Exemplo n.º 1
def test_user_bcs_numba(dim, target):
    """test setting user BCs"""
    if dim == 1:
        value = 1
    elif dim == 2:
        value = np.arange(3)
    elif dim == 3:
        value = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
    grid = UnitGrid([3] * dim)
    bcs = grid.get_boundary_conditions({"type": "user"})

    # use normal method to set BCs
    f1 = ScalarField(grid)
    f1.set_ghost_cells(bc={target: value})

    # use user method to set BCs
    f2 = ScalarField(grid)
    setter = bcs.make_ghost_cell_setter()

    # test whether normal call is a no-op
    f2._data_full = 3
    np.testing.assert_allclose(f2._data_full, 3)
    setter(f2._data_full, args={"t": 1})
    np.testing.assert_allclose(f2._data_full, 3)
    f2._data_full = 0

    # test whether calling setter with user data works properly
    setter(f2._data_full, args={target: value})
    np.testing.assert_allclose(f1._data_full, f2._data_full)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_user_bcs_numpy(dim, target):
    """test setting user BCs"""
    value = np.arange(3) if dim == 2 else 1
    grid = UnitGrid([3] * dim)
    bcs = grid.get_boundary_conditions({"type": "user"})

    # use normal method to set BCs
    f1 = ScalarField(grid)
    f1.set_ghost_cells(bc={target: value})

    # use user method to set BCs
    f2 = ScalarField(grid)

    # test whether normal call is a no-op
    f2._data_full = 3
    np.testing.assert_allclose(f2._data_full, 3)
    f2.set_ghost_cells(bc=bcs, args={"t": 1})
    np.testing.assert_allclose(f2._data_full, 3)
    f2._data_full = 0

    # test whether calling setter with user data works properly
    bcs.set_ghost_cells(f2._data_full, args={target: value})

    np.testing.assert_allclose(f1._data_full, f2._data_full)