def test_zeroWeights(self):
		w = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
		p = pf.generateRandomParticles(5)
		resampled = pf.resample(w, p)
		for i in resampled:
			self.assertEqual(i, p[0])
	def test_sum(self):
		num = 10
		p = pf.generateRandomParticles(num)
		measurement = p[np.random.randint(0, len(p)-1)].senseNoiseUltrasonic()
		weight = pf.weight(p, measurement)
		cumsum = np.array(weight).cumsum()[num-1]
		self.assertWithinx(cumsum, 1.0, 0.000000001)
	def test_weighting(self):
		num = 5
		r = pf.Robot()
		p = pf.generateRandomParticles(num) + [r]
		for i in p:
		measurement = r.senseNoiseUltrasonic()
		weight = pf.weight(p, measurement)
		self.assertAismaxinList(weight[5], weight)
	def test_randomPercent(self):
		num = 4
		randPercent = [random.random()]
		b = (1.0 - randPercent[0]) / (num-1)
		restofparticles = [b for i in range(num)]
		w = randPercent + restofparticles
		p = pf.generateRandomParticles(num)
		count = 0
		N = 1000
		for i in range(N):
			resampled = pf.resample(w, p)
			count += resampled.count(p[0])
		percent = count / (N * num)
		self.assertWithinx(percent, randPercent[0], 0.02)
	def test_genRandomParticles(self):
		num = 50
		p = pf.generateRandomParticles(num)
		minx = p[0].fieldwidth
		miny = p[0].fieldheight
		maxx = 0
		maxy = 0
		for i in p:
			if i.pose['x'] < minx:
				minx = i.pose['x']
			if i.pose['y'] < miny:
				miny = i.pose['y']
			if i.pose['x'] > maxx:
				maxx = i.pose['x']
			if i.pose['y'] > maxy:
				maxy = i.pose['y']
		print("\n", "particles generated between: ", minx, "and ", maxx, " in the x dimension")
		print("particles generated between: ", miny, "and ", maxy, " in the y dimension")