Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_dates(tree_to_parse, xpath_map):
    Creates and returns a Dates Dictionary data structure given the parameters provided
    :param tree_to_parse: the XML tree from which to construct the Dates data structure
    :param xpath_map: a map containing the following type-specific XPATHs:
        multiple, range, range_begin, range_end, and single

    # Determine dates to query based on metadata elements

    values = wrap_value(parse_property(tree_to_parse, None, xpath_map, DATE_TYPE_SINGLE))
    if len(values) == 1:
        return {DATE_TYPE: DATE_TYPE_SINGLE, DATE_VALUES: values}
    elif len(values) > 1:

    values = wrap_value(parse_property(tree_to_parse, None, xpath_map, DATE_TYPE_MULTIPLE))
    if len(values) == 1:
        return {DATE_TYPE: DATE_TYPE_SINGLE, DATE_VALUES: values}
    elif len(values) > 1:

    values = flatten_items(
        for d in wrap_value(parse_property(tree_to_parse, None, xpath_map, x))
    if len(values) == 1:
        return {DATE_TYPE: DATE_TYPE_SINGLE, DATE_VALUES: values}
    elif len(values) == 2:
        return {DATE_TYPE: DATE_TYPE_RANGE, DATE_VALUES: values}
    elif len(values) > 2:

    return {}
Exemplo n.º 2
def validate_process_steps(prop, value):
    """ Default validation for Process Steps data structure """

    if value is not None:
        validate_type(prop, value, (dict, list))

        procstep_keys = set(_complex_definitions[prop])

        for idx, procstep in enumerate(wrap_value(value)):
            ps_idx = prop + '[' + str(idx) + ']'
            validate_type(ps_idx, procstep, dict)

            for ps_prop, ps_val in iteritems(procstep):
                ps_key = '.'.join((ps_idx, ps_prop))

                if ps_prop not in procstep_keys:
                        prop, None, value,
                        ('keys: {0}'.format(','.join(procstep_keys))))

                if ps_prop != 'sources':
                    validate_type(ps_key, ps_val, string_types)
                    validate_type(ps_key, ps_val, (string_types, list))

                    for src_idx, src_val in enumerate(wrap_value(ps_val)):
                        src_key = ps_key + '[' + str(src_idx) + ']'
                        validate_type(src_key, src_val, string_types)
Exemplo n.º 3
def parse_dates(tree_to_parse, xpath_map):
    Creates and returns a Dates Dictionary data structure given the parameters provided
    :param tree_to_parse: the XML tree from which to construct the Dates data structure
    :param xpath_map: a map containing the following type-specific XPATHs:
        multiple, range, range_begin, range_end, and single

    # Determine dates to query based on metadata elements

    values = wrap_value(
        parse_property(tree_to_parse, None, xpath_map, DATE_TYPE_SINGLE))
    if len(values) == 1:
        return {DATE_TYPE: DATE_TYPE_SINGLE, DATE_VALUES: values}
    elif len(values) > 1:

    values = wrap_value(
        parse_property(tree_to_parse, None, xpath_map, DATE_TYPE_MULTIPLE))
    if len(values) == 1:
        return {DATE_TYPE: DATE_TYPE_SINGLE, DATE_VALUES: values}
    elif len(values) > 1:

    values = flatten_items(
        for d in wrap_value(parse_property(tree_to_parse, None, xpath_map, x)))
    if len(values) == 1:
        return {DATE_TYPE: DATE_TYPE_SINGLE, DATE_VALUES: values}
    elif len(values) == 2:
        return {DATE_TYPE: DATE_TYPE_RANGE, DATE_VALUES: values}
    elif len(values) > 2:

    return {}
Exemplo n.º 4
    def update_element(elem, idx, root, path, vals):
        """ Internal helper function to encapsulate single item update """

        has_root = bool(root and len(path) > len(root) and path.startswith(root))
        path, attr = get_xpath_tuple(path)  # 'path/@attr' to ('path', 'attr')

        if attr:
            removed = [get_element(elem, path)]
            remove_element_attributes(removed[0], attr)
        elif not has_root:
            removed = wrap_value(remove_element(elem, path))
            path = get_xpath_branch(root, path)
            removed = [] if idx != 0 else [remove_element(e, path, True) for e in get_elements(elem, root)]

        if not vals:
            return removed

        items = []

        for i, val in enumerate(wrap_value(vals)):
            elem_to_update = elem

            if has_root:
                elem_to_update = insert_element(elem, (i + idx), root)

            val = val.decode('utf-8') if not isinstance(val, string_types) else val
            if not attr:
                items.append(insert_element(elem_to_update, i, path, val))
                items.append(insert_element(elem_to_update, i, path, **{attr: val}))

        return items
Exemplo n.º 5
def validate_process_steps(prop, value):
    """ Default validation for Process Steps data structure """

    if value is not None:
        validate_type(prop, value, (dict, list))

        procstep_keys = set(_complex_definitions[prop])

        for idx, procstep in enumerate(wrap_value(value)):
            ps_idx = prop + '[' + str(idx) + ']'
            validate_type(ps_idx, procstep, dict)

            for ps_prop, ps_val in iteritems(procstep):
                ps_key = '.'.join((ps_idx, ps_prop))

                if ps_prop not in procstep_keys:
                    _validation_error(prop, None, value, ('keys: {0}'.format(','.join(procstep_keys))))

                if ps_prop != 'sources':
                    validate_type(ps_key, ps_val, string_types)
                    validate_type(ps_key, ps_val, (string_types, list))

                    for src_idx, src_val in enumerate(wrap_value(ps_val)):
                        src_key = ps_key + '[' + str(src_idx) + ']'
                        validate_type(src_key, src_val, string_types)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_reparse_complex_lists(self):
        complex_defs = get_complex_definitions()
        complex_lists = (ATTRIBUTES, CONTACTS, DIGITAL_FORMS)

        arcgis_parser = ArcGISParser(self.arcgis_metadata)
        fgdc_parser = FgdcParser(self.fgdc_metadata)
        iso_parser = IsoParser(self.iso_metadata)

        for parser in (arcgis_parser, fgdc_parser, iso_parser):

            # Test reparsed empty complex lists
            for prop in complex_lists:
                for empty in (None, [], [{}], [{}.fromkeys(complex_defs[prop], u"")]):
                    self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, prop, empty, [])

            # Test reparsed valid complex lists (strings and lists for each property in each struct)
            for prop in complex_lists:
                complex_list = []

                for val in self.valid_complex_values:

                    # Test with single unwrapped value
                    next_complex = {}.fromkeys(complex_defs[prop], val)
                    self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, prop, next_complex, wrap_value(next_complex))

                    # Test with accumulated list of values
                    complex_list.append({}.fromkeys(complex_defs[prop], val))
                    self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, prop, complex_list, wrap_value(complex_list))
    def _update_digital_forms(self, **update_props):
        Update operation for ISO Digital Forms metadata
        :see: gis_metadata.utils._complex_definitions[DIGITAL_FORMS]

        digital_forms = wrap_value(update_props['values'])

        # Update all Digital Form properties: distributionFormat*

        xpath_map = self._data_structures[update_props['prop']]

        dist_format_props = ('name', 'decompression', 'version', 'specification')
        dist_format_xroot = self._data_map['_digital_forms_root']
        dist_format_xmap = {prop: xpath_map[prop] for prop in dist_format_props}
        dist_formats = []

        for digital_form in digital_forms:
            dist_format = {prop: digital_form[prop] for prop in dist_format_props}

            if digital_form.get('content'):
                dist_spec = wrap_value(digital_form.get('specification'))
                dist_format['specification'] = dist_spec


        update_props['values'] = dist_formats
        dist_formats = update_complex_list(
            xpath_root=dist_format_xroot, xpath_map=dist_format_xmap, **update_props

        # Update all Network Resources: transferOptions+

        trans_option_props = ('access_desc', 'access_instrs', 'network_resource')
        trans_option_xroot = self._data_map['_transfer_options_root']
        trans_option_xmap = {prop: self._data_map['_' + prop] for prop in trans_option_props}

        trans_options = []
        for digital_form in digital_forms:
            trans_options.append({prop: digital_form[prop] for prop in trans_option_props})

        update_props['values'] = trans_options
        trans_options = update_complex_list(
            xpath_root=trans_option_xroot, xpath_map=trans_option_xmap, **update_props

        return {
            'distribution_formats': dist_formats,
            'transfer_options': trans_options
    def _update_digital_forms(self, **update_props):
        Update operation for ISO Digital Forms metadata
        :see: gis_metadata.utils._complex_definitions[DIGITAL_FORMS]

        digital_forms = wrap_value(update_props['values'])

        # Update all Digital Form properties: distributionFormat*

        xpath_map = self._data_structures[update_props['prop']]

        dist_format_props = ('name', 'decompression', 'version', 'specification')
        dist_format_xroot = self._data_map['_digital_forms_root']
        dist_format_xmap = {prop: xpath_map[prop] for prop in dist_format_props}
        dist_formats = []

        for digital_form in digital_forms:
            dist_format = {prop: digital_form[prop] for prop in dist_format_props}

            if digital_form.get('content'):
                dist_spec = wrap_value(digital_form.get('specification'))
                dist_format['specification'] = dist_spec


        update_props['values'] = dist_formats
        dist_formats = update_complex_list(
            xpath_root=dist_format_xroot, xpath_map=dist_format_xmap, **update_props

        # Update all Network Resources: transferOptions+

        trans_option_props = ('access_desc', 'access_instrs', 'network_resource')
        trans_option_xroot = self._data_map['_transfer_options_root']
        trans_option_xmap = {prop: self._data_map['_' + prop] for prop in trans_option_props}

        trans_options = []
        for digital_form in digital_forms:
            trans_options.append({prop: digital_form[prop] for prop in trans_option_props})

        update_props['values'] = trans_options
        trans_options = update_complex_list(
            xpath_root=trans_option_xroot, xpath_map=trans_option_xmap, **update_props

        return {
            'distribution_formats': dist_formats,
            'transfer_options': trans_options
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_reparse_process_steps(self):
        proc_step_def = get_complex_definitions()[PROCESS_STEPS]

        arcgis_parser = ArcGISParser(self.arcgis_metadata)
        fgdc_parser = FgdcParser(self.fgdc_metadata)
        iso_parser = IsoParser(self.iso_metadata)

        for parser in (arcgis_parser, fgdc_parser, iso_parser):

            # Test reparsed empty process steps
            for empty in (None, [], [{}], [{}.fromkeys(proc_step_def, u"")]):
                self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, PROCESS_STEPS, empty, [])

            complex_list = []

            # Test reparsed valid process steps
            for val in self.valid_complex_values:
                complex_struct = {}.fromkeys(proc_step_def, val)

                # Process steps must have a single string value for all but sources
                    {k: ", ".join(wrap_value(v)) for k, v in iteritems(complex_struct) if k != "sources"}


                self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, PROCESS_STEPS, complex_list, complex_list)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _update_report_item(self, **update_props):
        """ Update the text for each element at the configured path if attribute matches """

        tree_to_update = update_props['tree_to_update']
        prop = update_props['prop']
        values = wrap_value(update_props['values'])
        xroot = self._get_xroot_for(prop)

        attr_key = 'type'
        attr_val = u''

        if prop == 'attribute_accuracy':
            attr_val = 'DQQuanAttAcc'
        elif prop == 'dataset_completeness':
            attr_val = 'DQCompOm'

        # Clear (make empty) all elements of the appropriate type
        for elem in get_elements(tree_to_update, xroot):
            if get_element_attributes(elem).get(attr_key) == attr_val:

        # Remove all empty elements, including those previously cleared
        remove_empty_element(tree_to_update, xroot)

        # Insert elements with correct attributes for each new value

        attrs = {attr_key: attr_val}
        updated = []

        for idx, value in enumerate(values):
            elem = insert_element(tree_to_update, idx, xroot, **attrs)
            updated.append(insert_element(elem, idx, 'measDesc', value))

        return updated
Exemplo n.º 11
def validate_complex_list(prop, value, xpath_map=None):
    """ Default validation for Attribute Details data structure """

    if value is not None:
        validate_type(prop, value, (dict, list))

        if prop in _complex_definitions:
            complex_keys = _complex_definitions[prop]
            complex_keys = {} if xpath_map is None else xpath_map

        for idx, complex_struct in enumerate(wrap_value(value)):
            cs_idx = prop + '[' + str(idx) + ']'
            validate_type(cs_idx, complex_struct, dict)

            for cs_prop, cs_val in iteritems(complex_struct):
                cs_key = '.'.join((cs_idx, cs_prop))

                if cs_prop not in complex_keys:
                    _validation_error(prop, None, value, ('keys: {0}'.format(','.join(complex_keys))))

                if not isinstance(cs_val, list):
                    validate_type(cs_key, cs_val, (string_types, list))
                    for list_idx, list_val in enumerate(cs_val):
                        list_prop = cs_key + '[' + str(list_idx) + ']'
                        validate_type(list_prop, list_val, string_types)
    def _update_report_item(self, **update_props):
        """ Update the text for each element at the configured path if attribute matches """

        tree_to_update = update_props['tree_to_update']
        prop = update_props['prop']
        values = wrap_value(update_props['values'])
        xroot = self._get_xroot_for(prop)

        attr_key = 'type'
        attr_val = u''

        if prop == 'attribute_accuracy':
            attr_val = 'DQQuanAttAcc'
        elif prop == 'dataset_completeness':
            attr_val = 'DQCompOm'

        # Clear (make empty) all elements of the appropriate type
        for elem in get_elements(tree_to_update, xroot):
            if get_element_attributes(elem).get(attr_key) == attr_val:

        # Remove all empty elements, including those previously cleared
        remove_empty_element(tree_to_update, xroot)

        # Insert elements with correct attributes for each new value

        attrs = {attr_key: attr_val}
        updated = []

        for idx, value in enumerate(values):
            elem = insert_element(tree_to_update, idx, xroot, **attrs)
            updated.append(insert_element(elem, idx, 'measDesc', value))

        return updated
Exemplo n.º 13
def update_complex_list(tree_to_update, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop, values):
    Updates and returns the list of updated complex Elements parsed from tree_to_update.
    :param tree_to_update: the XML tree compatible with element_utils to be updated
    :param xpath_root: the XPATH location of each complex Element
    :param xpath_map: a Dictionary of XPATHs corresponding to the complex structure definition
    :param prop: the property identifying the complex structure to be serialized
    :param values: a List containing the updated complex structures as Dictionaries

    complex_list = []

    remove_element(tree_to_update, xpath_root, True)

    if not values:
        # Returns the elements corresponding to property removed from the tree
        complex_list.append(update_property(tree_to_update, xpath_root, xpath_root, prop, values))
        for idx, complex_struct in enumerate(wrap_value(values)):

            # Insert a new complex element root for each dict in the list
            complex_element = insert_element(tree_to_update, idx, xpath_root)

            for subprop, value in iteritems(complex_struct):
                xpath = get_xpath_branch(xpath_root, xpath_map[subprop])
                value = get_default_for_complex_sub(prop, subprop, value, xpath)
                complex_list.append(update_property(complex_element, None, xpath, subprop, value))

    return complex_list
Exemplo n.º 14
def update_complex_list(tree_to_update, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop, values):
    Updates and returns the list of updated complex Elements parsed from tree_to_update.
    :param tree_to_update: the XML tree compatible with element_utils to be updated
    :param xpath_root: the XPATH location of each complex Element
    :param xpath_map: a Dictionary of XPATHs corresponding to the complex structure definition
    :param prop: the property identifying the complex structure to be serialized
    :param values: a List containing the updated complex structures as Dictionaries

    complex_list = []

    remove_element(tree_to_update, xpath_root, True)

    if not values:
        # Returns the elements corresponding to property removed from the tree
            update_property(tree_to_update, xpath_root, xpath_root, prop,
        for idx, complex_struct in enumerate(wrap_value(values)):

            # Insert a new complex element root for each dict in the list
            complex_element = insert_element(tree_to_update, idx, xpath_root)

            for subprop, value in iteritems(complex_struct):
                xpath = get_xpath_branch(xpath_root, xpath_map[subprop])
                value = get_default_for_complex_sub(prop, subprop, value,
                    update_property(complex_element, None, xpath, subprop,

    return complex_list
Exemplo n.º 15
def validate_complex_list(prop, value, xpath_map=None):
    """ Default validation for Attribute Details data structure """

    if value is not None:
        validate_type(prop, value, (dict, list))

        if prop in _complex_definitions:
            complex_keys = _complex_definitions[prop]
            complex_keys = {} if xpath_map is None else xpath_map

        for idx, complex_struct in enumerate(wrap_value(value)):
            cs_idx = prop + '[' + str(idx) + ']'
            validate_type(cs_idx, complex_struct, dict)

            for cs_prop, cs_val in iteritems(complex_struct):
                cs_key = '.'.join((cs_idx, cs_prop))

                if cs_prop not in complex_keys:
                        prop, None, value,
                        ('keys: {0}'.format(','.join(complex_keys))))

                if not isinstance(cs_val, list):
                    validate_type(cs_key, cs_val, (string_types, list))
                    for list_idx, list_val in enumerate(cs_val):
                        list_prop = cs_key + '[' + str(list_idx) + ']'
                        validate_type(list_prop, list_val, string_types)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_reparse_keywords(self):

        arcgis_parser = ArcGISParser(self.arcgis_metadata)
        fgdc_parser = FgdcParser(self.fgdc_metadata)
        iso_parser = IsoParser(self.iso_metadata)

        for parser in (arcgis_parser, fgdc_parser, iso_parser):

            # Test reparsed empty keywords
            for keywords in ("", u"", []):
                self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, KEYWORDS_PLACE, keywords, [])
                self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, KEYWORDS_THEME, keywords, [])

            # Test reparsed valid keywords
            for keywords in ("keyword", ["keyword", "list"]):
                self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, KEYWORDS_PLACE, keywords, wrap_value(keywords))
                self.assert_reparsed_complex_for(parser, KEYWORDS_THEME, keywords, wrap_value(keywords))
    def _parse_digital_forms(self, prop=DIGITAL_FORMS):
        """ Concatenates a list of Digital Form data structures parsed from the metadata """

        xpath_map = self._data_structures[prop]

        # Parse base digital form fields: 'name', 'content', 'decompression', 'version', 'specification'
        xpath_root = self._data_map['_digital_forms_root']
        digital_forms = parse_complex_list(self._xml_tree, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop)

        # Parse digital form transfer option fields: 'access_desc', 'access_instrs', 'network_resource'
        xpath_root = self._data_map['_transfer_options_root']
        transfer_opts = parse_complex_list(self._xml_tree, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop)

        # Split out digital form content that has been appended to specifications

        content_delim = _DIGITAL_FORMS_CONTENT_DELIM

        for digital_form in digital_forms:
            specs = reduce_value(digital_form['specification'])
            specs = specs.splitlines() if isinstance(specs, string_types) else specs

            specifications = wrap_value(s.strip() for s in specs)

            digital_form['content'] = []
            digital_form['specification'] = []
            has_content = False

            # For each specification, insert delim before appending content
            for spec in specifications:
                has_content = has_content or spec == content_delim

                if not has_content:
                elif spec != content_delim:

            # Reduce spec and content to single string values if possible
            for form_prop in ('content', 'specification'):
                digital_form[form_prop] = reduce_value(filter_empty(digital_form[form_prop], u''))

        # Combine digital forms and transfer options into a single complex struct

        df_len = len(digital_forms)
        to_len = len(transfer_opts)
        parsed_forms = []

        for idx in xrange(0, max(df_len, to_len)):
            digital_form = {}.fromkeys(_iso_definitions[prop], u'')

            if idx < df_len:
                digital_form.update(i for i in digital_forms[idx].items() if i[1])
            if idx < to_len:
                digital_form.update(i for i in transfer_opts[idx].items() if i[1])

            if any(digital_form.values()):

        return get_default_for_complex(prop, parsed_forms)
    def _parse_digital_forms(self, prop=DIGITAL_FORMS):
        """ Concatenates a list of Digital Form data structures parsed from the metadata """

        xpath_map = self._data_structures[prop]

        # Parse base digital form fields: 'name', 'content', 'decompression', 'version', 'specification'
        xpath_root = self._data_map['_digital_forms_root']
        digital_forms = parse_complex_list(self._xml_tree, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop)

        # Parse digital form transfer option fields: 'access_desc', 'access_instrs', 'network_resource'
        xpath_root = self._data_map['_transfer_options_root']
        transfer_opts = parse_complex_list(self._xml_tree, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop)

        # Split out digital form content that has been appended to specifications

        content_delim = _DIGITAL_FORMS_CONTENT_DELIM

        for digital_form in digital_forms:
            specs = reduce_value(digital_form['specification'])
            specs = specs.splitlines() if isinstance(specs, string_types) else specs

            specifications = wrap_value(s.strip() for s in specs)

            digital_form['content'] = []
            digital_form['specification'] = []
            has_content = False

            # For each specification, insert delim before appending content
            for spec in specifications:
                has_content = has_content or spec == content_delim

                if not has_content:
                elif spec != content_delim:

            # Reduce spec and content to single string values if possible
            for form_prop in ('content', 'specification'):
                digital_form[form_prop] = reduce_value(filter_empty(digital_form[form_prop], u''))

        # Combine digital forms and transfer options into a single complex struct

        df_len = len(digital_forms)
        to_len = len(transfer_opts)
        parsed_forms = []

        for idx in xrange(0, max(df_len, to_len)):
            digital_form = {}.fromkeys(_iso_definitions[prop], u'')

            if idx < df_len:
                digital_form.update(i for i in digital_forms[idx].items() if i[1])
            if idx < to_len:
                digital_form.update(i for i in transfer_opts[idx].items() if i[1])

            if any(digital_form.values()):

        return get_default_for_complex(prop, parsed_forms)
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_default_for_complex(prop, value, xpath=''):

    # Ensure sub-props of complex structs and complex lists that take multiple values are wrapped as lists
    val = [{
        k: get_default_for_complex_sub(prop, k, v, xpath)
        for k, v in iteritems(val)
    } for val in wrap_value(value)]

    return val if prop in _COMPLEX_LISTS else reduce_value(val, {})
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_default_for_complex(prop, value, xpath=''):

    # Ensure sub-props of complex structs and complex lists that take multiple values are wrapped as lists
    val = [
        {k: get_default_for_complex_sub(prop, k, v, xpath) for k, v in iteritems(val)}
        for val in wrap_value(value)

    return val if prop in _COMPLEX_LISTS else reduce_value(val, {})
Exemplo n.º 21
    def update_element(elem, idx, root, path, vals):
        """ Internal helper function to encapsulate single item update """

        has_root = bool(root and len(path) > len(root)
                        and path.startswith(root))
        path, attr = get_xpath_tuple(path)  # 'path/@attr' to ('path', 'attr')

        if attr:
            removed = [get_element(elem, path)]
            remove_element_attributes(removed[0], attr)
        elif not has_root:
            removed = wrap_value(remove_element(elem, path))
            path = get_xpath_branch(root, path)
            removed = [] if idx != 0 else [
                remove_element(e, path, True)
                for e in get_elements(elem, root)

        if not vals:
            return removed

        items = []

        for i, val in enumerate(wrap_value(vals)):
            elem_to_update = elem

            if has_root:
                elem_to_update = insert_element(elem, (i + idx), root)

            val = val.decode('utf-8') if not isinstance(val,
                                                        string_types) else val
            if not attr:
                items.append(insert_element(elem_to_update, i, path, val))
            elif path:
                    insert_element(elem_to_update, i, path, **{attr: val}))
                set_element_attributes(elem_to_update, **{attr: val})

        return items
Exemplo n.º 22
def get_default_for_complex_sub(prop, subprop, value, xpath):

    # Handle alternate props (leading underscores)
    prop = prop.strip('_')
    subprop = subprop.strip('_')

    value = wrap_value(value)
    if subprop in _COMPLEX_WITH_MULTI.get(prop, ''):
        return value  # Leave sub properties allowing lists wrapped

    # Join on comma for element attribute values; newline for element text values
    return ','.join(value) if '@' in xpath else _COMPLEX_DELIM.join(value)
Exemplo n.º 23
def get_default_for(prop, value):
    """ Ensures complex property types have the correct default values """

    prop = prop.strip('_')     # Handle alternate props (leading underscores)
    val = reduce_value(value)  # Filtering of value happens here

    if prop in _COMPLEX_LISTS:
        return wrap_value(val)
    elif prop in _COMPLEX_STRUCTS:
        return val or {}
        return u'' if val is None else val
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_default_for_complex_sub(prop, subprop, value, xpath):

    # Handle alternate props (leading underscores)
    prop = prop.strip('_')
    subprop = subprop.strip('_')

    value = wrap_value(value)
    if subprop in _COMPLEX_WITH_MULTI.get(prop, ''):
        return value  # Leave sub properties allowing lists wrapped

    # Join on comma for element attribute values; newline for element text values
    return _join_complex_attr(value) if '@' in xpath else _join_complex_prop(value)
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_default_for(prop, value):
    """ Ensures complex property types have the correct default values """

    prop = prop.strip('_')  # Handle alternate props (leading underscores)
    val = reduce_value(value)  # Filtering of value happens here

    if prop in _COMPLEX_LISTS:
        return wrap_value(val)
    elif prop in _COMPLEX_STRUCTS:
        return val or {}
        return u'' if val is None else val
Exemplo n.º 26
def parse_complex(tree_to_parse, xpath_root, xpath_map, complex_key):
    Creates and returns a Dictionary data structure parsed from the metadata.
    :param tree_to_parse: the XML tree compatible with element_utils to be parsed
    :param xpath_root: the XPATH location of the structure inside the parent element
    :param xpath_map: a dict of XPATHs corresponding to a complex definition
    :param complex_key: indicates which complex definition describes the structure

    complex_struct = {}

    for prop in _complex_definitions.get(complex_key, xpath_map):
        # Normalize complex values: treat values with newlines like values from separate elements
        parsed = parse_property(tree_to_parse, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop)
        parsed = reduce_value(flatten_items(v.split(_COMPLEX_DELIM) for v in wrap_value(parsed)))

        complex_struct[prop] = get_default_for_complex_sub(complex_key, prop, parsed, xpath_map[prop])

    return complex_struct if any(complex_struct.values()) else {}
Exemplo n.º 27
def parse_complex(tree_to_parse, xpath_root, xpath_map, complex_key):
    Creates and returns a Dictionary data structure parsed from the metadata.
    :param tree_to_parse: the XML tree compatible with element_utils to be parsed
    :param xpath_root: the XPATH location of the structure inside the parent element
    :param xpath_map: a dict of XPATHs corresponding to a complex definition
    :param complex_key: indicates which complex definition describes the structure

    complex_struct = {}

    for prop in _complex_definitions.get(complex_key, xpath_map):
        # Normalize complex values: treat values with newlines like values from separate elements
        parsed = parse_property(tree_to_parse, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop)
        parsed = reduce_value(
            flatten_items(v.split(_COMPLEX_DELIM) for v in wrap_value(parsed)))

        complex_struct[prop] = get_default_for_complex_sub(
            complex_key, prop, parsed, xpath_map[prop])

    return complex_struct if any(complex_struct.values()) else {}
Exemplo n.º 28
def validate_any(prop, value, xpath_map=None):
    """ Validates any metadata property, complex or simple (string or array) """

    if value is not None:
            validate_complex_list(prop, value, xpath_map)

            validate_complex(prop, value, xpath_map)

        elif prop == DATES:
            validate_dates(prop, value, xpath_map)

        elif prop == PROCESS_STEPS:
            validate_process_steps(prop, value)

        elif prop not in _supported_props and xpath_map is not None:
            # Validate custom data structures as complex lists by default
            validate_complex_list(prop, value, xpath_map)

            for val in wrap_value(value, include_empty=True):
                validate_type(prop, val, (string_types, list))
Exemplo n.º 29
def validate_any(prop, value, xpath_map=None):
    """ Validates any metadata property, complex or simple (string or array) """

    if value is not None:
            validate_complex_list(prop, value, xpath_map)

        elif prop in (BOUNDING_BOX, LARGER_WORKS):
            validate_complex(prop, value, xpath_map)

        elif prop == DATES:
            validate_dates(prop, value, xpath_map)

        elif prop == PROCESS_STEPS:
            validate_process_steps(prop, value)

        elif prop not in _supported_props and xpath_map is not None:
            # Validate custom data structures as complex lists by default
            validate_complex_list(prop, value, xpath_map)

            for val in wrap_value(value, include_empty=True):
                validate_type(prop, val, (string_types, list))