Exemplo n.º 1
    def generateRandomPrimitivePath(self, map, agent):
        ''' Returns an array of primitives corresponding to a path for the given agent

                map         (Map): Map to generate path on
                pathTIme    (float): How long should travelling on the path take?
                agent       (Agent): Agent to generate path for

        primitivePath = []
        speed = agent.currentSpeed
        timeLeft = self._pathTime
        point = map.mapToWorld(agent.position[0], agent.position[1])
        count = 0
        while timeLeft > 0:
            count += 1
            if (count % 5000 == 0):
                return (PathPrimitive(primitivePath), False)
            nextPoint = map.getRandomPoint()
            dist = ((point[0] - nextPoint[0])**2 +
                    (point[1] - nextPoint[1])**2)**0.5
            heading = math.atan2(-(nextPoint[1] - point[1]),
                                 nextPoint[0] - point[0])
            time = min(dist / speed, timeLeft)
            primitive = PrimitiveLine(time, speed, point, heading)
            timeLeft -= time
            point = primitive.getEndPoint()
            minSpeed = max(speed - agent.acceleration * time, agent.minSpeed)
            maxSpeed = min(speed + agent.acceleration * time, agent.maxSpeed)
            speed = rand.uniform(minSpeed, maxSpeed)
            primitivePath = np.append(primitivePath, [primitive])
        return (PathPrimitive(primitivePath), True)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def generateRandomPrimitivePath(self, map, agent):
        ''' Returns an array of primitives corresponding to a path for the given agent

                map         (Map): Map to generate path on
                agent       (Agent): Agent to generate path for
        inBounds = True
        primitivePath = []
        timeLeft = self._pathTime
        heading = agent.rotation
        speed = agent.currentSpeed
        point = map.mapToWorld(agent.position[0], agent.position[1])
        firstPrimitive = True
        directions = [0, math.pi / 2, -math.pi / 2, math.pi]
        while timeLeft > 0:
            primitiveAttempts = self._primitiveTries
            inBounds = False
            primitive = None
            time = 0

            while inBounds == False and primitiveAttempts > 0:

                (pathTimeMin, pathTimeMax) = self._pathLengthRange
                time = min(rand.uniform(pathTimeMin, pathTimeMax), timeLeft)
                '''if (rand.random() < self._straightChance):
                    primitive = PrimitiveLine(time, speed, point, heading)
                    (radiusMin, radiusMax) = self._radiusRange
                    radius = rand.uniform(max(radiusMin, agent.minRadius), radiusMax)
                    dir = 1 + ((rand.random() < 0.5) * -2)
                    primitive = PrimitiveCurve(time, speed, point, heading, radius, dir)'''
                heading = rand.choice(directions)
                primitive = PrimitiveLine(time, speed, point, heading)
                inBounds = primitive.isInMapBounds(map) or (
                    firstPrimitive and
                    not map.isWorldPointOutOfBounds(primitive.getEndPoint()))
                primitiveAttempts -= 1
            if inBounds == False:
                timeLeft -= time
                heading = primitive.getEndHeading()
                point = primitive.getEndPoint()
                minSpeed = max(speed - agent.acceleration * time,
                maxSpeed = min(speed + agent.acceleration * time,
                speed = rand.uniform(minSpeed, maxSpeed)
                primitivePath = np.append(primitivePath, [primitive])
                firstPrimitive = False

        return (PathPrimitive(primitivePath), inBounds)
    def generatePrimitivePaths(self, map, splitMapAgents, tries):
        ''' Returns an array of primitive paths (an array of primitives) that take pathTime time for each agent.
            path at index i corresponds to agent i in agents array.

                map         (Map): Map to generate path on
                pathTime    (float): time path traversal should take
                agents      (Agent array): the agents to generate path for
                tries       (int): how many tries should we do for the path
                                   (we pick best one using ergodicity calculation)
        '''bestSplitMapPaths = [[],[],[]]
        for splitMapIndex in range(len(splitMapAgents)):
            minErg = -1
            agentList = splitMapAgents[splitMapIndex]
            for trial in range(tries * len(agentList)):
                paths = []
                for i in range(len(agentList)):
                    currentAgent = agentList[i]
                    generator = self._generators[currentAgent.generatorIndex]
                    inBounds = False
                    path = PathPrimitive([])
                    while inBounds == False:
                        (path, inBounds) = generator.generateRandomPrimitivePath(map, currentAgent)

                infoMap = self.generateInfoMapFromPrimitivePaths(map, 5, agentList, paths)
                erg = mathlib.calcErgodicity(map, infoMap, splitMapIndex, 15)
                if minErg < 0 or erg < minErg:
                    minErg = erg
                    bestSplitMapPaths[splitMapIndex] = np.array(paths)
            #if (minErg != -1):
             #   print(minErg)
        # printing final erg values:
        for i in range(len(splitMapAgents)):
            agentList = splitMapAgents[i]
            infoMap = self.generateInfoMapFromPrimitivePaths(map, 5, agentList, bestSplitMapPaths[i])
            erg = mathlib.calcErgodicity(map, infoMap, i, 15)
            #print("Final erg " + str(erg))
            if (erg > 0.0):
        return np.array(bestSplitMapPaths)'''

        bestSplitMapPaths = [[], [], []]
        originalMap = Map(map.sizeX, map.sizeY, map.dX, map.dY, 50,
        tries = 1
        lowestx, lowesty = map.getWorldSize()
        highestx = 0
        highesty = 0
        for splitMapIndex in range(len(splitMapAgents)):
            minErg = -1
            agentList = splitMapAgents[splitMapIndex]
            #print("Number of agents: " + str(len(agentList)))
            for trial in range(tries * len(agentList)):
                map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY, originalMap.dX,
                          originalMap.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution)

                #print("Map size: " + str(len(map._distribution)) + ", " + str(len(map._distribution[0])))
                #print("Map sum = " + str(map._distribution.sum()))
                #for i in range(len(map._distribution)):
                #    print("Line sum = " + str(map._distribution[i].sum()))
                for n in range(10):
                    paths = []
                    for i in range(len(agentList)):
                        currentAgent = agentList[i]
                        generator = self._generators[
                        inBounds = False
                        count = 0
                        path = PathPrimitive([])
                        while inBounds == False:
                            count += 1
                            if (count % 100000 == 0):
                                map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY,
                                          originalMap.dX, originalMap.dY, 50,
                             inBounds) = generator.generateRandomPrimitivePath(
                                 map, currentAgent)

                    infoMap = self.generateInfoMapFromPrimitivePaths(
                        originalMap, 5, agentList, paths)
                    erg = mathlib.calcErgodicity(originalMap, infoMap,
                                                 splitMapIndex, 15)
                    if minErg < 0 or erg < minErg:
                        minErg = erg
                        bestSplitMapPaths[splitMapIndex] = np.array(paths)
                    #lowestx = 100
                    #lowesty = 100
                    lowestx, lowesty = map.getWorldSize()
                    highestx = 0
                    highesty = 0
                    for path in paths:
                        for x in range(int(path.getTotalTime())):
                             currenty) = path.getPointAtTime(float(x))
                            #(currentx, currenty) = map.mapToWorld(currentx, currenty)
                            if currentx > highestx:
                                highestx = currentx
                            if currentx < lowestx:
                                lowestx = currentx
                            if currenty > highesty:
                                highesty = currenty
                            if currenty < lowesty:
                                lowesty = currenty

                    lowestx, lowesty = map.worldToMap(lowestx, lowesty)
                    highestx, highesty = map.worldToMap(highestx, highesty)

                    if (len(map._distribution) <= highesty) or (len(
                            map._distribution[0]) <= highestx):
                        map = Map(map.sizeX, map.sizeY, map.dX, map.dY, 50,
                        #Map stays unchanged if either dimension of new map is 0
                        if (len(originalMap._distribution[
                                int(lowestx):int(highestx)]) == 0):
                            map = Map(map.sizeX, map.sizeY, map.dX, map.dY, 50,
                        elif (len(originalMap._distribution[
                                int(lowestx):int(highestx)][0]) == 0):
                            map = Map(map.sizeX, map.sizeY, map.dX, map.dY, 50,
                    #   map = Map(abs(int(highestx)-int(lowestx)), abs(int(highesty)-int(lowesty)), map.dX, map.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)])

                    #Map stays unchanged if sum of probabilities in new map is 0.0
                        elif (originalMap._distribution[
                                int(lowestx):int(highestx)].sum() == 0.0):
                            map = Map(map.sizeX, map.sizeY, map.dX, map.dY, 50,
                    #   map = Map(abs(int(highestx)-int(lowestx)), abs(int(highesty)-int(lowesty)), map.dX, map.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)])

                    #elif(len(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)]) > 0):

                    #Map stays unchanged if new map dimensions is less than 5x5
                        elif ((len(originalMap._distribution[
                                int(lowestx):int(highestx)]) *
                                   int(lowestx):int(highestx)][0])) < 25):
                            map = Map(map.sizeX, map.sizeY, map.dX, map.dY, 50,
                    #    map = Map(abs(int(highestx)-int(lowestx)), abs(int(highesty)-int(lowesty)), map.dX, map.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)])

                        elif (originalMap._distribution[
                                int(lowestx):int(highestx)].sum() == 1.0):
                            for i in range(
                                if (originalMap._distribution[
                                        int(lowestx):int(highestx)][i].sum() ==
                                    map = Map(
                                        map.sizeX, map.sizeY, map.dX, map.dY,
                                        map._distribution)  #change to original
                    # Map stays unchanged if only one value in new map is non-zero
                            flag = 0
                            for i in range(
                                if (originalMap._distribution[
                                        int(lowestx):int(highestx)][i].sum() ==
                                    flag += 1

                    #figure out how to make this not hard coded
                            if flag >= (len(originalMap._distribution[
                                    int(lowestx):int(highestx)]) - 3):
                                print("Number of all-zero rows" + str(flag))
                                map = Map(
                                    map.sizeX, map.sizeY, map.dX, map.dY, 50,
                                    map._distribution)  #Change to originalMap
                                map = Map(
                                    abs(int(highestx) - int(lowestx)),
                                    abs(int(highesty) - int(lowesty)), map.dX,
                                    map.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution[

            if (minErg != -1):
                if (minErg > 0.2):

        #printing final erg values:
        for i in range(len(splitMapAgents)):
            agentList = splitMapAgents[i]
            infoMap = self.generateInfoMapFromPrimitivePaths(
                originalMap, 5, agentList, bestSplitMapPaths[i])
            erg = mathlib.calcErgodicity(originalMap, infoMap, i, 15)
            #print("Final erg " + str(erg))
            #if (erg > 0.0):
        return np.array(bestSplitMapPaths)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def generateRandomPrimitivePath(self, map, agent):
        ''' Returns an array of primitives corresponding to a path for the given agent

                map         (Map): Map to generate path on
                pathTIme    (float): How long should travelling on the path take?
                agent       (Agent): Agent to generate path for

        primitivePath = []
        speed = agent.currentSpeed
        timeLeft = self._pathTime
        '''Changing starting point for agent to be on suitable terrain'''
        if agent.terrainCode == 3:
            g = PathGeneratorStraight(self._pathTime)
            return g.generateRandomPrimitivePath(map, agent)
        if (map._terrainDistribution[int(agent.position[0])][int(
                agent.position[1])] != agent.terrainCode):
            if (agent.terrainCode in map._terrainDistribution[50:60, 50:60]):
                agent.position = agent.setStartingPointCentre(map)
                agent.position = agent.setStartingPoint(map)
        point = map.mapToWorld(agent.position[0], agent.position[1])

        while timeLeft > 0:
            checkPoints = False
            count = 0
            while checkPoints == False:
                count += 1
                validTerrain = False
                while validTerrain == False:
                    count += 1
                    nextPoint = map.getRandomPoint()
                    (x, y) = nextPoint
                    if int(map._terrainDistribution[y]
                           [x]) == agent.terrainCode:
                        validTerrain = True
                dist = ((point[0] - nextPoint[0])**2 +
                        (point[1] - nextPoint[1])**2)**0.5
                heading = math.atan2(-(nextPoint[1] - point[1]),
                                     nextPoint[0] - point[0])
                time = min(dist / speed, timeLeft)
                primitive = PrimitiveLine(time, speed, point, heading)
                '''Ensuring entire path primitive is within suitable terrain'''
                flag = 0
                for t in range(int(primitive.getTotalTime())):
                    for dt in range(1):
                        (i, j) = primitive.getPointAtTime((t + dt * 0.1))
                        if (int(map._terrainDistribution[int(j)][int(i)]) !=
                            flag = 1
                if (flag == 0):
                    checkPoints = True

            timeLeft -= time
            point = primitive.getEndPoint()
            minSpeed = max(speed - agent.acceleration * time, agent.minSpeed)
            maxSpeed = min(speed + agent.acceleration * time, agent.maxSpeed)
            speed = rand.uniform(minSpeed, maxSpeed)
            primitivePath = np.append(primitivePath, [primitive])

        return (PathPrimitive(primitivePath), True)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def generatePrimitivePaths(self, map, splitMapAgents, tries):
        ''' Returns an array of primitive paths (an array of primitives) that take pathTime time for each agent.
            path at index i corresponds to agent i in agents array.

                map         (Map): Map to generate path on
                pathTime    (float): time path traversal should take
                agents      (Agent array): the agents to generate path for
                tries       (int): how many tries should we do for the path
                                   (we pick best one using ergodicity calculation)
        '''Original planner'''
        bestSplitMapPaths = [[], [], []]
        for splitMapIndex in range(len(splitMapAgents)):
            minErg = -1
            agentList = splitMapAgents[splitMapIndex]
            for trial in range(tries * len(agentList)):
                paths = []

                #Finding fft of map
                map_fft = fftpack.fft2(map._distribution)
                #print("New trial")
                for i in range(len(agentList)):
                    currentAgent = agentList[i]
                    generator = self._generators[currentAgent.generatorIndex]
                    inBounds = False
                    path = PathPrimitive([])
                    reconstructedmap = currentAgent.distributeAgent(map_fft)
                    reconstructedmap = Map(len(reconstructedmap),
                                           len(reconstructedmap[0]), map.dX,
                                           map.dY, 50, reconstructedmap)
                    count = 0
                    while inBounds == False:
                        count += 1
                        if (count > 7):
                             inBounds) = generator.generateRandomPrimitivePath(
                                 map, currentAgent)
                             inBounds) = generator.generateRandomPrimitivePath(
                                 reconstructedmap, currentAgent)

                infoMap = self.generateInfoMapFromPrimitivePaths(
                    map, 5, agentList, paths)
                erg = mathlib.calcErgodicity(map, infoMap, splitMapIndex, 15)
                if minErg < 0 or erg < minErg:
                    minErg = erg
                    bestSplitMapPaths[splitMapIndex] = np.array(paths)
        # Printing final erg values:
        '''for i in range(len(splitMapAgents)):
            agentList = splitMapAgents[i]
            infoMap = self.generateInfoMapFromPrimitivePaths(map, 5, agentList, bestSplitMapPaths[i])
            erg = mathlib.calcErgodicity(map, infoMap, i, 15)
            #print("Final erg " + str(erg))
            if (erg > 0.0):
        return np.array(bestSplitMapPaths)
        '''Cross entropy planner'''
        '''bestSplitMapPaths = [[], [], []]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generateRandomPrimitivePath(self, map, agent):
        ''' Returns an array of primitives corresponding to a path for the given agent

                map         (Map): Map to generate path on
                agent       (Agent): Agent to generate path for
        inBounds = True
        primitivePath = []
        timeLeft = self._pathTime
        heading = agent.rotation
        speed = agent.currentSpeed
        if agent.terrainCode == 3:
            g = PathGeneratorStraight(self._pathTime)
            return g.generateRandomPrimitivePath(map, agent)
        if (map._terrainDistribution[int(agent.position[0])][int(
                agent.position[1])] != agent.terrainCode):
            print("Changing start")
            if (agent.terrainCode in map._terrainDistribution[50:60, 50:60]):
                agent.position = agent.setStartingPointCentre(map)
                agent.position = agent.setStartingPoint(map)
        point = map.mapToWorld(agent.position[0], agent.position[1])
        firstPrimitive = True
        while timeLeft > 0:
            primitiveAttempts = self._primitiveTries
            inBounds = False
            primitive = None
            time = 0

            while inBounds == False and primitiveAttempts > 0:
                (pathTimeMin, pathTimeMax) = self._pathLengthRange
                time = min(rand.uniform(pathTimeMin, pathTimeMax), timeLeft)
                if (rand.random() < self._straightChance):
                    primitive = PrimitiveLine(time, speed, point, heading)
                    #print("Gets here")
                    validTerrain = False
                    count = 1
                    while (validTerrain == False):
                        if (count % 1000 == 0):
                            print("Overshoot" + str(count))
                        if (count % 1000 == 0):
                            radius = 0.0000000000000000001
                            dir = -1
                            heading = heading - pi / 4
                            dir = 1 + ((rand.random() < 0.5) * -2)
                            (radiusMin, radiusMax) = self._radiusRange
                            radius = rand.uniform(
                                max(radiusMin, agent.minRadius), radiusMax)
                        primitive = PrimitiveCurve(time, speed, point, heading,
                                                   radius, dir)
                        (x, y) = primitive.getEndPoint()
                        #validTerrain = True
                        #if not map.isWorldPointOutOfBounds((x,y)):
                        #    if (map._terrainDistribution[int(x)][int(y)] == agent.terrainCode):
                        #        validTerrain = True
                        flag = 0
                        #print("Center of circle: "+ str(primitive.getCircleCenter()))
                        #print("Radius: " + str(radius))
                        for dth in range(18):
                            (x, y) = primitive.getPointOnCircle(20 * dth * pi /
                            #print("Point: " + str(x) + ", " + str(y))
                            if not map.isWorldPointOutOfBounds((y, x)):
                                if (map._terrainDistribution[int(y)][int(x)] !=
                                    flag += 1
                        if flag == 0:
                            validTerrain = True
                        count += 1
                inBounds = primitive.isInMapBounds(map) or (
                    firstPrimitive and
                    not map.isWorldPointOutOfBounds(primitive.getEndPoint()))
                #print("Gets here")
                primitiveAttempts -= 1
            if inBounds == False:
                timeLeft -= time
                heading = primitive.getEndHeading()
                point = primitive.getEndPoint()
                minSpeed = max(speed - agent.acceleration * time,
                maxSpeed = min(speed + agent.acceleration * time,
                speed = rand.uniform(minSpeed, maxSpeed)
                primitivePath = np.append(primitivePath, [primitive])
                firstPrimitive = False

        return (PathPrimitive(primitivePath), inBounds)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def generateRandomPrimitivePath(self, map, agent):
     return (PathPrimitive([]), True)
    def generatePrimitivePaths(self, map, splitMapAgents, tries):
        ''' Returns an array of primitive paths (an array of primitives) that take pathTime time for each agent.
            path at index i corresponds to agent i in agents array.

                map         (Map): Map to generate path on
                pathTime    (float): time path traversal should take
                agents      (Agent array): the agents to generate path for
                tries       (int): how many tries should we do for the path
                                   (we pick best one using ergodicity calculation)

        '''bestSplitMapPaths = [[],[],[]]
        for splitMapIndex in range(len(splitMapAgents)):
            minErg = -1
            agentList = splitMapAgents[splitMapIndex]
            tries = 1
            for trial in range(tries * len(agentList)):
                paths = []
                for i in range(len(agentList)):
                    currentAgent = agentList[i]
                    generator = self._generators[currentAgent.generatorIndex]
                    inBounds = False
                    path = PathPrimitive([])
                    while inBounds == False:
                        (path, inBounds) = generator.generateRandomPrimitivePath(map, currentAgent)

                infoMap = self.generateInfoMapFromPrimitivePaths(map, 5, agentList, paths)
                erg = mathlib.calcErgodicity(map, infoMap, splitMapIndex, 15)
                if minErg < 0 or erg < minErg:
                    minErg = erg
                    bestSplitMapPaths[splitMapIndex] = np.array(paths)
        return np.array(bestSplitMapPaths)'''

        bestSplitMapPaths = [[],[],[]]
        originalMap = Map(map.sizeX,map.sizeY,map.dX,map.dY,50,map._distribution)
        tries = 15
        for splitMapIndex in range(len(splitMapAgents)):
            print("Start new")
            minErg = -1
            agentList = splitMapAgents[splitMapIndex]
            lowestx = 100
            highestx = 0
            #print("Number of trials: " + str(tries))
            print("Length of agent list: " + str(len(agentList)))
            for trial in range(tries * len(agentList)):
                #print("New trial")
                paths = []
                for i in range(len(agentList)):
                    map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY, originalMap.dX, originalMap.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution)

                    #print("new agent " + str(i))
                    print("Map info (x): " + str(len(map._distribution)) + ", " + str(map.sizeY))
                    print("Map info (y): " + str(len(map._distribution[0])) + ", " + str(map.sizeX))
                    print("Map slicing coordinates: " + str(lowestx) + ", " + str(highestx))
                    currentAgent = agentList[i]
                    generator = self._generators[currentAgent.generatorIndex]
                    for n in range(1):
                        inBounds = False
                        count = 0
                        path = PathPrimitive([])
                        #print("Path finding level " + str(n))
                        while inBounds == False:
                            count += 1
                            #print("Gets to here")
                            if (count%500 == 0):
                                map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY, originalMap.dX, originalMap.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution)
                                #print("Overshoot " + str(count))
                            #print("Before finding path" + str(n))
                            (path, inBounds) = generator.generateRandomPrimitivePath(map, currentAgent)
                            #print("Found path")
                            #if (count%1000 == 0):
                             #   print("stuck here")
                        lowestx = 100
                        lowesty = 100
                        highestx = 0
                        highesty = 0
                        for x in range(int(path.getTotalTime())):
                            (currentx, currenty) = path.getPointAtTime(float(x))
                            if currentx > highestx:
                                highestx = currentx
                            if currentx < lowestx:
                                lowestx = currentx
                            if currenty > highesty:
                                highesty = currenty
                            if currenty < lowesty:
                                lowesty = currenty
                        print("Map size: " + str(map.sizeX) + ", " + str(map.sizeY))
                        print("Starting coordinate is: " + str(int(lowestx)) + ", " + str(int(lowesty)))
                        print("Test value before slice: " + str(map._distribution[0][0]))
                        print("Sum of slice: " + str(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)].sum()))
                        print("Coordinates for slice: lowx = " + str(lowestx) + ", highx = " + str(highestx) + ", lowy = " + str(lowesty) + ", highy = " + str(highesty))

                        #Changes map back to original map if either dimension is 0
                        if (len(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)]) == 0):
                            #print("Size of map was 0")
                            map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY, originalMap.dX, originalMap.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution)
                        elif (len(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)][0]) == 0):
                            map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY, originalMap.dX, originalMap.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution)
                            map = Map(abs(int(highestx)-int(lowestx)), abs(int(highesty)-int(lowesty)), map.dX, map.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)])

                        #Changes map back to original map if sum of probabilities in map is 0.0
                        if (originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)].sum() == 0.0):
                            map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY, originalMap.dX, originalMap.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution)
                            #print("Changed to original map")
                            #print("Slice:" + str(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)]))
                            map = Map(abs(int(highestx)-int(lowestx)), abs(int(highesty)-int(lowesty)), map.dX, map.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)])

                        #Changes map back to original map if only one value is none-zero
                        #if (originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)].sum() >= 0.99999):
                        flag = 0
                        for i in range(len(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)])):
                            if (originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)][i].sum() == 0.0):
                                flag += 1
                        if flag >= (len(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)]) - 3):
                            #print("Only one none zero value in map")
                            map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY, originalMap.dX, originalMap.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution)
                            map = Map(abs(int(highestx)-int(lowestx)), abs(int(highesty)-int(lowesty)), map.dX, map.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)])
                        #Changes map back to original map if map dimensions goes below 5x5
                        if(len(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)]) > 0):
                            if ((len(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)]) * len(originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)][0])) < 25):
                                #print("Map got too small")
                                map = Map(originalMap.sizeX, originalMap.sizeY, originalMap.dX, originalMap.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution)
                            map = Map(abs(int(highestx)-int(lowestx)), abs(int(highesty)-int(lowesty)), map.dX, map.dY, 50, originalMap._distribution[int(lowesty):int(highesty), int(lowestx):int(highestx)])

                        #print("Test value from distribution: " + str(map._distribution[0][0]))

                infoMap = self.generateInfoMapFromPrimitivePaths(originalMap, 5, agentList, paths)
                erg = mathlib.calcErgodicity(originalMap, infoMap, splitMapIndex, 15)
                if minErg < 0 or erg < minErg:
                    minErg = erg
                    bestSplitMapPaths[splitMapIndex] = np.array(paths)
        return np.array(bestSplitMapPaths)