Exemplo n.º 1
    def test__cmp__(self):
        a = Value('2 [meter / sec]')
        b = Value('2 [meter / sec]')
        c = Value('3 [meter / sec]')

        self.assertEqual(0, cmp(a, b))
        self.assertLess(0, cmp(c, a))
        self.assertGreater(0, cmp(a, c))
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: kron.py Projeto: qtfkwk/kron
 def __cmp__(self, y):
     """Compare two duration objects"""
     if isinstance(y, duration):
         return cmp(self.value, y.value)
     elif isinstance(y, (int, float)):
         return cmp(self.value, y)
         raise DurationComparisonError
Exemplo n.º 3
 def asc():
     if sort_by != 'modified' and type(ent1) is not type(ent2):
         return 1 if type(ent1) is File else -1
             return cmp(getattr(ent1, sort_by),
                        getattr(ent2, sort_by))
         except AttributeError:
             return cmp(getattr(ent1, 'name'),
                        getattr(ent2, 'name'))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def xpath_cmp(x, y):
     # For the moment, we aren't going to worry about repeating
     # nodes.
     new_x = re.sub(r"\[\d+\]", u"", x)
     new_y = re.sub(r"\[\d+\]", u"", y)
     if new_x == new_y:
         return cmp(x, y)
     if new_x not in self._xpaths and new_y not in self._xpaths:
         return 0
     elif new_x not in self._xpaths:
         return 1
     elif new_y not in self._xpaths:
         return -1
     return cmp(self._xpaths.index(new_x), self._xpaths.index(new_y))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def comparer(left, right):
     for fn, mult in comparers:
         result = cmp(fn(left), fn(right))
         if result:
             return mult * result
         return 0
Exemplo n.º 6
  def technique_cmp(self, a, b):
  # a1 = self.old_best_results[a]
  # a2 = self.best_results[a]
  # b1 = self.old_best_results[b]
  # b2 = self.best_results[b]
  # if a1 is None and b1 is None:
  #   return 0
  # if a1 is None:
  #   return -1
  # if b1 is None:
  #   return 1
  # return self.driver.objective.project_compare(a1, a2, b1, b2, self.factor)

    # not ready techniques go to the back
    if not a.is_ready() or not b.is_ready():
      return cmp(b.is_ready(), a.is_ready())

    a = self.best_results[a]
    b = self.best_results[b]
    if a is None and b is None:
      return 0
    if a is None:
      return -1
    if b is None:
      return 1
    return self.driver.objective.compare(a, b)
Exemplo n.º 7
def qbe_forest(graph, nodes):
    forest = []
    for node, edges in graph.items():
        tree, are_all = qbe_tree(graph, copy(nodes), root=node)
        if are_all and tree not in forest:
    return sorted(forest, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(len(x), len(y)))
Exemplo n.º 8
def _sort_by_tzoffset(a_offset, b_offset):
    # Transform if it's a tuple
    if isinstance(a_offset, tuple):
        a_offset = a_offset[0]
        b_offset = b_offset[0]

    def split(offset):
        match = re.match(r'([+-])(\d\d)(\d\d)', offset)
        return match.group(1) == '-', int(match.group(2)), int(match.group(3))

    a_negative, a_hours, a_minutes = split(a_offset)
    b_negative, b_hours, b_minutes = split(b_offset)

    if a_hours == 0 and b_hours != 0:
        return 1

    if a_negative and not b_negative:
        return -1

    if not a_negative and b_negative:
        return 1

    if a_negative and b_negative:
        a_hours = -1 * a_hours
        b_hours = -1 * b_hours

    if a_hours > b_hours:
        return 1
    elif a_hours == b_hours:
        return cmp(a_minutes, b_minutes)
        return -1
Exemplo n.º 9
 def makeDataProducts(self, files, unbanish=False, unignore=False):
     """makes a list of DPs from a list of (filename,quiet) pairs.
     If unbanish is False, DPs with a default "banish" policy will be skipped.
     Symlinks will be resolved, and non-unique filenames removed from list.
     paths = set()
     dps = []
     for filename, quiet in files:
         filename = filename.rstrip('/')
         sourcepath = Purr.canonizePath(filename)
         if sourcepath not in paths:
             filename = os.path.basename(filename)
             policy, filename, comment = self._default_dp_props.get(filename, ("copy", filename, ""))
             dprintf(4, "%s: default policy is %s,%s,%s\n", sourcepath, policy, filename, comment)
             if policy == "banish":
                 if unbanish:
                     policy = "copy"
             if unignore and policy == "ignore":
                 policy = "copy"
             dps.append(Purr.DataProduct(filename=filename, sourcepath=sourcepath,
                                         policy=policy, comment=comment, quiet=quiet))
     return sorted(dps, lambda a, b: cmp(a.filename, b.filename))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def intersect(self, other):
        e1 = self.edge
        e2 = other.edge
        if (e1 is None) or (e2 is None):
            return None

        # if the two edges bisect the same parent return None
        if e1.reg[1] is e2.reg[1]:
            return None

        d = e1.a * e2.b - e1.b * e2.a
        if isEqual(d, 0.0):
            return None

        xint = (e1.c * e2.b - e2.c * e1.b) / d
        yint = (e2.c * e1.a - e1.c * e2.a) / d
        if(cmp(e1.reg[1], e2.reg[1]) < 0):
            he = self
            e = e1
            he = other
            e = e2

        rightOfSite = xint >= e.reg[1].x
        if((rightOfSite and he.pm == Edge.LE) or
           (not rightOfSite and he.pm == Edge.RE)):
            return None

        # create a new site at the point of intersection - this is a new
        # vector event waiting to happen
        return Site(xint, yint)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, basestring):
            other = FirefoxVersion(other)

        compare = cmp(self.version, other.version)

        # Numeric versions don't match, so just return the cmp() result.
        if compare:
            return compare

        # The versions are the same, so compare the "postreleases".

        if self.postrelease and not other.postrelease:
            return 1
        elif not self.postrelease and other.postrelease:
            return -1
        # If there is ever another postrelease, logic will need to be
        # added here to provide comparison for them.

        # The postreleases are the same, so compare the "prereleases".

        # case 1: neither has prerelease; they're equal
        # case 2: self has prerelease, other doesn't; other is greater
        # case 3: self doesn't have prerelease, other does: self is greater
        # case 4: both have prerelease: must compare them!

        if not self.prerelease and not other.prerelease:
            return 0
        elif self.prerelease and not other.prerelease:
            return -1
        elif not self.prerelease and other.prerelease:
            return 1
            prereleases = ('a', '(beta)', 'b', 'pre')
            prerelease_compare = cmp(prereleases.index(self.prerelease[0]),
            if not prerelease_compare:
                if self.prerelease[1] is None and other.prerelease[1] is not None:
                    return 1
                elif self.prerelease[1] is not None and other.prerelease[1] is None:
                    return -1
                    return cmp(self.prerelease[1], other.prerelease[1])
                return prerelease_compare
Exemplo n.º 12
            def count_compare(x, y):
                (x_id, x_desc) = x
                (y_id, y_desc) = y

                if type(x_desc) is DictType and "order" in x_desc:
                    x_order = x_desc["order"]
                    x_order = -1

                if type(y_desc) is DictType and "order" in y_desc:
                    y_order = y_desc["order"]
                    y_order = -1

                if x_order >= 0 and y_order >= 0:
                    return cmp(x_order, y_order)
                    return cmp(x_id, y_id)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _get_attributes(self, attributes):

        ret = []

        for data in attributes:
            ret.append(SpecificationAttribute(specification=self, data=data))

        return sorted(ret, lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __cmp__(self, frec2):
     Compare the present weighted values of two Frecency objects.
     **Note:** Comparison is of doubtful value between Frecencies with different timescales.  A
     Warning will trigger if this is done, unless suppress_warnings is True.
     If fast_comparisons == True, timescale and time0 are assumed to be equal
     without checking.
     If fast_comparisons == False, a completely general comparison
     of present weights is used.
     if self.fast_comparisons:
         return cmp(self.log2_value, frec2.log2_value)
         if self.timescale != frec2.timescale:
             if not self.suppress_warnings:
                 warnings.warn("Different frecency timescales, {} vs. {}.  Comparison may be meaningless.".format(self.timescale, frec2.timescale))
         present_weight1 = self.get_present_weight()
         present_weight2 = frec2.get_present_weight()
         return cmp(present_weight1, present_weight2)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def testseq_spaninsert(self):
     n = 5000
     t = avl.new(compare=lambda x, y: cmp(y, x))
     for i in range(2):
         for i in gen_ints(0, 3*n):
             e = random.randint(-n, n)
             a1, a2 = t.span(e)
             t.insert(e, a2)
             self.assertTrue(t.span(e) == (a1, a2+1))
         self.assertTrue(verify_len(t, 3*n))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def insert(self, he, site, offset):
     he.vertex = site
     he.ystar = site.y + offset
     last = self.hash[self.getBucket(he)]
     next = last.qnext
     while((next is not None) and cmp(he, next) > 0):
         last = next
         next = last.qnext
     he.qnext = last.qnext
     last.qnext = he
     self.count += 1
Exemplo n.º 17
    def unique(events, deltat=10., group_cmp=(lambda a, b:
                                              cmp(a.catalog, b.catalog))):
        groups = Event.grouped(events, deltat)

        events = []
        for group in groups:
            if group:

        return events
Exemplo n.º 18
def choicelist_choices():
    """Return a list of all choicelists defined for this application."""
    l = []
    for k, v in list(CHOICELISTS.items()):
        if v.verbose_name_plural is None:
            text = v.__name__
            text = v.verbose_name_plural
        l.append((k, text))
    l.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))
    return l
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_tax_template(posting_date, args):
	"""Get matching tax rule"""
	args = frappe._dict(args)
	conditions = ["""(from_date is null or from_date <= '{0}')
		and (to_date is null or to_date >= '{0}')""".format(posting_date)]

	for key, value in iteritems(args):
		if key=="use_for_shopping_cart":
			conditions.append("use_for_shopping_cart = {0}".format(1 if value else 0))
		if key == 'customer_group':
			if not value: value = get_root_of("Customer Group")
			customer_group_condition = get_customer_group_condition(value)
			conditions.append("ifnull({0}, '') in ('', {1})".format(key, customer_group_condition))
			conditions.append("ifnull({0}, '') in ('', '{1}')".format(key, frappe.db.escape(cstr(value))))

	tax_rule = frappe.db.sql("""select * from `tabTax Rule`
		where {0}""".format(" and ".join(conditions)), as_dict = True)

	if not tax_rule:
		return None

	for rule in tax_rule:
		rule.no_of_keys_matched = 0
		for key in args:
			if rule.get(key): rule.no_of_keys_matched += 1

	rule = sorted(tax_rule,
		key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda b, a:
		cmp(a.no_of_keys_matched, b.no_of_keys_matched) or
		cmp(a.priority, b.priority)))[0]

	tax_template = rule.sales_tax_template or rule.purchase_tax_template
	doctype = "{0} Taxes and Charges Template".format(rule.tax_type)

	if frappe.db.get_value(doctype, tax_template, 'disabled')==1:
		return None

	return tax_template
Exemplo n.º 20
def getAttributeNames(object, includeMagic=1, includeSingle=1,
    """Return list of unique attributes, including inherited, for object."""
    attributes = []
    dict = {}
    if not hasattrAlwaysReturnsTrue(object):
        # Add some attributes that don't always get picked up.
        special_attrs = ['__bases__', '__class__', '__dict__', '__name__',
                         'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults',
                         'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name']
        attributes += [attr for attr in special_attrs
                       if hasattr(object, attr)]
    if includeMagic:
            attributes += object._getAttributeNames()
        except Exception:
    # Get all attribute names.
    str_type = str(type(object))
    if str_type == "<type 'array'>":
        attributes += dir(object)
        attrdict = getAllAttributeNames(object)
        # Store the object's dir.
        object_dir = dir(object)
        for (obj_type_name, technique, count), attrlist in list(attrdict.items()):
            # This complexity is necessary to avoid accessing all the
            # attributes of the object.  This is very handy for objects
            # whose attributes are lazily evaluated.
            if type(object).__name__ == obj_type_name and technique == 'dir':
                attributes += attrlist
                attributes += [attr for attr in attrlist
                               if attr not in object_dir and hasattr(object, attr)]

    # Remove duplicates from the attribute list.
    for item in attributes:
        dict[item] = None
    attributes = list(dict.keys())
    # new-style swig wrappings can result in non-string attributes
    # e.g. ITK http://www.itk.org/
    attributes = [attribute for attribute in attributes
                  if type(attribute) == str]
    attributes.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.upper(), y.upper()))
    if not includeSingle:
        attributes = [item for item in attributes if item[0] != '_'
                            or item[1:2] == '_']
    if not includeDouble:
        attributes = [item for item in attributes if item[:2] != '__']
    return attributes
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _get_apis(self, apis):
        """ Process apis for the given model

                model: the model processed
                apis: the list of apis availble for the current model
                relations: dict containing all relations between resources
        ret = []

        for data in apis:
            ret.append(SpecificationAPI(specification=self, data=data))

        return sorted(ret, lambda x, y: cmp(x.rest_name, y.rest_name))
Exemplo n.º 22
def autocomplete_graph(admin_site, current_models, directed=False):
    graph = qbe_graph(admin_site, directed=directed)
    valid_paths = []
    for c, d in combinations(current_models, 2):
        paths = find_minimal_paths(graph, c, d)
    combined_sets = combine(paths)
    for combined_set in combined_sets:
        path = graphs_join(combined_set)
#        for path in paths:
#            if all(map(lambda x: x in path, current_models)):
#                if path not in valid_paths:
#                    valid_paths.append(path)
    return sorted(valid_paths, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(len(x), len(y)))
Exemplo n.º 23
	def compare_accounts(a, b):
		if is_root:
			if a.report_type != b.report_type and a.report_type == "Balance Sheet":
				return -1
			if a.root_type != b.root_type and a.root_type == "Asset":
				return -1
			if a.root_type == "Liability" and b.root_type == "Equity":
				return -1
			if a.root_type == "Income" and b.root_type == "Expense":
				return -1
			if re.split('\W+', a[key])[0].isdigit():
				# if chart of accounts is numbered, then sort by number
				return cmp(a[key], b[key])
		return 1
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_default_contact(doctype, name):
	'''Returns default contact for the given doctype, name'''
	out = frappe.db.sql('''select parent,
			(select is_primary_contact from tabContact c where c.name = dl.parent)
				as is_primary_contact
			`tabDynamic Link` dl
			dl.link_doctype=%s and
			dl.link_name=%s and
			dl.parenttype = "Contact"''', (doctype, name))

	if out:
		return sorted(out, key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x,y: cmp(y[1], x[1])))[0][0]
		return None
    def testCluster(self):
        data = cp.read_data(uuid=self.testUUID)

        # Test to make sure empty dataset doesn't crash the program
        clusters, labels, new_data = cp.cluster([], 10)
        self.assertTrue(len(new_data) == clusters == len(labels) == 0)

        # Test to make sure clustering with noise works
        clusters, labels, new_data = cp.cluster(data, 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(labels), len(new_data))
        self.assertEqual(cmp(new_data, data), 0)
        # Test to make sure clustering without noise works
        data, bins = cp.remove_noise(data, self.RADIUS)
        clusters, labels, new_data = cp.cluster(data, len(bins))
        self.assertTrue(clusters == 0 or len(bins) <= clusters <= len(bins) + 10)
Exemplo n.º 26
def compareFloats(a, b, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=RO.SysConst.FAccuracy):
    """Compares values a and b
    Returns 0 if the values are approximately equals, i.e.:
    - |a - b| < atol + (rtol * |a + b|)
    Else 1 if a > b, -1 if a < b
    - a, b: scalars to be compared (int or float)
    - atol: absolute tolerance
    - rtol: relative tolerance
    The algorithm used is the same one used by numpy.allclose.
    if abs(a - b) < (atol + (rtol * abs(float(a + b)))):
        return 0
    return cmp(a, b)
Exemplo n.º 27
def get_help_messages():
	'''Return help messages for the desktop (called via `get_help_messages` hook)

	Format for message:

			title: _('Add Employees to Manage Them'),
			description: _('Add your Employees so you can manage leaves, expenses and payroll'),
			action: 'Add Employee',
			route: 'List/Employee'

	messages = []
	for fn in frappe.get_hooks('get_help_messages'):
		messages += frappe.get_attr(fn)()

	return sorted(messages, key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda a, b: cmp(a.get('count'), b.get('count'))))
Exemplo n.º 28
def getRenderers(filename):
    """For a given DP, returns a list of renderer ids giving
    the renderers that support the source file type"""
    global available_renderers
    renderers = []
    for rdrid, (renderer, module) in available_renderers.items():
            priority = renderer.canRender(filename)
            print("""Error in renderer: %s.canRender("%s"):""" % (rdrid, filename))
            priority = None
        if priority:
            renderers.append((priority, rdrid))
    # sort by priority
    renderers.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))
    # return list of IDs. Note that "none" should always be available and working
    return [a[1] for a in renderers] or ["link"]
Exemplo n.º 29
def get_default_address(doctype, name, sort_key='is_primary_address'):
	'''Returns default Address name for the given doctype, name'''
	if sort_key not in ['is_shipping_address', 'is_primary_address']:
		return None

	out = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT
			addr.name, addr.%s
			`tabAddress` addr, `tabDynamic Link` dl
			dl.parent = addr.name and dl.link_doctype = %s and
			dl.link_name = %s and ifnull(addr.disabled, 0) = 0
		""" %(sort_key, '%s', '%s'), (doctype, name))

	if out:
		return sorted(out, key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x,y: cmp(y[1], x[1])))[0][0]
		return None
Exemplo n.º 30
def add_ordered_combo_item(
        combo, text, data=None, count_selected_features=None, icon=None):
    """Add a combo item ensuring that all items are listed alphabetically.

    Although QComboBox allows you to set an InsertAlphabetically enum
    this only has effect when a user interactively adds combo items to
    an editable combo. This we have this little function to ensure that
    combos are always sorted alphabetically.

    :param combo: Combo box receiving the new item.
    :type combo: QComboBox

    :param text: Display text for the combo.
    :type text: str

    :param data: Optional UserRole data to be associated with the item.
    :type data: QVariant, str

    :param count_selected_features: A count to display if the layer has some
    selected features. Default to None, nothing will be displayed.
    :type count_selected_features: None, int

    :param icon: Icon to display in the combobox.
    :type icon: QIcon
    if count_selected_features is not None:
        text += ' (' + tr('{count} selected features').format(
            count=count_selected_features) + ')'
    size = combo.count()
    for combo_index in range(0, size):
        item_text = combo.itemText(combo_index)
        # see if text alphabetically precedes item_text
        if cmp(text.lower(), item_text.lower()) < 0:
            if icon:
                combo.insertItem(combo_index, icon, text, data)
                combo.insertItem(combo_index, text, data)

    # otherwise just add it to the end
    if icon:
        combo.insertItem(size, icon, text, data)
        combo.insertItem(size, text, data)
 def orderby_cmp(x, y):
     if x['ordertype'] == y['ordertype']:
         return cmp(Decimal(x['cjfee']), Decimal(y['cjfee']))
     return cmp(offername_list.index(x['ordertype']),
Exemplo n.º 32
def init_vm(vmname="$VM_NAME",
    """Creates a GCE VM instance.
  vmname:           instance name
  vmtype:           VM type (use gce.list_machine_types() to get a list)
  autodelete:       if True, deletes any existing instance with same name
  reuse_boot:       if True and a boot disk with same name exists, reuses that
  autodelete_boot:  if True, boot disk will be auto-deleted when VM is shut down
  propagate:        if True, calls propagate_scripts() to copy Pyxis scripts from current
                    directory to VM. Can be set to a directory name to propagate to a 
                    specific directory on the remote machine.
  attach_XXX:       create additional disks. Use attach_XXX=N to create a disk of N Gb and 
                    attach to VM under /XXX (equivalent to calling attach_disk('XXX',size=N)). 
                    attach_XXX=dict(...) will call attach_disk('XXX',...)
    name, vmtype = interpolate_locals("vmname vmtype")
    # check if VM exists and needs to be deleted
    if autodelete and name in get_vms():
        warn("deleting existing VM $name")
        delete_vm(name, disks=False)
    # check if a boot disk needs to be created
    disks = get_disks()
    if name in disks:
        if reuse_boot:
                "boot disk $name already exists, reusing (disable with reuse_boot=False)"
            if autodelete_boot is None:
                    "boot disk $name will not be auto-deleted when VM is destroyed"
                autodelete_boot = False
            gc("disks delete $name --quiet")
            del disks[name]
    if name not in disks:
        snapshot = VM_SNAPSHOT
        if '*' in snapshot:
            from past.builtins import cmp
            from functools import cmp_to_key
            matching = sorted(
                    lambda a, b: -cmp(_version_suffix(a), _version_suffix(b))))
            snapshot = matching[0]
            info("using latest snapshot $snapshot")
        gc("disks create $name --source-snapshot $snapshot")
        if autodelete_boot is None:
            info("boot disk $name will be auto-deleted when VM is destroyed")
            autodelete_boot = True
    # create VM
    scopes = "--scopes storage-rw"
    gc("instances create $name --machine-type $vmtype --disk name=$name mode=rw boot=yes auto-delete=%s $scopes"
       % ("yes" if autodelete_boot else "no"))
    info("created VM instance $name, type $vmtype")
    # run provisioning script
    # attach disks
    for key, value in kw.items():
        if key.startswith("attach_"):
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                attach_disk(key[len("attach_"):], vmname=vmname, **value)
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                attach_disk(key[len("attach_"):], size=value, vmname=vmname)
                raise TypeError("unknown data type for %s" % key)
    # provision with pyxis scripts in specified directory
    if propagate:
                          dir=propagate if isinstance(propagate, str) else "")
Exemplo n.º 33
 def test_rect(self):
     element = self.get_control()
     self.assertEqual(0, cmp(element.rect, [0, 1, 2, 3]))
Exemplo n.º 34
 def sort_result_list(a, b):
     result = -cmp(a.severity, b.severity)
     if result == 0:
         result = cmp(a.summary, b.summary)
     return result
Exemplo n.º 35
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     return cmp(int(self.value), int(other))
Exemplo n.º 36
def compare_cb_op_as_hkl(
        a, b):  # FIXME Py2-style compare, wrap in functools.cmp_to_key
    if (len(a) < len(b)): return -1
    if (len(a) > len(b)): return 1
    from past.builtins import cmp
    return cmp(a, b)
Exemplo n.º 37
def mycmp(x, y):
    return cmp(float(x[1]), float(y[1]))
Exemplo n.º 38
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     return cmp(self.n, other.n)
Exemplo n.º 39
def brentmin(xlow,xupp,Nitmax,tol,f,nout=None,*args):
    Brent's minimization method in one dimension. 
    Given a function f, and given a search interval this routine isolates 
    the minimum of fractional precision of about tol using Brent's method.
    Reference: Section 10.2 Parabolic Interpolation and Brent's Method in One Dimension
    Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery
    Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, 2002
    This is a python implementation of gpml functionality (Copyright (c) by
    Hannes Nickisch 2010-01-10). 
    xmin,fmin,funccout,varargout = BRENTMIN(xlow,xupp,Nit,tol,f,nout,varargin)

    :param xlow: lower bound. i.e. search interval such that xlow<=xmin<=xupp
    :param xupp: uppper bound. i.e. search interval such that xlow<=xmin<=xupp
    :param Nitmax: maximum number of function evaluations made by the routine
    :param tol: fractional precision 
    :param f:  [y,varargout{:}] = f(x,varargin{:}) is the function
    :param nout: no. of outputs of f (in varargout) in addition to the y value

    :return:  fmin is minimal function value. xmin is corresponding abscissa-value
    funccount is the number of function evaluations made. varargout is additional outputs of f at optimum.
    # code taken from
    #    Section 10.2 Parabolic Interpolation and Brent's Method in One Dimension
    #    Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery
    #    Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, 2002
    # [xmin,fmin,funccout,varargout] = BRENTMIN(xlow,xupp,Nit,tol,f,nout,varargin)
    #    Given a function f, and given a search interval this routine isolates 
    #    the minimum of fractional precision of about tol using Brent's method.
    # INPUT
    # -----
    # xlow,xupp:  search interval such that xlow<=xmin<=xupp
    # Nitmax:     maximum number of function evaluations made by the routine
    # tol:        fractional precision 
    # f:          [y,varargout{:}] = f(x,varargin{:}) is the function
    # nout:       no. of outputs of f (in varargout) in addition to the y value
    # OUTPUT
    # ------
    # fmin:      minimal function value
    # xmin:      corresponding abscissa-value
    # funccount: number of function evaluations made
    # varargout: additional outputs of f at optimum
    # This is a python implementation of gpml functionality (Copyright (c) by
    # Hannes Nickisch 2010-01-10).

    if nout == None:
        nout = 0
    eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
    # tolerance is no smaller than machine's floating point precision
    tol = max(tol,eps)
    # Evaluate endpoints
    vargout = f(xlow,*args); fa = vargout[0][0]
    vargout = f(xupp,*args); fb = vargout[0][0]
    funccount = 2 # number of function evaluations
    # Compute the start point
    seps = sqrt(eps)
    c = 0.5*(3.0 - sqrt(5.0)) # golden ratio
    a = xlow
    b = xupp
    v = a + c*(b-a)
    w = v
    xf = v
    d = 0.
    e = 0.
    x = xf
    vargout = f(x,*args)
    fx = vargout[0][0]
    varargout = vargout[1:]
    funccount += 1
    fv = fx; fw = fx
    xm = 0.5*(a+b)
    tol1 = seps*abs(xf) + old_div(tol,3.0);
    tol2 = 2.0*tol1
    # Main loop
    while ( abs(xf-xm) > (tol2 - 0.5*(b-a)) ):
        gs = True
        # Is a parabolic fit possible
        if abs(e) > tol1:
            # Yes, so fit parabola
            gs = False
            r = (xf-w)*(fx-fv)
            q = (xf-v)*(fx-fw)
            p = (xf-v)*q-(xf-w)*r
            q = 2.0*(q-r)
            if q > 0.0:  
                p = -p
            q = abs(q)
            r = e;  e = d
            # Is the parabola acceptable
            if ( (abs(p)<abs(0.5*q*r)) and (p>q*(a-xf)) and (p<q*(b-xf)) ):
                # Yes, parabolic interpolation step
                d = old_div(p,q)
                x = xf+d
                # f must not be evaluated too close to ax or bx
                if ((x-a) < tol2) or ((b-x) < tol2):
                    si = cmp(xm-xf,0)
                    if ((xm-xf) == 0): si += 1
                    d = tol1*si
                # Not acceptable, must do a golden section step
                gs = True
        if gs:
            # A golden-section step is required
            if xf >= xm: e = a-xf    
                e = b-xf
            d = c*e
        # The function must not be evaluated too close to xf
        si = cmp(d,0)
        if (d == 0): si += 1
        x = xf + si * max(abs(d),tol1)
        vargout = f(x,*args); fu = vargout[0][0]; varargout = vargout[1:]
        funccount += 1
        # Update a, b, v, w, x, xm, tol1, tol2
        if fu <= fx:
            if x >= xf: a = xf 
            else: b = xf
            v = w; fv = fw
            w = xf; fw = fx
            xf = x; fx = fu
        else: # fu > fx
            if x < xf: 
                a = x
                b = x 
            if ( (fu <= fw) or (w == xf) ):
                v = w; fv = fw
                w = x; fw = fu
            elif ( (fu <= fv) or ((v == xf) or (v == w)) ):
                v = x; fv = fu
        xm = 0.5*(a+b)
        tol1 = seps*abs(xf) + old_div(tol,3.0); tol2 = 2.0*tol1
        if funccount >= Nitmax:
            # typically we should not get here
            logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Specified number of function evaluation reached")
    # check that endpoints are less than the minimum found
    if ( (fa < fx) and (fa <= fb) ):
        xf = xlow; fx = fa
    elif fb < fx:
        xf = xupp; fx = fb
    fmin = fx
    xmin = xf
    vargout = [xmin,fmin,funccount]
    for vv in varargout:
    return vargout
Exemplo n.º 40
def voronoi(siteList, context):
        edgeList = EdgeList(siteList.xmin, siteList.xmax, len(siteList))
        priorityQ = PriorityQueue(siteList.ymin, siteList.ymax, len(siteList))
        siteIter = siteList.iterator()

        bottomsite = next(siteIter)
        newsite = next(siteIter)
        minpt = Site(-BIG_FLOAT, -BIG_FLOAT)
        while True:
            if not priorityQ.isEmpty():
                minpt = priorityQ.getMinPt()

            if (newsite and (priorityQ.isEmpty() or cmp(newsite, minpt) < 0)):
                # newsite is smallest -  this is a site event

                # get first Halfedge to the LEFT and RIGHT of the new site
                lbnd = edgeList.leftbnd(newsite)
                rbnd = lbnd.right

                # if this halfedge has no edge, bot = bottom site (whatever that is)
                # create a new edge that bisects
                bot = lbnd.rightreg(bottomsite)
                edge = Edge.bisect(bot, newsite)

                # create a new Halfedge, setting its pm field to 0 and insert
                # this new bisector edge between the left and right vectors in
                # a linked list
                bisector = Halfedge(edge, Edge.LE)
                edgeList.insert(lbnd, bisector)

                # if the new bisector intersects with the left edge, remove
                # the left edge's vertex, and put in the new one
                p = lbnd.intersect(bisector)
                if p is not None:
                    priorityQ.insert(lbnd, p, newsite.distance(p))

                # create a new Halfedge, setting its pm field to 1
                # insert the new Halfedge to the right of the original bisector
                lbnd = bisector
                bisector = Halfedge(edge, Edge.RE)
                edgeList.insert(lbnd, bisector)

                # if this new bisector intersects with the right Halfedge
                p = bisector.intersect(rbnd)
                if p is not None:
                    # push the Halfedge into the ordered linked list of vertices
                    priorityQ.insert(bisector, p, newsite.distance(p))

                newsite = next(siteIter)

            elif not priorityQ.isEmpty():
                # intersection is smallest - this is a vector (circle) event

                # pop the Halfedge with the lowest vector off the ordered list of
                # vectors.  Get the Halfedge to the left and right of the above HE
                # and also the Halfedge to the right of the right HE
                lbnd = priorityQ.popMinHalfedge()
                llbnd = lbnd.left
                rbnd = lbnd.right
                rrbnd = rbnd.right

                # get the Site to the left of the left HE and to the right of
                # the right HE which it bisects
                bot = lbnd.leftreg(bottomsite)
                top = rbnd.rightreg(bottomsite)

                # output the triple of sites, stating that a circle goes through them
                mid = lbnd.rightreg(bottomsite)
                context.outTriple(bot, top, mid)

                # get the vertex that caused this event and set the vertex number
                # couldn't do this earlier since we didn't know when it would be processed
                v = lbnd.vertex

                # set the endpoint of the left and right Halfedge to be this vector
                if lbnd.edge.setEndpoint(lbnd.pm, v):

                if rbnd.edge.setEndpoint(rbnd.pm, v):

                # delete the lowest HE, remove all vertex events to do with the
                # right HE and delete the right HE

                # if the site to the left of the event is higher than the Site
                # to the right of it, then swap them and set 'pm' to RIGHT
                pm = Edge.LE
                if bot.y > top.y:
                    bot, top = top, bot
                    pm = Edge.RE

                # Create an Edge (or line) that is between the two Sites.  This
                # creates the formula of the line, and assigns a line number to it
                edge = Edge.bisect(bot, top)

                # create a HE from the edge
                bisector = Halfedge(edge, pm)

                # insert the new bisector to the right of the left HE
                # set one endpoint to the new edge to be the vector point 'v'
                # If the site to the left of this bisector is higher than the right
                # Site, then this endpoint is put in position 0; otherwise in pos 1
                edgeList.insert(llbnd, bisector)
                if edge.setEndpoint(Edge.RE - pm, v):

                # if left HE and the new bisector don't intersect, then delete
                # the left HE, and reinsert it
                p = llbnd.intersect(bisector)
                if p is not None:
                    priorityQ.insert(llbnd, p, bot.distance(p))

                # if right HE and the new bisector don't intersect, then reinsert it
                p = bisector.intersect(rrbnd)
                if p is not None:
                    priorityQ.insert(bisector, p, bot.distance(p))

        he = edgeList.leftend.right
        while he is not edgeList.rightend:
            he = he.right
        Edge.EDGE_NUM = 0
    except Exception as err:
        # fix_print_with_import
        # fix_print_with_import
Exemplo n.º 41
 def cmp_prob_val(self, a, b):
     if self[a] == self[b]:
         return cmp(a, b)
         return cmp(self[b], self[a])
Exemplo n.º 42
    if not res:
        print('COULD NOT PARSE LOGLINE:', d)
    lc = res.groupdict()['log_contents']
    cres = c.search(lc)
    if cres:
        #print cres.groupdict()
        print('COULD NOT RESOLVE:', lc)
        #print 'WHOLE LINE:',d
        #raise Exception(cnt)
    for k, v in list(cres.groupdict().items()):
        if v is None: continue
        if k not in karr: karr[k] = 0
        if 'print' in sys.argv:
            if 'ts' in sys.argv:
                      res.groupdict()['date_minute'], k, v)
                print(k, v)
        karr[k] += 1

if 'digest' in sys.argv:
    karr_sorted = sorted(list(karr.items()), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
    for k, v in karr_sorted:
        print(k, v)
    print('done going through ', cnt)
Exemplo n.º 43
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     return cmp(self.prio, other.prio)
Exemplo n.º 44
 def list_versions(self, project):
     versions = self.jira.project(project).versions
     versions.sort(cmp=lambda l, r: cmp(l.id, l.id))
     return [k.raw for k in versions]
Exemplo n.º 45
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     if other.__class__ is self.__class__:
         return cmp(self.value, other.value)
     return cmp(self.value, other)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def func(self):
        "Implement function using the Msg methods"

        # Since player_caller is set above, this will be a Player.
        caller = self.caller

        # get the messages we've sent (not to channels)
        pages_we_sent = Msg.objects.get_messages_by_sender(
            caller, exclude_channel_messages=True)
        # get last messages we've got
        pages_we_got = Msg.objects.get_messages_by_receiver(caller)

        if 'last' in self.switches:
            if pages_we_sent:
                recv = ",".join(obj.key for obj in pages_we_sent[-1].receivers)
                self.msg("You last paged {c%s{n:%s" %
                         (recv, pages_we_sent[-1].message))
                self.msg("You haven't paged anyone yet.")

        if not self.args or not self.rhs:
            pages = pages_we_sent + pages_we_got
            pages.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.date_created, y.date_created))

            number = 5
            if self.args:
                    number = int(self.args)
                except ValueError:
                    self.msg("Usage: tell [<player> = msg]")

            if len(pages) > number:
                lastpages = pages[-number:]
                lastpages = pages
            template = "{w%s{n {c%s{n to {c%s{n: %s"
            lastpages = "\n ".join(
                template %
                (utils.datetime_format(page.date_created), ",".join(
                    obj.key for obj in page.senders),
                 "{n,{c ".join([obj.name
                                for obj in page.receivers]), page.message)
                for page in lastpages)

            if lastpages:
                string = "Your latest pages:\n %s" % lastpages
                string = "You haven't paged anyone yet."

        # We are sending. Build a list of targets

        if not self.lhs:
            # If there are no targets, then set the targets
            # to the last person we paged.
            if pages_we_sent:
                receivers = pages_we_sent[-1].receivers
                self.msg("Who do you want to page?")
            receivers = self.lhslist

        recobjs = []
        for receiver in set(receivers):
            if isinstance(receiver, basestring):
                pobj = caller.search(receiver)
            elif hasattr(receiver, 'character'):
                pobj = receiver
                self.msg("Who do you want to page?")
            if pobj:
        if not recobjs:
            self.msg("Noone found to page.")

        header = "{wPlayer{n {c%s{n {wpages:{n" % caller.key
        message = self.rhs

        # if message begins with a :, we assume it is a 'page-pose'
        if message.startswith(":"):
            message = "%s %s" % (caller.key, message.strip(':').strip())

        # create the persistent message object
        create.create_message(caller, message, receivers=recobjs)

        # tell the players they got a message.
        received = []
        rstrings = []
        for pobj in recobjs:
            if not pobj.access(caller, 'msg'):
                rstrings.append("You are not allowed to page %s." % pobj)
            pobj.msg("%s %s" % (header, message))
            if hasattr(pobj, 'sessions') and not pobj.sessions.count():
                received.append("{C%s{n" % pobj.name)
                    "%s is offline. They will see your message if they list their pages later."
                    % received[-1])
                received.append("{c%s{n" % pobj.name)
        if rstrings:
        self.msg("You paged %s with: '%s'." % (", ".join(received), message))
Exemplo n.º 47
def _cmp_antenna(sa, sb):
    """Helper function to sort antenna names. Try numeric compare first, fall back to text compare if failed"""
        return cmp(int(sa), int(sb))
        return cmp(sa, sb)
Exemplo n.º 48
def __depth_cmp(item1, item2):
    d1 = item1.get("depth", 1)
    d2 = item2.get("depth", 1)
    return cmp(d1, d2)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def cmp_exec_time(task1, task2):
     return cmp(task1.execStartTimeMs, task2.execStartTimeMs)
Exemplo n.º 50
def download_system_symbols_if_needed(symbols_directory):
    """Download system libraries from |SYMBOLS_URL| and cache locally."""
    # For local testing, we do not have access to the cloud storage bucket with
    # the symbols. In this case, just bail out.
    if environment.get_value('LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT'):

    # When running reproduce tool locally, we do not have access to the cloud
    # storage bucket with the symbols. In this case, just bail out.
    if environment.get_value('REPRODUCE_TOOL'):

    # We have archived symbols for google builds only.
    if not settings.is_google_device():

    # Get the build fingerprint parameters.
    build_params = settings.get_build_parameters()
    if not build_params:
        logs.log_error('Unable to determine build parameters.')
    build_id = build_params.get('build_id')
    target = build_params.get('target')
    type = build_params.get('type')
    if not build_id or not target or not type:
        logs.log_error('Null build parameters found, exiting.')

    # Check if we already have the symbols in cache.
    build_params_check_path = os.path.join(symbols_directory,
    cached_build_params = utils.read_data_from_file(build_params_check_path,
    if cached_build_params and cmp(cached_build_params, build_params) == 0:
        # No work to do, same system symbols already in cache.

    symbols_archive_filename = '%s-symbols-%s.zip' % (target, build_id)
    symbols_archive_path = os.path.join(symbols_directory,

    # Delete existing symbols directory first.
    shell.remove_directory(symbols_directory, recreate=True)

    # Fetch symbol file from cloud storage cache (if available).
    found_in_cache = storage.get_file_from_cache_if_exists(
        symbols_archive_path, update_modification_time_on_access=False)
    if not found_in_cache:
        # Include type and sanitizer information in the target.
        target_with_type_and_san = '%s-%s' % (target, type)
        tool_suffix = environment.get_value('SANITIZER_TOOL_NAME')
        if tool_suffix and not tool_suffix in target_with_type_and_san:
            target_with_type_and_san += '_%s' % tool_suffix

        # Fetch the artifact now.
        fetch_artifact.get(build_id, target_with_type_and_san,
                           symbols_archive_filename, symbols_directory)

    if not os.path.exists(symbols_archive_path):
        logs.log_error('Unable to locate symbols archive %s.' %

    # Store the artifact for later use or for use by other bots.

    archive.unpack(symbols_archive_path, symbols_directory, trusted=True)
    utils.write_data_to_file(build_params, build_params_check_path)
Exemplo n.º 51
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, RdiffTime)
     return cmp(self.epoch(), other.epoch())
Exemplo n.º 52
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     """Compares quality of parsed, if quality is equal, compares proper_count."""
     return cmp((self.quality), (other.quality))
Exemplo n.º 53
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     """Compares quality of parsers, if quality is equal, compares proper_count."""
     return cmp((self.quality, self.episodes, self.proper_count),
                (other.quality, other.episodes, other.proper_count))
Exemplo n.º 54
 def __cmp__(self, rhs):
     if isinstance(rhs, JobProperty):
         return cmp(self(), rhs())
     return cmp(self(), rhs)
Exemplo n.º 55
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     return cmp(self.value, (other.value if isinstance(other, ValueConstant) else other))
Exemplo n.º 56
 def reporting_sorter(self, a, b):
     Used for sorting cobbler objects for report commands
     return cmp(a.name, b.name)
Exemplo n.º 57
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     return cmp(self.ID, other.ID)
Exemplo n.º 58
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     return cmp(ALL_RANKS_ORDERED.index(self.rank),
     return dmt
Exemplo n.º 59
 def __cmp__(self, other):
     """ Sort Atoms first by mass, then name, then index."""
     return cmp((self.mass, self.name, self.index),
                (other.mass, other.name, other.index))
Exemplo n.º 60
def cmp_version(ver1, ver2):
    """Compare two version strings in the form of 1.2.34"""
    return cmp([int(v) for v in ver1.split('.')],
               [int(v) for v in ver2.split('.')])