Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    # Set up logging
                        format='%(asctime)s  %(message)s',
                        datefmt='%Y-%d-%m %I:%M:%S %p')

    # Get parameters from the provided parameter file
    param_file_path = sys.argv[1]
    params = parameters.get_params(param_file_path)

    # From parameter file, calculate intensity map + other outputs
    t0 = time.time()

    imgrid = get_grid(
    )  # Create the grid object that will contain the 3D brightness cube
    halos = get_halos(params)  # Load and pre-process halo data

    halos.lum = get_lum(halos, params)  # Calculate halo line luminosities
    imgrid.tcube = get_tcube(
        halos, imgrid, params)  # From halos, make brightness temperature cube


    # Calculate power spectra from temperature cube
    ksph, psph = get_powersph(imgrid)
    kprp, kpar, pcyl = get_powercyl(imgrid)

    # Calculate error bars
    errsph, noise_power, nmodes, fres = get_powersph_errorbars(
        ksph, psph, params)
    # TODO: get cylindrical power spectrum error bars


    # Write temperature cube and other stuff to file
    save_tcube(imgrid, params)
    save_powersph(ksph, psph, errsph, noise_power, nmodes, fres, params)
    save_powercyl(kprp, kpar, pcyl, params)
    save_paramfile(params)  # Copy parameter file to output folder


    # Summarize timing
    t1 = time.time()
    tpass = t1 - t0

    logging.info("Total time                        : {:.4f}\n".format(tpass))
Exemplo n.º 2
def free_energy_gap(x, sequence_structure_pairs, apply_params):
    dG_gap = 0.0
    params = get_params(suppress_all_output=True)
    apply_params(params, x)
    print x

    sequence_structure_params_tuples = map(lambda y: y + tuple([params]),
    #all_dG_gap = map( calc_dG_gap, sequence_structure_params_tuples )

    all_dG_gap = pool.map(calc_dG_gap, sequence_structure_params_tuples)

    return sum(all_dG_gap)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # Set up logging
            format='%(asctime)s  %(message)s', 
            datefmt='%Y-%d-%m %I:%M:%S %p')
    # Get parameters from the provided parameter file
    param_file_path = sys.argv[1]
    params = parameters.get_params(param_file_path)

    # From parameter file, calculate intensity map + other outputs
    t0 = time.time()

    for lc_idx, lc_path in enumerate(params['io']['lightcone_path']):
        imgrid = get_grid(params) # Create the grid object that will contain the 3D brightness cube
        halos = get_halos(params, lc_path=lc_path) # Load and pre-process halo data

        halos.lum = get_lum(halos, params) # Calculate halo line luminosities
        imgrid.tcube = get_tcube(halos, imgrid, params) # From halos, make brightness temperature cube

        # Calculate power spectra from temperature cube
        ksph, psph        = get_powersph(imgrid)
        kprp, kpar, pcyl  = get_powercyl(imgrid)
        # Calculate error bars
        errsph, noise_power, nmodes, fres = get_powersph_errorbars(ksph, psph, params)
        # TODO: get cylindrical power spectrum error bars

        # Write temperature cube and other stuff to file
        save_tcube(imgrid, params, idx=lc_idx) 
        save_powersph(ksph, psph, errsph, noise_power, nmodes, fres, params, idx=lc_idx)
        save_powercyl(kprp, kpar, pcyl, params, idx=lc_idx)

    save_paramfile(params) # Copy parameter file to output folder
    # Summarize timing
    t1 = time.time()
    tpass = t1-t0

    logging.info("Total time                        : {:.4f}\n".format(tpass))
Exemplo n.º 4
def asset_cost_of_capital(fixed_assets):

	# grabs the constant values from the parameters dictionary
	params = param.get_params()
	inflation_rate = params['inflation rate']
	stat_tax = params['tax rate']
	discount_rate = params['discount rate']
	save_rate = params['return to savers']
	delta = params['econ depreciation']
	r_prime = params['after-tax rate']
	inv_credit = params['inv_credit']
	w = params['prop tax']
	delta = np.tile(np.reshape(delta,(delta.shape[0],1,1)),(1,discount_rate.shape[0],discount_rate.shape[1]))
	z = params['depr allow']
	rho = ((discount_rate - inflation_rate) + delta) * (1- inv_credit- stat_tax * z) / (1- stat_tax) + w - delta
	metr = (rho - (r_prime - inflation_rate)) / rho
	mettr = ((rho-save_rate)/rho)
	return rho, metr, mettr
Exemplo n.º 5
if version >= 11.0 and version <= 11.9:
		codename = 'Eden'
if version >= 12.0 and version <= 12.9:
	codename = 'Frodo'
if version >= 13.0 and version <= 13.9:
	codename = 'Gotham'
if version >= 14.0 and version <= 14.9:
	codename = 'Helix'
if version >= 15.0 and version <= 15.9:
	codename = 'Isengard'
if version >= 16.0 and version <= 16.9:
	codename = 'Jarvis'
if version >= 17.0 and version <= 17.9:
	codename = 'Krypton'

#						ROOT MENU

def INDEX():

  #if plugintools.get_setting("username")=="":
  #       settings(params)
  #login_request =  login(LoginServer  , plugintools.get_setting("username") , plugintools.get_setting("password") )

  #if login_request!="ACCESS GRANTED":	
	Common.addItem('[COLOR cyan]SERVER STATUS [/COLOR]' + CommunityStatus + JarvisWizStatus + JarvisUpdateStatus + KryptonWizStatus + KryptonUpdateStatus + SpeedTestStatus,BASEURL,92,ICON,FANART,'')
	Common.addDir('[COLOR cyan]Imperio Tuga WIZARD BUILDS[/COLOR] - [COLOR powderblue]J v16[/COLOR] | ' + JarvisWizStatusMain + ' - [COLOR powderblue]K v17[/COLOR] | ' + KryptonWizStatusMain,BASEURL,88,ICON,FANART,'')
if version >= 11.0 and version <= 11.9:
    codename = 'Eden'
if version >= 12.0 and version <= 12.9:
    codename = 'Frodo'
if version >= 13.0 and version <= 13.9:
    codename = 'Gotham'
if version >= 14.0 and version <= 14.9:
    codename = 'Helix'
if version >= 15.0 and version <= 15.9:
    codename = 'Isengard'
if version >= 16.0 and version <= 16.9:
    codename = 'Jarvis'
if version >= 17.0 and version <= 17.9:
    codename = 'Krypton'

params = parameters.get_params()

#						ROOT MENU

def INDEX():

    #if plugintools.get_setting("username")=="":
    #       settings(params)

    #login_request =  login(LoginServer  , plugintools.get_setting("username") , plugintools.get_setting("password") )

    #if login_request!="ACCESS GRANTED":
Exemplo n.º 7
	def get_parameters(self, config_path):

		params = parameters.get_params(config_path)

		return params
Exemplo n.º 8
        wcs_1 = wcs.WCS(self.original_map)
        pys, pxs = wcs_1.wcs_world2pix(self.RAs, self.DECs, 0)
        beam_FWHM = 17.6
        beam_sigma = beam_FWHM / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))

        w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2)
        #print original_header
        w.wcs.crpix = [original_header['CRPIX1'], original_header['CRPIX2']]
        w.wcs.cdelt = np.array([-pixsize / 3600, pixsize / 3600])
        w.wcs.crval = [original_header['CRVAL1'], original_header['CRVAL2']]
        w.wcs.ctype = [original_header['CTYPE1'], original_header['CTYPE2']]
        header_w = w.to_header()
        hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=new_image_data, header=header_w)
        file_path = self.new_map_location + '/FAKE_MAP_NO_SOURCES.FITS'
        if os.path.exists(file_path) == True:

map_path_original = '/home/sam/Desktop/LSB/data/maps/HATLAS_NGP_DR2_RAW250_CUTOUT.FITS'
noise_path_original = '/home/sam/Desktop/LSB/data/maps/HATLAS_NGP_DR2_SIGMA250_CUTOUT.FITS'
param_file_path = '/home/sam/Desktop/LSB/simstack-master/Parameters1.cfg'
params = parameters.get_params(param_file_path)

#map_basis = false_map(map_path_original,noise_path_original,params)
Exemplo n.º 9
import os
import sys
import torch

import utils

from model_functions import eval
from parameters import get_params

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get all parameters
    args = get_params(eval_mode=True)
    args.command = 'python ' + ' '.join(sys.argv)
    assert args.pth
    assert os.path.exists(args.pth)
    assert args.data_path
    assert os.path.exists(args.data_path)
    assert args.out_path
    assert os.path.exists(args.out_path)

    # CUDA

    # Load pth
    pth_dir_name = os.path.dirname(args.pth)
    print("Loading model", os.path.join(pth_dir_name, 'model.pth'))
    model = torch.load(os.path.join(pth_dir_name, 'model.pth'))
    print("Loading model state dict", args.pth)
    model = model.to(args.device)
Exemplo n.º 10
def score_structure( sequences, structure, circle = False, params = '', test_mode = False ):

    # What we get if we parse out motifs
    structure = secstruct_util.get_structure_string( structure )
    bps_list  = secstruct_util.bps( structure )
    motifs = secstruct_util.parse_motifs( structure )
    sequence, ligated, sequences = sequence_util.initialize_sequence_and_ligated( sequences, circle )

    params = get_params( params, suppress_all_output = True )
    Kd_ref = params.base_pair_types[0].Kd # Kd[G-C], a la Turner rule convention
    C_std  = params.C_std

    # Now go through each motif parsed out of the target structure
    Z = 1.0
    for motif in motifs:
        motif_res = []
        motif_sequences = []
        for strand in motif:
            strand_sequence = ''
            for i in strand:
                motif_res.append( i )
                strand_sequence += sequence[i]
                if not ligated[i]:
                    motif_sequences.append( strand_sequence )
                    strand_sequence = ''
            if len( strand_sequence ) > 0: motif_sequences.append( strand_sequence )
        motif_circle = ligated[ motif_res[-1] ] and ( (motif_res[0] - motif_res[-1]) % len(sequence) == 1 )
        motif_sequence = ''.join( motif_sequences )

        # each motif res better show up only once
        assert( len( set( motif_res ) ) == len( motif_res ) )

        motif_bps_list = []
        for i,j in bps_list:
            if motif_res.count( i ) == 0: continue
            if motif_res.count( j ) == 0: continue
            motif_bps_list.append( (motif_res.index(i), motif_res.index(j)) )
        motif_structure = secstruct_util.secstruct( motif_bps_list, len( motif_res ) )

        p = partition( motif_sequences, circle = motif_circle, structure = motif_structure, params = params, suppress_all_output = True )

        Z_motif = p.Z

        # Need to 'correct' for half-terminal penalties (a la Turner rules) and also remove extra costs
        # for connecting these 'sub-strands' together.

        Z_motif *= ( Kd_ref / C_std ) ** sequence_util.get_num_strand_connections( motif_sequences, motif_circle )
        for i_motif, j_motif in motif_bps_list:
            # what kind of base pair is this?
            for base_pair_type in p.params.base_pair_types:
                if base_pair_type.is_match( motif_sequence[ i_motif ], motif_sequence[ j_motif ] ):
                    Z_motif *= ( base_pair_type.Kd / Kd_ref )**(0.5)

        if test_mode: print "Motif: ", Z_motif, motif, motif_sequences, motif_structure

        Z *= Z_motif

    # Compute cost of connecting the strands into a complex
    Z_connect = ( C_std / Kd_ref ) ** sequence_util.get_num_strand_connections( sequences, circle )
    Z *= Z_connect

    if test_mode:
        print "Connect strands: ", Z_connect
        print 'Product of motif Z      :', Z

    if test_mode:
        # Reference value from 'hacked' dynamic programming, which takes a while.
        p = partition( sequences, circle = circle, structure = structure, params = params, suppress_all_output = True )
        print 'From dynamic programming:', p.Z
        assert( abs( p.Z - Z )/Z < 1.0e-5 )

    dG = -KT_IN_KCAL * log( Z )
    return dG
Exemplo n.º 11
from parameters import get_params
from utils import beamforming

import os.path
import soundfile as sf
import csv
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# new imports
import pandas as pd

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

preset = '0'  # Default preset
params = get_params(preset)

# Get path to data to be processed
dataset_dir = params['dataset_dir']
dataset_type_folder = params['dataset'] + "_" + params['mode']
data_folder_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, dataset_type_folder)

# Get path to groundtruth metadata
gt_folder = 'metadata' + "_" + params['mode']
gt_folder_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, gt_folder)

# store ground truth info for classification
files = []
labels = []
splits = []
irs = []
Exemplo n.º 12
def main():
	# Set up logging
            format='%(asctime)s  %(message)s',
            datefmt='%Y-%d-%m %I:%M:%S %p')

    # Get parameters from the provided parameter file
    param_file_path = sys.argv[1]
    params = parameters.get_params(param_file_path)

    zkey = params['zkey']
    mkey = params['mkey']
    rkey = params['ra_key']
    dkey = params['dec_key']

    t0 = time.time()

    if params['bins']['bin_in_lookback_time'] == True:
        z_pref = 'lookt'
        z_pref = 'z'
    # Stack in Slices or ALL AT ONCE Choice made here
    if params['bins']['stack_all_z_at_once'] == True: n_slices = 1
    else: n_slices = len(params['bins']['z_nodes']) - 1

    #Save Parameter file in folder

    for i in range(n_slices):
        if params['bins']['stack_all_z_at_once'] == True:
            j = None
            stacked_flux_density_key = 'all_'+z_pref
            j = i
            if params['bins']['bin_in_lookback_time'] == True:
                stacked_flux_density_key = '{:.2f}'.format(params['bins']['t_nodes'][j])+'-'+'{:.2f}'.format(params['bins']['t_nodes'][j+1])
                stacked_flux_density_key = str(params['bins']['t_nodes'][j])+'-'+str(params['bins']['t_nodes'][j+1])

        print stacked_flux_density_key
        # From parameter file read maps, psfs, cats, and divide them into bins
        sky_library   = get_maps(params)
        cats          = get_catalogs(params)
        if params['bootstrap'] == True:
            pcat = Bootstrap(cats.table)

        # Bootstrap Loop Starts here
        for iboot in np.arange(params['number_of_boots'])+params['boot0']:
            #stacked_flux_densities = {}
            if params['bootstrap'] == True:
                print 'Running ' +str(int(iboot))+' of '+ str(int(params['boot0'])) +'-'+ str(int(params['boot0']+params['number_of_boots']-1)) + ' bootstraps'

                pcat.perturb_catalog(perturb_z = params['perturb_z'])
                bootcat = Field_catalogs(pcat.pseudo_cat,zkey=zkey,mkey=mkey,rkey=rkey,dkey=dkey)
                binned_ra_dec = get_bin_radec(params, bootcat, single_slice = j)
                if params['save_bin_ids'] == False:
                    bin_ids = None
                    bin_ids = get_bin_ids(params, bootcat, single_slice = j)
                out_file_path   = params['io']['output_folder']+'/bootstrapped_fluxes/'+params['io']['shortname']
                out_file_suffix = '_'+stacked_flux_density_key+'_boot_'+str(int(iboot))
                binned_ra_dec = get_bin_radec(params, cats, single_slice = j)
                if params['save_bin_ids'] == False:
                    bin_ids = None
                    bin_ids = get_bin_ids(params, cats, single_slice = j)
                out_file_path   = params['io']['output_folder'] + '/simstack_fluxes/' + params['io']['shortname']
                out_file_suffix = '_'+stacked_flux_density_key

            # Do simultaneous stacking
            if params['float_background'] == True:
                stacked_flux_densities = stack_libraries_in_layers_w_background(sky_library,binned_ra_dec)
                stacked_flux_densities = stack_libraries_in_layers(sky_library,binned_ra_dec)

            save_stacked_fluxes(stacked_flux_densities,params, out_file_path,out_file_suffix, IDs=bin_ids)

    # Summarize timing
    t1 = time.time()
    tpass = t1-t0

    logging.info("Total time                        : {:.4f} minutes\n".format(tpass/60.))
Exemplo n.º 13
def run_btax(user_params):
	# get parameters
	parameters = params.get_params()

	# make calculations
	rho, metr, mettr = asset_cost_of_capital(parameters)

	# format output
	numberOfRows = (parameters['econ depreciation']).shape[0]
	column_list = ('Asset Type', 'delta', 'z_c', 'z_c_d', 'z_c_e', 'z_nc',
		'rho_c', 'rho_c_d', 'rho_c_e', 'rho_nc', 'metr_c', 'metr_c_d', 'metr_c_e',
		'metr_nc', 'mettr_c', 'mettr_c_d', 'mettr_c_e', 'mettr_nc')
	vars_by_asset = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(0, numberOfRows), columns=column_list)

	tax_depr = pd.read_csv(_TAX_DEPR_IN_PATH)
	vars_by_asset['Asset Type'] = tax_depr['Asset Type']
	vars_by_asset['delta'] = parameters['econ depreciation']
	suffix_list = ['', '_d', '_e']

	vars_by_asset['z_nc'] = parameters['depr allow'][:,0,1]
	vars_by_asset['rho_nc'] = rho[:,0,1]
	vars_by_asset['metr_nc'] = metr[:,0,1]
	vars_by_asset['mettr_nc'] = mettr[:,0,1]

	for i in range(rho.shape[1]):
	    vars_by_asset['z_c'+suffix_list[i]] = parameters['depr allow'][:,i,0]
	    vars_by_asset['rho_c'+suffix_list[i]] = rho[:,i,0]
	    vars_by_asset['metr_c'+suffix_list[i]] = metr[:,i,0]
	    vars_by_asset['mettr_c'+suffix_list[i]] = mettr[:,i,0]

	# save to csv for comparison to CBO

	# read in CBO file
	CBO_data = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(_REF_DIR, 'effective_taxrates.xls'),
		sheetname='Full detail', header=1, skiprows=0, skip_footer=8)
	CBO_data.columns = [col.encode('ascii', 'ignore') for col in CBO_data]
	CBO_data.rename(columns = {'Top page (Rows 3-35): Equipment        Bottom page (Rows 36-62): All Other ':'Asset Type'}, inplace = True)

	# join CBO data to ours
	# import difflib 
	# df2 = vars_by_asset.copy()
	# df1 = CBO_data.copy()
	# df2['Asset Type'] = df2['Asset Type'].apply(lambda x: difflib.get_close_matches(x, df1['Asset Type'])[0])
	# df1.merge(df2)
	# print df1.head(n=5)
	CBO_v_OSPC = vars_by_asset.merge(CBO_data,how='inner',on='Asset Type')

	OSPC_list = ['delta','z_c','z_c_d','z_c_e','z_nc','rho_c','rho_c_d','rho_c_e','rho_nc',
	       'metr_c', 'metr_c_d', 'metr_c_e', 'mettr_c', 'mettr_c_d', 'mettr_c_e', 
	CBO_list = ['Economic deprecia- tion rate []','Corporate: total [z(c)]',
	      'Corporate: debt-financed [z(c,d)]', 'Corporate: equity-financed [z(c,e)]', 
	      'Non-corporate [z(n)]', 'Corporate: total [(c)]', 'Corporate: debt-financed [(c,d)]', 
	      'Corporate: equity-financed [(c,e)]', 'Non-corporate [(n)]', 'Corporate: total [ETR(c)]', 
	      'Corporate: debt-financed [ETR(c,d)]', 'Corporate: equity-financed [ETR(c,e)]',
	      'Corporate: total [ETTR(c)]', 'Corporate: debt-financed [ETTR(c,d)]', 
	      'Corporate: equity-financed [ETTR(c,e)]', 'Non-corporate [ETTR(n)]']

	#print CBO_v_OSPC.index
	# print CBO_v_OSPC.columns
	# print CBO_v_OSPC.shape
	# print CBO_v_OSPC.T.drop_duplicates().T

	# quit()

	CBO_v_OSPC = CBO_v_OSPC.T.drop_duplicates().T

	diff_list = [None] * len(OSPC_list)
	for i in xrange(0,len(OSPC_list)):
		CBO_v_OSPC[OSPC_list[i]+'_diff'] = CBO_v_OSPC[OSPC_list[i]] - CBO_v_OSPC[CBO_list[i]]
		diff_list[i] = OSPC_list[i]+'_diff'

	cols_to_print = ['Asset Type']+OSPC_list + CBO_list + diff_list


	with open(os.path.join(_OUT_DIR, 'final_output.pkl'), 'wb') as handle:
		pickle.dump(vars_by_asset, handle)

	return vars_by_asset
Exemplo n.º 14
debug = False

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    for command in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
        if sys.argv[command] == "help":
        if sys.argv[command] == "debug":
            debug = True
        elif sys.argv[command] == "list":
        elif sys.argv[command] == "single-point":
            single_point = True
        elif sys.argv[command] == "complexity":
            params = user.get_params()
            assert dse.check(params),\
            "Parameters error. Please see the log"
            print "Expected number of tests: %d" \
            print "For the real number of test, use\

        elif sys.argv[command] == "complexity-hard":
            complexity_hard_mode = True
            print "[%s] is not a recongnized command. try [help]" \
Exemplo n.º 15
import sys
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import time

import utils

from models import *
from model_functions import *
from parameters import get_params

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get all parameters
    args = get_params()
    args.command = 'python ' + ' '.join(sys.argv)

    # CUDA

    # Seed

    train_loader, valid_loader = utils.make_dataloader(args)


    # OUT PATH
    if not os.path.exists(args.out_path):
Exemplo n.º 16
print('\n====================Starting metrics for challenge with REAL frontend=====================================')
print('====================Starting metrics for challenge with REAL frontend=====================================')
print('====================Starting metrics for challenge with REAL frontend=====================================\n')

data_folder_path = '../data/foa_dev/'
# Iterate over all audio files from the dev set, some are from split 1234
audio_files = [f for f in os.listdir(data_folder_path) if not f.startswith('.')]

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# Path stuff

# This parameter will define the algorithm type
preset_string = 'Q'

# Default preset: contains path to folders
params = get_params(preset_string)

# Dataset type:
dataset_type_folder = params['dataset'] + "_" + params['mode']
dataset_preset_folder = dataset_type_folder + '_' + preset_string

# Get folder names before and after classification
doa_folder = params['before_classification_folder_name']
classif_folder = params['after_classification_folder_name']

# Path to audio folder
dataset_dir = '../data'
data_folder_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, dataset_type_folder)

# Path to results_metadata folder _before classification_; it should exist
results_metadata_doa_folder = os.path.join('.' + params['metadata_result_folder_path'],