Exemplo n.º 1
def _handle_attributes(e, position, part):


    ts_num = get_value_from_tag(e, 'time/beats', int)
    ts_den = get_value_from_tag(e, 'time/beat-type', int)
    if ts_num and ts_den:
        part.add(score.TimeSignature(ts_num, ts_den), position)

    fifths = get_value_from_tag(e, 'key/fifths', int)
    mode = get_value_from_tag(e, 'key/mode', str)
    if fifths is not None or mode is not None:
        part.add(score.KeySignature(fifths, mode), position)

    diat = get_value_from_tag(e, 'transpose/diatonic', int)
    chrom = get_value_from_tag(e, 'transpose/chromatic', int)
    if diat is not None or chrom is not None:
        part.add(score.Transposition(diat, chrom), position)

    divs = get_value_from_tag(e, 'divisions', int)
    if divs:
        # part.add(score.Divisions(divs), position)
        part.set_quarter_duration(position, divs)

    clefs = get_clefs(e)
    for clef in clefs:
        part.add(score.Clef(**clef), position)
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_staffs(part, split=55, only_missing=True):
    # assign staffs using a hard limit
    notes = part.notes_tied
    for n in notes:

        if only_missing and n.staff:

        if n.midi_pitch > split:
            staff = 1
            staff = 2

        n.staff = staff

        n_tied = n.tie_next
        while n_tied:
            n_tied.staff = staff
            n_tied = n_tied.tie_next

    part.add(score.Clef(number=1, sign='G', line=2, octave_change=0), 0)
    part.add(score.Clef(number=2, sign='F', line=4, octave_change=0), 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_staffs_v1(part):
    # assign staffs by first estimating voices jointly, then assigning voices to staffs

    notes = part.notes_tied
    # estimate voices in strictly monophonic way
    voices = estimate_voices(notes_to_notearray(notes), monophonic_voices=True)
    # for v, note in zip(voices, notes):
    #     print(note.start.t, note.midi_pitch, v)

    # group notes by voice
    by_voice = partition(itemgetter(0), zip(voices, notes))
    clefs = {}

    for v, vnotes in by_voice.items():
        # voice numbers may be recycled throughout the piece, so we split by
        # time gap
        t_diffs = np.diff([n.start.t for _, n in vnotes])
        t_threshold = np.inf  # np.median(t_diffs)+1
        note_groups = np.split([note for _, note in vnotes],
                               np.where(t_diffs > t_threshold)[0] + 1)

        # for each note group estimate the clef
        for note_group in note_groups:
            if len(note_group) > 0:
                pitches = [n.midi_pitch for n in note_group]
                clef = tuple(estimate_clef_properties(pitches).items())
                staff = clefs.setdefault(clef, len(clefs))

                # print((note_group[0].start.t, note_group[-1].end.t),
                #       (np.min(pitches), np.max(pitches), np.mean(pitches)), clef)
                for n in note_group:
                    n.staff = staff
                    n_tied = n.tie_next
                    while n_tied:
                        n_tied.staff = staff
                        n_tied = n_tied.tie_next

    # re-order the staffs to a fixed order (see CLEF_ORDER), rather than by
    # first appearance
    clef_list = list((dict(clef), i) for clef, i in clefs.items())
    clef_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].get('octave_change', 0))
    clef_list.sort(key=lambda x: CLEF_ORDER.index(x[0].get('sign', 'G')))
    staff_map = dict((j, i + 1) for i, (_, j) in enumerate(clef_list))
    for n in notes:
        n.staff = staff_map[n.staff]
    for i, (clef_properties, _) in enumerate(clef_list):
        part.add(score.Clef(number=i + 1, **clef_properties), 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_part(ticks, notes, spellings, voices, note_ids, time_sigs, key_sigs, part_id=None, part_name=None):

    part = score.Part(part_id, part_name=part_name)
    part.set_quarter_duration(0, ticks)

    clef = score.Clef(number=1, **estimate_clef_properties([pitch for _, pitch, _ in notes]))
    part.add(clef, 0)
    for t, name in key_sigs:
        fifths, mode = key_name_to_fifths_mode(name)
        part.add(score.KeySignature(fifths, mode), t)

    LOGGER.debug('add notes')

    for (onset, pitch, duration), (step, alter, octave), voice, note_id in zip(notes, spellings, voices, note_ids):
        if duration > 0:
            note = score.Note(step, octave, alter, voice=int(voice or 0), id=note_id,
                              symbolic_duration=estimate_symbolic_duration(duration, ticks))
            note = score.GraceNote('appoggiatura', step, octave, alter, voice=int(voice or 0), id=note_id,

        part.add(note, onset, onset+duration)

    if not time_sigs:
        warnings.warn('No time signatures found, assuming 4/4')
        time_sigs = [(0, 4, 4)]

    time_sigs = np.array(time_sigs, dtype=np.int)

    # for convenience we add the end times for each time signature
    ts_end_times = np.r_[time_sigs[1:, 0], np.iinfo(np.int).max]
    time_sigs = np.column_stack((time_sigs, ts_end_times))

    LOGGER.debug('add time sigs and measures')

    for ts_start, num, den, ts_end in time_sigs:
        time_sig = score.TimeSignature(num.item(), den.item())
        part.add(time_sig, ts_start.item())


    # this is the old way to add measures. Since part comes from MIDI we
    # only have a single global divs value, which makes add it easier to compute
    # measure durations:
    # measure_counter = 1
    # # we call item() on numpy numbers to get the value in the equivalent python type
    # for ts_start, num, den, ts_end in time_sigs:
    #     time_sig = score.TimeSignature(num.item(), den.item())
    #     part.add(time_sig, ts_start.item())
    #     measure_duration = (num.item() * ticks * 4) // den.item()
    #     measure_start_limit = min(ts_end.item(), part.last_point.t)
    #     for m_start in range(ts_start, measure_start_limit, measure_duration):
    #         measure = score.Measure(number=measure_counter)
    #         m_end = min(m_start+measure_duration, ts_end)
    #         part.add(measure, m_start, m_end)
    #         measure_counter += 1
    #     if np.isinf(ts_end):
    #         ts_end = m_end

    LOGGER.debug('tie notes')
    # tie notes where necessary (across measure boundaries, and within measures
    # notes with compound duration)

    LOGGER.debug('find tuplets')
    # apply simplistic tuplet finding heuristic

    LOGGER.debug('done create_part')
    return part
Exemplo n.º 5
def add_clefs(part):
    by_staff = partition(attrgetter('staff'), part.notes_tied)
    for staff, notes in by_staff.items():
        part.add(score.Clef(number=staff, **estimate_clef_properties([n.midi_pitch for n in notes])), 0)