Exemplo n.º 1
def test_download_request_bytes_range():
    dr = CDownloadRequest(CPath('/foo'), MemoryByteSink())
    dr.range(None, None)
    assert dr.get_http_headers() == {}
    dr.range(None, 100)
    assert dr.get_http_headers() == { 'Range': 'bytes=-100'}
    dr.range(10, 100)
    assert dr.get_http_headers() == { 'Range': 'bytes=10-109'}
    dr.range(100, None)
    assert dr.get_http_headers() == { 'Range': 'bytes=100-'}
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_download_request_bytes_range():
    dr = CDownloadRequest(CPath("/foo"), MemoryByteSink())
    dr.range(None, None)
    assert dr.get_http_headers() == {}
    dr.range(None, 100)
    assert dr.get_http_headers() == {"Range": "bytes=-100"}
    dr.range(10, 100)
    assert dr.get_http_headers() == {"Range": "bytes=10-109"}
    dr.range(100, None)
    assert dr.get_http_headers() == {"Range": "bytes=100-"}
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_file_operations(storage):
    # We'll use a temp folder for tests:
    temp_root_path = miscutils.generate_test_path()
    logger.info('Will use test folder: %s', temp_root_path)

    # Create a sub-folder:
    sub_path = temp_root_path.add('sub_folder')
    logger.info('Creating sub_folder: %s', sub_path)
    assert storage.create_folder(sub_path) is True  # True because actually created
    assert storage.create_folder(sub_path) is False  # False because not created
    # Check back:
    sub_folder = storage.get_file(sub_path)
    assert sub_folder.path == sub_path
    assert sub_folder.is_folder()
    assert not sub_folder.is_blob()
    if sub_folder.modification_time:  # Not all providers have a modif time on folders

    # Upload 2 files into this sub-folder:
    fpath1 = sub_path.add('a_test_file1')
    content_file1 = b'This is binary cont€nt of test file 1...'
    logger.info('Uploading blob to: %s', fpath1)
    upload_request = CUploadRequest(fpath1, MemoryByteSource(content_file1))

    fpath2 = sub_path.add('a_test_file2')
    # Generate a quite big random data:
    content_file2 = bytearray(os.urandom(500000))
    logger.info('Uploading blob to: %s', fpath2)
    upload_request = CUploadRequest(fpath2, MemoryByteSource(content_file2))

    # Check uploaded blobs informations:
    # we check file2 first because has just been uploaded / for modif time check
    cblob = storage.get_file(fpath2)
    assert cblob.is_blob()
    assert not cblob.is_folder()
    assert cblob.length == len(content_file2)

    cblob = storage.get_file(fpath1)
    assert cblob.is_blob()
    assert not cblob.is_folder()
    assert cblob.length == len(content_file1)

    # Download data, and check:
    logger.info('Downloading back and checking file: %s', fpath1)
    mbs = MemoryByteSink()
    download_request = CDownloadRequest(fpath1, mbs)
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file1

    logger.info('Downloading back and checking file ranges: %s', fpath1)
    download_request.range(5, None)  # starting at offset 5
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file1[5:]
    if storage.provider_name() != 'rapidshare':
        # rapidshare does not support such requests:
        download_request.range(None, 5)  # last 5 bytes
        assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file1[-5:]
    download_request.range(2, 5);  # 5 bytes at offset 2
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file1[2:7]

    logger.info('Downloading back and checking file: %s', fpath2)
    download_request = CDownloadRequest(fpath2, mbs)
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file2

    # Check that if we upload again, blob is replaced:
    logger.info('Checking file overwrite: %s', fpath2)
    content_file2 = bytearray(os.urandom(300000))  # 300kB file
    upload_request = CUploadRequest(fpath2, MemoryByteSource(content_file2))
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file2

    # Check that we can replace existing blob with empty content:
    logger.info('Checking file overwrite with empty file: %s', fpath2)
    content_file2 = b''
    upload_request = CUploadRequest(fpath2, MemoryByteSource(content_file2))
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file2

    # Create a sub_sub_folder:
    sub_sub_path = sub_path.add('a_sub_sub_folder')
    logger.info('Creating a_sub_sub_folder: %s', sub_sub_path)
    created = storage.create_folder(sub_sub_path)
    assert created

    logger.info('Check uploaded blobs and sub_sub_folder all appear in folder list')
    folder_content = storage.list_folder(sub_folder)
    logger.info('sub_folder contains files: %r', folder_content)
    # It happened once here that hubic did not list fpath1 'a_test_file1' in folder_content:
    # only 2 files were present ?!
    assert len(folder_content) == 3
    assert fpath1 in folder_content
    assert folder_content[fpath1].is_blob()
    assert not folder_content[fpath1].is_folder()
    assert fpath2 in folder_content
    assert folder_content[fpath2].is_blob()
    assert not folder_content[fpath2].is_folder()
    assert sub_sub_path in folder_content
    assert not folder_content[sub_sub_path].is_blob()
    assert folder_content[sub_sub_path].is_folder()

    logger.info('Check that list of sub_sub folder is empty: %s', sub_sub_path)
    assert storage.list_folder(sub_sub_path) == {}

    logger.info('Check that listing content of a blob raises: %s', fpath1)
        pytest.fail('Listing a blob should raise')
    except CInvalidFileTypeError as e:
        assert e.path == fpath1
        assert e.expected_blob is False

    logger.info('Delete file1: %s', fpath1)
    assert storage.delete(fpath1) is True  # We have deleted the file
    assert storage.delete(fpath1) is False  # We have not deleted anything

    logger.info('Check file1 does not appear anymore in folder: %s', sub_folder)
    assert fpath1 not in storage.list_folder(sub_folder)
    tmp = storage.get_file(fpath1)
    assert tmp is None

    logger.info('Delete whole test folder: %s', temp_root_path)
    ret = storage.delete(temp_root_path)
    assert ret is True  # We have deleted at least one file
    logger.info('Deleting again returns False')
    ret = storage.delete(temp_root_path)
    assert ret is False  # We have not deleted anything

    logger.info('Listing a deleted folder returns None: %s', temp_root_path)
    assert storage.list_folder(temp_root_path) is None
    assert storage.get_file(temp_root_path) is None
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_file_operations(storage):
    # We'll use a temp folder for tests:
    temp_root_path = miscutils.generate_test_path()
    logger.info('Will use test folder: %s', temp_root_path)

    # Create a sub-folder:
    sub_path = temp_root_path.add('sub_folder')
    logger.info('Creating sub_folder: %s', sub_path)
    assert storage.create_folder(
        sub_path) is True  # True because actually created
    assert storage.create_folder(
        sub_path) is False  # False because not created
    # Check back:
    sub_folder = storage.get_file(sub_path)
    assert sub_folder.path == sub_path
    assert sub_folder.is_folder()
    assert not sub_folder.is_blob()
    if sub_folder.modification_time:  # Not all providers have a modif time on folders

    # Upload 2 files into this sub-folder:
    fpath1 = sub_path.add('a_test_file1')
    content_file1 = b'This is binary cont€nt of test file 1...'
    logger.info('Uploading blob to: %s', fpath1)
    upload_request = CUploadRequest(fpath1, MemoryByteSource(content_file1))

    fpath2 = sub_path.add('a_test_file2')
    # Generate a quite big random data:
    content_file2 = bytearray(os.urandom(500000))
    logger.info('Uploading blob to: %s', fpath2)
    upload_request = CUploadRequest(fpath2, MemoryByteSource(content_file2))

    # Check uploaded blobs informations:
    # we check file2 first because has just been uploaded / for modif time check
    cblob = storage.get_file(fpath2)
    assert cblob.is_blob()
    assert not cblob.is_folder()
    assert cblob.length == len(content_file2)

    cblob = storage.get_file(fpath1)
    assert cblob.is_blob()
    assert not cblob.is_folder()
    assert cblob.length == len(content_file1)

    # Download data, and check:
    logger.info('Downloading back and checking file: %s', fpath1)
    mbs = MemoryByteSink()
    download_request = CDownloadRequest(fpath1, mbs)
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file1

    logger.info('Downloading back and checking file ranges: %s', fpath1)
    download_request.range(5, None)  # starting at offset 5
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file1[5:]
    if storage.provider_name() != 'rapidshare':
        # rapidshare does not support such requests:
        download_request.range(None, 5)  # last 5 bytes
        assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file1[-5:]
    download_request.range(2, 5)
    # 5 bytes at offset 2
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file1[2:7]

    logger.info('Downloading back and checking file: %s', fpath2)
    download_request = CDownloadRequest(fpath2, mbs)
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file2

    # Check that if we upload again, blob is replaced:
    logger.info('Checking file overwrite: %s', fpath2)
    content_file2 = bytearray(os.urandom(300000))  # 300kB file
    upload_request = CUploadRequest(fpath2, MemoryByteSource(content_file2))
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file2

    # Check that we can replace existing blob with empty content:
    logger.info('Checking file overwrite with empty file: %s', fpath2)
    content_file2 = b''
    upload_request = CUploadRequest(fpath2, MemoryByteSource(content_file2))
    assert mbs.get_bytes() == content_file2

    # Create a sub_sub_folder:
    sub_sub_path = sub_path.add('a_sub_sub_folder')
    logger.info('Creating a_sub_sub_folder: %s', sub_sub_path)
    created = storage.create_folder(sub_sub_path)
    assert created

        'Check uploaded blobs and sub_sub_folder all appear in folder list')
    folder_content = storage.list_folder(sub_folder)
    logger.info('sub_folder contains files: %r', folder_content)
    # It happened once here that hubic did not list fpath1 'a_test_file1' in folder_content:
    # only 2 files were present ?!
    assert len(folder_content) == 3
    assert fpath1 in folder_content
    assert folder_content[fpath1].is_blob()
    assert not folder_content[fpath1].is_folder()
    assert fpath2 in folder_content
    assert folder_content[fpath2].is_blob()
    assert not folder_content[fpath2].is_folder()
    assert sub_sub_path in folder_content
    assert not folder_content[sub_sub_path].is_blob()
    assert folder_content[sub_sub_path].is_folder()

    logger.info('Check that list of sub_sub folder is empty: %s', sub_sub_path)
    assert storage.list_folder(sub_sub_path) == {}

    logger.info('Check that listing content of a blob raises: %s', fpath1)
        pytest.fail('Listing a blob should raise')
    except CInvalidFileTypeError as e:
        assert e.path == fpath1
        assert e.expected_blob is False

    logger.info('Delete file1: %s', fpath1)
    assert storage.delete(fpath1) is True  # We have deleted the file
    assert storage.delete(fpath1) is False  # We have not deleted anything

    logger.info('Check file1 does not appear anymore in folder: %s',
    assert fpath1 not in storage.list_folder(sub_folder)
    tmp = storage.get_file(fpath1)
    assert tmp is None

    logger.info('Delete whole test folder: %s', temp_root_path)
    ret = storage.delete(temp_root_path)
    assert ret is True  # We have deleted at least one file
    logger.info('Deleting again returns False')
    ret = storage.delete(temp_root_path)
    assert ret is False  # We have not deleted anything

    logger.info('Listing a deleted folder returns None: %s', temp_root_path)
    assert storage.list_folder(temp_root_path) is None
    assert storage.get_file(temp_root_path) is None