Exemplo n.º 1
def get_images_pipeline(in_file, method=1):
    print "Filtering images and getting components, method", method, "..."
    #images = image_filter.filter_dir(in_file) # don't load all images into memory at once for performance
    image_components = []

    # Loop over each image in source directory and process individually
    i = 0
    for filename in os.listdir(in_file):
        # Skip non-image files
        if (not (filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".png"))):

        # Get filtered image
        img = image_filter.get_filtered_image(in_file, filename)

        # Extract the image components
        components = 0.
        print i,  # for debugging to watch progress
        if (method == 1):  # use DRT, PCA
            sinogram = invariant_drt.compute_drt(img)
            new_sinogram = invariant_drt.post_process_sinogram(sinogram)
            components = pca.get_pca(
                new_sinogram, 2)  # increase for slightly better accuracy
        else:  # use DCT FFT method
            image_dct = dct.fft_dct_2d(img)
            # Get similar number of components to DRT approach
            components = dct.get_largest_freqs(
                image_dct, 18, 18)  # increase for better accuracy
        i += 1

    print "[Done]"
    return image_components
Exemplo n.º 2
def extract(methods, images, use_pca=False, fit=False, n_components=30):
    global pca
    for method in methods:
        for i, img in enumerate(images):
            images[i] = method(
                img.get_image()) if (type(img) is Image) else method(img)
        print("Method " + method.__name__ + " applied successfully to data")
    if use_pca:
        if fit:
            pca = p.get_pca(n_components, images)
        return pca.transform(images)
    return images
Exemplo n.º 3
def product_of_classifiers(data, clfrs, pca_number=None):
    print("Product Using " + str(len(clfrs)) + " Classifiers")
    trainerr = 0
    testerr = 0
    yreturn = []
    if pca_number == None:
        Xtest = data['test'][0]
        Xtrain = data['train'][0]
        pca_x = get_pca(data, pca_number)
        Xtest = pca_x.transform(data['test'][0])
        Xtrain = pca_x.transform(data['train'][0])
        pca_x = None
    for i, row in enumerate(Xtrain):
        actual = data['train'][1][i]
        prod = []
        for clfr in clfrs:
            if len(prod) == 0:
                prod = np.ones(clfr.predict_proba(row.reshape(1, -1)).shape)
            prod *= clfr.predict_proba(row.reshape(1, -1))
        ind = (-prod).argsort()[:1][0][0]
        if not ind == actual:
            # print("Prod predicted=", ind, "----Actual=", actual)
            trainerr += 1
    print("TrainError=", str(trainerr / len(data['test'][1])))
    for i, row in enumerate(Xtest):
        actual = data['test'][1][i]
        prod = []
        for clfr in clfrs:
            if len(prod) == 0:
                prod = np.ones(clfr.predict_proba(row.reshape(1, -1)).shape)
            prod *= clfr.predict_proba(row.reshape(1, -1))
        ind = (-prod).argsort()[:1][0][0]
        if not ind == actual:
            # print("Prod predicted=", ind, "----Actual=", actual)
            testerr += 1
    print("TestError=", str(testerr / len(data['test'][1])))

    scoreTrain = 1 - (trainerr / len(data['train'][1]))
    scoreTest = 1 - (testerr / len(data['test'][1]))
    return (np.array(yreturn), (scoreTrain, scoreTest))
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_hog_features(X, shape=(15, 15)):
    winSize = shape
    blockSize = (10, 10)
    blockStride = (5, 5)
    cellSize = (10, 10)
    nbins = 9
    derivAperture = 1
    winSigma = -1.
    histogramNormType = 0
    L2HysThreshold = 0.2
    gammaCorrection = 1
    nlevels = 64
    signedGradients = True
    useSignedGradients = 1

    hog = cv2.HOGDescriptor(winSize, blockSize, blockStride, cellSize, nbins,
                            derivAperture, winSigma, histogramNormType,
                            L2HysThreshold, gammaCorrection, nlevels,
    new_x = []
    for item in X:
        x = item.reshape(shape)
        x = image_resize(x, new_shape=shape, binary_encoded=True, reverse=True)
        x = np.asarray(Image.fromarray(x, 'L'))
        temp = hog.compute(x)
        temp = np.array(temp)
        # print(temp.flatten())

    X_normalized = preprocessing.normalize(np.array(new_x), norm='l2')
    # return X_normalized
    # trying Hog with PCA of pixels
    pca_prep = {'train': (X, False)}
    pca_result = get_pca(pca_prep, 40)
    x_pca = pca_result.transform(X)
    print(X_normalized.shape, X.shape, x_pca.shape)
    Z = np.hstack((x_pca, X_normalized))
    return Z
Exemplo n.º 5
def voting_classifier(trained_clfs, data, plot=False):

    Xtest = get_pca(data, 35).transform(data['test'][0])
    predictions_cnn = predictcnn(data['test'][0].reshape(-1, 15, 15, 1))
    ytest = data['test'][1]
    result_features = []
    misclassified = 0
    for i, row in enumerate(Xtest):
        temp = []
        for clf in trained_clfs:
            temp2 = []
            result = clf.predict(np.array(temp2))
        tempcnn = []
        most_frequent = mode(temp)[0][0]
        if not most_frequent == ytest[i]:
            print(temp, ytest[i])
            misclassified = misclassified + 1
            if plot:
                ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 7), (0, 0), rowspan=8, colspan=3)
                # ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 7), (0, 4), rowspan=8, colspan=3)
                print(data['test'][0][i].reshape(15, 15), most_frequent,
                      "Should have been:", data['test'][1][i])
                ax1.imshow(data['test'][0][i].reshape(15, 15))
                # ax1.title = most_frequent
                # ax2.imshow(small)

                # plt.pause(2)
    result_features = np.array(result_features)
    print("Accuracy = ", (len(ytest) - misclassified) / len(ytest))