Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_effect(self, effect, c):
        """Helper function for visit_effect_stmt.

        Keyword arguments:
        effect -- instance of the effect data structure
        c -- the formula representing the effect that we want to add to the
            addlist or dellist
        # Needed for instance check.
        from .parser import Variable
        nextPredicate = None
        isNegative = False
        if c.key == 'not':
            # This is a negative effect, only one child allowed.
            if len(c.children) != 1:
                raise SemanticError('Error not statement with multiple '
                                    'children in effect of action')
            nextPredicate = c.children[0]
            isNegative = True
            nextPredicate = c
        # Check whether predicate was defined previously.
        if not nextPredicate.key in self._predicates:
            raise SemanticError('Error: unknown predicate %s used in effect '
                                'of action' % nextPredicate.key)
        if nextPredicate == None:
            raise SemanticError('Error: NoneType predicate used in effect of '
        predDef = self._predicates[nextPredicate.key]
        signature = list()
        count = 0
        # Check whether predicate is used with the correct signature.
        if len(nextPredicate.children) != len(predDef.signature):
            raise SemanticError('Error: wrong number of arguments for '
                                'predicate ' + nextPredicate.key +
                                ' in effect of action')
        # Apply to all parameters.
        for v in nextPredicate.children:
            if isinstance(v.key, Variable):
                signature.append((v.key.name, predDef.signature[count][1]))
                signature.append((v.key, predDef.signature[count][1]))
            count += 1

        # Add a new effect to the positive or negative effects respectively.
        if isNegative:
            effect.dellist.append(pddl.Predicate(nextPredicate.key, signature))
            effect.addlist.append(pddl.Predicate(nextPredicate.key, signature))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def replace(condition):
     if isinstance(condition, pddl.FunctionComparison):
         non_negated = condition
         if condition.negated:
             non_negated = condition.negate()
         # remove possible duplicates
         fluent_str = 'num_condition_satisfied{0}'.format(task.comparator_count)
         new_predicate_args = dict()
         functions = condition.get_functions()
         for func in functions:
             arg_types = extract_arg_types(func)
             for (key, value) in zip(func.args, arg_types):
                 new_predicate_args[key] = pddl.TypedObject(key, value)
         args = []
         for key in sorted(new_predicate_args.keys()):
         predicate = pddl.Predicate(fluent_str, args)
         if condition.negated:
             new_atom = pddl.NegatedNumericWrapper(predicate.name, [x.name for x in args], non_negated)
             new_atom = pddl.NumericWrapper(predicate.name, [x.name for x in args], non_negated)
         task.comparator_count += 1
         return new_atom
     if condition.has_numeric_precondition():
         new_condition = condition.__class__([])
         new_condition.parts = [replace(x) for x in condition.parts]
         return new_condition
     return condition
Exemplo n.º 3
def compile_into_unary_predicates(task):
    """Create one new unary predicate for each object type."""
    for t in task.types:
        pred_name = _get_type_predicate_name(str(t))
        task.predicates.append(pddl.Predicate(pred_name, ['?x']))
        name_to_type_pred[pred_name] = task.predicates[-1]
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse_temporal_domain(domain_pddl):
    translate_path = os.path.join(get_tfd_path(), 'translate/') # tfd & temporal-FD
    prefixes = ['pddl', 'normalize']
    deleted = delete_imports(prefixes)
    sys.path.insert(0, translate_path)
    import pddl
    import normalize
    temporal_domain = TemporalDomain(*pddl.tasks.parse_domain(pddl.parser.parse_nested_list(domain_pddl.splitlines())))
    name, requirements, constants, predicates, types, functions, actions, durative_actions, axioms = temporal_domain
    fluents = normalize.get_fluent_predicates(temporal_domain)

    sys.modules.update(deleted) # This is important otherwise classes are messed up
    import pddl
    import pddl_parser
    assert not actions

    simple_from_durative = simple_from_durative_action(durative_actions, fluents)
    simple_actions = [action for triplet in simple_from_durative.values() for action in triplet]

    requirements = pddl.Requirements([])
    types = [pddl.Type(ty.name, ty.basetype_name) for ty in types]
    predicates = [pddl.Predicate(p.name, p.arguments) for p in predicates]
    constants = convert_parameters(constants)
    axioms = list(map(convert_axiom, axioms))

    return SimplifiedDomain(name, requirements, types, {ty.name: ty for ty in types}, constants,
                            predicates, {p.name: p for p in predicates}, functions,
                            simple_actions, axioms, simple_from_durative, domain_pddl)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def add_precond(self, precond, c, isNegative):
        """Helper function for visit_precondition_stmt.

        Keyword arguments:
        precond -- a list of preconditions tuple(predicate, true if positive)
        c -- the formula representing a precondition we want to add to the list
        from .parser import Variable
        predDef = self._predicates[c.key]
        signature = list()
        count = 0
        # Check for correct number of arguments.
        if len(c.children) != len(predDef.signature):
            raise SemanticError('Error: wrong number of arguments for '
                                'predicate ' + c.key + ' in precondition of '
        # Apply to all arguments.
        for v in c.children:
            if isinstance(v.key, Variable):
                signature.append((v.key.name, predDef.signature[count][1]))
                signature.append((v.key, predDef.signature[count][1]))
            count += 1

        # Add predicate to precondition list.
        precond.append((pddl.Predicate(c.key, signature), not(isNegative)))
Exemplo n.º 6
def compile_to_exogenous_axioms(evaluations, domain, streams):
    # TODO: no attribute certified
    import pddl
    fluent_predicates = get_fluents(domain)
    certified_predicates = {
        for s in streams for a in s.certified
    future_map = {p: 'f-{}'.format(p) for p in certified_predicates}
    augment_evaluations(evaluations, future_map)
    rename_future = lambda a: rename_atom(a, future_map)
    derived_map = {p: 'd-{}'.format(p) for p in certified_predicates}
    rename_derived = lambda a: rename_atom(a, derived_map)

    for action in domain.actions:
        action.precondition = replace_predicates(derived_map,
        for effect in action.effects:
            assert (isinstance(effect, pddl.Effect))
            effect.condition = replace_predicates(derived_map,
    for axiom in domain.axioms:
        axiom.condition = replace_predicates(derived_map, axiom.condition)

    for stream in list(streams):
        if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
            raise NotImplementedError(stream)
            create_static_stream(stream, evaluations, fluent_predicates,
        stream_atom = streams[-1].certified[0]
        domain.predicate_dict[get_prefix(stream_atom)] = pddl.Predicate(
            get_prefix(stream_atom), get_args(stream_atom))
        preconditions = [stream_atom] + list(map(rename_derived,
        for fact in stream.certified:
            derived_fact = fd_from_fact(rename_derived(fact))
            external_params = derived_fact.args
            internal_params = tuple(p for p in (stream.inputs + stream.outputs)
                                    if p not in derived_fact.args)
            parameters = tuple(
                pddl.TypedObject(p, OBJECT)
                for p in (external_params + internal_params))
            #precondition = pddl.Conjunction(tuple(map(fd_from_fact, [stream_atom] +
            #                                        list(map(rename_derived, stream.domain)))))
            #precondition = pddl.Disjunction([fd_from_fact(fact), precondition]) # TODO: quantifier
        stream.certified = tuple(
            set(stream.certified) | set(map(rename_future, stream.certified)))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def visit_predicate(self, node):
     """Visits a PDDL predicate."""
     signature = list()
     # Visit all predicate parameters.
     for v in node.parameters:
         signatureTuple = self.get_in(v)
         # Append each parameter to the predicate signature.
     # Create new PDDL predicate and store it in node.
     self.set_in(node, pddl.Predicate(node.name, signature))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def visit_predicate_instance(self, node):
     """ Visits a PDDL-problem predicate instance."""
     signature = list()
     # Visit all parameters.
     for o in node.parameters:
         o_type = None
         # Check whether predicate was introduced in objects or domain
         # constants.
         if not (o in self._objects or o in self._domain.constants):
             raise SemanticError('Error: object ' + o + ' referenced in '
                                 'problem definition - but not defined')
         elif o in self._objects:
             o_type = self._objects[o]
         elif o in self._domain.constants:
             o_type = self._domain.constants[o]
         signature.append((o, o_type.name)) ###(o_type)
     self.set_in(node, pddl.Predicate(node.name, signature))
Exemplo n.º 9
def compile_to_exogenous_actions(evaluations, domain, streams):
    import pddl
    # TODO: automatically derive fluents
    # TODO: version of this that operates on fluents of length one?
    # TODO: better instantiation when have full parameters
    # TODO: conversion from stream cost to real cost units?
    # TODO: any predicates derived would need to be replaced as well
    fluent_predicates = get_fluents(domain)
    certified_predicates = {
        for s in streams for a in s.certified
    future_map = {p: 'f-{}'.format(p) for p in certified_predicates}
    augment_evaluations(evaluations, future_map)
    rename_future = lambda a: rename_atom(a, future_map)
    for stream in list(streams):
        if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
            raise NotImplementedError(stream)
        # TODO: could also just have conditions asserting that one of the fluent conditions fails
            create_static_stream(stream, evaluations, fluent_predicates,
        stream_atom = streams[-1].certified[0]
        parameters = [
            pddl.TypedObject(p, OBJECT) for p in get_args(stream_atom)
        # TODO: add to predicates as well?
        domain.predicate_dict[get_prefix(stream_atom)] = pddl.Predicate(
            get_prefix(stream_atom), parameters)
        preconditions = [stream_atom] + list(stream.domain)
        effort = 1  # TODO: use stream info
        #effort = 1 if unit_cost else result.instance.get_effort()
        #if effort == INF:
        #    continue
        stream.certified = tuple(
            set(stream.certified) | set(map(rename_future, stream.certified)))
Exemplo n.º 10
def parse_domain_custom(checker):
    # parse domain file
    checker.parse_code(checker.files['domain'], checker.parse_token_domain)

    yield checker.names['domain']
    if checker.requirements:
        yield pddl.Requirements(checker.requirements)
        yield pddl.Requirements([":strips"])

    types = [pddl.Type("object")]
    type_dict = dict((type_.name, type_) for type_ in types)
    yield types
    yield type_dict
    yield []

    predicates = [[pred] + checker.predicates[pred]['params']
                  for pred in checker.predicates]
    predicates = [parse_predicate(entry) for entry in predicates]
    predicates += [
        pddl.Predicate("=", [
            pddl.TypedObject("?x", "object"),
            pddl.TypedObject("?y", "object")
    predicate_dict = dict((pred.name, pred) for pred in predicates)
    yield predicates
    yield predicate_dict
    yield []

    actions = []
    entries = [[
        ':action', action, ':parameters', checker.actions[action]['params'],
        ':precondition', checker.actions[action]['logic_precs'], ':effect',
    ] for action in checker.actions]
    for entry in entries:
        action = parse_action(entry, type_dict, predicate_dict)
        if action is not None:
    yield actions
    yield []
Exemplo n.º 11
def compile_to_exogenous_actions(evaluations, domain, streams):
    import pddl
    # TODO: automatically derive fluents
    # TODO: version of this that operates on fluents of length one?
    # TODO: better instantiation when have full parameters
    # TODO: conversion from stream cost to real cost units?
    # TODO: any predicates derived would need to be replaced as well
    fluent_predicates = get_fluents(domain)
    domain_predicates = {get_prefix(a) for s in streams for a in s.domain}
    if not (domain_predicates & fluent_predicates):

    certified_predicates = {get_prefix(a) for s in streams for a in s.certified}
    future_map = {p: 'f-{}'.format(p) for p in certified_predicates}
    augment_evaluations(evaluations, future_map)
    rename_future = lambda a: rename_atom(a, future_map)
    for stream in list(streams):
        if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
            raise NotImplementedError(stream)
        # TODO: could also just have conditions asserting that one of the fluent conditions fails
        streams.append(create_static_stream(stream, evaluations, fluent_predicates, rename_future))
        stream_atom = streams[-1].certified[0]
        parameters = [pddl.TypedObject(p, 'object') for p in get_args(stream_atom)]
        # TODO: add to predicates as well?
        domain.predicate_dict[get_prefix(stream_atom)] = pddl.Predicate(get_prefix(stream_atom), parameters)
        precondition = pddl.Conjunction(tuple(map(fd_from_fact, (stream_atom,) + tuple(stream.domain))))
        effects = [pddl.Effect(parameters=[], condition=pddl.Truth(),
                               literal=fd_from_fact(fact)) for fact in stream.certified]
        effort = 1 # TODO: use stream info
        #effort = 1 if unit_cost else result.instance.get_effort()
        #if effort == INF:
        #    continue
        fluent = pddl.PrimitiveNumericExpression(symbol=TOTAL_COST, args=[])
        expression = pddl.NumericConstant(int_ceil(effort)) # Integer
        cost = pddl.Increase(fluent=fluent, expression=expression) # Can also be None
                                          precondition=precondition, effects=effects, cost=cost))
        stream.certified = tuple(set(stream.certified) |
                                 set(map(rename_future, stream.certified)))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def add_goal(self, goal, c):
        """Helper function for visit_goal_stmt.

        Keyword arguments:
        goal -- a list of goals
        c -- a formula representing a goal we want to add to the goal list
        # Check whether predicate was introduced in domain file.
        if not c.key in self._domain.predicates:
            raise SemanticError('Error: unknown predicate ' + c.key +
                                ' in goal definition')
        # Get predicate from the domain data structure.
        predDef = self._domain.predicates[c.key]
        signature = list()
        count = 0
        # Check whether the predicate uses the correct signature.
        if len(c.children) != len(predDef.signature):
            raise SemanticError('Error: wrong number of arguments for '
                                'predicate ' + c.key + ' in goal')
        for v in c.children:
            signature.append((v.key, predDef.signature[count][1]))
            count += 1
        # Add the predicate to the goal.
        goal.append(pddl.Predicate(c.key, signature))
Exemplo n.º 13
def parse_predicate(alist):
    name = alist[0]
    arguments = parse_typed_list(alist[1:], only_variables=True)
    return pddl.Predicate(name, arguments)
Exemplo n.º 14
def parse_domain_pddl(domain_pddl):
    iterator = iter(domain_pddl)

    define_tag = next(iterator)
    assert define_tag == "define"
    domain_line = next(iterator)
    assert domain_line[0] == "domain" and len(domain_line) == 2
    yield domain_line[1]

    ## We allow an arbitrary order of the requirement, types, constants,
    ## predicates and functions specification. The PDDL BNF is more strict on
    ## this, so we print a warning if it is violated.
    requirements = pddl.Requirements([":strips"])
    the_types = [pddl.Type("object")]
    constants, the_predicates, the_functions = [], [], []
    correct_order = [
        ":requirements", ":types", ":constants", ":predicates", ":functions"
    seen_fields = []
    for opt in iterator:
        field = opt[0]
        if field not in correct_order:
            first_action = opt
        if field in seen_fields:
            raise SystemExit("Error in domain specification\n" +
                             "Reason: two '%s' specifications." % field)
        if (seen_fields and correct_order.index(seen_fields[-1]) >
            msg = "\nWarning: %s specification not allowed here (cf. PDDL BNF)" % field
            print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
        if field == ":requirements":
            requirements = pddl.Requirements(opt[1:])
        elif field == ":types":
            the_types.extend(parse_typed_list(opt[1:], constructor=pddl.Type))
        elif field == ":constants":
            constants = parse_typed_list(opt[1:])
        elif field == ":predicates":
            the_predicates = [parse_predicate(entry) for entry in opt[1:]]
            the_predicates += [
                pddl.Predicate("=", [
                    pddl.TypedObject("?x", "object"),
                    pddl.TypedObject("?y", "object")
        elif field == ":functions":
            the_functions = parse_typed_list(opt[1:],
    yield requirements
    yield the_types
    type_dict = dict((type.name, type) for type in the_types)
    yield type_dict
    yield constants
    yield the_predicates
    predicate_dict = dict((pred.name, pred) for pred in the_predicates)
    yield predicate_dict
    yield the_functions

    entries = [first_action] + [entry for entry in iterator]
    the_axioms = []
    the_actions = []
    for entry in entries:
        if entry[0] == ":derived":
            axiom = parse_axiom(entry, type_dict, predicate_dict)
            action = parse_action(entry, type_dict, predicate_dict)
            if action is not None:
    yield the_actions
    yield the_axioms
Exemplo n.º 15
def make_predicate(name, parameters):
    return pddl.Predicate(name, make_parameters(parameters))
Exemplo n.º 16
def parse_predicate(alist):
    name = alist[0]
    #     if DEBUG: print("parsing predicate: ", name)
    arguments = parse_typed_list(alist[1:], only_variables=True)
    return pddl.Predicate(name, arguments)
Exemplo n.º 17
def parse_domain_pddl(domain_pddl):
    def typesplit(
            alist):  # recurse nested lists and replace "-type" by "-", "type"
        # an error which occurs in some sloppyly modeled domains
        ix = 0
        while ix < len(alist):
            el = alist[ix]
            #             print("checking element %s"%el)
            if isinstance(el, list):
            elif len(el) > 1 and el[0] == "-":
                msg = (
                    "\nWARNING: %s seems to be a 'type' definition missing a space.\n"
                    "Splitting Element into '-' and '%s'") % (el, el[1:])
                print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
                alist[ix:ix + 1] = el[0], el[1:]
            ix += 1

    iterator = iter(domain_pddl)
    define_tag = next(iterator)
    assert define_tag == "define"
    domain_line = next(iterator)
    assert domain_line[0] == "domain" and len(domain_line) == 2
    yield domain_line[1]

    ## We allow an arbitrary order of the requirement, types, constants,
    ## predicates and functions specification. The PDDL BNF is more strict on
    ## this, so we print a warning if it is violated.
    requirements = pddl.Requirements([":strips"])
    the_types = [pddl.Type("object")]
    constants, the_functions = [], []
    the_predicates = [
        pddl.Predicate("=", [
            pddl.TypedObject("?x", "object"),
            pddl.TypedObject("?y", "object")
    #    the_free_functions = [] ## support for global constraints with free functions is not implemented yet
    correct_order = [
        ":requirements", ":types", ":constants", ":predicates", ":functions"
    ]  #, ":free_functions"]
    seen_fields = []
    first_action = None
    for opt in iterator:
        #         print("Options before: ",opt)
            opt)  # fix for missing space between dash '-' and type identifier
        #         print("Options after: ",opt)
        field = opt[0]
        if field not in correct_order:
            first_action = opt
        if field in seen_fields:
            raise SystemExit("Error in domain specification\n" +
                             "Reason: two '%s' specifications." % field)
        if (seen_fields and correct_order.index(seen_fields[-1]) >
            msg = "\nWARNING: %s specification not allowed here (cf. PDDL BNF)" % field
            print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
        if field == ":requirements":
            requirements = pddl.Requirements(opt[1:])
        elif field == ":types":
            the_types.extend(parse_typed_list(opt[1:], constructor=pddl.Type))
        elif field == ":constants":
            constants = parse_typed_list(opt[1:])
        elif field == ":predicates":
            the_predicates += [parse_predicate(entry) for entry in opt[1:]]
        elif field == ":functions":
            the_functions = parse_typed_list(opt[1:],

#         elif field == ":free_functions":
#             the_free_functions = parse_typed_list(
#                 opt[1:],
#                 constructor=parse_function,
#                 default_type="number")
    yield requirements
    yield the_types
    type_dict = dict((pddltype.name, pddltype) for pddltype in the_types)
    yield type_dict
    yield constants
    yield the_predicates
    predicate_dict = dict((pred.name, pred) for pred in the_predicates)
    yield predicate_dict
    total_cost_fluent = pddl.Function("total-cost", [], "number")
    #    the_functions.append(the_free_functions)
    yield the_functions

    entries = []
    if first_action is not None:

    the_axioms = []
    the_actions = []
    for entry in entries:
        #         if DEBUG: print("Entries before: ",entry)
        )  # fix for missing space between dash '-' and type identifier
        #         if DEBUG: print("Entries after: ",entry)

        if entry[0] == ":derived":
            axiom = parse_axiom(entry, type_dict, predicate_dict)
        elif entry[0] == ":action":
            action = parse_action(entry, type_dict, predicate_dict)
            if action is not None:
        elif entry[
                0] == ":constraint":  ## support for global constraints is new in NFD
            global_constraint = parse_global_constraint(
                entry, type_dict, predicate_dict)
            print("%s could not be parsed" % entry[0])
            if entry[0] != ":free_functions":
                assert False
    yield the_actions
    yield the_axioms