Exemplo n.º 1
 def next_dagrun_info(
     last_automated_data_interval: Optional[DataInterval],
     restriction: TimeRestriction,
 ) -> Optional[DagRunInfo]:
     if last_automated_data_interval is not None:  # There was a previous run on the regular schedule.
         last_start = last_automated_data_interval.start
         last_start_weekday = last_start.weekday()
         if 0 <= last_start_weekday < 4:  # Last run on Monday through Thursday -- next is tomorrow.
             delta = timedelta(days=1)
         else:  # Last run on Friday -- skip to next Monday.
             delta = timedelta(days=(7 - last_start_weekday))
         next_start = DateTime.combine((last_start + delta).date(), Time.min).replace(tzinfo=UTC)
     else:  # This is the first ever run on the regular schedule.
         next_start = restriction.earliest
         if next_start is None:  # No start_date. Don't schedule.
             return None
         if not restriction.catchup:
             # If the DAG has catchup=False, today is the earliest to consider.
             next_start = max(next_start, DateTime.combine(Date.today(), Time.min).replace(tzinfo=UTC))
         elif next_start.time() != Time.min:
             # If earliest does not fall on midnight, skip to the next day.
             next_day = next_start.date() + timedelta(days=1)
             next_start = DateTime.combine(next_day, Time.min).replace(tzinfo=UTC)
         next_start_weekday = next_start.weekday()
         if next_start_weekday in (5, 6):  # If next start is in the weekend, go to next Monday.
             delta = timedelta(days=(7 - next_start_weekday))
             next_start = next_start + delta
     if restriction.latest is not None and next_start > restriction.latest:
         return None  # Over the DAG's scheduled end; don't schedule.
     return DagRunInfo.interval(start=next_start, end=(next_start + timedelta(days=1)))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def infer_data_interval(self, run_after: DateTime) -> DataInterval:
     weekday = run_after.weekday()
     if weekday in (0, 6):  # Monday and Sunday -- interval is last Friday.
         days_since_friday = (run_after.weekday() - 4) % 7
         delta = timedelta(days=days_since_friday)
     else:  # Otherwise the interval is yesterday.
         delta = timedelta(days=1)
     start = DateTime.combine((run_after - delta).date(), Time.min).replace(tzinfo=UTC)
     return DataInterval(start=start, end=(start + timedelta(days=1)))