# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from fabric2 import Connection
from invoke import Result
from pathlib_mate import PathCls as Path

_ = Result

HOST = "ec2-54-165-167-139.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
USER = "******"
PEM_PATH = Path.home().append_parts("ec2-pem", "eq-sanhe-dev.pem").abspath

# open a ssh session and close automatically
with Connection(host=HOST,
                connect_kwargs={"key_filename": [
                ]}) as conn:
    # example1: send command, create a html file index.html
    # conn.run('echo "<html>Hello World</html>" > /tmp/index.html') # type: Result
    # conn.run('cat /tmp/index.html') # type: Result

    # example2: process standard output afterwards
    result = conn.run('ls /', hide=True)  # type: Result
    )  # access the standard output, capture those strings and process it in Python
    # print(result.stderr)
    # print(result.encoding)
    # print(result.command)
    # print(result.shell) # the shell you use to execute this command
Exemplo n.º 2

from __future__ import print_function

import requests

from pathlib_mate import PathCls as Path

    from .pkg.atomicwrites import atomic_write
    from .pkg.sqlalchemy_mate import engine_creator
    from uszipcode.pkg.atomicwrites import atomic_write
    from uszipcode.pkg.sqlalchemy_mate import engine_creator

db_file_dir = Path.home().append_parts(".uszipcode")

simple_db_file_path = db_file_dir.append_parts("simple_db.sqlite")
db_file_path = db_file_dir.append_parts("db.sqlite")

def is_simple_db_file_exists():
    if simple_db_file_path.exists():
        if simple_db_file_path.size >= 5 * 1000 * 1000:
            return True
    return False

def is_db_file_exists():
    if db_file_path.exists():
Exemplo n.º 3
    then put everything into ``dev.sh`` and use the "Example: run shell script remotely"
    to run the shell script on remote.

from fabric2 import Connection
from invoke import Result
from paramiko import SFTPClient
from patchwork.transfers import rsync
from pathlib_mate import PathCls as Path

# --- Config ---
HOST = "ec2-111-222-333-444.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
OS_USERNAME = "******"  # for Amazon Linux and Redhat, its ec2-user, for Ubuntu, its ubuntu, for other system, read this: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/connection-prereqs.html#connection-prereqs-get-info-about-instance

# all path are absolute
HOME = Path.home()  # $HOME directory
HERE = Path(__file__).parent  # where this dev.py scripts locate
REPO_ROOT = HERE.parent  # the path of this repository on local laptop
REPO_ROOT_REMOTE = "/tmp/{}".format(REPO_ROOT.basename)  # the path of this repository on remote server, if using rsync.

PEM_PATH = Path(HOME, "path-to-my-pem-file.pem").abspath

_ = Result
_ = SFTPClient
_ = rsync

# config connection
with Connection(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
dir settings

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from pathlib_mate import PathCls as Path

HOME = Path.home()
User home directory:

- Windows: C:\\Users\\<username>
- MacOS: /Users/<username>
- Ubuntu: /home/<username> 

ALFRED_FTS = Path(HOME, ".alfred-fts")
Alfred Full Text Search Data Folder: ${HOME}/.alfred-fts

if not ALFRED_FTS.exists():