Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
                 start_loc=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                 extent=(-10., 10., -10., 10.),
                 discretization=(10, 10),
        ''' Initialize the robot class with a GP model, initial location, path sets, and prior dataset
            sample_world (method) a function handle that takes a set of locations as input and returns a set of observations
            start_loc (tuple of floats) the location of the robot initially in 2-D space e.g. (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            extent (tuple of floats): a tuple representing the max/min of 2D rectangular domain i.e. (-10, 10, -50, 50)
            kernel_file (string) a filename specifying the location of the stored kernel values
            kernel_dataset (tuple of nparrays) a tuple (xvals, zvals), where xvals is a Npoint x 2 nparray of type float and zvals is a Npoint x 1 nparray of type float 
            prior_dataset (tuple of nparrays) a tuple (xvals, zvals), where xvals is a Npoint x 2 nparray of type float and zvals is a Npoint x 1 nparray of type float
            init_lengthscale (float) lengthscale param of kernel
            init_variance (float) variance param of kernel
            noise (float) the sensor noise parameter of kernel 
            path_generator (string): one of default, dubins, or equal_dubins. Robot path parameterization. 
            frontier_size (int): the number of paths in the generated path set
            horizon_length (float): the length of the paths generated by the robot 
            turning_radius (float): the turning radius (in units of distance) of the robot
            sample_set (float): the step size (in units of distance) between sequential samples on a trajectory
            evaluation (Evaluation object): an evaluation object for performance metric compuation
            f_rew (string): the reward function. One of {hotspot_info, mean, info_gain, exp_info, mes}
                    create_animation (boolean): save the generate world model and trajectory to file at each timestep 

        # Parameterization for the robot
        self.ranges = extent
        self.create_animation = create_animation
        self.eval = evaluation
        self.loc = start_loc
        self.sample_world = sample_world
        self.f_rew = f_rew
        self.fs = frontier_size
        self.discretization = discretization
        self.tree_type = tree_type

        self.maxes = []
        self.current_max = -1000
        self.current_max_loc = [0, 0]
        self.max_locs = None
        self.max_val = None
        self.target = None
        self.noise = noise

        self.learn_params = learn_params
        self.use_cost = use_cost

        if f_rew == 'hotspot_info':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.hotspot_info_UCB
        elif f_rew == 'mean':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.mean_UCB
        elif f_rew == 'info_gain':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.info_gain
        elif f_rew == 'mes':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.mves
        elif f_rew == 'maxs-mes':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.mves_maximal_set
        elif f_rew == 'exp_improve':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.exp_improvement
        elif f_rew == 'naive':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.naive
            self.sample_num = 3
            self.sample_radius = 1.5
        elif f_rew == 'naive_value':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.naive_value
            self.sample_num = 3
            self.sample_radius = 3.0
            raise ValueError(
                'Only \'hotspot_info\' and \'mean\' and \'info_gain\' and \'mes\' and \'exp_improve\' reward fucntions supported.'

        # Initialize the robot's GP model with the initial kernel parameters
        self.GP = gplib.OnlineGPModel(ranges=extent,

        # If both a kernel training dataset and a prior dataset are provided, train the kernel using both
        if kernel_dataset is not None and prior_dataset is not None:
            data = np.vstack([prior_dataset[0], kernel_dataset[0]])
            observations = np.vstack([prior_dataset[1], kernel_dataset[1]])
            self.GP.train_kernel(data, observations, kernel_file)
        # Train the kernel using the provided kernel dataset
        elif kernel_dataset is not None:
            self.GP.train_kernel(kernel_dataset[0], kernel_dataset[1],
        # If a kernel file is provided, load the kernel parameters
        elif kernel_file is not None:
        # No kernel information was provided, so the kernel will be initialized with provided values

        # Incorporate the prior dataset into the model
        if prior_dataset is not None:
            self.GP.add_data(prior_dataset[0], prior_dataset[1])

        # The path generation class for the robot
        path_options = {
            pathlib.Path_Generator(frontier_size, horizon_length,
                                   turning_radius, sample_step, self.ranges,
            pathlib.Dubins_Path_Generator(frontier_size, horizon_length,
                                          turning_radius, sample_step,
                                          self.ranges, obstacle_world),
            pathlib.Dubins_EqualPath_Generator(frontier_size, horizon_length,
                                               turning_radius, sample_step,
                                               self.ranges, obstacle_world),
            pathlib.Reachable_Frontier_Generator(extent, discretization,
                                                 sample_step, turning_radius,
            pathlib.Reachable_Step_Generator(extent, discretization,
                                             sample_step, turning_radius,
                                             horizon_length, obstacle_world)
        self.path_generator = path_options[path_generator]
        self.path_option = path_generator

        self.nonmyopic = nonmyopic
        self.comp_budget = computation_budget
        self.roll_length = rollout_length

        self.step_size = horizon_length
        self.sample_step = sample_step
        self.turning_radius = turning_radius

        self.MIN_COLOR = MIN_COLOR
        self.MAX_COLOR = MAX_COLOR

        x1vals = np.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], discretization[0])
        x2vals = np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], discretization[1])
        x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(x1vals, x2vals, sparse=False, indexing='xy')
        self.goals = np.vstack([x1.ravel(), x2.ravel()]).T
        self.goal_only = goal_only

        self.obstacle_world = obstacle_world
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        ''' Initialize the robot class with a GP model, initial location, path sets, and prior dataset
            sample_world (method) a function handle that takes a set of locations as input and returns a set of observations
            start_loc (tuple of floats) the location of the robot initially in 2-D space e.g. (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            extent (tuple of floats): a tuple representing the max/min of 2D rectangular domain i.e. (-10, 10, -50, 50)
            kernel_file (string) a filename specifying the location of the stored kernel values
            kernel_dataset (tuple of nparrays) a tuple (xvals, zvals), where xvals is a Npoint x 2 nparray of type float and zvals is a Npoint x 1 nparray of type float 
            prior_dataset (tuple of nparrays) a tuple (xvals, zvals), where xvals is a Npoint x 2 nparray of type float and zvals is a Npoint x 1 nparray of type float
            init_lengthscale (float) lengthscale param of kernel
            init_variance (float) variance param of kernel
            noise (float) the sensor noise parameter of kernel 
            path_generator (string): one of default, dubins, or equal_dubins. Robot path parameterization. 
            frontier_size (int): the number of paths in the generated path set
            horizon_length (float): the length of the paths generated by the robot 
            turning_radius (float): the turning radius (in units of distance) of the robot
            sample_set (float): the step size (in units of distance) between sequential samples on a trajectory
            evaluation (Evaluation object): an evaluation object for performance metric compuation
            f_rew (string): the reward function. One of {hotspot_info, mean, info_gain, exp_info, mes}
                    create_animation (boolean): save the generate world model and trajectory to file at each timestep 

        # Parameterization for the robot
        self.ranges = kwargs['extent']
        self.dimension = kwargs['dimension']
        self.create_animation = kwargs['create_animation']
        self.eval = kwargs['evaluation']
        self.loc = kwargs['start_loc']
        self.time = kwargs['start_time']
        self.sample_world = kwargs['sample_world']
        self.f_rew = kwargs['f_rew']
        self.frontier_size = kwargs['frontier_size']
        self.discretization = kwargs['discretization']
        self.tree_type = kwargs['tree_type']
        self.path_option = kwargs['path_generator']

        self.nonmyopic = kwargs['nonmyopic']
        self.comp_budget = kwargs['computation_budget']
        self.roll_length = kwargs['rollout_length']
        self.horizon_length = kwargs['horizon_length']
        self.sample_step = kwargs['sample_step']
        self.turning_radius = kwargs['turning_radius']
        self.goal_only = kwargs['goal_only']
        self.obstacle_world = kwargs['obstacle_world']
        self.learn_params = kwargs['learn_params']
        self.use_cost = kwargs['use_cost']

        self.MIN_COLOR = kwargs['MIN_COLOR']
        self.MAX_COLOR = kwargs['MAX_COLOR']

        self.maxes = []
        self.current_max = -1000
        self.current_max_loc = [0, 0]
        self.max_locs = None
        self.max_val = None
        self.target = None
        self.noise = kwargs['noise']

        if self.f_rew == 'hotspot_info':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.hotspot_info_UCB
        elif self.f_rew == 'mean':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.mean_UCB
        elif self.f_rew == 'info_gain':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.info_gain
        elif self.f_rew == 'mes':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.mves
        elif self.f_rew == 'maxs-mes':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.mves_maximal_set
        elif self.f_rew == 'exp_improve':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.exp_improvement
        elif self.f_rew == 'naive':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.naive
            self.sample_num = 3
            self.sample_radius = 1.5
        elif self.f_rew == 'naive_value':
            self.aquisition_function = aqlib.naive_value
            self.sample_num = 3
            self.sample_radius = 3.0
            raise ValueError(
                'Only \'hotspot_info\' and \'mean\' and \'info_gain\' and \'mes\' and \'exp_improve\' reward fucntions supported.'

        # Initialize the robot's GP model with the initial kernel parameters
        self.GP = gplib.OnlineGPModel(ranges=self.ranges,
        # self.GP = gplib.GPModel(ranges = self.ranges, lengthscale = kwargs['init_lengthscale'], variance = kwargs['init_variance'], noise = self.noise, dimension = self.dimension)

        # If both a kernel training dataset and a prior dataset are provided, train the kernel using both
        if kwargs['kernel_dataset'] is not None and kwargs[
                'prior_dataset'] is not None:
            data = np.vstack(
                [kwargs['prior_dataset'][0], kwargs['kernel_dataset'][0]])
            observations = np.vstack(
                [kwargs['prior_dataset'][1], kwargs['kernel_dataset'][1]])
            self.GP.train_kernel(data, observations, kwargs['kernel_file'])
        # Train the kernel using the provided kernel dataset
        elif kwargs['kernel_dataset'] is not None:
        # If a kernel file is provided, load the kernel parameters
        elif kwargs['kernel_file'] is not None:
        # No kernel information was provided, so the kernel will be initialized with provided values

        # Incorporate the prior dataset into the model
        if kwargs['prior_dataset'] is not None:

        # The path generation class for the robot
        if self.path_option == 'dubins':
            self.path_generator = pathlib.Dubins_Path_Generator(
                self.frontier_size, self.horizon_length, self.turning_radius,
                self.sample_step, self.ranges, self.obstacle_world)
        elif self.path_option == 'equal_dubins':
            self.path_generator = pathlib.Dubins_EqualPath_Generator(
                self.frontier_size, self.horizon_length, self.turning_radius,
                self.sample_step, self.ranges, self.obstacle_world)
        elif self.path_option == 'fully_reachable_goal':
            self.path_generator = pathlib.Reachable_Frontier_Generator(
                self.frontier_size, self.horizon_length, self.turning_radius,
                self.sample_step, self.ranges, self.obstacle_world)
        elif self.path_option == 'fully_reachable_step':
            self.path_generator = pathlib.Reachable_Step_Generator(
                self.frontier_size, self.horizon_length, self.turning_radius,
                self.sample_step, self.ranges, self.obstacle_world)
            self.path_generator = pathlib.Path_Generator(
                self.frontier_size, self.horizon_length, self.turning_radius,
                self.sample_step, self.ranges, self.obstacle_world)

        self.visualize_world_model(screen=False, filename='FINAL')