Exemplo n.º 1
def networksEvolution(client, pickledir=os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../../pickledir/'):
    # get all interactions
    ans = input('try to reload evolution structures? (Y/n)')
    if ans == 'n' or not os.path.isfile(pickledir+'evolutionStructures.pickle'):
        nes = {}
        for alist in order:
            # q = '''select distinct ?from ?message where {
            #        ?message po:createdAt ?date .
            #        ?message po:author ?from .
            #        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (lacronyms[alist],) 
            # from_msg = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
            q = '''select distinct ?message ?participant where {
                   ?message po:author ?participant .
                   ?message po:createdAt ?date .
                   ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
                   ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (lacronyms[alist],) 
            from_ = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
            q = '''select ?message ?rmessage where {
                   ?rmessage po:createdAt ?date .
                   ?rmessage po:replyTo ?message .
                   ?rmessage po:snapshot ?snap .
                   ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (lacronyms[alist],) 
            replies = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
            # instantiate evolutive class
            ne = P.measures.evolution.networkEvolution.NetworkEvolution(window_size=1000, step_size=1000)
            ne.load(from_, replies)
            nes[alist] = ne
            print('evolved '+alist)
        P.utils.pDump(nes, pickledir+'evolutionStructures.pickle')
        nes = P.utils.pRead(pickledir+'evolutionStructures.pickle')
    # send interactions to evolutive class
    # evolutive class makes networks and takes measures
    return nes
Exemplo n.º 2
def makeNetworkFromSnapshotid(client, snapshotid):
    snapclass = snapshotid.split('#')[0].split('/')[-1]
    if snapclass == 'FacebookSnapshot':
        q = '''SELECT ?friend1 ?friend2 WHERE {{
            ?friendshipfoo po:snapshot <{}> .
            ?friendshipfoo a po:Friendship .
            ?friendshipfoo po:member ?friend1 .
            ?friendshipfoo po:member ?friend2 .
        '''.format(snapshotid, )
        relational_data = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
    elif snapclass == 'TwitterSnapshot':
        q = '''SELECT ?friend1 ?friend2 WHERE {{
            ?tweetfoo po:snapshot <{}> .
            ?tweetfoo a po:Tweet .
            ?tweetfoo po:author ?friend2 .
            ?tweetfoo po:retweetOf ?tweetfoo2 .
            ?tweetfoo2 po:author ?friend1 .
        '''.format(snapshotid, )
        relational_data = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
        raise ValueError(
            'Only Facebook and Twitter snapshots implemented for now')
    return makeNetwork(relational_data)
Exemplo n.º 3
def outline(client):
    # get all snapshots
    # snapshots = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'select distinct ?g where { GRAPH ?g {?s ?p ?o} }SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { GRAPH <urn:percolation> { ?s po:snapshot ?snap . } }'))
    snapshots = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { ?s po:snapshot ?snap }'))
    snaps = {}
    for snapshot in snapshots:
        # get number of triples
        # ntriples = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?s) as ?c) WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . ?s po:snapshot <%s> . }' % (snapshot,)))
        ntriples = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(*) as ?c) WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . ?s po:snapshot <%s> . }' % (snapshot,)))[0]
        # get number of edges: union replyTo (gmane), directedTo (irc),
        # retweetOf (tweet)
        # nedges1 = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?interaction) as ?c) WHERE { { ?interaction po:retweetOf ?message } UNION { ?interaction po:replyTo ?message } UNION { ?interaction po:directedTo ?participant } . ?interaction po:snapshot <%s> }' % (snapshot,)))
        # # number of union Friendship, Interaction (facebook)
        # nedges2 = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?interaction) as ?c) WHERE { { ?interaction a po:Friendship } UNION { ?interaction a po:Interaction } . ?interaction po:snapshot <%s> }' % (snapshot,)))
        # nedges = nedges1+nedges2
        nedges = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?interaction) as ?c) WHERE { { ?interaction a po:Friendship } UNION { ?interaction a po:Interaction } UNION { ?interaction po:retweetOf ?message } UNION { ?interaction po:replyTo ?message } UNION { ?interaction po:directedTo ?participant } . ?interaction po:snapshot <%s> }' % (snapshot,)))[0]
        # get number of participants
        nparticipants = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?author) as ?c) WHERE { ?author a po:Participant .  ?author po:snapshot <%s> . }' % (snapshot,)))[0]
        # get number of chars
        # nchars = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (SUM(?nchars) as ?total) WHERE { ?message po:nChars ?nchars . ?message po:snapshot <%s> . }' % (snapshot,)))[0]
        # nchars = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'''select (strlen(GROUP_CONCAT(?text; separator='')) as ?ctext) where { ?foo po:text ?text .  ?foo po:snapshot <%s> }''' % (snapshot, )))
        # nchars = sum(pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'''select (strlen(?text) as ?stext) where { ?foo po:text ?text . ?foo po:snapshot <%s> }''' % (snapshot, ))))
        nchars = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'''select (SUM(strlen(?text)) as ?stext) where { ?foo po:text ?text . ?foo po:snapshot <%s> }''' % (snapshot, )))[0]
        snaps[snapshot] = {'ntriples': ntriples,
                           'nedges': nedges,
                           'nparticipants': nparticipants,
                           'nchars': nchars}
    # return snapshots
    return snaps
Exemplo n.º 4
def outlineTable(client, final_path='../../stabilityInteraction/tables/'):
    # for each of the four snapshots, get
    # date of first and last message
    # number of participants
    # number of threads
    # missing messages is 20000 - total messages
    data = []
    for alist in order:
        q = '''select ?date where {
        ?message po:createdAt ?date .
        ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date LIMIT 3''' % (
            lacronyms[alist], )
        datemin = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))[-1:]
        q = '''select (MAX(?date) as ?ldate) where {
        ?message po:createdAt ?date . 
        ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" . }''' % (lacronyms[alist], )
        datemax = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
        dates = datemin + datemax
        dates = [i.split('T')[0] for i in dates]
        q = '''select (COUNT(DISTINCT ?participant) as ?cp) where {
        ?participant a po:Participant .
        ?participant po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" . }''' % (lacronyms[alist], )
        nparticipants = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
        # q = '''select (COUNT(DISTINCT ?messages) as ?cmessages) where {
        # ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        # FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?message po:replyTo ?message2 }
        # ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" . }''' % (lacronyms[alist],)
        # nthreads = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))

        order_ = [i for i in order if i != alist]
        q = '''select (COUNT(DISTINCT ?message) as ?cmessages) where {
        ?message a po:EmailMessage .
        ?message po:author ?author .
        ?message po:createdAt ?createdat .
        ?message po:text ?text .
        ?author po:observation ?obs .
        ?obs po:email ?email .
        ?author po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?obs po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" }''' % (lacronyms[alist])
        nempty = 20000 - pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))[0]

        q = '''select (COUNT(DISTINCT ?message) as ?cmessages) where {
        ?message po:replyTo ?message2 . 
        ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" . }''' % (lacronyms[alist], )
        nthreads = [20000 - nempty - pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))[0]]

        data[-1] += dates + nparticipants + nthreads + [nempty]
    table = P.mediaRendering.tables.makeTabular(order, data)
    P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(table, final_path + 'tab1Overview.tex')
    return locals()
Exemplo n.º 5
def outlineTable(client, final_path='../../stabilityInteraction/tables/'):
    # for each of the four snapshots, get
    # date of first and last message
    # number of participants
    # number of threads
    # missing messages is 20000 - total messages
    data = []
    for alist in order:
        q = '''select ?date where {
        ?message po:createdAt ?date .
        ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date LIMIT 3''' % (lacronyms[alist],) 
        datemin = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))[-1:]
        q = '''select (MAX(?date) as ?ldate) where {
        ?message po:createdAt ?date . 
        ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" . }''' % (lacronyms[alist],)
        datemax = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
        dates = datemin+datemax
        dates = [i.split('T')[0] for i in dates]
        q = '''select (COUNT(DISTINCT ?participant) as ?cp) where {
        ?participant a po:Participant .
        ?participant po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" . }''' % (lacronyms[alist],)
        nparticipants = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
        # q = '''select (COUNT(DISTINCT ?messages) as ?cmessages) where {
        # ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        # FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?message po:replyTo ?message2 }
        # ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" . }''' % (lacronyms[alist],)
        # nthreads = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))

        order_ = [i for i in order if i!=alist]
        q = '''select (COUNT(DISTINCT ?message) as ?cmessages) where {
        ?message a po:EmailMessage .
        ?message po:author ?author .
        ?message po:createdAt ?createdat .
        ?message po:text ?text .
        ?author po:observation ?obs .
        ?obs po:email ?email .
        ?author po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?obs po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" }''' % (lacronyms[alist])
        nempty = 20000 - pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))[0]

        q = '''select (COUNT(DISTINCT ?message) as ?cmessages) where {
        ?message po:replyTo ?message2 . 
        ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" . }''' % (lacronyms[alist],)
        nthreads = [20000 - nempty - pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))[0]]

        data[-1] += dates + nparticipants + nthreads + [nempty]
    table = P.mediaRendering.tables.makeTabular(order, data)
    P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(table, final_path+'tab1Overview.tex')
    return locals()
Exemplo n.º 6
def evolutionTimelines(client,
                       final_path=os.path.dirname(__file__) +
                       pickledir=os.path.dirname(__file__) +
    sizes = [50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 3300, 9900]
    # make sectorialization for each size for LAD and CPP networks
    # make plot with them
    order = 'LAD', 'CPP'
    nes = {}
    ans = input('try to reload evolution structures for timelines? (Y/n)')
    if ans == 'n' or not os.path.isfile(pickledir +
        for alist in order:
            nes[alist] = []
            q = '''select distinct ?message ?participant where {
                   ?message po:author ?participant .
                   ?message po:createdAt ?date .
                   ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
                   ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (
                lacronyms[alist], )
            from_ = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
            q = '''select ?message ?rmessage where {
                   ?rmessage po:createdAt ?date .
                   ?rmessage po:replyTo ?message .
                   ?rmessage po:snapshot ?snap .
                   ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (
                lacronyms[alist], )
            replies = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
            for size in sizes:
                if size >= 250:
                    step_size = size
                    step_size = 200
                ne = P.measures.evolution.networkEvolution.NetworkEvolution(
                    window_size=size, step_size=step_size)
                ne.load(from_, replies)
        P.utils.pDump(nes, pickledir + 'evolutionStructuresTimeline.pickle')
        nes = P.utils.pRead(pickledir + 'evolutionStructuresTimeline.pickle')
    for alist in nes:
        for ne in nes[alist]:
            et = P.mediaRendering.figures.EvolutionTimelines(
                alist, ne, final_path=final_path)
            if ne.window_size == 1000:
Exemplo n.º 7
def authorsTable(client, final_path=os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../../../stabilityInteraction/tables/', pickledir=os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../../pickledir/'):
    ans = input('try to reload authors statistics? (Y/n)')
    if ans == 'n' or not os.path.isfile(pickledir+'authorsStatistics.pickle'):
        stats = {}
        for alist in order:
            q = '''select distinct ?author (COUNT(distinct ?message) as ?cmessage) where {
            ?message po:author ?author .
            ?message a po:EmailMessage .
            ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
            ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } GROUP BY ?author''' % (lacronyms[alist],)
            authors_messages = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
            stats[alist] = P.measures.authors.authorsStatistics.AuthorsStatistics(authors_messages)
        P.utils.pDump(stats, pickledir+'authorsStatistics.pickle')
        stats = P.utils.pRead(pickledir+'authorsStatistics.pickle')
    data_ = []
    for i in order:
        ae = stats[i]
        h_act = "{:.2f}".format(ae.n_msgs_h_)
        q1 = "{:.2f} ({:.2f}\\%)".format(ae.q1_*100, ae.Mq1*100)
        q3 = "{:.2f} ({:.2f}\\%)".format(ae.q3_*100, ae.Mq3*100)
        last_d10 = "{:.2f} (-{:.2f}\\%)".format(ae.last_d10_*100, ae.Mlast_d10*100)
        data_.append([h_act, q1, q3, last_d10])
    tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.makeTabular(order, data_, True)
    P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(tstring, final_path+"userTabNEW.tex")
    return stats
Exemplo n.º 8
def textAnalysis(client):
    prefix = 'PREFIX po: <http://purl.org/socialparticipation/po/>\n'
    snapshots = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { ?s po:snapshot ?snap }'))
    snapshot = [snap for snap in snapshots if 'Twitter' in snap][0]
    # P.topology()
    network = P.utils.makeNetworkFromSnapshotid(client, snapshot)
    analysis = P.legacy.analyses.topological.TopologicalAnalysis(network['gg'])

    q = '''SELECT ?author ?text WHERE {
            ?tweet po:author ?author .
            ?tweet po:message ?text .
    authors_text = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
    P.measures.text.overall.measureAll(authors_text, analysis.sectors['sectorialized_agents'])
    return snapshot, analysis
Exemplo n.º 9
def pickSnapshot(client):
    prefix = 'PREFIX po: <http://purl.org/socialparticipation/po/>\n'
    snapshot = pl(
            prefix +
            'SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { ?s po:snapshot ?snap } LIMIT 1'))[0]
    return snapshot
Exemplo n.º 10
def authorsTable(client,
                 final_path=os.path.dirname(__file__) +
                 pickledir=os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../../pickledir/'):
    ans = input('try to reload authors statistics? (Y/n)')
    if ans == 'n' or not os.path.isfile(pickledir +
        stats = {}
        for alist in order:
            q = '''select distinct ?author (COUNT(distinct ?message) as ?cmessage) where {
            ?message po:author ?author .
            ?message a po:EmailMessage .
            ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
            ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } GROUP BY ?author''' % (lacronyms[alist], )
            authors_messages = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
                alist] = P.measures.authors.authorsStatistics.AuthorsStatistics(
        P.utils.pDump(stats, pickledir + 'authorsStatistics.pickle')
        stats = P.utils.pRead(pickledir + 'authorsStatistics.pickle')
    data_ = []
    for i in order:
        ae = stats[i]
        h_act = "{:.2f}".format(ae.n_msgs_h_)
        q1 = "{:.2f} ({:.2f}\\%)".format(ae.q1_ * 100, ae.Mq1 * 100)
        q3 = "{:.2f} ({:.2f}\\%)".format(ae.q3_ * 100, ae.Mq3 * 100)
        last_d10 = "{:.2f} (-{:.2f}\\%)".format(ae.last_d10_ * 100,
                                                ae.Mlast_d10 * 100)
        data_.append([h_act, q1, q3, last_d10])
    tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.makeTabular(order, data_, True)
    P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(tstring, final_path + "userTabNEW.tex")
    return stats
Exemplo n.º 11
 def mkQuery(query, plain=True):
     query_ = query.split('WHERE')
     query__ = (query_[0], from_, '\nWHERE ' + query_[1])
     query___ = ''.join(query__)
     result = client.retrieveQuery(query___)
     if plain:
         return pl(result)
         return result['results']['bindings']
Exemplo n.º 12
def textAnalysis(client):
    prefix = 'PREFIX po: <http://purl.org/socialparticipation/po/>\n'
    snapshots = pl(
            prefix + 'SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { ?s po:snapshot ?snap }'))
    snapshot = [snap for snap in snapshots if 'Twitter' in snap][0]
    # P.topology()
    network = P.utils.makeNetworkFromSnapshotid(client, snapshot)
    analysis = P.legacy.analyses.topological.TopologicalAnalysis(network['gg'])

    q = '''SELECT ?author ?text WHERE {
            ?tweet po:author ?author .
            ?tweet po:message ?text .
    authors_text = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
        authors_text, analysis.sectors['sectorialized_agents'])
    return snapshot, analysis
Exemplo n.º 13
def outlineText(client):
    ntriples = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(*) as ?c) WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }'))[0]
    nedges = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?interaction) as ?c) WHERE { { ?interaction a po:Friendship } UNION { ?interaction a po:Interaction } UNION { ?interaction po:retweetOf ?message } UNION { ?interaction po:replyTo ?message } UNION { ?interaction po:directedTo ?participant } . }'))[0]
    nparticipants = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?author) as ?c) WHERE { ?author a po:Participant . }'))[0]
    # nchars = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (SUM(?nchars) as ?total) WHERE { ?message po:nChars ?nchars . }'))[0]
    nchars = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (SUM(strlen(?text)) as ?total) WHERE { { ?message po:text ?text . } UNION { ?message po:htmlBodyText ?text } UNION {?message po:htmlAbstractText ?text } UNION { ?message po:description ?text } }'))[0]
    text = 'The database consists of {:,} triples, {:,} edges yield by interactions or relations, {:,} participants and {:,} characters.'.format(ntriples, nedges, nparticipants, nchars)

    nego = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?snap) as ?csnap) WHERE { ?snap po:isEgo true }'))[0]
    ngroup = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?snap) as ?csnap) WHERE { ?snap po:isGroup true }'))[0]
    ninteraction = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?snap) as ?csnap) WHERE { ?snap po:isInteraction true }'))[0]
    nfriendship = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?snap) as ?csnap) WHERE { ?snap po:isFriendship true }'))[0]
    ntext = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(?snap) as ?csnap) WHERE { ?snap po:isPost true }'))[0]
    text += ' Among all snapshots, {} are ego snapshots, {} are group snapshots; {} have interaction edges, {} have friendship edges; {} have text content from messages.'.format(
        nego, ngroup, ninteraction, nfriendship, ntext)
    return text
Exemplo n.º 14
def outlineNSnapshots(client):
    # snapshot_types = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT DISTINCT ?stype WHERE { ?snap a po:Snapshot . ?snap a ?stype . }'))
    # nsnaps = {}
    # for stype in snapshot_types:
    #     nsnaps_ = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?snap) as ?csnap) WHERE { ?snap a <%s> }' % (stype,)))[0]
    #     nsnaps[stype] = nsnaps_
    nsnaps = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT DISTINCT ?stype (COUNT(?snap) as ?zscount) WHERE { ?snap po:socialProtocol ?stype . }'))
    return nsnaps

    # get all snapshot types and count them
    return text
Exemplo n.º 15
def networksEvolution(client,
                      pickledir=os.path.dirname(__file__) +
    # get all interactions
    ans = input('try to reload evolution structures? (Y/n)')
    if ans == 'n' or not os.path.isfile(pickledir +
        nes = {}
        for alist in order:
            # q = '''select distinct ?from ?message where {
            #        ?message po:createdAt ?date .
            #        ?message po:author ?from .
            #        ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (lacronyms[alist],)
            # from_msg = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
            q = '''select distinct ?message ?participant where {
                   ?message po:author ?participant .
                   ?message po:createdAt ?date .
                   ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
                   ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (
                lacronyms[alist], )
            from_ = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
            q = '''select ?message ?rmessage where {
                   ?rmessage po:createdAt ?date .
                   ?rmessage po:replyTo ?message .
                   ?rmessage po:snapshot ?snap .
                   ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (
                lacronyms[alist], )
            replies = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
            # instantiate evolutive class
            ne = P.measures.evolution.networkEvolution.NetworkEvolution(
                window_size=1000, step_size=1000)
            ne.load(from_, replies)
            nes[alist] = ne
            print('evolved ' + alist)
        P.utils.pDump(nes, pickledir + 'evolutionStructures.pickle')
        nes = P.utils.pRead(pickledir + 'evolutionStructures.pickle')
    # send interactions to evolutive class
    # evolutive class makes networks and takes measures
    return nes
Exemplo n.º 16
def evolutionTimelines(client, final_path=os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../../../stabilityInteraction/figs/', pickledir=os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../../pickledir/'):
    # make sectorialization for each size for LAD and CPP networks
    # make plot with them
    order = 'LAD', 'CPP'
    nes = {}
    ans = input('try to reload evolution structures for timelines? (Y/n)')
    if ans == 'n' or not os.path.isfile(pickledir+'evolutionStructuresTimeline.pickle'):
        for alist in order:
            nes[alist] = []
            q = '''select distinct ?message ?participant where {
                   ?message po:author ?participant .
                   ?message po:createdAt ?date .
                   ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
                   ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (lacronyms[alist],) 
            from_ = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
            q = '''select ?message ?rmessage where {
                   ?rmessage po:createdAt ?date .
                   ?rmessage po:replyTo ?message .
                   ?rmessage po:snapshot ?snap .
                   ?snap po:gmaneID "%s" } ORDER BY ?date''' % (lacronyms[alist],) 
            replies = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
            for size in sizes:
                if size >= 250:
                    step_size = size
                    step_size = 200
                ne = P.measures.evolution.networkEvolution.NetworkEvolution(window_size=size, step_size=step_size)
                ne.load(from_, replies)
        P.utils.pDump(nes, pickledir+'evolutionStructuresTimeline.pickle')
        nes = P.utils.pRead(pickledir+'evolutionStructuresTimeline.pickle')
    for alist in nes:
        for ne in nes[alist]:
            et = P.mediaRendering.figures.EvolutionTimelines(alist, ne, final_path=final_path)
            if ne.window_size == 1000:
Exemplo n.º 17
import percolation as P
from percolation.rdf.sparql.functions import plainQueryValues as pl
import networkx as x
c = P.c

# prefix po
prefix = 'PREFIX po: <http://purl.org/socialparticipation/po/>\n'
client = P.rdf.sparql.classes.LegacyClient('')

snapshots = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { ?s po:snapshot ?snap }'))
snapshots = [snap for snap in snapshots if 'Twitter' in snap]

gg = []
for snapshot in snapshots:
    # retrieve friendships
    # make graph
    q = '''SELECT ?friend1 ?friend2 WHERE {{
            ?tweetfoo po:snapshot <{}> .
            ?tweetfoo a po:Tweet .
            ?tweetfoo po:author ?friend2 .
            ?tweetfoo po:retweetOf ?tweetfoo2 .
            ?tweetfoo2 po:author ?friend1 .
    '''.format(snapshot, )
    c('before query')
    friends = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
    c('after query')
    # g = x.DiGraph()
    # for friend1, friend2 in friends:
    #     g.add_edge(friend1, friend2)
    g = P.utils.makeNetwork(friends, True)
Exemplo n.º 18
def circularTables(client,
                   final_path=os.path.dirname(__file__) +
                   pickledir=os.path.dirname(__file__) +
    # get datetimes from sent
    # try toPython
    # send array of datetimes to
    # temporalStatistics
    # save result insto pickledir
    # ask if open from pickledir or process all again
    ans = input('try to reload temporal statistics? (Y/n)')
    if ans == 'n' or not os.path.isfile(pickledir +
        stats = {}
        for alist in order:
            q = """select distinct ?message ?date where { ?message po:createdAt ?date .
            ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
            ?snap po:gmaneID '%s' . }""" % (lacronyms[alist], )
            dates = [i[0] for i in pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))]
            dates_ = [dateutil.parser.parse(date) for date in dates]
                alist] = P.measures.time.temporalStatistics.TemporalStatistics(
        P.utils.pDump(stats, pickledir + 'temporalStatistics.pickle')
        stats = P.utils.pRead(pickledir + 'temporalStatistics.pickle')

    def circMeasures(tdict, mean=True):
        if mean:
            return [
            return [

    labels_ = [
        "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "weekdays", "month days", "months"
    for alist in order:
        data_ = []
        data_.append(circMeasures(stats[alist].seconds, False))
        data_.append(circMeasures(stats[alist].minutes, False))
        tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.makeTabular(labels_, data_, True)
            tstring, final_path + "tab2TimeNEW{}.tex".format(alist))
    # hours along the days table
    row_labels = ["{}h".format(i) for i in range(24)]
    for alist in order:
        ts = stats[alist]
        hi = 100 * ts.hours["histogram"] / ts.hours["histogram"].sum()
        tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.partialSums(
            partials=[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12],
            partial_labels=["1h", "2h", "3h", "4h", "6h", "12h"])
            tstring, final_path + "tabHours{}NEW.tex".format(alist))
    # days along the week
    data_ = [
        100 * stats[i].weekdays["histogram"] /
        stats[i].weekdays["histogram"].sum() for i in order
    labels_ = ["LAU", "LAD", "MET", "CPP"]
    tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.makeTabular(labels_, data_, True)
                                     final_path + "tabWeekdaysNEW.tex")
    # days of the month
    row_labels = ["{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(30)]
    for i in order:
        ts = stats[i]
        hi = 100 * ts.monthdays["histogram"] / ts.monthdays["histogram"].sum()
        tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.partialSums(
            partials=[1, 5, 10, 15],
            partial_labels=["1 day", "5", "10", "15 days"])
            tstring, final_path + "tabMonthdays{}NEW.tex".format(i))
    # months of the year
    row_labels = [
        "Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out",
        "Nov", "Dez"
    for i in order:
        ts = stats[i]
        hi = 100 * ts.months["histogram"] / ts.months["histogram"].sum()
        tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.partialSums(
            partials=[1, 2, 3, 4, 6],
            partial_labels=["m.", "b.", "t.", "q.", "s."])
            tstring, final_path + "tabMonths{}NEW.tex".format(i))
    return stats
Exemplo n.º 19
def circularTables(client, final_path=os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../../../stabilityInteraction/tables/', pickledir=os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../../pickledir/'):
    # get datetimes from sent
    # try toPython
    # send array of datetimes to
    # temporalStatistics
    # save result insto pickledir
    # ask if open from pickledir or process all again
    ans = input('try to reload temporal statistics? (Y/n)')
    if ans == 'n' or not os.path.isfile(pickledir+'temporalStatistics.pickle'):
        stats = {}
        for alist in order:
            q = """select distinct ?message ?date where { ?message po:createdAt ?date .
            ?message po:snapshot ?snap .
            ?snap po:gmaneID '%s' . }""" % (lacronyms[alist],)
            dates = [i[0] for i in pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))]
            dates_ = [dateutil.parser.parse(date) for date in dates]
            stats[alist] = P.measures.time.temporalStatistics.TemporalStatistics(dates_)
        P.utils.pDump(stats, pickledir+'temporalStatistics.pickle')
        stats = P.utils.pRead(pickledir+'temporalStatistics.pickle')

    def circMeasures(tdict,mean=True):
        if mean:
           return [tdict["circular_measures"]["circular_mean"],
           return ["--//--",

    labels_=["seconds","minutes","hours","weekdays","month days","months"]
    for alist in order:
        tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.makeTabular(labels_, data_, True)
        P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(tstring, final_path+"tab2TimeNEW{}.tex".format(alist))
    # hours along the days table
    row_labels=["{}h".format(i) for i in range(24)]
    for alist in order:
        ts = stats[alist]
        hi = 100*ts.hours["histogram"]/ts.hours["histogram"].sum()
        tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.partialSums(row_labels,data=[hi],partials=[1,2,3,4,6,12],partial_labels=["1h","2h","3h","4h","6h","12h"])
        P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(tstring, final_path+"tabHours{}NEW.tex".format(alist))
    # days along the week
    data_=[100*stats[i].weekdays["histogram"]/stats[i].weekdays["histogram"].sum() for i in order]
    tstring=P.mediaRendering.tables.makeTabular(labels_, data_, True)
    P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(tstring, final_path+"tabWeekdaysNEW.tex")
    # days of the month
    row_labels=["{}".format(i+1) for i in range(30)]
    for i in order:
        ts = stats[i]
        hi = 100*ts.monthdays["histogram"]/ts.monthdays["histogram"].sum()
        tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.partialSums(row_labels, data=[hi], partials=[1,5,10,15], partial_labels=["1 day","5","10","15 days"])
        P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(tstring, final_path+"tabMonthdays{}NEW.tex".format(i))
    # months of the year
    for i in order:
        ts = stats[i]
        hi = 100*ts.months["histogram"]/ts.months["histogram"].sum()
        tstring = P.mediaRendering.tables.partialSums(row_labels, data=[hi], partials=[1,2,3,4,6], partial_labels=["m.","b.","t.","q.","s."])
        P.mediaRendering.tables.writeTex(tstring, final_path+"tabMonths{}NEW.tex".format(i))
    return stats
Exemplo n.º 20
import percolation as P
from percolation.rdf.sparql.functions import plainQueryValues as pl
import networkx as x
c = P.c

# prefix po
prefix = 'PREFIX po: <http://purl.org/socialparticipation/po/>\n'
client = P.rdf.sparql.classes.LegacyClient('')

snapshots = pl(
        prefix + 'SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { ?s po:snapshot ?snap }'))
snapshots = [snap for snap in snapshots if 'Twitter' in snap]

gg = []
for snapshot in snapshots:
    # retrieve friendships
    # make graph
    q = '''SELECT ?friend1 ?friend2 WHERE {{
            ?tweetfoo po:snapshot <{}> .
            ?tweetfoo a po:Tweet .
            ?tweetfoo po:author ?friend2 .
            ?tweetfoo po:retweetOf ?tweetfoo2 .
            ?tweetfoo2 po:author ?friend1 .
    '''.format(snapshot, )
    c('before query')
    friends = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix + q))
    c('after query')
    # g = x.DiGraph()
    # for friend1, friend2 in friends:
Exemplo n.º 21
def facebookGroups(client):
    name_url = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+'PREFIX po: <http://purl.org/socialparticipation/po/> select distinct ?name ?url where {?s po:socialProtocol "Facebook" . ?s po:name ?name . ?s po:url ?url }'))
    return name_url
Exemplo n.º 22
def probeOntology(endpoint_url, graph_urns, final_dir, one_datatype=True):
    if not os.path.isdir(final_dir):

    client = P.rdf.sparql.classes.LegacyClient(endpoint_url)
    from_ = ''
    for graph_urn in graph_urns:
        from_ += '\nFROM <%s>' % (graph_urn, )

    def mkQuery(query, plain=True):
        query_ = query.split('WHERE')
        query__ = (query_[0], from_, '\nWHERE ' + query_[1])
        query___ = ''.join(query__)
        result = client.retrieveQuery(query___)
        if plain:
            return pl(result)
            return result['results']['bindings']

    c('find all classes')
    q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE { ?s a ?class . }"
    # classes = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
    classes = mkQuery(q)

    c('antecedents, consequents and restrictions of each class')
    neighbors = {}
    triples = []
    existential_restrictions = {}
    universal_restrictions = {}
    for aclass in classes:
        q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?cs ?p WHERE { ?i a <%s> . ?s ?p ?i . OPTIONAL { ?s a ?cs . } }" % (
            aclass, )
        antecedent_property = mkQuery(q)
        # q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?ap (datatype(?o) as ?do) WHERE { ?i a <%s> . ?i ?ap ?o . filter (datatype(?o) != '') }" % (aclass,)
        # consequent_property = mkQuery(q)
        # q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?ap ?co WHERE { ?i a <%s> . ?i ?ap ?o . ?o a ?co . }" % (aclass,)
        # consequent_property_ = mkQuery(q)
        q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?ap ?co (datatype(?o) as ?do) WHERE { ?i a <%s> . ?i ?ap ?o . OPTIONAL { ?o a ?co . } }" % (
            aclass, )
        consequent_property__ = mkQuery(q, 0)
        consequent_property = [[i['ap']['value'], i['do']['value']]
                               for i in consequent_property__ if 'do' in i]
        consequent_property_ = [[i['ap']['value'], i['co']['value']]
                                for i in consequent_property__ if 'co' in i]
        neighbors[aclass] = (antecedent_property,
                             consequent_property + consequent_property_)
        # neighbors[aclass] = (antecedent_property, dict(consequent_property, **consequent_property_))

        # class restrictions
        q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE {?s a <%s>. ?s ?p ?o .}" % (aclass, )
        props_c = mkQuery(q)
        # q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE {?s a <%s>}" % (aclass,)
        # inds = mkQuery(q)
        q = "SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) as ?cs) WHERE {?s a <%s>}" % (aclass, )
        ninds = pl(client.retrieveQuery(q))[0]
        for pc in props_c:
            if '22-rdf-syntax' in pc:
            # q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?co  (datatype(?o) as ?do) WHERE {?s a <%s>. ?s <%s> ?o . OPTIONAL {?o a ?co . }}" % (aclass, pc)
            q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?co (datatype(?o) as ?do) WHERE {?s a <%s>. ?s <%s> ?o . OPTIONAL {?o a ?co . }}" % (
                aclass, pc)
            inds2 = mkQuery(q, 0)
            # inds2_ = set([i["s"]["value"] for i in inds2])
            objs = set([i["co"]["value"] for i in inds2 if "co" in i.keys()])
            vals = set([i["do"]["value"] for i in inds2 if "do" in i.keys()])
            q = "SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) as ?cs) WHERE {?s a <%s>. ?s <%s> ?o . }" % (
                aclass, pc)
            ninds2 = pl(client.retrieveQuery(q))[0]
            # if len(inds) == len(inds2_):  # existential
            if ninds == ninds2:  # existential
                if len(vals):
                    ob = list(vals)[0]
                    if len(objs):
                        ob = list(objs)[0]
                        ob = 0
                if ob:
                    B = r.BNode()
                    triples += [(aclass, rdfs.subClassOf, B),
                                (B, a, owl.Restriction),
                                (B, owl.onProperty, pc),
                                (B, owl.someValuesFrom, ob)]
                    if aclass in existential_restrictions.keys():
                        existential_restrictions[aclass].append((pc, ob))
                        existential_restrictions[aclass] = [(pc, ob)]
            q = "SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) as ?cs) WHERE { ?s <%s> ?o . ?s a ?ca . FILTER(str(?ca) != '%s') }" % (
                pc, aclass)
            ninds3 = pl(client.retrieveQuery(q))[0]
            # q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE { ?s <%s> ?o .}" % (pc,)
            # inds3 = mkQuery(q)
            # if set(inds) == set(inds3):  # universal
            # if all([i in set(inds) for i in inds3]):  # universal
            # if ninds == ninds3:  # universal
            if ninds3 == 0:  # universal
                if len(vals):
                    ob = list(vals)[0]
                    if len(objs):
                        ob = list(objs)[0]
                        ob = 0
                if ob:
                    B = r.BNode()
                    triples += [(aclass, rdfs.subClassOf, B),
                                (B, a, owl.Restriction),
                                (B, owl.onProperty, pc),
                                (B, owl.allValuesFrom, ob)]
                    if aclass in universal_restrictions.keys():
                        universal_restrictions[aclass].append((pc, ob))
                        universal_restrictions[aclass] = [(pc, ob)]
    del q, aclass, antecedent_property, consequent_property
    c('find properties')
    q = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE {?s ?p ?o}"
    # properties = pl(client.retrieveQuery(prefix+q))
    properties = mkQuery(q)
    # properties_ = [i.split("/")[-1] for i in properties]

    c('check if property is functional and get range and domain')
    functional_properties = set()
    for prop in properties:
        # check if property is functional
        q = 'SELECT DISTINCT (COUNT(?o) as ?co) WHERE { ?s <%s> ?o } GROUP BY ?s' % (
            prop, )
        is_functional = mkQuery(q)
        if len(is_functional) == 1 and is_functional[0] == 1:
            triples.append((prop, a, owl.FunctionalProperty))

        # datatype or object properties
        suj = mkQuery("SELECT DISTINCT ?cs WHERE { ?s <%s> ?o . ?s a ?cs . }" %
                      (prop, ))
        # obj = mkQuery("SELECT DISTINCT ?co (datatype(?o) as ?do) WHERE { ?s <%s> ?o . OPTIONAL { ?o a ?co . } }" % (prop,))
        obj1 = mkQuery(
            "SELECT DISTINCT ?co WHERE { ?s <%s> ?o . ?o a ?co . }" % (prop, ))
        obj2 = mkQuery(
            "SELECT DISTINCT (datatype(?o) as ?do) WHERE { ?s <%s> ?o . }" %
            (prop, ))
        obj = obj1 + obj2
        if len(obj) and ("XMLS" in obj[0]):
            triples.append((prop, a, owl.DataProperty))
            triples.append((prop, a, owl.ObjectProperty))
        if len(suj) > 1:
            B = r.BNode()
            triples.append((prop, rdfs.domain, B))
            for ss in suj:
                triples.append((B, owl.unionOf, ss))
        elif suj:
            triples.append((prop, rdfs.domain, suj[0]))
        if len(obj) > 1:
            B = r.BNode()
            triples.append((prop, rdfs.range, B))
            for ss in suj:
                triples.append((B, owl.unionOf, ss))
        elif obj:
            triples.append((prop, rdfs.range, obj[0]))

        # for drawing
        # prop_ = prop.split("/")[-1]
        # suj_ = [i.split('/')[-1] for i in suj]
        # obj_ = [i.split('/')[-1] for i in obj]
    # Drawing
    c('started drawing')
    A = gv.AGraph(directed=True, strict=False)
    q = """PREFIX po: <http://purl.org/socialparticipation/po/>
    SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { { ?i po:snapshot ?snap } UNION { ?snap po:snapshotID ?idfoo } }"""
    # SELECT DISTINCT ?snap WHERE { ?i po:snapshot ?snap }"""
    snap = mkQuery(q)[0]
    q = """PREFIX po: <http://purl.org/socialparticipation/po/>
    SELECT ?provenance
    WHERE { <%s> po:socialProtocol ?provenance }""" % (snap)
    # WHERE { { <%s> po:socialProtocolTag ?provenance } UNION
    #         { <%s> po:humanizedName ?provenance } }""" % (snap, snap)
    provenance = pl(client.retrieveQuery(q))[0]
    # A.graph_attr["label"] = r"General diagram of ontological structure from %s in the http://purl.org/socialparticipation/participationontology/ namespace.\nGreen edge denotes existential restriction;\ninverted edge nip denotes universal restriction;\nfull edge (non-dashed) denotes functional property." % (provenance,)
    edge_counter = 1
    node_counter = 1
    data_nodes = {}
    for aclass in classes:
        aclass_ = aclass.split('/')[-1]
        if aclass_ not in A.nodes():
            A.add_node(aclass_, style="filled")
            n = A.get_node(aclass_)
            n.attr['color'] = "#A2F3D1"
        neigh = neighbors[aclass]
        # for i in range(len(neigh[0])):  # antecendents
        #     label = neigh[0][i][0].split("/")[-1]
        #     elabel = neigh[0][i][1]
        #     elabel_ = elabel.split("/")[-1]
        #     if label not in A.nodes():
        #         A.add_node(label, style="filled")
        #         n = A.get_node(label)
        #         n.attr['color'] = "#A2F3D1"
        #     ekey = '{}-{}-{}'.format(label, aclass_, edge_counter)
        #     edge_counter += 1
        #     A.add_edge(label, aclass_, ekey)
        #     e = A.get_edge(label, aclass_, key=ekey)
        #     e.attr["label"] = elabel_
        #     e.attr["penwidth"] = 2.
        #     e.attr["arrowsize"] = 2.
        #     if elabel not in functional_properties:
        #         e.attr["style"] = "dashed"
        #     if neigh[0][i][0] in existential_restrictions.keys():
        #         restriction = existential_restrictions[neigh[0][i][0]]
        #         prop = [iii[0] for iii in restriction]
        #         obj = [iii[1] for iii in restriction]
        #         if (elabel in prop) and (obj[prop.index(elabel)] == aclass):
        #             e.attr["color"] = "#A0E0A0"
        #     if neigh[0][i][0] in universal_restrictions.keys():
        #         restriction = universal_restrictions[neigh[0][i][0]]
        #         prop = [iii[0] for iii in restriction]
        #         obj = [iii[1] for iii in restriction]
        #         if (elabel in prop) and (obj[prop.index(elabel)] == aclass):
        #             e.attr["color"] = "inv"
        for i in range(len(neigh[1])):  # consequents
            label = neigh[1][i][1].split("/")[-1]
            elabel = neigh[1][i][0]
            elabel_ = elabel.split('/')[-1]
            if "XMLS" in label:
                color = "#FFE4AA"
                if one_datatype:
                    if label in data_nodes:
                        label_ = data_nodes[label]
                        label_ = node_counter
                        node_counter += 1
                        data_nodes[label] = label_
                    label_ = node_counter
                    node_counter += 1
                label_ = label
                color = "#A2F3D1"
            if label_ not in A.nodes():
                A.add_node(label_, style="filled")
                n = A.get_node(label_)
                n.attr['label'] = label.split("#")[-1]
                n.attr['color'] = color
            ekey = '{}-{}-{}'.format(aclass_, label_, edge_counter)
            edge_counter += 1
            A.add_edge(aclass_, label_, ekey)
            e = A.get_edge(aclass_, label_, key=ekey)
            e.attr["label"] = elabel_
            e.attr["color"] = color
            e.attr["penwidth"] = 2
            if r.URIRef(elabel) not in functional_properties:
                e.attr["style"] = "dashed"
            if aclass in existential_restrictions.keys():
                restrictions = existential_restrictions[aclass]
                prop = [iii[0] for iii in restrictions]
                if r.URIRef(elabel) in prop:
                    e.attr["color"] = "#A0E0A0"
            if aclass in universal_restrictions.keys():
                restrictions = universal_restrictions[aclass]
                prop = [iii[0] for iii in restrictions]
                if r.URIRef(elabel) in prop:
                    e.attr["arrowhead"] = "inv"
                    e.attr["arrowsize"] = 2.

    # A.draw(os.path.join(final_dir, "{}.png".format(final_dir)), prog="dot")
    # try:
    #     A.draw(os.path.join(final_dir, "{}_circo.png".format(final_dir)), prog="circo")
    # except:
    #     pass
    # A.draw(os.path.join(final_dir, "{}_twopi.png".format(final_dir)), prog="twopi", args="-Granksep=4")
    # A.write(os.path.join(final_dir, "{}.dot".format(final_dir)))
    A.draw(os.path.join(final_dir, "draw.png"), prog="dot")
        A.draw(os.path.join(final_dir, "draw_circo.png"), prog="circo")
    A.draw(os.path.join(final_dir, "draw_twopi.png"),
    A.write(os.path.join(final_dir, "draw.dot"))
    # for triple in triples:
    #     g.add(triple)
    P.context('ontology', 'remove')
    P.add(triples, 'ontology')
    g = P.context('ontology')
    g.serialize(os.path.join(final_dir, 'ontology.owl'))
    g.serialize(os.path.join(final_dir, 'ontology.ttl'), 'turtle')
    return locals()