Exemplo n.º 1
def averagePathLength(graph):
    total = 0
    for v in graph.vertices():
        pf = PathFinder(graph, v)
        for w in graph.vertices():
            total += pf.distanceTo(w)
    return 1.0 * total / (graph.countV() * (graph.countV() - 1))
Exemplo n.º 2
def averagePathLength(graph):
    total = 0
    for v in graph.vertices():
        pf = PathFinder(graph, v)
        for w in graph.vertices():
            total += pf.distanceTo(w)
    return 1.0 * total / (graph.countV() * (graph.countV() - 1))
Exemplo n.º 3
# from the source index to the destination index.

ommand-line arguments file, delimiter, and s. The file 
# contains a graph expressed using delimiter Read data from
# file to create a graph
file = sys.argv[1]
delimiter = sys.argv[2]
s = sys.argv[3]

graph = Graph(file, delimiter)
pf = PathFinder(graph, s)

while stdio.hasNextLine():
    t = stdio.readLine()
    if pf.hasPathTo(t):
        distance = pf.distanceTo(t)
        for v in pf.pathTo(t):
            stdio.writeln('   ' + v)
        stdio.writeln('distance: ' + str(distance))


# python separation.py routes.txt " " JFK
# LAX   
#    JFK
#    ORD
#    PHX
#    LAX
# distance: 3
#    JFK