Exemplo n.º 1
def get_particle_array(
    additional_props=None, **props):
    """ Create and return a particle array with default properties


    props : dict
        A dictionary of properties requested.

    Example Usage:
    In [1]: import particle

    In [2]: x = linspace(0,1,10)

    In [3]: pa = particle.get_particle_array(x=x)

    In [4]: pa
    Out[4]: <pysph.base.particle_array.ParticleArray object at 0x9ec302c>


    # handle the name separately
    if props.has_key('name'):
        name = props['name']
        name = "array"

    np = 0
    nprops = len(props)

    prop_dict = {}
    for prop in props.keys():
        data = numpy.asarray(props[prop])
        np = data.size

        if prop in ['tag']:
            prop_dict[prop] = {'data':data,

        if prop in ['pid']:
            prop_dict[prop] = {'data':data,

        if prop in ['gid']:
            prop_dict[prop] = {'data':data.astype(numpy.uint32),
                               'type':'unsigned int',
            prop_dict[prop] = {'data':data,

    # default properties for an SPH particle
    default_props = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'm', 'h', 'rho', 'p',
                     'au', 'av', 'aw', 'gid', 'pid', 'tag']

    # add any additional props
    if additional_props:
        default_props.extend( additional_props )
        default_props = list( set(default_props) )

    # Add the default props
    for prop in default_props:
        if not prop in prop_dict:
            if prop in ["pid"]:
                prop_dict[prop] = {'name':prop, 'type':'int',

            elif prop in ['gid']:
                data = numpy.ones(shape=np, dtype=numpy.uint32)
                data[:] = UINT_MAX

                prop_dict[prop] = {'name':prop, 'type':'unsigned int',
                                   'data':data, 'default':UINT_MAX}

            elif prop in ['tag']:
                prop_dict[prop] = {'name':prop, 'type':'int'}

                prop_dict[prop] = {'name':prop, 'type':'double',

    # create the particle array
    pa = ParticleArray(name=name, **prop_dict)

    # default property arrays to save out. Any reasonable SPH particle
    # should define these
    pa.set_output_arrays( ['x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'rho', 'm', 'h',
                           'pid', 'gid', 'tag'] )

    return pa
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_particle_array(cl_precision="double", **props):
    """ Create and return a particle array with default properties 

    cl_precision : {'single', 'double'}
        Precision to use in OpenCL (default: 'double').

    props : dict
        A dictionary of properties requested.

    Example Usage:
    In [1]: import particle

    In [2]: x = linspace(0,1,10)

    In [3]: pa = particle.get_particle_array(x=x)

    In [4]: pa
    Out[4]: <pysph.base.particle_array.ParticleArray object at 0x9ec302c>

    nprops = len(props)

    prop_dict = {}
    name = ""
    particle_type = Fluid

    default_props = {
        'x': 0.0,
        'y': 0.0,
        'z': 0.0,
        'u': 0.0,
        'v': 0.0,
        'w': 0.0,
        'm': 1.0,
        'h': 1.0,
        'p': 0.0,
        'e': 0.0,
        'rho': 1.0,
        'cs': 0.0

    #Add the properties requested

    np = 0

    for prop in props.keys():
        if prop in ['name', 'type']:
            np = len(props[prop])
            if prop == 'idx':
                prop_dict[prop] = {
                    'data': numpy.asarray(props[prop]),
                    'type': 'int'
                data = numpy.asarray(props[prop])
                prop_dict[prop] = {'data': data, 'type': 'double'}

    # Add the default props
    for prop in default_props:
        if prop not in props.keys():
            prop_dict[prop] = {
                'name': prop,
                'type': 'double',
                'default': default_props[prop]

    # Add the property idx
    if not prop_dict.has_key('idx') and np != 0:
        prop_dict['idx'] = {
            'name': 'idx',
            'data': numpy.arange(np),
            'type': 'long'

    #handle the name and particle_type information separately

    if props.has_key('name'):
        name = props['name']

    if props.has_key("type"):
        particle_type = props["type"]
        assert particle_type in [Fluid, Solid, Probe], 'Type not understood!'

    pa = ParticleArray(name=name,

    return pa
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_particle_array_wcsph(**props):
    """Return a particle array for the WCSPH formulation"""

    # handle the name separately
    if props.has_key('name'):
        name = props['name']
        name = ""

    nprops = len(props)
    np = 0

    prop_dict = {}
    for prop in props.keys():
        data = numpy.asarray(props[prop])
        np = data.size

        if prop in ['tag']:
            prop_dict[prop] = {'data':data,

        if prop in ['pid']:
            prop_dict[prop] = {'data':data,

        if prop in ['gid']:
            prop_dict[prop] = {'data':data.astype(numpy.uint32),
                               'type': 'unsigned int',
            prop_dict[prop] = {'data':data,

    default_props = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'h', 'rho', 'm',
                     'p', 'cs', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'au', 'av', 'aw',
                     'x0','y0', 'z0','u0', 'v0','w0',
                     'arho', 'rho0', 'div', 'gid','pid', 'tag']

    for prop in default_props:
        if not prop in prop_dict:
            if prop in ["pid"]:
                prop_dict[prop] = {'name':prop, 'type':'int',

            elif prop in ['gid']:
                data = numpy.ones(shape=np, dtype=numpy.uint32)
                data[:] = UINT_MAX

                prop_dict[prop] = {'name':prop, 'type':'unsigned int',

            elif prop in ['tag']:
                prop_dict[prop] = {'name':prop, 'type':'int',}

                prop_dict[prop] = {'name':prop, 'type':'double',

    # create the particle array
    pa = ParticleArray(name=name, **prop_dict)

    # default property arrays to save out. 
    pa.set_output_arrays( ['x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'rho', 'm', 'h',
                           'pid', 'gid', 'tag', 'p'] )

    return pa