#:: Modified date: 2019-11-30
#:: Description: This file is a workspace for assetGraph creation.

import sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import gmtime, strftime
from pivx import *
from mongoDB import *
from parseGraphs import parseGraph

db = database
collectionForBlocks = "blocks"

# Init Classes;
PG = parseGraph(assetTicker, fileForBlockchainSize, genesisBlock)
MC = mongoConnection(mongoAuth, db, collectionForBlocks)

# Find Last unixTime value in a working json file;
lU = PG.parseBlockchainSizeFindLastValueTime()
if lU == 'FileWasEmpty!':
    lU = PG.parseBlockchainSizeFindLastValueTime()
    print("Warning, file was empty, init zero params!")

# Find the same but in MongoDB;
lastBlockByUnixTime = MC.findLastBlockTime(collectionForBlocks, lU)

# Last Block value in mongoDB;
findLastBlock = MC.findLastBlock(collectionForBlocks)

# Init Global while vars;
Exemplo n.º 2
#:: Modified date: 2019-12-03
#:: Description: This file is a workspace for assetGraph creation.

import sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import gmtime, strftime
from tron import *
from mongoDB import *
from parseGraphs import parseGraph

db = database
collectionForHistoricalPrices = "historicalPriceData"

# Init Classes;
PG = parseGraph(assetTicker, fileForVolume, genesisBlock)
MC = mongoConnection(mongoAuth, db, collectionForHistoricalPrices)

# Find Last unixTime value in a working json file;
lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
if lU == 'FileWasEmpty!':
    lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
    print("Warning, file was empty, init zero params!")

# Find the same but in MongoDB;
lastUnixTimeinDB = MC.findLastPriceDataUnixTime(collectionForHistoricalPrices)

while True:
    lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
    unixTime = MC.findLastPriceGtThan(collectionForHistoricalPrices, lU)
    if unixTime == 'Empty':
Exemplo n.º 3
#:: Modified date: 2019-12-03
#:: Description: This file is a workspace for assetGraph creation.

import sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import gmtime, strftime
from vitae import *
from mongoDB import *
from parseGraphs import parseGraph

db = database
collectionForPrices = "priceDataUSD"

# Init Classes;
PG = parseGraph(assetTicker, fileForPrice, genesisBlock)
MC = mongoConnection(mongoAuth, db, collectionForPrices)

# Find Last unixTime value in a working json file;
lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
if lU == 'FileWasEmpty!':
    lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
    print("Warning, file was empty, init zero params!")

# Find the same but in MongoDB;
lastUnixTimeinDB = MC.findLastPriceDataUnixTime(collectionForPrices)

while True:
    lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
    unixTime = MC.findLastPriceGtThan(collectionForPrices, lU)
    if unixTime == 'Empty':
#:: Modified date: 2019-11-30
#:: Description: This file is a workspace for assetGraph creation.

import sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import gmtime, strftime
from bare import *
from mongoDB import *
from parseGraphs import parseGraph

db = database
collectionForBlocks = "blocks"

# Init Classes;
PG = parseGraph(assetTicker, fileForDifficulty, genesisBlock)
MC = mongoConnection(mongoAuth, db, collectionForBlocks)

# Find Last unixTime value in a working json file;
lU = PG.parseDifficultyFindLastValue()
if lU == 'FileWasEmpty!':
	lU = PG.parseDifficultyFindLastValue()
	print "Warning, file was empty, init zero params!"

while True:
	lU = PG.parseDifficultyFindLastValue()
	lastProgress = MC.findLastDiffbyTime(collectionForBlocks, lU)
	averageBlkMinus = (86400 - int(blockTime))
	lastProgress = (lastProgress + averageBlkMinus)
	diffRes = MC.findDiffGtThan(collectionForBlocks, lastProgress)
#:: Modified date: 2019-12-03
#:: Description: This file is a workspace for assetGraph creation.

import sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import gmtime, strftime
from bitcore import *
from mongoDB import *
from parseGraphs import parseGraph

db = database
collectionForPrices = "priceDataUSD"

# Init Classes;
PG = parseGraph(assetTicker, fileForMarketCap, genesisBlock)
MC = mongoConnection(mongoAuth, db, collectionForPrices)

# Find Last unixTime value in a working json file;
lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
if lU == 'FileWasEmpty!':
    lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
    print("Warning, file was empty, init zero params!")

# Find the same but in MongoDB;
lastUnixTimeinDB = MC.findLastPriceDataUnixTime(collectionForPrices)

while True:
    lU = PG.parsePriceFindLastValue(coinGeckoStartUnixTime)
    unixTime = MC.findLastPriceGtThan(collectionForPrices, lU)
    if unixTime == 'Empty':
Exemplo n.º 6
#:: Modified date: 2019-12-03
#:: Description: This file is a workspace for assetGraph creation.

import sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import gmtime, strftime
from bitcoincash import *
from mongoDB import *
from parseGraphs import parseGraph

db = database
collectionForBlocks = "blocks"

# Init Classes;
PG = parseGraph(assetTicker, fileForBlockCount, genesisBlock)
MC = mongoConnection(mongoAuth, db, collectionForBlocks)

# Find Last unixTime value in a working json file;
lU = PG.parseBlocksFindLastValue()
if lU == 'FileWasEmpty!':
	lU = PG.parseBlocksFindLastValue()
	print "Warning, file was empty, init zero params!"

# Find the same but in MongoDB;
lastBlockByUnixTime = MC.findLastBlockTime(collectionForBlocks, lU)

# Last Block value in mongoDB;
findLastBlock = MC.findLastBlock(collectionForBlocks)
Exemplo n.º 7
import sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import gmtime, strftime
from groestlcoin import *

from mongoDB import *
from parseGraphs import parseGraph

db = database
collectionForBlocks = "blocks"
collectionForWalletsProgress = "txidsProgress"
collectionForWallets = "wallets"

# Init Classes;
PG = parseGraph(assetTicker, fileForActiveWalletsCount, genesisBlock)
MC = mongoConnection(mongoAuth, db, collectionForBlocks)

# Find Last unixTime value in a working json file;
lU = PG.parseActiveWalletsFindLastValue()
if lU == 'FileWasEmpty!':
    lU = PG.parseActiveWalletsFindLastValue()
    print("Warning, file was empty, init zero params!")

lP = MC.findLastTxidProgress(collectionForWalletsProgress)

while True:
    lU = PG.parseActiveWalletsFindLastValue()
    lastProgress = MC.findLastActiveWalletsbyTime(collectionForBlocks, lU)
    averageBlkMinus = (86400 - int(blockTime))
    lastProgress = (lastProgress + averageBlkMinus)
Exemplo n.º 8
#:: Modified date: 2019-11-30
#:: Description: This file is a workspace for assetGraph creation.

import sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import gmtime, strftime
from deviantcoin import *
from mongoDB import *
from parseGraphs import parseGraph

db = database
collectionForBlocks = "blocks"

# Init Classes;
PG = parseGraph(assetTicker, fileForTransactions, genesisBlock)
MC = mongoConnection(mongoAuth, db, collectionForBlocks)

# Find Last unixTime value in a working json file;
lU = PG.parseTransactionsFindLastValue()
if lU == 'FileWasEmpty!':
	lU = PG.parseTransactionsFindLastValue()
	print "Warning, file was empty, init zero params!"

# Find the same but in MongoDB;
lastBlockByUnixTime = MC.findLastBlockTime(collectionForBlocks, lU)

# Last Block value in mongoDB;
findLastBlock = MC.findLastBlock(collectionForBlocks)

# Init Global while vars;