10)

    predictionOut = [x[0] for x in refs]
    resultsFile.write(currentReferee + ", " + " ".join(predictionOut) + "\n")
    doneRefs[currentReferee] = 1

with open(fullIdsLocation, "r") as fullIds:
    for line in fullIds:
        evalId, preds = line.split(",")
        if evalId not in doneRefs:
            resultsFile.write(evalId + ", " + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testMaxAppendEnd(self):
        test = [(1,3),(2,5),(3,8)]
        res = papers.appendMax((4,9), test, 6)

        self.assertEqual(res, [(1,3), (2,5), (3,8), (4,9)])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testMaxAppendEmpty(self):
        test = []
        res = papers.appendMax((1,2), test, 3)

        self.assertEqual(res, [(1,2)])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testMaxAppendLess(self):
        test = [(1,3),(2,5),(3,8)]
        res = papers.appendMax((4,6), test, 4)

        self.assertEqual(res, [(1,3), (2,5), (4,6), (3,8)])
Exemplo n.º 5
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"

#heurisitic based prediction
predictions = []
with open(predictionLocation, "w", 0) as file:
	for paper in validationData.papersByRef:
		currentPaper = validationData.papersByRef[paper]
		print "-Processing paper: ", paper
		refs = []
		if currentPaper.canonicalVenue in trainingData.venueReferences:
			print "For paper: ", paper, " there are ", len(trainingData.venueReferences[currentPaper.canonicalVenue]), " venues"
			for venue in trainingData.venueReferences[currentPaper.canonicalVenue]:
				for nextPaperId in trainingData.indicesByCanonicalVenue[venue]:
					nextPaper = trainingData.papersByRef[nextPaperId]
					if(nextPaper.year < currentPaper.year and nextPaper.index != currentPaper.index):
						sim = currentPaper.abstractCosineSimilarity(nextPaper.abstractList)
						refs = papers.appendMax((nextPaper.index, sim), refs, 10)
			prediction = [x[0] for x in refs]
			# predictions.append((paper, ))
			prediction = []
			# predictions.append((paper, []))
		file.write(paper + ", " + " ".join(prediction) + "\n")

print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "- Number of training papers:   ", len(trainingData.papersByRef)
print "- Number of validation papers: ", len(validationData.papersByRef)
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Exemplo n.º 6
    def testMaxAppendEmpty(self):
        test = []
        res = papers.appendMax((1, 2), test, 3)

        self.assertEqual(res, [(1, 2)])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def testMaxAppendEnd(self):
        test = [(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 8)]
        res = papers.appendMax((4, 9), test, 6)

        self.assertEqual(res, [(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 8), (4, 9)])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def testMaxAppendLess(self):
        test = [(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 8)]
        res = papers.appendMax((4, 6), test, 4)

        self.assertEqual(res, [(1, 3), (2, 5), (4, 6), (3, 8)])