Exemplo n.º 1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # index = 4
        # print("get_item_index: ", index)
        info = copy.deepcopy(self.kitti_infos[index])
        # print(1111111111111)
        sample_idx = info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx']

        points = self.get_lidar(sample_idx)
        if not cfg.DATA_CONFIG.TS_DATA:
            calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)
            img_shape = info['image']['image_shape']
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(points[:, 0:3])
            fov_flag = self.get_fov_flag(pts_rect, img_shape, calib)
            points = points[fov_flag]

        if not cfg.DATA_CONFIG.TS_DATA:
            input_dict = {
                'points': points,
                'sample_idx': sample_idx,
                'calib': calib,
            input_dict = {
                'points': points,
                'sample_idx': sample_idx,

        if 'annos' in info:
            annos = info['annos']
            if not cfg.DATA_CONFIG.TS_DATA:
                annos = common_utils.drop_info_with_name(annos, name='DontCare')
                annos = common_utils.drop_info_with_name(annos, name='0')
            loc, dims, rots = annos['location'], annos['dimensions'], annos['rotation_y']
            gt_names = annos['name']
            bbox = annos['bbox']
            gt_boxes = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1).astype(np.float32)
            if 'gt_boxes_lidar' in annos:
                gt_boxes_lidar = annos['gt_boxes_lidar']
                gt_boxes_lidar = box_utils.boxes3d_camera_to_lidar(gt_boxes, calib)

                'gt_boxes': gt_boxes,
                'gt_names': gt_names,
                'gt_box2d': bbox,
                'gt_boxes_lidar': gt_boxes_lidar

        example = self.prepare_data(input_dict=input_dict, has_label='annos' in info)

        example['sample_idx'] = sample_idx
        if not cfg.DATA_CONFIG.TS_DATA:
            example['image_shape'] = img_shape

        return example
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # index = 4
        if self._merge_all_iters_to_one_epoch:
            index = index % len(self.kitti_infos)

        info = copy.deepcopy(self.kitti_infos[index])

        sample_idx = info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx']

        points = self.get_lidar(sample_idx)

        if self.raw:  #use raw data contains ground points
            raw_points_fov = None
            raw_points_fov = self.get_lidar_raw(sample_idx)

        calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)
        #kdtree = self.get_kdtree(sample_idx)
        img_shape = info['image']['image_shape']
        if self.dataset_cfg.FOV_POINTS_ONLY:
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(points[:, 0:3])
            fov_flag = self.get_fov_flag(pts_rect, img_shape, calib)
            points = points[fov_flag]
        input_dict = {
            'points': points,
            'frame_id': sample_idx,
            'calib': calib,
            'raw_points': raw_points_fov
            #'kd_tree': kdtree

        if 'annos' in info:
            annos = info['annos']
            annos = common_utils.drop_info_with_name(annos, name='DontCare')
            loc, dims, rots = annos['location'], annos['dimensions'], annos[
            gt_names = annos['name']
            gt_boxes_camera = np.concatenate(
                [loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1).astype(np.float32)
            gt_boxes_lidar = box_utils.boxes3d_kitti_camera_to_lidar(
                gt_boxes_camera, calib)

                'gt_names': gt_names,
                'gt_boxes': gt_boxes_lidar
            road_plane = self.get_road_plane(sample_idx)
            if road_plane is not None:
                input_dict['road_plane'] = road_plane

        data_dict = self.prepare_data(data_dict=input_dict)

        data_dict['image_shape'] = img_shape
        data_dict['raw_points'] = raw_points_fov
        data_dict['calib'] = calib

        return data_dict
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __getitem__(self, index):

        # # for debug purpose, uncomment this to fix the frame
        # index = 0
        # index = 300
        # for index, info in enumerate(self.kitti_infos):
        #     if info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx'] == '100001284':
        #         break
        # print(self.kitti_infos[index]['point_cloud']['lidar_idx'])

        info = copy.deepcopy(self.kitti_infos[index])

        sample_idx = info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx']

        if cfg.TAG_PTS_WITH_RGB:
            points = self.get_colored_lidar(sample_idx)
            points = self.get_lidar(sample_idx)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)

        img_shape = info['image']['image_shape']
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(points[:, 0:3])
            fov_flag = self.get_fov_flag(pts_rect, img_shape, calib)
            points = points[fov_flag]

        input_dict = {
            'points': points,
            'sample_idx': sample_idx,
            'calib': calib,

        if 'annos' in info:
            annos = info['annos']
            annos = common_utils.drop_info_with_name(annos, name='DontCare')
            loc, dims, rots = annos['location'], annos['dimensions'], annos[
            gt_names = annos['name']
            bbox = annos['bbox']
            gt_boxes = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]],
            if 'gt_boxes_lidar' in annos:
                gt_boxes_lidar = annos['gt_boxes_lidar']
                gt_boxes_lidar = box_utils.boxes3d_camera_to_lidar(
                    gt_boxes, calib)

                'gt_boxes': gt_boxes,
                'gt_names': gt_names,
                'gt_box2d': bbox,
                'gt_boxes_lidar': gt_boxes_lidar

        # debuggin model; here we cheat by tagging if each point is in the object bbox
        if cfg.TAG_PTS_IF_IN_GT_BBOXES:
            points[:, 3] = 0
            corners_lidar = box_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d_lidar(
            for k in range(len(gt_boxes_lidar)):
                if gt_names[k] == 'Car':
                    flag = box_utils.in_hull(points[:, 0:3], corners_lidar[k])
                    points[flag, 3] = 1
            input_dict['points'] = points

        example = self.prepare_data(input_dict=input_dict,
                                    has_label='annos' in info)
        example['sample_idx'] = sample_idx
        example['image_shape'] = img_shape

        # add the bev maps if HD map is available (eg, argoverse)
        if 'bev' in cfg.MODE:
            bev = self.get_bev(sample_idx)
            example['bev'] = bev

            # todo: check the ordering of the imagenet mean and std. is it rgb or bgr?
            img = self.get_image(sample_idx)

            # preprocessing for the image to work for hrnet which works on cityscapes

            # if on kitti (not on argoverse), some of the images don't have the same size,
            # so we must scale them to the same size, then during voxelization, rescale
            # to the right size for projecting lidar pts onto image plane to work

            # if the height is not set, then we scale it according to the width
            if cfg.INJECT_SEMANTICS_HEIGHT == 0:
                img = image_resize(img, cfg.INJECT_SEMANTICS_WIDTH)
                img = cv2.resize(
            mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])
            std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
            img = input_transform(img, mean, std)  # normalize wrt to imagenet
            img = img.transpose(
                (2, 0, 1))  # change dim ordering to c, h, w for torch
            example['img'] = img
            example['pseudolidar_image_shape'] = img.shape[-2:]

            # if using pseudolidar from depth estimation, we need to crop out the sky and the road
            if cfg.USE_PSEUDOLIDAR:
                # first scale down, then crop out sky and roads
                oh, ow = img.shape[-2:]
                bottom_p, top_p = .15, cfg.DEPTH_MAP_TOP_MARGIN_PCT
                top = oh * top_p
                bottom = oh - (oh * bottom_p)
                top = int(top)
                bottom = int(bottom)
                img_cropped = img[:, top:bottom, :]
                example['img'] = img_cropped

        return example
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # index = 4
        if self._merge_all_iters_to_one_epoch:
            index = index % len(self.kitti_infos)

        info = copy.deepcopy(self.kitti_infos[index])

        sample_idx = info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx']

        points = self.get_lidar(sample_idx)
        raw_points_fov = self.get_lidar_raw(sample_idx)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)
        #kdtree = self.get_kdtree(sample_idx)
        img_shape = info['image']['image_shape']
        if self.dataset_cfg.FOV_POINTS_ONLY:
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(points[:, 0:3])
            fov_flag = self.get_fov_flag(pts_rect, img_shape, calib)
            points = points[fov_flag]
            #pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(raw_points[:, 0:3])
            #fov_flag = self.get_fov_flag(pts_rect, img_shape, calib)
            #raw_points_fov = raw_points_fov[fov_flag]

            img_path = '/media/ddd/data2/3d_MOTS_Ex./Code/OpenPCDet/data/kitti/training/image_2/' + info['image']['image_idx'] + '.png'
            img = cv2.imread(img_path)
            image = np.float32(img)
            image *= 1. / 255
            img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)
            calib_result = calib.lidar_to_img(points)  # [N,3] in lidar to [N,2] in img
            points_color = self.painted_point_cloud(calib_result,img,points)

        input_dict = {
            'points': points,
            'frame_id': sample_idx,
            'calib': calib,
            'raw_points': raw_points_fov
            #'kd_tree': kdtree

        if 'annos' in info:
            annos = info['annos']
            annos = common_utils.drop_info_with_name(annos, name='DontCare')
            loc, dims, rots = annos['location'], annos['dimensions'], annos['rotation_y']
            gt_names = annos['name']
            gt_boxes_camera = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1).astype(np.float32)
            gt_boxes_lidar = box_utils.boxes3d_kitti_camera_to_lidar(gt_boxes_camera, calib)

                'gt_names': gt_names,
                'gt_boxes': gt_boxes_lidar
            road_plane = self.get_road_plane(sample_idx)
            if road_plane is not None:
                input_dict['road_plane'] = road_plane

        data_dict = self.prepare_data(data_dict=input_dict)

        data_dict['image_shape'] = img_shape
        data_dict['raw_points'] = raw_points_fov

        #img_path = '/media/ddd/data2/3d_MOTS_Ex./Code/OpenPCDet/data/kitti/training/image_2/' + info['image']['image_idx'] + '.png'
        #img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        #image = np.float32(img)
        #image *= 1. / 255
        #img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)
        data_dict['calib'] = calib
        #data_dict['image'] = img

        return data_dict