Exemplo n.º 1
def _validate_inputs(gff, reference, how_many, batch_sort_size):
    Raise an Error if a required file is null or non-existent
    :param gff: (str) path to variants.gff
    :param reference: (str) path to reference dir
    :param how_many: (int)
    :param batch_sort_size: (int)
    if gff is None:
        raise PbReportError('gff cannot be None')
    if not os.path.exists(gff):
        raise IOError('gff {g} does not exist: '.format(g=gff))
    if reference is None:
        raise PbReportError('reference cannot be None')
    if not os.path.exists(reference):
        raise IOError('reference {g} does not exist: '.format(g=reference))

        raise ValueError('how_many = {h}. int required.')

        raise ValueError('batch_sort_size = {h}. int required.')
Exemplo n.º 2
def _validate_inputs(gff, reference):
    Raise an Error if a required file is null or non-existent
    :param gff (str) path to alignment_summary.gff
    :param reference (str) path to reference_dir
    if gff is None:
        raise PbReportError('gff cannot be None')
    if not os.path.exists(gff):
        raise IOError('gff {g} does not exist: '.format(g=gff))
    if reference is None:
        raise PbReportError('reference cannot be None')
    if not os.path.exists(reference):
        raise IOError('reference {g} does not exist: '.format(g=reference))
Exemplo n.º 3
def _validate_inputs(control_cmph5, filtered_subreads_csv):
    Raise an Error if a required file is null or non-existent
    :param control_cmph5: (str) path to control_reads.cmp.h5
    :param filtered_subreads_csv: (str) path to filtered_subread_summary.csv
    if control_cmph5 is None:
        raise PbReportError('control_cmph5 cannot be None')
    if not os.path.exists(control_cmph5):
        raise IOError(
            'control_cmph5 {g} does not exist: '.format(g=control_cmph5))
    if filtered_subreads_csv is None:
        raise PbReportError('filtered_subreads_csv cannot be None')
    if not os.path.exists(filtered_subreads_csv):
        raise IOError('filtered_subreads_csv {g} does not exist: '.format(
Exemplo n.º 4
def _validate_inputs(infile, desc="input file"):
    Raise an Error if a required file is null or non-existent
    :param fasta_file: (str) path to fasta
    if infile is None:
        raise PbReportError('%s cannot be None' % desc)
    if not os.path.exists(infile):
        raise IOError('{g} does not exist {d}'.format(g=infile, d=desc))
Exemplo n.º 5
def _validate_inputs(files):
    Raise an Error if a required file is null or non-existent
    :param files: list of tuples, first element of tuple is input name second is value
    for f in files:
        if f[1] is None:
            raise PbReportError('{f} cannot be None'.format(f=f[0]))
        if not os.path.exists(f[1]):
            raise IOError('{f} does not exist'.format(f=f[1]))