Exemplo n.º 1
class Book(peewee.Model):
    author = peewee.CharField()
    title = peewee.TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = db
Exemplo n.º 2
def do_migrate(src_version, dst_version, forced=False):
    migrator = SqliteMigrator(db.database)

    if (src_version, dst_version) == ('0.1.4', '0.1.5'):
        with db.database.atomic():
            for table_name in ['media', 'template', 'note', 'card']:
                            table_name, 'h',
                            pv.TextField(unique=True, null=True)))
                except pv.OperationalError:


            for record in db.Media.select():
                    record.h = ''
                except pv.IntegrityError:
                    print('{} is duplicated: {}'.format(
                        record.id, record.name))
                    if not forced:

            for record in db.Template.select():
                    record.h = ''
                except pv.IntegrityError:
                    print('{} is duplicated: {}'.format(
                        record.id, record.question + record.answer))
                    if not forced:

            for record in db.Note.select():
                    data = record.data
                    for k, v in data.items():
                        record.data[k] = str(v)
                except pv.IntegrityError:
                    print('{} is duplicated: {}'.format(
                        record.id, record.data))
                    if not forced:

            for record in db.Card.select():
                    record.h = ''
                except pv.IntegrityError:
                    print('{} is duplicated: {}'.format(
                        record.id, record.question.raw))
                    if not forced:
    elif (src_version, dst_version) == ('0.1.5', '0.1.6'):
        migrate(migrator.add_column('model', 'js', pv.TextField(default='')))
        raise ValueError('Not supported for {}, {}'.format(
            src_version, dst_version))
Exemplo n.º 3
class Topic(Model):
    name = pw.CharField(index=True, unique=True)
    content = pw.TextField()
Exemplo n.º 4
class ScriptRevision(BaseModel):
    code = pw.TextField()
    script = pw.ForeignKeyField(Script)
Exemplo n.º 5
 class Question(BaseModel):
     body = peewee.TextField(unique=True)
     last_date = peewee.DateField(null=True)
     company = peewee.TextField()
     data_structure = peewee.TextField()
     leetcode = peewee.CharField(max_length=2083, null=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
class Desc(ModelWithCUTime):
    desc_name = peewee.CharField(unique=True)
    desc_description = peewee.TextField(default='')
    desc_notes = peewee.TextField(default='')
    metrics = peewee.TextField(null=True)
Exemplo n.º 7
class UserProperty(components.BaseModel):
    user = peewee.ForeignKeyField(components.BaseUser)
    module = peewee.TextField(null=False)
    key = peewee.TextField(null=False)
    value = peewee.TextField(null=False)
Exemplo n.º 8
class DataEntry(peewee.Model):
    date = peewee.DateField(unique=True)

    total_confirmed = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    remaining_confirmed = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    remaining_severe = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    remaining_suspected = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    cured = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    death = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    new_confirmed = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    new_severe = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    new_suspected = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    new_cured = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    new_death = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    total_tracked = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    new_lifted = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    remaining_quarantined = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_total_confirmed = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_remaining_confirmed = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_remaining_severe = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_remaining_suspected = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_cured = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_death = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_new_confirmed = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_new_severe = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_new_suspected = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_new_cured = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)
    hb_new_death = peewee.IntegerField(null=True)

    article_url = peewee.TextField(unique=True)
    article_title = peewee.TextField()
    article_body = peewee.TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = database

    # Calculate remaining confirmed when official report does not
    # include this stat.
    def remaining_confirmed_calc(self):
        if self.remaining_confirmed is not None:
            return self.remaining_confirmed
        if self.cured is not None and self.death is not None:
            return self.total_confirmed - self.cured - self.death
        return None

    # Calculate new severe cases in Hubei when official report does not
    # include this stat.
    def hb_new_severe_calc(self):
        if self.hb_new_severe is not None:
            return self.hb_new_severe
        if self.hb_remaining_severe is not None:
            prev_day = self.date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
                prev_day_entry = DataEntry.get(date=prev_day)
            except peewee.DoesNotExist:
                return None
            if prev_day_entry.hb_remaining_severe is not None:
                return self.hb_remaining_severe - prev_day_entry.hb_remaining_severe
        return None

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if not name.startswith("not_hb_"):
            raise AttributeError
        national_attr = name[7:]
        national_val = getattr(self, national_attr)
        if national_val is None:
                national_val = getattr(self, f"{national_attr}_calc")
            except AttributeError:
        hb_attr = name[4:]
        hb_val = getattr(self, hb_attr)
        if hb_val is None:
                hb_val = getattr(self, f"{hb_attr}_calc")
            except AttributeError:
        if national_val is not None and hb_val is not None:
            return national_val - hb_val
            return None
Exemplo n.º 9
class User(BaseModel, UserMixin):
    name = pw.CharField(unique=False, null=False)
    email = pw.CharField(unique=True, null=False)
    password_hash = pw.CharField(unique=False, null=False)
    password = None
    is_valid = pw.BooleanField(default=0)
    subscription = pw.ForeignKeyField(Subscription,
    profile_image_url = pw.TextField(default="users/Untitled_Artwork.jpg")
    is_admin = pw.BooleanField(default=0)

    def profile_image_path(self):
        from app import app
        if self.profile_image_url:
            return app.config.get("S3_LOCATION") + self.profile_image_url
            return app.config.get("S3_LOCATION") + "Untitled_Artwork.jpg"

    def validate(self):
        duplicate_emails = User.get_or_none(User.email == self.email)

        if duplicate_emails and self.id != duplicate_emails.id:
            self.errors.append('Email registered. Try using another email.')

        if self.password:
            if len(self.password) < 6:
                self.errors.append("Password must be at least 6 characters.")

            if not re.search("[a-z]", self.password):
                self.errors.append("Password must include lowercase.")

            if not re.search("[A-Z]", self.password):
                self.errors.append("Password must include uppercase.")

            if not re.search("[\*\^\%\!\@\#\$\&]", self.password):
                self.errors.append("Password must include special characters.")

            if len(self.errors) == 0:
                self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(self.password)

        if not self.password_hash:
            self.errors.append("Password must be present")

    def is_active(self):
        return True

    def get_id(self):
        return self.id

    def is_authenticated(self):
        return self.authenticated

    def is_anonymous(self):
        return False

    def delete_from_cart(self, recipe):
        from models.subscription_recipe import Subscription_Recipe
        import datetime
        return Subscription_Recipe.delete().where(
            Subscription_Recipe.user == self.id,
            Subscription_Recipe.recipe == recipe.id,
            Subscription_Recipe.created_at >= datetime.date.today()).execute()
Exemplo n.º 10
class Query(ModelTimestampsMixin, BaseModel):
    id = peewee.PrimaryKeyField()
    data_source = peewee.ForeignKeyField(DataSource, null=True)
    latest_query_data = peewee.ForeignKeyField(QueryResult, null=True)
    name = peewee.CharField(max_length=255)
    description = peewee.CharField(max_length=4096, null=True)
    query = peewee.TextField()
    query_hash = peewee.CharField(max_length=32)
    api_key = peewee.CharField(max_length=40)
    user_email = peewee.CharField(max_length=360, null=True)
    user = peewee.ForeignKeyField(User)
    last_modified_by = peewee.ForeignKeyField(User, null=True, related_name="modified_queries")
    is_archived = peewee.BooleanField(default=False, index=True)
    schedule = peewee.CharField(max_length=10, null=True)

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'queries'

    def to_dict(self, with_stats=False, with_visualizations=False, with_user=True):
        d = {
            'id': self.id,
            'latest_query_data_id': self._data.get('latest_query_data', None),
            'name': self.name,
            'description': self.description,
            'query': self.query,
            'query_hash': self.query_hash,
            'schedule': self.schedule,
            'api_key': self.api_key,
            'is_archived': self.is_archived,
            'updated_at': self.updated_at,
            'created_at': self.created_at,
            'data_source_id': self._data.get('data_source', None)

        if with_user:
            d['user'] = self.user.to_dict()
            d['last_modified_by'] = self.last_modified_by.to_dict() if self.last_modified_by is not None else None
            d['user_id'] = self._data['user']

        if with_stats:
            d['retrieved_at'] = self.retrieved_at
            d['runtime'] = self.runtime

        if with_visualizations:
            d['visualizations'] = [vis.to_dict(with_query=False)
                                   for vis in self.visualizations]

        return d

    def archive(self):
        self.is_archived = True
        self.schedule = None

        for vis in self.visualizations:
            for w in vis.widgets:


    def all_queries(cls):
        q = Query.select(Query, User, QueryResult.retrieved_at, QueryResult.runtime)\
            .join(QueryResult, join_type=peewee.JOIN_LEFT_OUTER)\
            .group_by(Query.id, User.id, QueryResult.id, QueryResult.retrieved_at, QueryResult.runtime)\

        return q

    def outdated_queries(cls):
        queries = cls.select(cls, QueryResult.retrieved_at, DataSource)\
            .where(cls.schedule != None)

        now = utils.utcnow()
        outdated_queries = {}
        for query in queries:
            if should_schedule_next(query.latest_query_data.retrieved_at, now, query.schedule):
                key = "{}:{}".format(query.query_hash, query.data_source.id)
                outdated_queries[key] = query

        return outdated_queries.values()

    def search(cls, term):
        # This is very naive implementation of search, to be replaced with PostgreSQL full-text-search solution.

        where = (cls.name**u"%{}%".format(term)) | (cls.description**u"%{}%".format(term))

        if term.isdigit():
            where |= cls.id == term

        where &= cls.is_archived == False

        return cls.select().where(where).order_by(cls.created_at.desc())

    def recent(cls, user_id=None, limit=20):
        # TODO: instead of t2 here, we should define table_alias for Query table
        query = cls.select().where(Event.created_at > peewee.SQL("current_date - 7")).\
            join(Event, on=(Query.id == peewee.SQL("t2.object_id::integer"))).\
            where(Event.action << ('edit', 'execute', 'edit_name', 'edit_description', 'view_source')).\
            where(~(Event.object_id >> None)).\
            where(Event.object_type == 'query'). \
            where(cls.is_archived == False).\
            group_by(Event.object_id, Query.id).\
            order_by(peewee.SQL("count(0) desc"))

        if user_id:
            query = query.where(Event.user == user_id)

        query = query.limit(limit)

        return query

    def update_instance(cls, query_id, **kwargs):
        if 'query' in kwargs:
            kwargs['query_hash'] = utils.gen_query_hash(kwargs['query'])

        update = cls.update(**kwargs).where(cls.id == query_id)
        return update.execute()

    def pre_save(self, created):
        super(Query, self).pre_save(created)
        self.query_hash = utils.gen_query_hash(self.query)

        if self.last_modified_by is None:
            self.last_modified_by = self.user

    def post_save(self, created):
        if created:

    def _create_default_visualizations(self):
        table_visualization = Visualization(query=self, name="Table",
                                            type="TABLE", options="{}")

    def _set_api_key(self):
        if not self.api_key:
            self.api_key = hashlib.sha1(
                u''.join((str(time.time()), self.query, str(self._data['user']), self.name)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

    def runtime(self):
        return self.latest_query_data.runtime

    def retrieved_at(self):
        return self.latest_query_data.retrieved_at

    def __unicode__(self):
        return unicode(self.id)
Exemplo n.º 11
class Dashboard(ModelTimestampsMixin, BaseModel):
    id = peewee.PrimaryKeyField()
    slug = peewee.CharField(max_length=140, index=True)
    name = peewee.CharField(max_length=100)
    user_email = peewee.CharField(max_length=360, null=True)
    user = peewee.ForeignKeyField(User)
    layout = peewee.TextField()
    dashboard_filters_enabled = peewee.BooleanField(default=False)
    is_archived = peewee.BooleanField(default=False, index=True)

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'dashboards'

    def to_dict(self, with_widgets=False):
        layout = json.loads(self.layout)

        if with_widgets:
            widgets = Widget.select(Widget, Visualization, Query, User)\
                .where(Widget.dashboard == self.id)\
                .join(Visualization, join_type=peewee.JOIN_LEFT_OUTER)\
                .join(Query, join_type=peewee.JOIN_LEFT_OUTER)\
                .join(User, join_type=peewee.JOIN_LEFT_OUTER)
            widgets = {w.id: w.to_dict() for w in widgets}

            # The following is a workaround for cases when the widget object gets deleted without the dashboard layout
            # updated. This happens for users with old databases that didn't have a foreign key relationship between
            # visualizations and widgets.
            # It's temporary until better solution is implemented (we probably should move the position information
            # to the widget).
            widgets_layout = []
            for row in layout:
                new_row = []
                for widget_id in row:
                    widget = widgets.get(widget_id, None)
                    if widget:


            # widgets_layout = map(lambda row: map(lambda widget_id: widgets.get(widget_id, None), row), layout)
            widgets_layout = None

        return {
            'id': self.id,
            'slug': self.slug,
            'name': self.name,
            'user_id': self._data['user'],
            'layout': layout,
            'dashboard_filters_enabled': self.dashboard_filters_enabled,
            'widgets': widgets_layout,
            'is_archived': self.is_archived,
            'updated_at': self.updated_at,
            'created_at': self.created_at

    def get_by_slug(cls, slug):
        return cls.get(cls.slug == slug)

    def recent(cls, user_id=None, limit=20):
        query = cls.select().where(Event.created_at > peewee.SQL("current_date - 7")). \
            join(Event, on=(Dashboard.id == peewee.SQL("t2.object_id::integer"))). \
            where(Event.action << ('edit', 'view')).\
            where(~(Event.object_id >> None)). \
            where(Event.object_type == 'dashboard'). \
            where(Dashboard.is_archived == False). \
            group_by(Event.object_id, Dashboard.id). \
            order_by(peewee.SQL("count(0) desc"))

        if user_id:
            query = query.where(Event.user == user_id)

        query = query.limit(limit)

        return query

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.slug:
            self.slug = utils.slugify(self.name)

            tries = 1
            while self.select().where(Dashboard.slug == self.slug).first() is not None:
                self.slug = utils.slugify(self.name) + "_{0}".format(tries)
                tries += 1

        super(Dashboard, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"%s=%s" % (self.id, self.name)
Exemplo n.º 12
class QueryResult(BaseModel):
    id = peewee.PrimaryKeyField()
    data_source = peewee.ForeignKeyField(DataSource)
    query_hash = peewee.CharField(max_length=32, index=True)
    query = peewee.TextField()
    data = peewee.TextField()
    runtime = peewee.FloatField()
    retrieved_at = DateTimeTZField()

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'query_results'

    def to_dict(self):
        return {
            'id': self.id,
            'query_hash': self.query_hash,
            'query': self.query,
            'data': json.loads(self.data),
            'data_source_id': self._data.get('data_source', None),
            'runtime': self.runtime,
            'retrieved_at': self.retrieved_at

    def unused(cls, days=7):
        age_threshold = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=days)

        unused_results = cls.select().where(Query.id == None, cls.retrieved_at < age_threshold)\
            .join(Query, join_type=peewee.JOIN_LEFT_OUTER)

        return unused_results

    def get_latest(cls, data_source, query, max_age=0):
        query_hash = utils.gen_query_hash(query)

        if max_age == -1:
            query = cls.select().where(cls.query_hash == query_hash,
                                       cls.data_source == data_source).order_by(cls.retrieved_at.desc())
            query = cls.select().where(cls.query_hash == query_hash, cls.data_source == data_source,
                                       peewee.SQL("retrieved_at + interval '%s second' >= now() at time zone 'utc'",

        return query.first()

    def store_result(cls, data_source_id, query_hash, query, data, run_time, retrieved_at):
        query_result = cls.create(query_hash=query_hash,

        logging.info("Inserted query (%s) data; id=%s", query_hash, query_result.id)

        sql = "UPDATE queries SET latest_query_data_id = %s WHERE query_hash = %s AND data_source_id = %s RETURNING id"
        query_ids = [row[0] for row in db.database.execute_sql(sql, params=(query_result.id, query_hash, data_source_id))]

        # TODO: when peewee with update & returning support is released, we can get back to using this code:
        # updated_count = Query.update(latest_query_data=query_result).\
        #     where(Query.query_hash==query_hash, Query.data_source==data_source_id).\
        #     execute()

        logging.info("Updated %s queries with result (%s).", len(query_ids), query_hash)

        return query_result, query_ids

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"%d | %s | %s" % (self.id, self.query_hash, self.retrieved_at)
Exemplo n.º 13
class DataSource(BaseModel):
    SECRET_PLACEHOLDER = '--------'

    id = peewee.PrimaryKeyField()
    name = peewee.CharField(unique=True)
    type = peewee.CharField()
    options = peewee.TextField()
    queue_name = peewee.CharField(default="queries")
    scheduled_queue_name = peewee.CharField(default="scheduled_queries")
    created_at = DateTimeTZField(default=datetime.datetime.now)

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'data_sources'

    def to_dict(self, all=False):
        d = {
            'id': self.id,
            'name': self.name,
            'type': self.type,
            'syntax': self.query_runner.syntax

        if all:
            d['options'] = self.configuration
            d['queue_name'] = self.queue_name
            d['scheduled_queue_name'] = self.scheduled_queue_name

        return d

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

    def configuration(self):
        configuration = json.loads(self.options)
        schema = self.query_runner.configuration_schema()
        for prop in schema.get('secret', []):
            if prop in configuration and configuration[prop]:
                configuration[prop] = self.SECRET_PLACEHOLDER

        return configuration

    def replace_secret_placeholders(self, configuration):
        current_configuration = json.loads(self.options)
        schema = self.query_runner.configuration_schema()
        for prop in schema.get('secret', []):
            if prop in configuration and configuration[prop] == self.SECRET_PLACEHOLDER:
                configuration[prop] = current_configuration[prop]

    def get_schema(self, refresh=False):
        key = "data_source:schema:{}".format(self.id)

        cache = None
        if not refresh:
            cache = redis_connection.get(key)

        if cache is None:
            query_runner = self.query_runner
            schema = sorted(query_runner.get_schema(), key=lambda t: t['name'])

            redis_connection.set(key, json.dumps(schema))
            schema = json.loads(cache)

        return schema

    def query_runner(self):
        return get_query_runner(self.type, self.options)

    def all(cls):
        return cls.select().order_by(cls.id.asc())
Exemplo n.º 14
class User(UserMixin, BaseModel):
    username = pw.CharField(unique=True, null=False)
    email = pw.CharField(unique=True, null=False)
    password_hash = pw.TextField(null=False)
    password = None
    image_path = pw.TextField(null=True)
    is_private = pw.BooleanField(default=False)

    def full_image_path(self):
        if self.image_path:
            from app import app
            return app.config.get("S3_LOCATION") + self.image_path
            return ""

    def follow_status(self, idol):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        return FanIdol.get_or_none(FanIdol.fan == self.id,
                                   FanIdol.idol == idol.id)

    def follow(self, idol):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        # if relationship/row exists, return false
        if FanIdol.get_or_none(FanIdol.fan == self.id,
                               FanIdol.idol == idol.id):
            return False
            if idol.is_private:
                FanIdol.create(fan=self.id, idol=idol.id, is_approved=False)
                FanIdol.create(fan=self.id, idol=idol.id, is_approved=True)

            return True

    def unfollow(self, idol):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        FanIdol.delete().where(self.id == FanIdol.fan
                               and idol == FanIdol.idol).execute()
        return True

    def fans(self):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        fans = FanIdol.select().where(FanIdol.idol == self.id,
                                      FanIdol.is_approved == True)
        fans_list = []
        for fan in fans:
        return fans_list

    def idols(self):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        # get a list of idols
        idols = FanIdol.select().where(FanIdol.fan == self.id,
                                       FanIdol.is_approved == True)
        idols_list = []
        for idol in idols:
        return idols_list
        # another way:
        # idols = FanIdol.select(FanIdol.idol).where(FanIdol.fan==self.id, FanIdol.is_approved==True)
        # return User.select().where( User.id.in_(idols) )

    def idol_requests(self):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        idols = FanIdol.select(FanIdol.idol).where(
            FanIdol.fan == self.id, FanIdol.is_approved == False)
        return User.select().where(User.id.in_(idols))
        # another way:
        # idols_request = []
        # for idol in idols_request:
        #     idols_request.append(idol.idol)
        # return idols_request

    def fan_requests(self):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        fans = FanIdol.select(FanIdol.fan).where(FanIdol.idol == self.id,
                                                 FanIdol.is_approved == False)
        return User.select().where(User.id.in_(fans))

    def approve_request(self, fan):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        # get the relationship
        relationship = fan.follow_status(self)
        # update the is_approved to true
        relationship.is_approved = True
        return relationship.save()

    def validate(self):
        # Email should be unique
        existing_user_email = User.get_or_none(User.email == self.email)
        if existing_user_email and existing_user_email.id != self.id:
            self.errors.append(f"User with email {self.email} already exists!")
        # Username should be unique
        existing_user_username = User.get_or_none(
            User.username == self.username)
        # also check if current userid is not same as the newly created user so we can update details
        if existing_user_username and existing_user_username.id != self.id:
                f"User with username {self.username} already exists!")

        # Password should be longer than 6 characters
        if self.password:
            if len(self.password) <= 6:
                self.errors.append("Password is less than 6 characters")
            # Password should have both uppercase and lowercase characters
            # Password should have at least one special character (REGEX comes in handy here)
            has_lower = re.search(r"[a-z]", self.password)
            has_upper = re.search(r"[A-Z]", self.password)
            has_special = re.search(r"[\[ \] \* \$ \% \^ \& \# \@ \? ]",

            if has_lower and has_upper and has_special:
                self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(self.password)
                    "Password either does not have upper, lower or special characters!"
Exemplo n.º 15
class Purchase(pw.Model):
    company_name = pw.TextField(CompanyDetails)
    amount = pw.TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = db
Exemplo n.º 16
class User(UserMixin, BaseModel):
    username = pw.CharField(unique=True)
    email = pw.CharField(unique=True)
    password = pw.CharField()
    profile_image = pw.TextField(default="Braised+Pork.jpeg")
    private = pw.BooleanField(default=False)

    def follow(self,idol):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        # check if has relationship in database
        if self.follow_status(idol)==None:
            return FanIdol(fan=self.id,idol=idol.id).save()
            return 0

    def unfollow(self,idol):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        return FanIdol.delete().where(FanIdol.fan==self.id,FanIdol.idol==idol.id).execute()

    def approve_request(self,fan):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        return FanIdol.update(approved=True).where(FanIdol.fan==fan.id,FanIdol.idol==self.id).execute()

    def follow_status(self,idol):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        # check following status : 
        # if already follow => return that row, 
        # else return None(mean not follow this idol before)
        return FanIdol.get_or_none(FanIdol.fan==self.id,FanIdol.idol==idol.id)

    def get_request(self):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        return FanIdol.select().where(FanIdol.idol==self.id,FanIdol.approved==False)

    def followers(self):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        # to get all fans
        fans = FanIdol.select(FanIdol.fan).where(FanIdol.idol==self.id,FanIdol.approved==True)
        return User.select().where(User.id.in_(fans))

    def followings(self):
        from models.fanidol import FanIdol
        # to get all idols
        idols = FanIdol.select(FanIdol.idol).where(FanIdol.fan==self.id,FanIdol.approved==True)
        return User.select().where(User.id.in_(idols))

    def profile_url(self):
        return os.getenv("AWS_DOMAIN") + self.profile_image

    def validate(self):
        duplicate_username = User.get_or_none(User.username == self.username)
        duplicate_email = User.get_or_none(User.email == self.email)
        regex_password = r"^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d]{8,}$"

        if duplicate_username and duplicate_username.id != self.id:
            self.errors.append('Username not unique')
        if duplicate_email and duplicate_email.id != self.id:
            self.errors.append('email not unique')
        if re.search(regex_password,self.password) == None:
            self.errors.append('Password must have minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number')
            self.password = generate_password_hash(self.password)
Exemplo n.º 17
class User(BaseModel):
    class Subscription(enum.Enum):
        undetermined = 0
        accepted = 1
        denied = 2
        revoked = 3
        blocked = 4

    id = peewee.TextField(unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
    telegram_id = peewee.BigIntegerField(unique=True)
    telegram_username = peewee.TextField(null=True)
    subscription = peewee.IntegerField(default=0)

    def get_markdown_description(self) -> str:
        if self.telegram_username is None:
            username = telegram_utils.escape_v2_markdown_text('-')
            escaped_username = telegram_utils.escape_v2_markdown_text(
            username = f'`{escaped_username}`'

        user_id = telegram_utils.escape_v2_markdown_text_link(
            text=str(self.telegram_id), url=f'tg://user?id={self.telegram_id}')

        return (
            f'{self.rowid}{telegram_utils.ESCAPED_FULL_STOP} {telegram_utils.ESCAPED_VERTICAL_LINE} '
            f'{user_id} {telegram_utils.ESCAPED_VERTICAL_LINE} '

    def get_markdown_subscription_description(self) -> str:
        return (
            f'{self.get_markdown_description()} {telegram_utils.ESCAPED_VERTICAL_LINE} '

    def get_created_at(self) -> str:
        date = typing.cast(datetime.datetime, self.created_at)

        return date.strftime(constants.GENERIC_DATE_TIME_FORMAT)

    def get_updated_ago(self) -> str:
        if self.updated_at == self.created_at:
            return '-'

        delta_seconds = round(
            (datetime.datetime.now() - self.updated_at).total_seconds())
        time_ago = str(
            datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(delta_seconds) -

        return f'{time_ago} ago'

    def get_subscription_update_message(self) -> str:
        prefix = 'Subscription update:'

        return (f'{telegram_utils.escape_v2_markdown_text(prefix)} '

    def save(self, force_insert=False, only=None) -> None:
        self.updated_at = get_current_datetime()

        super().save(force_insert=force_insert, only=only)

    def create_or_update_user(cls, id: int, username: typing.Optional[str],
                              bot: telegram.Bot,
                              admin_id: int) -> typing.Optional[User]:
            db_user: User
            is_created: bool

            (db_user, is_created) = cls.get_or_create(
                telegram_id=id, defaults={'telegram_username': username})

            db_user.telegram_username = username

            if db_user.subscription == User.Subscription.blocked.value:
                db_user.subscription = User.Subscription.undetermined.value

                subscription_update_message = db_user.get_subscription_update_message(



            if is_created:
                return db_user
        except peewee.PeeweeException as error:
                f'Database error: "{error}" for id: {id} and username: {username}'

        return None

    def get_users_table(cls,
                        include_only_subscribed=False) -> str:
        users_table = ''

            sort_field = cls.updated_at if sorted_by_updated_at else cls.created_at

            query = cls.select()

            if sorted_by_updated_at:
                query = query.where(cls.created_at != cls.updated_at)

            if include_only_subscribed:
                query = query.where(
                    cls.subscription == cls.Subscription.accepted.value)

            query = query.order_by(sort_field.desc()).limit(10)

            for user in reversed(query):
                users_table += (
                    f'\n{user.get_markdown_subscription_description()} {telegram_utils.ESCAPED_VERTICAL_LINE} '
                    f'{telegram_utils.escape_v2_markdown_text(user.get_created_at())} {telegram_utils.ESCAPED_VERTICAL_LINE} '
        except peewee.PeeweeException:

        if not users_table:
            users_table = 'No users'

        return users_table
Exemplo n.º 18
    class Role(pw.Model):
        description = pw.TextField(null=True)
        name = pw.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)

        class Meta:
            db_table = "role"
Exemplo n.º 19
class Run(ModelWithCUTime):
    expr = peewee.ForeignKeyField(Experiment, backref='runs')
    run_name = peewee.CharField(index=True)
    run_description = peewee.TextField(default='')
    run_notes = peewee.TextField(default='')

    command = peewee.TextField()
    args = peewee.TextField()
    configs = peewee.TextField()
    highlight_args = peewee.TextField()
    highlight_configs = peewee.TextField()

    metainfo_file = peewee.TextField(null=True)
    log_file = peewee.TextField(null=True)
    meter_file = peewee.TextField(null=True)
    tb_dir = peewee.TextField(null=True)
    metrics = peewee.TextField(null=True)

    is_master = peewee.BooleanField(default=True)
    refer = peewee.ForeignKeyField('self', null=True, backref='referee')

    class Meta:
        indexes = [(('expr', 'run_name'), True)]
Exemplo n.º 20
class Software(ModelloBase):
    title = pee.TextField()
    year = pee.CharField(max_length=4)
    publisher = pee.TextField()
    country = pee.CharField(max_length=2)
    hash = pee.TextField(primary_key=True)
Exemplo n.º 21
 class KeyChain(pw.Model):
     secret = pw.TextField()
     message = pw.TextField()
     application = pw.CharField(max_length=255)
Exemplo n.º 22
class Preview(ModelloBase):
    base = pee.TextField(primary_key=True)
    picture = pee.BlobField()
Exemplo n.º 23
class Operator(p.Model):
    default_dark_config = json.dumps({
        "background-color": "#303030",
        "text-color": "#66b3ff",
        "hover": "#b3b3b3",
        "highlight": "#b3b3b3",
        "autocomplete": "#303030",
        "highlight-text": "black",
        "timestamp": "#b3ffff",
        "operator": "#ffb3b3",
        "display": "#d9b3ff",
        "new-callback-color": "dark",
        "new-callback-hue": "purple",
        "well-bg": "#000000",
        "primary-pane": "#001f4d",
        "primary-pane-text-color": "#ccffff",
        "primary-button": "#001f4d",
        "primary-button-text-color": "white",
        "primary-button-hover": "#0000cc",
        "primary-button-hover-text-color": "white",
        "info-pane": "#330066",
        "info-pane-text-color": "#e6ccff",
        "info-button": "#330066",
        "info-button-text-color": "#f3e6ff",
        "info-button-hover": "#5900b3",
        "info-button-hover-text-color": "#f3e6ff",
        "success-pane": "#003300",
        "success-pane-text-color": "#b3ffb3",
        "success-button": "#004d00",
        "success-button-text-color": "white",
        "success-button-hover": "#006600",
        "success-button-hover-text-color": "white",
        "danger-pane": "#800000",
        "danger-pane-text-color": "white",
        "danger-button": "#4d0000",
        "danger-button-text-color": "white",
        "danger-button-hover": "#800000",
        "danger-button-hover-text-color": "white",
        "warning-pane": "#330000",
        "warning-pane-text-color": "#e6ccff",
        "warning-button": "#804300",
        "warning-button-text-color": "white",
        "warning-button-hover": "#b35900",
        "warning-button-hover-text-color": "white",
        "table-headers": "#000000",
        "operation-color": "white",
        "interact-button-color": "#330066",
        "interact-button-text": "#FFFFFF",
        "interact-button-dropdown": "#6666FF",
        "success_highlight": "#303030",
        "failure_highlight": "#660000",
        "top-caret": "white"
    default_config = json.dumps({
        "background-color": "#f4f4f4",
        "text-color": "#000000",
        "hover": "#cce6ff",
        "highlight": "#cce6ff",
        "autocomplete": "#e6f3ff",
        "highlight-text": "blue",
        "timestamp": "blue",
        "operator": "#b366ff",
        "display": "red",
        "new-callback-color": "light",
        "new-callback-hue": "",
        "well-bg": "#E5E5E5",
        "primary-pane": "",
        "primary-pane-text-color": "",
        "primary-button": "",
        "primary-button-text-color": "",
        "primary-button-hover": "",
        "primary-button-hover-text-color": "",
        "info-pane": "",
        "info-pane-text-color": "",
        "info-button": "",
        "info-button-text-color": "",
        "info-button-hover": "",
        "info-button-hover-text-color": "",
        "success-pane": "",
        "success-pane-text-color": "",
        "success-button": "",
        "success-button-text-color": "",
        "success-button-hover": "",
        "success-button-hover-text-color": "",
        "danger-pane": "",
        "danger-pane-text-color": "",
        "danger-button": "",
        "danger-button-text-color": "",
        "danger-button-hover": "",
        "danger-button-hover-text-color": "",
        "warning-pane": "",
        "warning-pane-text-color": "",
        "warning-button": "",
        "warning-button-text-color": "",
        "warning-button-hover": "",
        "warning-button-hover-text-color": "",
        "table-headers": "#F1F1F1",
        "operation-color": "green",
        "interact-button-color": "",
        "interact-button-text": "",
        "interact-button-dropdown": "",
        "success_highlight": "#d5fdd5",
        "failure_highlight": "#f68d8d",
        "top-caret": "white"
    username = p.TextField(unique=True, null=False)
    password = p.TextField(null=False)
    admin = p.BooleanField(null=True, default=False)
    creation_time = p.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.utcnow, null=False)
    last_login = p.DateTimeField(default=None, null=True)
    # option to simply de-activate an account instead of delete it so you keep all your relational data intact
    active = p.BooleanField(null=False, default=True)
    current_operation = p.ForeignKeyField(p.DeferredRelation('Operation'), null=True)
    ui_config = p.TextField(null=False, default=default_config)

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['-id', ]
        database = apfell_db

    def to_json(self):
        r = {}
        for k in self._data.keys():
                if k == 'current_operation':
                    r[k] = getattr(self, k).name
                elif k != 'password' and 'default' not in k:
                    r[k] = getattr(self, k)
                r[k] = json.dumps(getattr(self, k))
        r['creation_time'] = r['creation_time'].strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
        if 'last_login' in r and r['last_login'] is not None:
            r['last_login'] = r['last_login'].strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
            r['last_login'] = ""  # just indicate that account created, but they never logged in
        return r

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.to_json())

    async def check_password(self, password):
        temp_pass = await crypto.hash_SHA512(password)
        return self.password.lower() == temp_pass.lower()

    async def hash_password(self, password):
        return await crypto.hash_SHA512(password)
Exemplo n.º 24
class Manual(ModelloBase):
    base = pee.TextField(primary_key=True)
    description = pee.TextField()
Exemplo n.º 25
class ParentTestModel(pw.Model):
    id = pw.AutoField()
    text = pw.TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = DB
Exemplo n.º 26
class Service(pw.Model):
    ty2 = pw.TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = db
Exemplo n.º 27
 class Meta:
     db_table = 'tag'
     id = peewee.PrimaryKeyField()
     name = peewee.TextField()
Exemplo n.º 28
class Sales(pw.Model):
    name = pw.TextField()
    amount = pw.TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = db
Exemplo n.º 29
class Memo(BaseModel):
    """Database Memo Table."""

    user = peewee.CharField(index=True)
    channel = peewee.CharField()
    text = peewee.TextField()
Exemplo n.º 30
class Match(p.Model):
    keyword = p.CharField(max_length=32)
    answer = p.TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = DATABASE