Exemplo n.º 1
def generateMap():
    canvas = pds.Canvas()
    map = pds.Map()

    # Definitions of walls
    # a: O to A
    # b: A to B
    # c: C to D
    # d: D to E
    # e: E to F
    # f: F to G
    # g: G to H
    # h: H to O
    map.add_wall((0, 0, 0, 168))
    # a
    map.add_wall((0, 168, 84, 168))
    # b
    map.add_wall((84, 126, 84, 210))
    # c
    map.add_wall((84, 210, 168, 210))
    # d
    map.add_wall((168, 210, 168, 84))
    # e
    map.add_wall((168, 84, 210, 84))
    # f
    map.add_wall((210, 84, 210, 0))
    # g
    map.add_wall((210, 0, 0, 0))
    # h

    return map
Exemplo n.º 2
] * NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES  # At the start every particle has its intial coords as 0,0,0
p_y = [estimate_y] * NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES
p_theta = [estimate_theta] * NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES
weights = [
] * NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES  # In an actual example these would be updated

mu = 0  # update with actual value
# sigma values for 20cm dist and pi/2 rotations
sigma_e = 0.1
sigma_f = 0.04519
sigma_g = 0.03490

# from particle Data Structures
mymap = world.Map()
particles = world.Particles()  # for printing
for i in range(100):
    particles.data.append((estimate_x, estimate_y, estimate_theta, weights[0]))


# estimate L01 position based on particles
def update_estimate():
    global p_x
    global p_y
    global p_theta
    global weights
    estimate_x = 0.0
    estimate_y = 0.0
Exemplo n.º 3
    (reading, _) = interface.getSensorValue(3)
    reading = reading - 12
    return (getNewX(x, e, theta,
                    distance), getNewY(y, e, theta,
                                       distance), getNewThetaStraight(theta),
            calculate_likelihood(x, y, theta, w, reading))

def getNextParticleRotation((x, y, theta, w), alpha):
    (reading, _) = interface.getSensorValue(3)
    reading = reading - 12
    return (x, y, getNewThetaRotation(theta, alpha),
            calculate_likelihood(x, y, theta, w, reading))

mymap = particleDataStructures.Map()

mymap.add_wall((0, 0, 0, 168))

mymap.add_wall((0, 168, 84, 168))

mymap.add_wall((84, 126, 84, 210))

mymap.add_wall((84, 210, 168, 210))

mymap.add_wall((168, 210, 168, 84))