Exemplo n.º 1
def heat_2d1():
    'test 2-dimensional heat-flow benchmark'
    # parameters
    diffusity_const = 1.16  # cm^2/sec
    heat_exchange_coeff = 1
    thermal_cond = 0.93  # cal/cm-sec-degree
    len_x = 100  # cm
    len_y = 100  # cm
    he = HeatTwoDimension1(diffusity_const, heat_exchange_coeff, thermal_cond,
                           len_x, len_y)
    # get linear ode model of 2-d heat equation
    num_x = 3  # number of discretized step points between 0 and len_x
    num_y = 3  # number of discretized step points between 0 and len_y
    matrix_a, matrix_b = he.get_odes(num_x, num_y)
    print "\nmatrix_a :\n{}".format(matrix_a.todense())
    print "\nmatrix_b :\n{}".format(matrix_b.todense())

    # simulate linear ode model of 2-d heat equation
    n = matrix_a.shape[0]
    init_vec = np.zeros((n, ))
    # Initial condition IC: u(x,y,0) = sin(pi*x/100), 0 <= x <= 100
    for i in xrange(0, n):
        pos_x = i % num_x
        init_vec[i] = math.sin(math.pi * float((pos_x + 1) / (num_x + 1)))
    print "\ninitial vector v = {}".format(init_vec)

    # input vector: f1 = 1, g1 = 1, g2 = 10
    f1 = 1
    g1 = 1
    g2 = 10
    v_vec = np.array([f1, g1, g2])
    input_vec = matrix_b * v_vec
    final_time = 10000
    num_steps = 1000000
    times = np.linspace(0, final_time, num_steps)
    runtime, result = sim_odeint_sparse(matrix_a, init_vec, input_vec,
                                        final_time, num_steps)

    print "\n the result is: \n{}".format(result)
    print "\n result shape is: \n{}".format(result.shape)

    # plot the center point temperature
    center_point_pos_x = int(math.ceil(num_x / 2)) - 1
    center_point_pos_y = int(math.ceil(num_y / 2)) - 1

    center_point_state_pos = center_point_pos_y * num_x + center_point_pos_x
    print "\ncenter_point corresponds to the {}-th state variable".format(

    center_point_temp = result[:, center_point_state_pos]
    plt.plot(times, center_point_temp, 'b', label='center_point')
Exemplo n.º 2
def wave_1d1():
    'test 1-d heat equation'
    len_x = 30
    speed_const = -1

    he = FirstOrderWaveEqOneDimension1(speed_const, len_x)
    num_x = 60  # number of meshpoint between 0 and len_x
    matrix_a, matrix_b = he.get_odes(num_x)
    print "\nmatrix_a:\n{}".format(matrix_a.toarray())
    print "\nmatrix_b:\n{}".format(matrix_b.toarray())

    # initial value, we can not set it to zero
    init_vec = np.zeros((matrix_a.shape[0], ))
    init_vec[29] = 1  # x =15
    init_vec[30] = 1
    init_vec[31] = 1
    init_vec[32] = 1
    input_vec = matrix_b * [1]
    final_time = 15
    num_steps = 150
    time_step = float(final_time) / float(num_steps)
    discretization_step = float(len_x) / float(num_x)  # delta_x = 0.5

    # stability condition for numerical method

    print "\nsimulation time step is: {}".format(time_step)
    print "\ndiscrezation step is: {}".format(discretization_step)

    print "\nthe stability condition for numberical method is satisfied: speed_const * time_step <= discretization_step "

    if (speed_const * time_step >= discretization_step):
        raise ValueError(
            "\nThe stability condition for numerical method is not satisfied")

    times = np.linspace(0, final_time, num_steps)
    runtime, result = sim_odeint_sparse(matrix_a, init_vec, input_vec,
                                        final_time, num_steps)

    # final value at t = 90
    #center_point_index = int(math.ceil((len_x/2)/discretization_step))
    #center_point_index = int(math.ceil(num_x/2))
    final_value = result[20, :]
    # print result.shape
    print "\n the final value is: {}".format(final_value)
    # print "\nthe center point position is: x =
    # {}cm".format((center_point_index + 1)*discretization_step)

    plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 30, 60), final_value, 'b', label='final_value')
Exemplo n.º 3
def heat_1d():
    'test 1-d heat equation'
    len_x = 200
    diffusity_const = 1.16  # cm2/sec
    thermal_cond = 0.93  # cal/cm-sec-degree
    heat_exchange_coeff = 1
    he = HeatOneDimension(diffusity_const, diffusity_const,
                          heat_exchange_coeff, len_x)
    num_x = 59  # number of meshpoint between 0 and len_x
    matrix_a, matrix_b = he.get_odes(num_x)
    print "\nmatrix_a:\n{}".format(matrix_a.toarray())
    print "\nmatrix_b:\n{}".format(matrix_b.toarray())

    init_vec = np.zeros((matrix_a.shape[0], ))
    input_g = 20

    input_vec = matrix_b * [input_g]

    # for ode simulation
    final_time = 2000
    num_steps = 100000
    time_step = float(final_time) / float(num_steps)
    discretization_step = float(len_x) / float(num_x + 1)

    # stability condition for numerical method

    print "\nsimulation time step is: {}".format(time_step)
    print "\ndiscrezation step is: {}".format(discretization_step)

    print "\nthe stability condition for numberical method is satisfied: time_step <= 0.5*discrezation_step^2"
    if (time_step > discretization_step**2 / 2):
        raise ValueError(
            "\nThe stability condition for numerical method is not satisfied")

    times = np.linspace(0, final_time, num_steps)
    runtime, result = sim_odeint_sparse(matrix_a, init_vec, input_vec,
                                        final_time, num_steps)

    # central point temperature
    #center_point_index = int(math.ceil((len_x/2)/discretization_step))
    center_point_index = int(math.ceil(num_x / 2))
    center_point_temp = result[:, center_point_index]
    print "\n the central point index is: {}".format(center_point_index)
    print "\nthe center point position is: x = {}cm".format(
        (center_point_index + 1) * discretization_step)

    plt.plot(times, center_point_temp, 'b', label='center_point')
Exemplo n.º 4
def wave_2d():
    'test 2-dimensional wave equation'
    # parameters
    len_x = 30
    len_y = 30
    a_speed_const = -1
    b_speed_const = -1

    he = FirstOrderWaveEqTwoDimension(a_speed_const, b_speed_const, len_x,
    num_x = 60  # number of meshpoint between 0 and len_x
    num_y = 60  # number of meshpoint between 0 and len_y
    matrix_a, matrix_b = he.get_odes(num_x, num_y)
    print "\nmatrix_a:\n{}".format(matrix_a.toarray())
    print "\nmatrix_b:\n{}".format(matrix_b.toarray())

    # simulate linear ode model of 2-d wave equation
    n = matrix_a.shape[0]
    init_vec = np.zeros((n, ))
    num_var = num_x * num_y

    # Initial condition IC: u(x,y,0) = 1, 0 <= x <= 5, 0 <= y <= 5
    for i in xrange(0, num_var):
        pos_x = i % num_x
        pos_y = int((i - pos_x) / num_x)
        if pos_x <= 10 and pos_y <= 10:
            init_vec[i] = 1
        #init_vec[i] = math.sin(math.pi*float((pos_x * pos_y)/(num_var)))

    print "\ninitial vector v = {}".format(init_vec)

    # input vector: f1 = 1, g1 = 1, g2 = 10
    #f1 = 1
    #g1 = 1
    #g2 = 10
    #v_vec = np.array([f1, g1, g2])
    #input_vec = matrix_b*v_vec

    input_vec = matrix_b * [1]
    final_time = 30
    num_steps = 300

    time_step = float(final_time) / float(num_steps)
    discretization_stepx = float(len_x) / float(num_x)
    discretization_stepy = float(len_y) / float(num_y)

    if (math.sqrt((-a_speed_const)**(2) + (-b_speed_const)**(2)) * time_step >=
            math.sqrt(discretization_stepx**(2) + discretization_stepy**(2))):
        raise ValueError(
            "\nThe stability condition for numerical method is not satisfied")

    times = np.linspace(0, final_time, num_steps)
    runtime, result = sim_odeint_sparse(matrix_a, init_vec, input_vec,
                                        final_time, num_steps)

    print "\n the result is: \n{}".format(result)
    print "\n result shape is: \n{}".format(result.shape)

    mid_value = result[120, 1800:1860]
    print mid_value.shape
    print "\n the final value is: {}".format(mid_value)

    # plot the center point temperature
    #center_point_pos_x = int(math.ceil(num_x/2)) - 1
    #center_point_pos_y = int(math.ceil(num_y/2)) - 1

    #center_point_state_pos = center_point_pos_y*num_x + center_point_pos_x
    # print "\ncenter_point corresponds to the {}-th state
    # variable".format(center_point_state_pos)

    plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 30, 60), mid_value, 'b', label='mid_value')
    plt.xlabel('x and y')
Exemplo n.º 5
def heat_2d2():
    'test 2-d heat equation ZhiHan benchmark'

    # parameters
    diffusity_const = 0.01
    heat_exchange_coeff = 0.5
    thermal_cond = 1
    len_x = 1
    len_y = 1
    has_heat_source = True
    heat_source_pos = np.array([0, 0.4])
    he = HeatTwoDimension2(diffusity_const, heat_exchange_coeff, thermal_cond,
                           len_x, len_y, has_heat_source, heat_source_pos)

    # get linear ode model of 2-d heat equation
    num_x = 4  # number of discretized steps between 0 and len_x
    num_y = 4  # number of discretized steps between 0 and len_y
    matrix_a, matrix_b = he.get_odes(num_x, num_y)
    # print "\nmatrix_a :\n{}".format(matrix_a.todense())
    # print "\nmatrix_b :\n{}".format(matrix_b.todense())

    matlab_matrices = loadmat('20x20.mat')

    matlab_a = matlab_matrices['A']

    print matrix_a.todense()

    assert matlab_a.shape == matrix_a.shape

    for y in xrange(matrix_a.shape[0]):
        for x in xrange(matrix_a.shape[1]):
            val_matrix = matrix_a[y, x]
            val_matlab = matlab_a[y, x]

            if abs(val_matrix - val_matlab) > 1e-6:
                print "mismatch in element {},{}, matrix val = {}, matlab val = {}".format(
                    y, x, val_matrix, val_matlab)

    print "TODO: also add comparisons for B and c from matlab"

    #matlab_b = matlab_matrices['b']
    #matlab_c = matlab_matrices['c']

    # simulate the linear ode model of 2-d heat equation
    heat_source = 1  # the value of heat source is 1 degree celcius
    envi_temp = 0  # environment temperature is 0 degree celcius
    inputs = np.array([heat_source, envi_temp])  # input to linear ode model
    print "\ninputs to the odes including heat_source = {} and environment temperature = {}".\
        format(heat_source, envi_temp)

    input_vec = matrix_b * inputs
    print "\input vector v = matrix_b*inputs is: \n{}".format(input_vec)

    init_vec = np.zeros((matrix_a.shape[0]), )
    final_time = 200
    num_steps = 1000
    times = np.linspace(0, final_time, num_steps)
    runtime, result = sim_odeint_sparse(matrix_a, init_vec, input_vec,
                                        final_time, num_steps)

    print "\n the result is: \n{}".format(result)
    print "\n result shape is: \n{}".format(result.shape)

    # plot the result

    # plot the center point temperature
    center_point_pos_x = int(math.floor(num_x / 2))
    center_point_pos_y = int(math.floor(num_y / 2))

    center_point_state_pos = center_point_pos_y * num_x + center_point_pos_x
    print "\ncenter_point corresponds to the {}-th state variable".format(

    center_point_temp = result[:, center_point_state_pos]
    plt.plot(times, center_point_temp, 'b', label='center_point')