Exemplo n.º 1
get_response = Pass.get(test_pass_id)

print "Retrieved Pass..."
print get_response
print 25*"#"

# Now update the pass...
# Make a copy of the fields to operate on
working_copy = copy.deepcopy(get_response["passFields"])

# modify fields here:
working_copy["primary1"]["value"] = "Push Happens!"
working_copy["secondary1"]["value"] = "Push Happens Again!"

# Call 'update', passing the modifications as input.
update_response = Pass.update(test_pass_id, working_copy)
print update_response

# Retrieve the updated form of that pass just to prove it was updated
get_response = Pass.get(test_pass_id)

print "Updated Pass..."
print get_response
print 25*"#"

print 25*"#"
print "Updated Pass #%s" % test_pass_id
print "After update, primary1 says:", get_response["passFields"]["primary1"]["value"]
print "After update, secondary1 says:", get_response["passFields"]["secondary1"]["value"]
print 25*"#"
# Retrieve the current form of the pass, using the pass ID.
current_pass_id = 2039
starting_pass = Pass.get(current_pass_id)

# Let's a copy of the fields to operate on
pass_fields = copy.deepcopy(starting_pass["passFields"])

print "Starting:"
print "Offer:", pass_fields["offer"]["value"]
print "Exp_date:", pass_fields["exp_date"]["value"]

# Now set the new data. We're going to imagine that our initial offer just expired, and we're setting a '15% off'
# offer to extend 'til the end of the year:

# NOTE: date values must be passed in iso-8601 format
pass_fields["exp_date"]["value"] = "2013-01-01T12:01Z"
pass_fields["offer"]["value"] = "15% Off!!!"

# Call 'update', passing the modifications as input
update_response = Pass.update(current_pass_id, pass_fields)
print update_response

# At this point, you could retrieve the updated pass, download it, etc.
updated_pass = Pass.get(current_pass_id)

pass_fields = copy.deepcopy(updated_pass["passFields"])

print "After update:"
print "Offer:", pass_fields["offer"]["value"]
print "Exp_date:", pass_fields["exp_date"]["value"]
Exemplo n.º 3
pass_fields = copy.deepcopy(create_response["passFields"])
print 25*"#"
print "Start pass update test..."
# modify fields here...as an example:
if "primary1" in pass_fields:
    pass_fields["primary1"]["value"] = "Updated Primary!"
    print "No primary1 to update"
if "relevantDate" in pass_fields:
    pass_fields["relevantDate"]["value"] = "2013-01-30T18:30-08:00"
    print "No relevantDate to update"

# Call 'update', passing the modifications as input.
update_response = Pass.update(new_pass_id, pass_fields)
print "Response from pass update..."
print update_response

get_response = Pass.get(update_response['id'])

print "Updated Pass..."
print get_response
# Note that, after the update, the ID is the same, the serial number is the same,
# and any changes you passed in have been incorporated.
# If you send the updated pass to a user who has already installed the previous version,
# they'll see an "Update" button instead of an "Add" button in the iOS UI.

# Btw, you can instantiate a Pass, which gives you some convenience features like pretty-print:
updated_pass = Pass()
updated_pass.pass_dict = get_response
print 25*"#"
print "New Pass at start"
print test_pass
print 25*"#"

# And let's update the "relevantDate" field in that pass
# Note that as of this writing, the RelevantDate argument is not format-validated
# so you _must_ ensure that the date you pass in confirms to ISO-8601
pass_fields = copy.deepcopy(test_pass["passFields"])
print 25*"#"
print "Start pass update..."
if "relevantDate" in pass_fields:
    pass_fields["relevantDate"]["value"] = "2012-01-01T12:00-08:00"

    # Call 'update', passing the modifications as input
    update_response = Pass.update(test_pass['id'], pass_fields)
    print update_response

    # At this point, you could retrieve the updated pass, download it, etc.
    updated_pass = Pass.get(test_pass['id'])

    print "Updated Pass..."
    print updated_pass
    print 25*"#"
    # The update will be returned; note that the ID is the same, the serial number is the same,
    # and the change to RelevantDate has been incorporated.

    print "No relevantDate to update"