Exemplo n.º 1
def test_get_new_maze(set_seed, iteration):
    # generate a few mazes and check them for consistency
    local_seed = random.randint(1, 2**31 - 1) * iteration
    maze_str = mg.get_new_maze(8, 16, nfood=15, seed=local_seed)
    maze = mg.str_to_maze(maze_str)
    height, width = maze.shape
    # check that the returned maze has all the pacmen
    for pacman in (b'0', b'1', b'2', b'3'):
        assert np.any(maze == pacman)
        # now that we now we have a pacman, check that we have it only once
        # and remove it by putting an empty space instead
        row, col = np.nonzero(maze == pacman)
        assert len(row) == 1
        assert len(col) == 1
        maze[row, col] = mg.E

    # check that we have in total twice nfood in the maze
    assert (maze == mg.F).sum() == 15 * 2
    # remove the food for computing dead ends and chambers
    maze[maze == mg.F] = mg.E

    # check that the returned maze is center-mirror symmetric
    left_maze = np.flipud(np.fliplr(maze[:, width // 2:]))
    assert np.all(left_maze == maze[:, :width // 2])

    # check that we don't have any dead ends
    # no node in the graph should have only one connection
    graph = mg.walls_to_graph(maze)
    for node, degree in graph.degree():
        assert degree > 1

    # now check that we don't have chambers, i.e. the connectivity of the
    # graph is > 1
    assert nx.node_connectivity(graph) > 1
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_find_chamber():
    # This maze has one single chamber, whose entrance is one of the
    # nodes (1,2), (1,3) or (1,4)
    maze_chamber = """############
                      #   #      #
                      #   #      #
                      # ###      #
                      #          #
                      #          #

    maze = mg.str_to_maze(maze_chamber)
    maze_orig = maze.copy()
    # first, check that the chamber is not mistaken for a dead end
    assert np.all(maze_orig == maze)
    # now check that we detect it
    graph = mg.walls_to_graph(maze)
    # there are actually two nodes that can be considered entrances
    entrance, chamber = mg.find_chamber(graph)
    assert entrance in ((1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4))
    # check that the chamber contains the right nodes. Convert to set, because
    # the order is irrelevant
    if entrance == (1, 4):
        expected_chamber = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1),
                            (3, 2)}
    elif entrance == (1, 3):
        expected_chamber = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2)}
        expected_chamber = {(1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2)}
    assert set(chamber) == expected_chamber

    # now remove the chamber and verify that we don't detect anything
    # we just remove wall (4,1) manually
    maze = mg.str_to_maze(maze_chamber)
    maze[1, 4] = mg.E  # REMEMBER! Indexing is maze[y,x]!!!
    graph = mg.walls_to_graph(maze)
    entrance, chamber = mg.find_chamber(graph)
    assert entrance is None
    assert chamber == []
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_find_one_dead_end():
    # this maze has exactly one dead end at coordinate (1,1)
    maze_dead = """########
                   # #    #
                   #      #
                   #      #

    maze = mg.str_to_maze(maze_dead)
    graph = mg.walls_to_graph(maze)
    width = maze.shape[1]
    dead_ends = mg.find_dead_ends(graph, width)
    assert len(dead_ends) == 1
    assert dead_ends[0] == (1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_find_multiple_dead_ends_on_the_right(set_seed):
    # this maze has exactly three dead ends at coordinates (10,1), (10,5), (8,5)
    maze_dead = """############
                   #        # #
                   #          #
                   #          #
                   #      # # #
                   #      # # #

    maze = mg.str_to_maze(maze_dead)
    graph = mg.walls_to_graph(maze)
    width = maze.shape[1]
    dead_ends = mg.find_dead_ends(graph, width)
    assert len(dead_ends) == 3
    assert dead_ends[2] == (10, 5)
    assert dead_ends[1] == (10, 1)
    assert dead_ends[0] == (8, 5)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_conversion_to_nx_graph():
    maze_str = """##################
                  #       ##       #
                  # # #      ### # #
                  # # ##           #
                  #           ## # #
                  # # ###      # # #
                  #       ##       #
    maze = mg.str_to_maze(maze_str)
    graph = mg.walls_to_graph(maze)
    # now derive a maze from a graph manually
    # - start with a maze full of walls
    newmaze = mg.empty_maze(maze.shape[0], maze.shape[1])
    # - loop through each node of the graph and remove a wall at the
    # corresponding coordinate
    for node in graph.nodes():
        newmaze[node[1], node[0]] = mg.E
    assert np.all(maze == newmaze)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_remove_all_chambers(set_seed, maze_chamber):
    maze = mg.str_to_maze(maze_chamber)
    # there are no more chambers if the connectivity of the graph is larger than 1
    graph = mg.walls_to_graph(maze)
    assert nx.node_connectivity(graph) > 1