Exemplo n.º 1
 def add_parm(self, parm, name=None):
     """ Add a parm to the list """
     # Make sure this parm is not part of the list already
     if isinstance(parm, string_types):
         name = parm
         if name in self._parm_names:
             raise DuplicateParm('%s already in ParmList' % name)
             parm = load_file(name, structure=True)
         except FormatNotFound:
             raise ParmError('Could not determine file type of %s' % name)
         if not isinstance(parm, Structure):
             raise ParmError('Added parm must be Structure or a subclass')
     elif not isinstance(parm, Structure):
         raise ParmError('Added parm must be Structure or a subclass')
         name = name or str(parm)
         if name in self._parm_names:
             raise DuplicateParm('%s already in ParmList' % parm)
     # Otherwise, add in the new parm's name
     # A newly added topology file is the currently active parm
     self.current_index = len(self._parm_instances) - 1
     self.parm = parm
Exemplo n.º 2
 def add_parm(self, parm, name=None):
     """ Add a parm to the list """
     # Make sure this parm is not part of the list already
     if isinstance(parm, string_types):
         name = parm
         if name in self._parm_names:
             raise DuplicateParm('%s already in ParmList' % name)
             parm = load_file(name, structure=True)
         except FormatNotFound:
             raise ParmError('Could not determine file type of %s' % name)
         if not isinstance(parm, Structure):
             raise ParmError('Added parm must be Structure or a subclass')
     elif not isinstance(parm, Structure):
         raise ParmError('Added parm must be Structure or a subclass')
         name = name or str(parm)
         if name in self._parm_names:
             raise DuplicateParm('%s already in ParmList' % parm)
     # Otherwise, add in the new parm's name
     # A newly added topology file is the currently active parm
     self.current_index = len(self._parm_instances) - 1
     self.parm = parm
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, fname, seq=None):
     super(XyzFile, self).__init__()
     if isinstance(fname, string_types):
         fxyz = genopen(fname, 'r')
         own_handle_xyz = True
         fxyz = fname
         own_handle_xyz = False
     if seq is not None:
         seqstruct = load_file(seq)
     # Now parse the file
         natom = int(fxyz.readline().split()[0])
     except (ValueError, IndexError):
         raise TinkerError('Bad XYZ file format; first line')
     if seq is not None and natom != len(seqstruct.atoms):
         raise ValueError(
             'Sequence file %s # of atoms does not match the # '
             'of atoms in the XYZ file' % seq)
     words = fxyz.readline().split()
     if len(words) == 6 and not XyzFile._check_atom_record(words):
         self.box = [float(w) for w in words]
         words = fxyz.readline().split()
     atom = Atom(atomic_number=AtomicNum[element_by_name(words[1])],
     atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = [float(w) for w in words[2:5]]
     residue = Residue('SYS')
     residue.number = 1
     residue._idx = 0
     if seq is not None:
         residue = seqstruct.residues[0]
     self.add_atom(atom, residue.name, residue.number, residue.chain,
                   residue.insertion_code, residue.segid)
     bond_ids = [[int(w) for w in words[6:]]]
     for i, line in enumerate(fxyz):
         words = line.split()
         atom = Atom(atomic_number=AtomicNum[element_by_name(words[1])],
         atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = [float(w) for w in words[2:5]]
         if seq is not None:
             residue = seqstruct.atoms[i + 1].residue
         self.add_atom(atom, residue.name, residue.number, residue.chain,
                       residue.insertion_code, residue.segid)
         bond_ids.append([int(w) for w in words[6:]])
     # All of the bonds are stored now -- go ahead and make them now
     for atom, bonds in zip(self.atoms, bond_ids):
         i = atom.idx + 1
         for idx in bonds:
             if idx > i:
                 self.bonds.append(Bond(atom, self.atoms[idx - 1]))
     if own_handle_xyz:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _amber_to_gromacs(self):

        # Load prmtop and inpcrd as a Structure
        parmstruct = load_file(self.outprefix + ".prmtop",
                               xyz=self.outprefix + ".inpcrd",

        # Save .gro coordinate file
        GromacsGroFile.write(struct=parmstruct, dest=self.outprefix + ".gro")

        # Save .top topology and parameter file
        grotop = GromacsTopologyFile.from_structure(parmstruct, copy=False)
        grotop.write(dest=self.outprefix + ".top", parameters="inline")
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, fname, seq=None):
     super(XyzFile, self).__init__()
     if isinstance(fname, string_types):
         fxyz = genopen(fname, 'r')
         own_handle_xyz = True
         fxyz = fname
         own_handle_xyz = False
     if seq is not None:
         seqstruct = load_file(seq)
     # Now parse the file
         natom = int(fxyz.readline().split()[0])
     except (ValueError, IndexError):
         raise TinkerError('Bad XYZ file format; first line')
     if seq is not None and natom != len(seqstruct.atoms):
         raise ValueError('Sequence file %s # of atoms does not match the # '
                          'of atoms in the XYZ file' % seq)
     words = fxyz.readline().split()
     if len(words) == 6 and not XyzFile._check_atom_record(words):
         self.box = [float(w) for w in words]
         words = fxyz.readline().split()
     atom = Atom(atomic_number=AtomicNum[element_by_name(words[1])],
                 name=words[1], type=words[5])
     atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = [float(w) for w in words[2:5]]
     residue = Residue('SYS')
     residue.number = 1
     residue._idx = 0
     if seq is not None:
         residue = seqstruct.residues[0]
     self.add_atom(atom, residue.name, residue.number, residue.chain,
                   residue.insertion_code, residue.segid)
     bond_ids = [[int(w) for w in words[6:]]]
     for i, line in enumerate(fxyz):
         words = line.split()
         atom = Atom(atomic_number=AtomicNum[element_by_name(words[1])],
                     name=words[1], type=words[5])
         atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = [float(w) for w in words[2:5]]
         if seq is not None:
             residue = seqstruct.atoms[i+1].residue
         self.add_atom(atom, residue.name, residue.number, residue.chain,
                       residue.insertion_code, residue.segid)
         bond_ids.append([int(w) for w in words[6:]])
     # All of the bonds are stored now -- go ahead and make them now
     for atom, bonds in zip(self.atoms, bond_ids):
         i = atom.idx + 1
         for idx in bonds:
             if idx > i:
                 self.bonds.append(Bond(atom, self.atoms[idx-1]))
     if own_handle_xyz:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _prmtop_to_charmm(self):
        Converts an AMBER prmtop with AMBER parameters to a psf file,
        using ParmEd.
        # Save PSF topology and parameter file
        parmstruct = load_file(self.outprefix + ".prmtop",
                               xyz=self.outprefix + ".inpcrd",
        parmstruct.save(self.outprefix + ".psf", format="psf")

        # Save PDB file with coordinates
        m = molecule.load("parm7", self.outprefix + ".prmtop", "rst7",
                          self.outprefix + ".inpcrd")
        atomsel("all", m).write("pdb", self.outprefix + ".pdb")
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_gromacs_amber(tmpdir):
    from dabble.param import GromacsWriter

    p = str(tmpdir)
    molid = molecule.load("mae", os.path.join(dir, "prepped.mae"))
    w = GromacsWriter(molid,
                          os.path.join(dir, "glx.off"),
                          os.path.join(dir, "lyx.off")
                          os.path.join(dir, "join.frcmod"),
                          os.path.join(dir, "analogies.frcmod")
    w.write(os.path.join(p, "test"))

    # Load and check the output file
    m2 = molecule.load("gro", os.path.join(p, "test.gro"))

    # Check the two custom residues are present
    assert len(atomsel("resname GLX")) == 7
    assert len(atomsel("resname LYX")) == 20

    # Check that the isopeptide bond is there
    lybonds = []
    for x in atomsel("resname LYX").bonds:
    assert any(x in lybonds for x in atomsel("resname GLX").index)

    # Check the parameterized file with parmed API
    from parmed.formats.registry import load_file
    f = load_file(os.path.join(p, "test.top"))

    assert f.residues[153].name == "GLX"
    assert "n2" in [_.type for _ in f.residues[153].atoms]
    assert "n2" not in [_.type for _ in f.residues[152].atoms]
    assert "N" in [_.type for _ in f.residues[152].atoms]