Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_changing_config_values(self):
     settings = Settings()
     test_val = 'OUTPUT_PATH'
     path = settings.get(test_val)
     new_path = pjoin(path, 'subdir')
     settings.set(test_val, new_path)
     self.assertEqual(settings.get(test_val), new_path)
     # test exporting value and reading in the change value, too
     config = None
     with open(self.settings2, 'r') as conf:
         config, _ = read_config(conf)
     self.assertEqual(config.get(test_val), new_path)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_changing_config_values(self):
     settings = Settings()
     test_val = 'OUTPUT_PATH'
     path = settings.get(test_val)
     new_path = pjoin(path, 'subdir')
     settings.set(test_val, new_path)
     self.assertEqual(settings.get(test_val), new_path)
     # test exporting value and reading in the change value, too
     config = None
     with open(self.settings2, 'r') as conf:
         config, _ = read_config(conf)
     self.assertEqual(config.get(test_val), new_path)
def main():
    """Main function: process all information, prepare simulation process, submit jobs"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Submit simulations on blaster, configuration '
                                     'is done via a config file "sim_settings" in ~ or . '
                                     'and/or a list of command line arguments')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', nargs=1, metavar='config_file',
                        dest='config',# required=True,
                        type=lambda x: is_valid_file(parser, x),
                        help='Optional: Specify a custom config file')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', nargs=1, metavar='output_directory',
                        type=lambda x: is_valid_dir(parser, x),
                        help='Optional: Custom output directory')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--ant-pluto', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='Ant-pluto binary path',
                        help='Optional: If the Ant-pluto binary can\'t be found in your'
                        '$PATH variable, use this option to specify the path manually')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', nargs='?', const=True,
                        help='List the amount of existing files per channel'
                        'in the output directory and exit; if "all" is specified'
                        'as an optional argument the amount of events will be listed')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--example-config', nargs='?', const='example_settings',
                        help='Export an example of default settings and exit. '
                        'If no file is specified, the output will be written to "example_settings"')
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--walltime', type=int, nargs=1, metavar='walltime',
                        help='Walltime for jobs, time in hours')
    parser.add_argument('-q', '--queue', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='queue',
                        help='Queue which should be used for the jobs')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
                        help='Force creation of directories if they do not exist'
                        'or overwrite existing files')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
                        help='Print additional output')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    verbose = args.verbose
    force = args.force

    settings = None
    if args.example_config:
        print_color('[INFO] Write example settings to file "%s"' % args.example_config, 'BLUE')
        settings = Settings()
        if not settings.export(args.example_config, force):
            print_error('[ERROR] Creating example settings "%s" failed.' % args.example_config)

    config = None
    channels = []
    if args.config:
        config = args.config[0]
        if verbose:
            print('Use config file %s' % config)
        if verbose:
            print('Try to find a default config file')
        config = find_config(verbose=verbose)
        if not config:
            print_color('No config file found, use default values.', 'YELLOW')
            settings = Settings()
    if config:
        print_color('The config file "%s" will be used.' % config, 'BLUE')
        if verbose:
            print('Read config file %s' % config)
        with open(config, 'r') as conf:
            settings, channels = read_config(conf)

    if args.list:
        if verbose and args.list == 'all':
            print('Trying to determine the total amount of simulated events')
        if args.output:
            settings.set('OUTPUT_PATH', get_path(args.output[0]))
        list_file_amount(settings, args.list == 'all')

    if verbose:
        print('The following settings will be used:')
        if channels:
            print('The following channels have been found:')

    if args.output:
        if not check_path(args.output[0], force):
            sys.exit('The output directory %s cannot be used' % args.output[0])
        output = get_path(args.output[0])
        print_color('Setting custom output directory: %s' % output, 'GREEN')
        settings.set('OUTPUT_PATH', output)

    ant_pluto = ''
    if args.ant_pluto:
        ant_pluto = args.ant_pluto[0]
        print_color('Use custom Ant-pluto path %s' % ant_pluto, 'GREEN')

    if not check_directories(settings, ant_pluto, force, verbose):

    pluto, tid, geant = check_binaries(settings, ant_pluto, verbose)
    if not pluto or not tid or not geant:

    if not channels:
        print_color('[Warning] No channels specified in the config file', 'YELLOW')
        channels = simulation_dialogue()
        if not channels:
            sys.exit('No channels entered for simulation, exiting.')

    if args.walltime:
        print_color('Setting custom walltime to %d hours' % args.walltime[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('WALLTIME', args.walltime[0])
    if args.queue:
        print_color('Setting custom queue to %s' % args.queue[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('QUEUE', args.queue[0])

    if verbose:
        print('This are the updated settings:')

    if verbose:
        print('Determining the existing amount of files...')
    simulation = []
    for channel in channels:
        decay_string = get_decay_string(channel[0])
        max_number = check_simulation_files(settings, decay_string)
        simulation.append([decay_string, channel[0], channel[1], channel[2], max_number])

    print_color(str(len(simulation)) + ' channels configured. '
                'The following simulation will take place:', 'BLUE')
    total_files, total_events = 0, 0
    for channel, _, files, events, _ in simulation:
        total = files*events
        print("{0:<20s} {1:>4d} files per {2:>4s} events (total {3:>4s} events)"
              .format(format_channel(channel), files, unit_prefix(events), unit_prefix(total)))
        total_files += files
        total_events += total
    print(" Total %s events in %d files" % (unit_prefix(total_events), total_files))
    print(" Files will be stored in " + settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'))

    # start the job submission
    print('Start submitting jobs, total', total_files)
    submit_jobs(settings, simulation, pluto, tid, geant, total_files)
    print_color('Done!', 'GREEN')
Exemplo n.º 4
                    text_key: str,
                    out_file: Path,
                    aug_config: Dict,
                    original_key: str = 'original'):
    with find_free_file(out_file).open("x") as ostream:
        # Dump config so it will be easy to know how data was augmented
        for entry in tqdm(data):
            # Save original example:
            example = entry[text_key]
            variants = augmenter.augment(example)
            if isinstance(variants, str):
                variants = [variants]
            for var in variants:
                new_entry = copy(entry)
                new_entry.update({text_key: var, original_key: False})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parse_args()
    pipeline = build_augmentation_pipeline(args.config)
    config = read_config(args.config)
    data = read_original_data(args.input_json)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_read_config(self):
     config = None
     with open(self.settings, 'r') as conf:
         config, _ = read_config(conf)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_read_config(self):
     config = None
     with open(self.settings, 'r') as conf:
         config, _ = read_config(conf)
Exemplo n.º 7
        return set_clean_up

        print ("remove_interval exceeds expected value - stopping now")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config_file = get_argv.get_argv(argv)
    list_of_sources = []
    news_list = []

        config = parse_config.read_config(config_file)
        connection = database.prepare_db(config)
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        for key in config["sources"]:
            feed = get_feed(config["sources"][key])
            new_list = extract_news(feed, key, config)
            news_list.append(check_for_dubs(cursor, new_list, key))

        sorted_news = sort_news_list(news_list)

        if sorted_news:
            append_to_buffer(cursor, sorted_news)
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    """Main function: process all information, prepare simulation process, submit jobs"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Submit simulations on blaster, configuration '
                                     'is done via a config file "sim_settings" in ~ or . '
                                     'and/or a list of command line arguments')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', nargs=1, metavar='config_file',
                        dest='config',# required=True,
                        type=lambda x: is_valid_file(parser, x),
                        help='Optional: Specify a custom config file')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', nargs=1, metavar='output_directory',
                        type=lambda x: is_valid_dir(parser, x),
                        help='Optional: Custom output directory')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--generator', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='MC generator binary',
                        help='Optional: If the generator binary is not specified in the config '
                        'or should be overwritten, use this option to specify the binary manually')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--path-generator', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='MC generator binary path',
                        help='Optional: If the generator binary (e.g. Ant-pluto) can\'t be found '
                        'in your $PATH variable, use this option to specify the path manually')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', nargs='?', const=True,
                        help='List the amount of existing files per channel '
                        'in the output directory and exit; if "all" is specified '
                        'as an optional argument the amount of events will be listed')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--example-config', nargs='?', const='example_settings',
                        help='Export an example of default settings and exit. '
                        'If no file is specified, the output will be written to "example_settings"')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--add-flags', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='"Additional flags"',
                        help='Optional: Define additional flags which will be passed to the '
                        'MC generator. Flags defined in the settings file will be overwritten. '
                        'All additional flags must be given as one quoted string!')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='Job Tag',
                        help='Optional: Specify a job tag, default is Sim')
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--walltime', type=int, nargs=1, metavar='walltime',
                        help='Walltime for jobs, time in hours')
    parser.add_argument('-q', '--queue', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='queue',
                        help='Queue which should be used for the jobs')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
                        help='Force creation of directories if they do not exist '
                        'or overwrite existing files')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
                        help='Print additional output')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    verbose = args.verbose
    force = args.force

    settings = None
    if args.example_config:
        print_color('[INFO] Write example settings to file "%s"' % args.example_config, 'BLUE')
        settings = Settings()
        if not settings.export(args.example_config, force):
            print_error('[ERROR] Creating example settings "%s" failed.' % args.example_config)

    config = None
    channels = []
    if args.config:
        config = args.config[0]
        if verbose:
            print('Use config file %s' % config)
        if verbose:
            print('Try to find a default config file')
        config = find_config(verbose=verbose)
        if not config:
            print_color('No config file found, use default values.', 'YELLOW')
            settings = Settings()
    if config:
        print_color('The config file "%s" will be used.' % config, 'BLUE')
        if verbose:
            print('Read config file %s' % config)
        with open(config, 'r') as conf:
            settings, channels = read_config(conf)

    if args.list:
        if verbose and args.list == 'all':
            print('Trying to determine the total amount of simulated events')
        if args.output:
            settings.set('OUTPUT_PATH', get_path(args.output[0]))
        list_file_amount(settings, args.list == 'all')

    if verbose:
        print('The following default settings were determined:')
        if channels:
            print('The following channels have been found:')

    if args.output:
        if not check_path(args.output[0], force):
            sys.exit('The output directory %s cannot be used' % args.output[0])
        output = get_path(args.output[0])
        print_color('Setting custom output directory: %s' % output, 'GREEN')
        settings.set('OUTPUT_PATH', output)

    if args.path_generator:
        path_generator = get_path(args.path_generator[0])
        print_color('Setting custom path for MC generator %s' % path_generator, 'GREEN')
        settings.set('GENERATOR_PATH', path_generator)

    if not check_directories(settings, force, verbose):
    settings.set('MCGEN_DATA', get_path(settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'), settings.get('MCGEN_DATA')))
    settings.set('GEANT_DATA', get_path(settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'), settings.get('GEANT_DATA')))
    settings.set('LOG_DATA', get_path(settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'), settings.get('LOG_DATA')))

    if args.generator:
        generator = args.generator[0]
        print_color('Use custom MC generator %s' % generator, 'GREEN')
        settings.set('GENERATOR', generator)

    if args.add_flags:
        print_color('Set custom flags to pass to the MC generator: %s' % args.add_flags[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('AddFlags', args.add_flags[0])

    mc_generator, geant = check_binaries(settings, verbose)
    if not mc_generator or not geant:

    if not channels:
        print_color('[Warning] No channels specified in the config file', 'YELLOW')
        print_color('          Use -e to export example settings or -h for help', 'YELLOW')
        channels = simulation_dialogue()
        if not channels:
            sys.exit('No channels entered for simulation, exiting.')

    if args.walltime:
        print_color('Setting custom walltime to %d hours' % args.walltime[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('WALLTIME', args.walltime[0])
    if args.queue:
        print_color('Setting custom queue to %s' % args.queue[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('QUEUE', args.queue[0])

    tag = args.tag[0] if args.tag else 'Sim'
    if verbose:
        print('Use the tag "%s" for the submitted jobs' % tag)

    if verbose:
        print('These are the updated settings:')

    if 'Ant-cocktail' in mc_generator:
        if not sanity_check_cocktail(settings):
    if 'Ant-mcgun' in mc_generator:
        if not sanity_check_mcgun(settings):

    if not sanity_check_channels(mc_generator, channels):

    if verbose:
        print('Determining the existing amount of files...')
    simulation = []
    for channel in channels:
        decay_string = get_decay_string(channel[0])
        max_number = check_simulation_files(settings, decay_string)
        simulation.append([decay_string, channel[0], channel[1], channel[2], max_number])

    print_color(str(len(simulation)) + ' channels configured. '
                'The following simulation will take place:', 'BLUE')
    total_files, total_events = 0, 0
    for channel, _, files, events, _ in simulation:
        total = files*events
        chnl = channel
        if 'pluto' in mc_generator.lower():
            chnl = format_channel(channel)
        print("{0:<20s} {1:>4d} files per {2:>4s} events (total {3:>4s} events)"
              .format(chnl, files, unit_prefix(events), unit_prefix(total)))
        total_files += files
        total_events += total
    print(" Total %s events in %d files" % (unit_prefix(total_events), total_files))
    print(" Files will be stored in " + settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'))

    # run a test job for the first command to be submitted and check the output
    print_color('Test provided commands', 'BLUE')
    print(' Running first test job locally . . .')
    if not run_test_job(settings, simulation, mc_generator, geant):
        print_error('[ERROR] Test job failed, aborting job submission')
    print_color('Test job successful', 'BLUE')

    # start the job submission
    print('Start submitting jobs, total', total_files)
    submit_jobs(settings, simulation, mc_generator, geant, tag, total_files, verbose)
    print_color('Done!', 'GREEN')