Exemplo n.º 1
def curve_approx_figure():
    D_X = [1, 1, 0, -0.5, 1.5, 3, 4, 4.2, 4]
    D_Y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2]
    D = [D_X, D_Y]

    D_N = len(D_X)
    k = 4           # degree
    H = 8           # the number of control points

    Step 1. Calculate the parameters
    p_centripetal = ps.centripetal(D_N, D)

    Step 2. Calculate the knot vector
    knot = ps.knot_vector(p_centripetal, k, D_N)

    Step 3. Calculate the control points
    P_control = bc.curve_approximation(D, D_N, H, k, p_centripetal, knot)
    # print(P_control)

    fig = plt.figure()
    for i in range(H):
        plt.scatter(P_control[0][i], P_control[1][i], color='b')

    for i in range(D_N):
        plt.scatter(D[0][i], D[1][i], color='r')

    for i in range(H - 1):
        tmp_x = [P_control[0][i], P_control[0][i+1]]
        tmp_y = [P_control[1][i], P_control[1][i+1]]
        plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='b')

    Step 4. Calculate the points on the b-spline curve
    piece_num = 80
    p_piece = np.linspace(0, 1, piece_num)
    p_centripetal_new = ps.centripetal(H, P_control)
    knot_new = ps.knot_vector(p_centripetal_new, k, H)
    P_piece = bc.curve(P_control, H, k, p_piece, knot_new)

    # print(P_piece)
    for i in range(piece_num - 1):
        tmp_x = [P_piece[0][i], P_piece[0][i+1]]
        tmp_y = [P_piece[1][i], P_piece[1][i+1]]
        plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='g')
Exemplo n.º 2
def curve_approx_figure():
    D_X = [1, 1, 0, -0.5, 1.5, 3, 4, 4.2, 4]
    D_Y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2]
    D = [D_X, D_Y]

    D_N = len(D_X)
    k = 4
    H = 8

    p_centripetal = ps.centripetal(D_N, D)
    knot = ps.knot_vector(p_centripetal, k, D_N)
    P_control = bc.curve_approximation(D, D_N, H, k, p_centripetal, knot)

    fig = plt.figure()
    for i in range(H):
        plt.scatter(P_control[0][i], P_control[1][i], color='b')

    for i in range(D_N):
        plt.scatter(D[0][i], D[1][i], color='r')

    for i in range(H - 1):
        tmp_x = [P_control[0][i], P_control[0][i + 1]]
        tmp_y = [P_control[1][i], P_control[1][i + 1]]
        plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='b')

    # for i in range(D_N-1):
    #     tmp_x = [D[i][0], D[i+1][0]]
    #     tmp_y = [D[i][1], D[i+1][1]]
    #     plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='b')

    piece_num = 80
    p_piece = np.linspace(0, 1, piece_num)
    p_centripetal_new = ps.centripetal(H, P_control)
    knot_new = ps.knot_vector(p_centripetal_new, k, H)
    P_piece = bc.curve(P_control, H, k, p_piece, knot_new)

    # print(P_piece)
    for i in range(piece_num - 1):
        tmp_x = [P_piece[0][i], P_piece[0][i + 1]]
        tmp_y = [P_piece[1][i], P_piece[1][i + 1]]
        plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='g')
Exemplo n.º 3
def curve_inter_figure():
    Input: Data points
    D_X = [1, 1, 0, -0.5, 1, 3, 4, 4.2, 4]
    D_Y = [0, 1, 2,    3, 1, 1, 3, 2.5, 2]
    D = [D_X, D_Y]
    D_N = len(D_X)
    k = 2               # degree

    Step 1. Calculate parameters
    # p_uniform = ps.uniform_spaced(D_N)
    # print(p_uniform)

    # p_chord_length = ps.chord_length(D_N, D)
    # print(p_chord_length)

    p_centripetal = ps.centripetal(D_N, D)
    # print(p_centripetal)

    Step 2. Calculate knot vector
    knot = ps.knot_vector(p_centripetal, k, D_N)

    Step 3. Calculate control points
    P_inter = bc.curve_interpolation(D, D_N, k, p_centripetal, knot)
    # print(P_inter)

    fig = plt.figure()
    for i in range(D_N):
        plt.scatter(D[0][i], D[1][i], color='r')
        plt.scatter(P_inter[0][i], P_inter[1][i], color='b')
    for i in range(D_N - 1):
        tmp_x = [P_inter[0][i], P_inter[0][i+1]]
        tmp_y = [P_inter[1][i], P_inter[1][i+1]]
        plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='b')

    Step 4. Calculate the points on the b-spline curve
    piece_num = 80
    p_piece = np.linspace(0, 1, piece_num)
    P_piece = bc.curve(P_inter, D_N, k, p_piece, knot)
    # print(P_piece)
    for i in range(piece_num - 1):
        tmp_x = [P_piece[0][i], P_piece[0][i+1]]
        tmp_y = [P_piece[1][i], P_piece[1][i+1]]
        plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='g')
Exemplo n.º 4
def curve_inter_figure():
    D_X = [1, 1, 0, -0.5, 1.5, 3, 4, 4.2, 4]
    D_Y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2]
    D = [D_X, D_Y]

    D_N = len(D_X)
    k = 2

    # p_uniform = ps.uniform_spaced(D_N)
    # print(p_uniform)

    # p_chord_length = ps.chord_length(D_N, D)
    # print(p_chord_length)

    p_centripetal = ps.centripetal(D_N, D)
    # print(p_centripetal)

    knot = ps.knot_vector(p_centripetal, k, D_N)
    # print(knot)

    P_inter = bc.curve_interpolation(D, D_N, k, p_centripetal, knot)
    # print(P_inter)

    fig = plt.figure()
    for i in range(D_N):
        plt.scatter(D[0][i], D[1][i], color='r')
        plt.scatter(P_inter[0][i], P_inter[1][i], color='b')
    for i in range(D_N - 1):
        tmp_x = [P_inter[0][i], P_inter[0][i + 1]]
        tmp_y = [P_inter[1][i], P_inter[1][i + 1]]
        plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='b')

    piece_num = 80
    p_piece = np.linspace(0, 1, piece_num)
    P_piece = bc.curve(P_inter, D_N, k, p_piece, knot)
    # print(P_piece)
    for i in range(piece_num - 1):
        tmp_x = [P_piece[0][i], P_piece[0][i + 1]]
        tmp_y = [P_piece[1][i], P_piece[1][i + 1]]
        plt.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, color='g')
Exemplo n.º 5
def surface_approx_figure():
    D_X = [[0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15], [0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15], [0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15],
           [0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15], [0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15]]
    D_Y = [[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
           [15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15], [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20]]
    D_Z = [[0, -2, -5, -8, -10, -14], [0, -3, -5, -9, -12, -15],
           [0, -2, -5, -8, -11, -16], [-1, -4, -6, -8, -11.5, -15],
           [1, -2, -4, -8, -11, -16]]

    D = [D_X, D_Y, D_Z]

    k = 3
    q = 3
    E = len(D_X) - 1
    F = len(D_X[0]) - 1
    P_control = bs.surface_approximation(D, k, q, E, F)

    piece_uv = [20, 30]
    knot_uv = [[], []]
    # p_uniform_u = ps.uniform_spaced(E)
    # p_uniform_v = ps.uniform_spaced(F)
    # knot_uv[0] = ps.knot_vector(p_uniform_u, k, E)
    # knot_uv[1] = ps.knot_vector(p_uniform_v, q, F)

    # p_piece = np.linspace(0, 1, piece_num)
    # p_centripetal_new = ps.centripetal(H, P_control)
    # knot_new = ps.knot_vector(p_centripetal_new, k, H)
    # P_piece = bc.curve(P_control, H, k, p_piece, knot_new)

    tmp_param = np.zeros((1, E))
    for i in range(F):
        D_col_X = [x[i] for x in P_control[0]]
        D_col_Y = [y[i] for y in P_control[1]]
        D_col = [D_col_X, D_col_Y]
        tmp_param = tmp_param + np.array(ps.centripetal(E, D_col))
        # tmp_param = ps.centripetal(N, D_row)
        # param_u.append(np.average(np.array(tmp_param)))
    param_u = np.divide(tmp_param, F).tolist()[0]

    param_v = []
    tmp_param = np.zeros((1, F))
    for i in range(E):
        D_row_X = P_control[0][i]
        D_row_Y = P_control[1][i]
        D_row = [D_row_X, D_row_Y]
        tmp_param = tmp_param + np.array(ps.centripetal(F, D_row))
        # param_v.append(np.average(np.array(tmp_param)))
    param_v = np.divide(tmp_param, E).tolist()[0]

    knot_uv[0] = ps.knot_vector(param_u, k, E)
    knot_uv[1] = ps.knot_vector(param_v, q, F)

    P_piece = bs.surface(P_control, k, q, piece_uv, knot_uv)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    for i in range(len(D_X)):
        for j in range(len(D_X[0])):
            ax.scatter(D_X[i][j], D_Y[i][j], D_Z[i][j], color='r')
    for i in range(len(P_control[0])):
        for j in range(len(P_control[0][0])):

    for i in range(len(P_control[0])):
        for j in range(len(P_control[0][0]) - 1):
            tmp_x = [P_control[0][i][j], P_control[0][i][j + 1]]
            tmp_y = [P_control[1][i][j], P_control[1][i][j + 1]]
            tmp_z = [P_control[2][i][j], P_control[2][i][j + 1]]
            ax.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, color='b')

    for i in range(len(P_control[0]) - 1):
        for j in range(len(P_control[0][0])):
            tmp_x = [P_control[0][i][j], P_control[0][i + 1][j]]
            tmp_y = [P_control[1][i][j], P_control[1][i + 1][j]]
            tmp_z = [P_control[2][i][j], P_control[2][i + 1][j]]
            ax.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, color='b')

    for i in range(len(P_piece[0]) - 1):
        for j in range(len(P_piece[0][0])):
            tmp_x = [P_piece[0][i][j], P_piece[0][i + 1][j]]
            tmp_y = [P_piece[1][i][j], P_piece[1][i + 1][j]]
            tmp_z = [P_piece[2][i][j], P_piece[2][i + 1][j]]
            ax.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, color='g')

    for i in range(len(P_piece[0])):
        for j in range(len(P_piece[0][0]) - 1):
            tmp_x = [P_piece[0][i][j], P_piece[0][i][j + 1]]
            tmp_y = [P_piece[1][i][j], P_piece[1][i][j + 1]]
            tmp_z = [P_piece[2][i][j], P_piece[2][i][j + 1]]
            ax.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, color='g')

Exemplo n.º 6
def surface_approx_figure():
    D_X = [[0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15],
           [0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15],
           [0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15],
           [0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15],
           [0.0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15]]
    D_Y = [[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
           [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5],
           [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
           [15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15],
           [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20]]
    D_Z = [[0, -2, -5, -8, -10, -14],
           [0, -3, -5, -9, -12, -15],
           [0, -2, -5, -8, -11, -16],
           [-1, -4, -6, -8, -11.5, -15],
           [1, -2, -4, -8, -11, -16]]

    D = [D_X, D_Y, D_Z]

    k = 2
    q = 3
    E = len(D_X) - 1
    F = len(D_X[0]) - 1

    Step 1. Calculate control surface's control points
    P_control = bs.surface_approximation(D, k, q, E, F)

    Step 2. Calculate the points on the b-spline surface
    piece_uv = [20, 30]
    knot_uv =[[], []]
    tmp_param = np.zeros((1, E))
    for i in range(F):
        D_col_X = [x[i] for x in P_control[0]]
        D_col_Y = [y[i] for y in P_control[1]]
        D_col = [D_col_X, D_col_Y]
        tmp_param = tmp_param + np.array(ps.centripetal(E, D_col))
    param_u = np.divide(tmp_param, F).tolist()[0]

    param_v = []
    tmp_param = np.zeros((1, F))
    for i in range(E):
        D_row_X = P_control[0][i]
        D_row_Y = P_control[1][i]
        D_row = [D_row_X, D_row_Y]
        tmp_param = tmp_param + np.array(ps.centripetal(F, D_row))
        # param_v.append(np.average(np.array(tmp_param)))
    param_v = np.divide(tmp_param, E).tolist()[0]

    knot_uv[0] = ps.knot_vector(param_u, k, E)
    knot_uv[1] = ps.knot_vector(param_v, q, F)

    P_piece = bs.surface(P_control, k, q, piece_uv, knot_uv)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    for i in range(len(D_X)):
        for j in range(len(D_X[0])):
            ax.scatter(D_X[i][j], D_Y[i][j], D_Z[i][j], color='r')
    for i in range(len(P_control[0])):
        for j in range(len(P_control[0][0])):
            ax.scatter(P_control[0][i][j], P_control[1][i][j], P_control[2][i][j], color='b')

    for i in range(len(P_control[0])):
        for j in range(len(P_control[0][0]) - 1):
            tmp_x = [P_control[0][i][j], P_control[0][i][j + 1]]
            tmp_y = [P_control[1][i][j], P_control[1][i][j + 1]]
            tmp_z = [P_control[2][i][j], P_control[2][i][j + 1]]
            ax.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, color='b')

    for i in range(len(P_control[0]) - 1):
        for j in range(len(P_control[0][0])):
            tmp_x = [P_control[0][i][j], P_control[0][i + 1][j]]
            tmp_y = [P_control[1][i][j], P_control[1][i + 1][j]]
            tmp_z = [P_control[2][i][j], P_control[2][i + 1][j]]
            ax.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, color='b')

    for i in range(len(P_piece[0]) - 1):
        for j in range(len(P_piece[0][0])):
            tmp_x = [P_piece[0][i][j], P_piece[0][i + 1][j]]
            tmp_y = [P_piece[1][i][j], P_piece[1][i + 1][j]]
            tmp_z = [P_piece[2][i][j], P_piece[2][i + 1][j]]
            ax.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, color='g')

    for i in range(len(P_piece[0])):
        for j in range(len(P_piece[0][0]) - 1):
            tmp_x = [P_piece[0][i][j], P_piece[0][i][j + 1]]
            tmp_y = [P_piece[1][i][j], P_piece[1][i][j + 1]]
            tmp_z = [P_piece[2][i][j], P_piece[2][i][j + 1]]
            ax.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, color='g')

Exemplo n.º 7
def surface_approximation(D, p, q, E, F):
    Given a grid of (M x N) data points Dij, a degree (p, q), and e and f
    satisfying M > E > p >= 1 and N > F > q >= 1, find a B-spline surface
    of degree (p, q) defined by (E x F) control points Pij that approximates
    the data point grid in the given order.
    :param D: data points
    :param p: degree of u direction
    :param q: degree of v direction
    :return: control points
    D_X = D[0]
    D_Y = D[1]
    D_Z = D[2]

    M = len(D_X)
    N = len(D_X[0])

    knot_uv = [[], []]

    # calculate parameters and knot vector
    tmp_param = np.zeros((1, M))
    for i in range(N):
        D_col_X = [x[i] for x in D_X]
        D_col_Y = [y[i] for y in D_Y]
        D_col_Z = [z[i] for z in D_Z]
        D_col = [D_col_X, D_col_Y, D_col_Z]
        tmp_param = tmp_param + np.array(ps.centripetal(M, D_col))
    param_u = np.divide(tmp_param, N).tolist()[0]

    param_v = []
    tmp_param = np.zeros((1, N))
    for i in range(M):
        D_row_X = D_X[i]
        D_row_Y = D_Y[i]
        D_row_Z = D_Z[i]
        D_row = [D_row_X, D_row_Y, D_row_Z]
        tmp_param = tmp_param + np.array(ps.centripetal(N, D_row))
    param_v = np.divide(tmp_param, M).tolist()[0]

    knot_uv[0] = ps.knot_vector(param_u, p, M)
    knot_uv[1] = ps.knot_vector(param_v, q, N)

    # calculate control points for every column
    Q = [
        np.zeros((E, N)).tolist(),
        np.zeros((E, N)).tolist(),
        np.zeros((E, N)).tolist()
    for i in range(N):
        D_col_X = [x[i] for x in D_X]
        D_col_Y = [y[i] for y in D_Y]
        D_col_Z = [z[i] for z in D_Z]
        D_col = [D_col_X, D_col_Y, D_col_Z]
        Q_col = bc.curve_approximation(D_col, M, E, p, param_u, knot_uv[0])
        # print(Q_col)
        for j in range(E):
            Q[0][j][i] = Q_col[0][j]
            Q[1][j][i] = Q_col[1][j]
            Q[2][j][i] = Q_col[2][j]

    # calculate control points for every row
    P = [
        np.zeros((E, F)).tolist(),
        np.zeros((E, F)).tolist(),
        np.zeros((E, F)).tolist()
    for i in range(E):
        Q_row = [Q[0][i], Q[1][i], Q[2][i]]
        P_ = bc.curve_approximation(Q_row, N, F, q, param_v, knot_uv[1])
        P[0][i] = P_[0]
        P[1][i] = P_[1]
        P[2][i] = P_[2]

    return P
Exemplo n.º 8
def surface_interpolation(D, p, q):
    Given a grid of (M x N) data points Dij and a degree (p, q),
    find a B-spline surface of degree (p, q) defined by (M x N)
    control points that passes all data points in the given order.
    :param D: data points
    :param p: degree of u direction
    :param q: degree of v direction
    :return: control points and knot vectors
    D_X = D[0]
    D_Y = D[1]
    D_Z = D[2]

    M = len(D_X)
    N = len(D_X[0])
    Q = [
        np.zeros((len(D_X), len(D_X[0]))).tolist(),
        np.zeros((len(D_Y), len(D_Y[0]))).tolist(),
        np.zeros((len(D_Z), len(D_Z[0]))).tolist()
    knot_uv = [[], []]

    # calculate parameters and knot vector
    param_u = []
    tmp_param = np.zeros((1, M))
    for i in range(N):
        D_col_X = [x[i] for x in D_X]
        D_col_Y = [y[i] for y in D_Y]
        D_col_Z = [z[i] for z in D_Z]
        D_col = [D_col_X, D_col_Y, D_col_Z]
        tmp_param = tmp_param + np.array(ps.centripetal(M, D_col))
    param_u = np.divide(tmp_param, N).tolist()[0]

    param_v = []
    tmp_param = np.zeros((1, N))
    for i in range(M):
        D_row_X = D_X[i]
        D_row_Y = D_Y[i]
        D_row_Z = D_Z[i]
        D_row = [D_row_X, D_row_Y, D_row_Z]
        tmp_param = tmp_param + np.array(ps.centripetal(N, D_row))
    param_v = np.divide(tmp_param, M).tolist()[0]

    knot_uv[0] = ps.knot_vector(param_u, p, M)
    knot_uv[1] = ps.knot_vector(param_v, q, N)


    # calculate control points for every column
    for i in range(N):
        D_col_X = [x[i] for x in D_X]
        D_col_Y = [y[i] for y in D_Y]
        D_col_Z = [z[i] for z in D_Z]
        D_col = [D_col_X, D_col_Y, D_col_Z]
        Q_col = bc.curve_interpolation(D_col, M, p, param_u, knot_uv[0])
        for j in range(M):
            Q[0][j][i] = Q_col[0][j]
            Q[1][j][i] = Q_col[1][j]
            Q[2][j][i] = Q_col[2][j]

    P = Q

    # calculate control points for every row
    for i in range(M):
        Q_row = [Q[0][i], Q[1][i], Q[2][i]]
        P_ = bc.curve_interpolation(Q_row, N, q, param_v, knot_uv[1])
        P[0][i] = P_[0]
        P[1][i] = P_[1]
        P[2][i] = P_[2]

    return P, knot_uv