Exemplo n.º 1
from scipy import misc
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import paramhelpers as ph
import matplotlib.image as image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from PIL import Image

img_data_path = ph.getParam("img_data_path", "../data/test1")
threshold = float(ph.getParam("threshold", 0.4))
iteration_num = int(ph.getParam("iteration_num", 6))

def prepro_img():
    #test for numpy's function
    test = np.full((2, 2), np.nan)

    A = np.array( [[1,1],
               [0,1]] )
    B = np.array( [[2,0],
               [3,4]] )
    print ("A=","\n",A)
    print ("B=","\n",B)
    print ("A*B=","\n",A*B) # Aij * Bij
    print ("A.dot(B)=","\n",np.dot(A,B)) # matrix multiply
Exemplo n.º 2
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline

# load manta tools
import tilecreator as tc
import paramhelpers as ph
import fluiddataloader as FDL

# there's no GAN here, but this script simplified the setup of conv nets
from GAN import GAN, lrelu

# ---------------------------------------------
# initialize parameters / command line params

outputOnly = int(ph.getParam(
    "out", False)) > 0  # output/generation mode, main mode switch
basePath = ph.getParam("basePath", '../data/')
randSeed = int(ph.getParam("randSeed", 1))  # seed for np and tf initialization
load_model_test = int(
    ph.getParam("load_model_test", -1)
)  # the number of the test to load a model from. can be used in training and output mode. -1 to not load a model
load_model_no = int(ph.getParam("load_model_no",
                                -1))  # nubmber of the model to load
simSizeLow = int(ph.getParam("simSize", 64))  # tiles of low res sim
tileSizeLow = int(ph.getParam("tileSize", 16))  # size of low res tiles
upRes = int(ph.getParam("upRes", 4))  # scaling factor

#Data and Output
loadPath = ph.getParam("loadPath", '../data/')  # path to training data
fromSim = int(ph.getParam("fromSim",
                          1000))  # range of sim data to use, start index
# Main params  ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
steps    = 200
savedata = True
saveppm  = False
simNo    = 1000  # start ID
showGui  = 0
basePath = '../data/'
npSeedstr   = "-1"
res      = 64

# debugging
#steps = 50       # shorter test
#savedata = False # debug , dont write...
#showGui  = 1

basePath        =     ph.getParam( "basePath",        basePath  )
npSeedstr       =     ph.getParam( "npSeed"  ,        npSeedstr )
simNo           =     int(ph.getParam( "simNo" ,      simNo     ))
res             =     int(ph.getParam( "res"   ,      res       ))
steps           =     int(ph.getParam( "steps" ,      steps     ))
npSeed          =     int(npSeedstr)

# Scene settings  ---------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Solver params  ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
dim    = 2 
offset = 20
interval = 1
Exemplo n.º 4
# optional, add velocity as additional channels to input?
useVelocities = 0

# ---------------------------------------------

# load an existing model when load_ values > -1
# when training , manually abort when it's good enough
# then enter test_XXXX id and model checkpoint ID below to load

load_model_test = -1
load_model_no = -1
testPathStartNo = 1

# command line params
outputOnly = int(ph.getParam("out", outputOnly)) > 0
trainingEpochs = int(ph.getParam("trainingEpochs", trainingEpochs))
load_model_test = int(ph.getParam("loadModelTest", load_model_test))
load_model_no = int(ph.getParam("loadModelNo", load_model_no))
basePath = ph.getParam("basePath", basePath)
useVelocities = int(ph.getParam("useVelocities", useVelocities))
testPathStartNo = int(ph.getParam("testPathStartNo", testPathStartNo))
fromSim = int(ph.getParam("fromSim", fromSim))
toSim = int(ph.getParam("toSim", toSim))
alwaysSave = int(ph.getParam(
    False))  # by default, only save when cost is lower, can be turned off here
useLegacyNet = int(ph.getParam("useLegacyNet", False)) > 0
randSeed = int(ph.getParam("randSeed", randSeed))
simSizeLow = int(ph.getParam("simSizeLow", simSizeLow))
upRes = int(ph.getParam("upRes", upRes))
Exemplo n.º 5
cropTileSizeLow = tileSizeLow - 2*cropOverlap

# ---------------------------------------------

# load an existing model when load_ values > -1
# when training , manually abort when it's good enough
# then enter test_XXXX id and model checkpoint ID below to load

loadModelTest = -1
loadModelNo   = -1
testPathStartNo = 1

# command line params, explanations mostly above with variables
outputOnly      = int(ph.getParam( "out",             outputOnly ))>0
trainingEpochs  = int(ph.getParam( "trainingEpochs",  trainingEpochs ))
loadModelTest   = int(ph.getParam( "loadModelTest",   loadModelTest))
loadModelNo     = int(ph.getParam( "loadModelNo",     loadModelNo))
basePath        =     ph.getParam( "basePath",        basePath        )
useVelocities   = int(ph.getParam( "useVelocities",   useVelocities  ))
testPathStartNo = int(ph.getParam( "testPathStartNo", testPathStartNo  ))
fromSim         = int(ph.getParam( "fromSim",         fromSim  )) 
toSim           = int(ph.getParam( "toSim",           toSim  ))
randSeed        = int(ph.getParam( "randSeed",        randSeed )) 
simSizeLow      = int(ph.getParam( "simSizeLow",      simSizeLow )) 
upRes           = int(ph.getParam( "upRes",           upRes ))
outputInputs    = int(ph.getParam( "outInputs",       outputInputs)) 

# initialize
Exemplo n.º 6
# Main params  ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
steps = 200
savedata = True
saveppm = False
simNo = 1000  # start ID
showGui = 0
basePath = '../data/'
npSeedstr = "-1"

# debugging
#steps = 50       # shorter test
#savedata = False # debug , dont write...
#showGui  = 1

basePath = ph.getParam("basePath", basePath)
npSeedstr = ph.getParam("npSeed", npSeedstr)
npSeed = int(npSeedstr)

# Scene settings  ---------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Solver params  ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
res = 64
dim = 2
offset = 20

scaleFactor = 4
#ratio       = 1.2
Exemplo n.º 7
# Copyright 2018 You Xie, Erik Franz, Mengyu Chu, Nils Thuerey
# Plume data generation, 3D

from manta import *
import os, shutil, math, sys, time
from datetime import datetime
import paramhelpers as ph
import uniio

outputpath = "../3ddata_sim_test/"  # default target, but actual path set by getNextSimPath below
simNo = 3006
outputpath, simNo = ph.getNextSimPath(simNo, outputpath)
basePath = ph.getParam("basePath", "../data/")
savedata = int(ph.getParam("savedata", 1)) > 0

def cubeSetup(len, setupFactor, dim):
    res = int(setupFactor * len)
    gs = vec3(res, res, res)
    if (dim == 2): gs.z = 1  # 2D test

    mainDt = 0.5
    s = FluidSolver(name='main', gridSize=gs, dim=dim)
    s.timestep = mainDt / int(setupFactor)

    vel = s.create(MACGrid)
    flags = s.create(FlagGrid)
    density = s.create(RealGrid)
Exemplo n.º 8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, math, sys
import scipy.misc, numpy as np
import numpy as np
from os.path import basename
import paramhelpers as ph
from manta import *

file_type = r"npz"
folder = '/home/roseyu/Documents/manta/saves/seq2seq/'  # npz file path
folder = ph.getParam("folder", folder)
print("Converting ", file_type, " to ppm!")

sz = vec3(64, 64, 64)  # simulation resolution
sz.z = 1  #2D
Sl = Solver(name='sl', gridSize=sz, dim=2)
Gd = Sl.create(RealGrid)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
    for f in sorted(files):
        if f.endswith(".npz") <= 0: continue
        filepath = os.path.join(root, f)
        nparray = np.copy(
        )  # we usually use "arr_0", np copy is usually good to avoid non-standard view
        # check image/video
        n_imgs = nparray.shape[0]
        for i in range(n_imgs):
            copyArrayToGridReal(nparray[i, ], Gd)
            new_fname = os.path.splitext(
                basename(f))[0] + "_" + str(i) + ".ppm"
Exemplo n.º 9
steps = 120
simNo = 1000  # start ID
showGui = 0
basePath = '../data3d_growing/'
npSeedstr = "-1"
dim = 3

# Solver params
res = 64
resetN = 1
saveEveryK = 2
targettimestep = 0.5
wup = 10 + np.random.randint(6)

# cmd line
basePath = ph.getParam("basepath", basePath)
npSeedstr = ph.getParam("seed", npSeedstr)
npSeed = int(npSeedstr)
resetN = int(ph.getParam("reset", resetN))
dim = int(ph.getParam("dim", dim))
simMode = int(ph.getParam("mode", 1))  # 1 = double sim, 2 = wlt
savenpz = int(ph.getParam("savenpz", False)) > 0
saveuni = int(ph.getParam("saveuni", True)) > 0
saveppm = int(ph.getParam("saveppm", False)) > 0
showGui = int(ph.getParam("gui", showGui))
res = int(ph.getParam("res", res))
steps = int(ph.getParam("steps", steps))
timeOffset = int(ph.getParam("warmup",
                             wup))  # skip certain no of steps at beginning
scaleFactorMin = int(ph.getParam("minUpRes", 2))
scaleFactorMax = int(ph.getParam("maxUpRes", 8))
Exemplo n.º 10
import paramhelpers as ph
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QSlider
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui
import PyQt5.QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QImage, QPainter
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
import cv2

img_data_path = ph.getParam("img_data_path", "../../data/test1")
width = int(ph.getParam("width", 0))
height = int(ph.getParam("height", 0))

class BtnLabel(QLabel):
    global my_dialog

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(BtnLabel, self).__init__(parent)

        self.if_mouse_press = False
        self.segment_status = False
        self.dir_status = False
        self.pix = QPixmap()  #empty painterdevice
        self.tempix = QPixmap()  #empty temporary painterdevice
Exemplo n.º 11
from scipy import misc
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import paramhelpers as ph
import matplotlib.image as image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from PIL import Image


def get_theta_map():
    for i in range (shape_here[0]):
        for j in range  (shape_here[1]):

Exemplo n.º 12
# for conv_trans nets, the output tiles have to be created in the same batch size
is_convolution_transpose_network = False

# ---------------------------------------------

# load an existing model when load_ values > -1
# when training , manually abort when it's good enough
# then enter test_XXXX id and model checkpoint ID below to load

loadModelTest = -1
loadModelNo = -1
testPathStartNo = 1

# command line params, explanations mostly above with variables
outputOnly = int(ph.getParam("out", outputOnly)) > 0
trainingEpochs = int(ph.getParam("trainingEpochs", trainingEpochs))
loadModelTest = int(ph.getParam("loadModelTest", loadModelTest))
loadModelNo = int(ph.getParam("loadModelNo", loadModelNo))
basePath = ph.getParam("basePath", basePath)
useVelocities = int(ph.getParam("useVelocities", useVelocities))
testPathStartNo = int(ph.getParam("testPathStartNo", testPathStartNo))
fromSim = int(ph.getParam("fromSim", fromSim))
toSim = int(ph.getParam("toSim", toSim))
alwaysSave = int(
    ph.getParam("alwaysSave", False)
)  # by default, only save checkpoint when cost is lower, can be turned off here
randSeed = int(ph.getParam("randSeed", randSeed))
simSizeLow = int(ph.getParam("simSizeLow", simSizeLow))
upRes = int(ph.getParam("upRes", upRes))
fileFormat = ph.getParam("fileFormat", fileFormat)  # create pngs for inputs
Exemplo n.º 13
#get low resolution data set by gauss filtering the high resolution and interpolation the blur result to low resolution version.
# maybe there are some smoothing filter and the interpolation method's combination. What is the best for the recovering(super resolution problem)

#from scipy import misc
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import paramhelpers as ph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

data_path = ph.getParam("data_path", '../SWE_solver/data/data_velocity_2')
index_begin = int(ph.getParam("index_begin", 0))
index_end = int(ph.getParam("index_end", 20))
frame_num_per_sim = int(ph.getParam("frame_num_per_sim", 120))
scale = float(ph.getParam("scale", 4.0))
size_sim_high = int(ph.getParam("size_sim_high", 256))
size_sim_low = int(ph.getParam("size_sim_low", 64))
interp = ph.getParam("interp", 'bicubic')

sigma = scale / 2.0 / math.sqrt(math.pi)
kernal_size = (int(6 * sigma + 1), int(6 * sigma + 1))

file_name = open(data_path + "/log.txt", 'a')
print >> file_name, "data_path: %s" % data_path
print >> file_name, "index_begin: %d" % index_begin
print >> file_name, "index_end: %d" % index_end
print >> file_name, "frame_num_per_sim: %d" % frame_num_per_sim
print >> file_name, "scale: %f" % scale
Exemplo n.º 14
import numpy as np
import os
import faulthandler

import tensorflow as tf
# load manta tools
import tilecreator_t as tc
import uniio
import fluiddataloader as FDL
import paramhelpers as ph
from GAN import GAN, lrelu

# initialize parameters / command line params
outputOnly = int(ph.getParam(
    "out", False)) > 0  # output/generation mode, main mode switch

basePath = ph.getParam("basePath", '../2ddata_gan/')
randSeed = int(ph.getParam("randSeed", 1))  # seed for np and tf initialization
load_model_test_1 = int(
    ph.getParam("load_model_test_1", -1)
)  # the number of the test to load a model from. can be used in training and output mode. -1 to not load a model
load_model_test_2 = int(
    ph.getParam("load_model_test_2", -1)
)  # the number of the test to load a model from. can be used in training and output mode. -1 to not load a model
load_model_test_3 = int(
    ph.getParam("load_model_test_3", -1)
)  # the number of the test to load a model from. can be used in training and output mode. -1 to not load a model
load_model_no_1 = int(ph.getParam("load_model_no_1",
                                  -1))  # nubmber of the model to load
load_model_no_2 = int(ph.getParam("load_model_no_2",
Exemplo n.º 15
# optional, add velocity as additional channels to input?
useVelocities   = 0

# ---------------------------------------------

# load an existing model when load_ values > -1
# when training , manually abort when it's good enough
# then enter test_XXXX id and model checkpoint ID below to load

loadModelTest = -1
loadModelNo   = -1
testPathStartNo = 1

# command line params
outputOnly      = int(ph.getParam( "out",             outputOnly ))>0
trainingEpochs  = int(ph.getParam( "trainingEpochs",  trainingEpochs ))
loadModelTest   = int(ph.getParam( "loadModelTest",   loadModelTest))
loadModelNo     = int(ph.getParam( "loadModelNo",     loadModelNo))
basePath        =     ph.getParam( "basePath",        basePath        )
useVelocities   = int(ph.getParam( "useVelocities",   useVelocities  ))
testPathStartNo = int(ph.getParam( "testPathStartNo", testPathStartNo  ))
fromSim         = int(ph.getParam( "fromSim",         fromSim  )) # range of sim data to use
toSim           = int(ph.getParam( "toSim",           toSim  ))
alwaysSave      = int(ph.getParam( "alwaysSave",      False  )) # by default, only save when cost is lower, can be turned off here
randSeed        = int(ph.getParam( "randSeed",        randSeed )) 
simSizeLow      = int(ph.getParam( "simSizeLow",      simSizeLow )) 
upRes           = int(ph.getParam( "upRes",           upRes ))
fileFormat      =     ph.getParam( "fileFormat",      fileFormat) # either npz or uni
Exemplo n.º 16
import paramhelpers as ph

# Main params  ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
steps = 100
simNo = 1000  # start ID
showGui = 0
basePath = '../test_data/'
npSeedstr = "-1"
dim = 2

# Solver params
res = 64

# cmd line
basePath = ph.getParam("basepath", basePath)
npSeedstr = ph.getParam("seed", npSeedstr)
npSeed = int(npSeedstr)
dim = int(ph.getParam("dim", dim))
savenpz = int(ph.getParam("savenpz", False)) > 0
saveuni = int(ph.getParam("saveuni", False)) > 0
saveppm = int(ph.getParam("saveppm", False)) > 0
showGui = int(ph.getParam("gui", showGui))
res = int(ph.getParam("res", res))
steps = int(ph.getParam("steps", steps))
setDt = float(ph.getParam("dt", 1))
frameLen = float(ph.getParam("frameLen", 3.0))
timeOffset = int(ph.getParam("warmup",
                             5))  # skip certain no of frames at beginning
Exemplo n.º 17
useVelocities = 0

# load pressure as reference data (instead of density by default)
outputPressure = 0
outputDataName = ''  # name of data to be regressed; by default, does nothing (density), e.g. if output data is pressure set to "pressure"
bWidth = -1  # special: boundaryWidth to be cut away, in line with "bWidth" in manta scene files

# previous test to load (id X for test_X dir)
loadModelTest = -1
loadModelNo = -1  # specific saved model to load, searches for latest by default
testPathStartNo = 1

# ---------------------------------------------

# command line params, explanations mostly above with variables
outputOnly = int(ph.getParam("out", outputOnly)) > 0
trainingEpochs = int(ph.getParam("trainingEpochs", trainingEpochs))
loadModelTest = int(ph.getParam("loadModelTest", loadModelTest))
loadModelNo = int(ph.getParam("loadModelNo", loadModelNo))
basePath = ph.getParam("basePath", basePath)
useDensity = int(ph.getParam("useDensity", useDensity))
useVelocities = int(ph.getParam("useVelocities", useVelocities))
outputPressure = int(ph.getParam("outputPressure", outputPressure))
testPathStartNo = int(ph.getParam("testPathStartNo", testPathStartNo))
fromSim = int(ph.getParam("fromSim", fromSim))
toSim = int(ph.getParam("toSim", toSim))
alwaysSave = int(
    ph.getParam("alwaysSave", False)
)  # by default, only save checkpoint when cost is lower, can be turned off here
randSeed = int(ph.getParam("randSeed", randSeed))
simSizeLow = int(ph.getParam("simSizeLow", simSizeLow))
Exemplo n.º 18
import paramhelpers as ph

#os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
show all info #1
only show all warning and error #2
only show all error #3

# main parameter 

# this is for getting training data

#for example, 6-7 0-12

get_model=int(ph.getParam("get_model",0)) #0# state of the pipeline
learning_rate_ori=float(ph.getParam("learning_rate_ori",0.0002))#0.00001 #0.0002
#main file location parameter 
data_path=ph.getParam("data_path",'./SWE_solver/data/') #"./SWE_solver/data/" # include the test & train dir
log_path=ph.getParam("log_path",'./log/')#"./log/" # print and save the log file 
model_path=ph.getParam("model_path",'./model/')#"./model/" # save the model 
test_path=ph.getParam("test_path",'./test/')#"./test/"# save the generator's results on the test data sets which is located in the "./data/test/" directory
k1=float(ph.getParam("k1",0.1))#0.1 #5.0 #weight of l1 term on generator loss
k2=float(ph.getParam("k2",0.1))#0.1 #1.0 #weight of layer_loss term on generator loss
k2_l1=float(ph.getParam("k2_l1",0.00001))#0.00001 #weight of l1 layer_loss term on gen loss
k2_l2=float(ph.getParam("k2_l2",0.00001))#0.00001 #weight of l2 layer_loss term on gen loss
k2_l3=float(ph.getParam("k2_l3",0.00001))#0.00001 #weight of l3 layer_loss term on gen loss
Exemplo n.º 19
# Main params  ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
steps = 120
simNo = 1000  # start ID
showGui = 1
basePath = '../data/'
npSeedstr = "-1"
dim = 2

# Solver params
res = 64
scaleFactor = 4
resetN = 1

# cmd line
basePath = ph.getParam("basepath", basePath)
npSeedstr = ph.getParam("seed", npSeedstr)
npSeed = int(npSeedstr)
resetN = int(ph.getParam("reset", resetN))
dim = int(ph.getParam("dim", dim))
simMode = int(ph.getParam("mode", 1))  # 1 = double sim, 2 = wlt
savenpz = int(ph.getParam("savenpz", False)) > 0
saveuni = int(ph.getParam("saveuni", False)) > 0
saveppm = int(ph.getParam("saveppm", False)) > 0
showGui = int(ph.getParam("gui", showGui))
res = int(ph.getParam("res", res))
scaleFactor = int(ph.getParam("fac", scaleFactor))
steps = int(ph.getParam("steps", steps))
timeOffset = int(ph.getParam("warmup",
                             20))  # skip certain no of steps at beginning
Exemplo n.º 20
from scipy import misc
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import paramhelpers as ph
import matplotlib.image as image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from PIL import Image

def get_theta_map():


    #write the sparse theta map into vtk for vector visualization
    f = open(img_data_path+"/sparse_theta_map_origin.vtk",'w')
    f.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n')
    f.write('POINTS '+str(mat_shape[0]*mat_shape[1])+' double\n')