Exemplo n.º 1
    'network to use instead of creating a new one.')
    'gce_subnet_region', None, 'Region to create subnet in '
    'instead of automatically creating one in every region.')
    'gce_subnet_addr', '', 'Address range to the '
    'subnet, given in CDR notation. Not used unless '
    '--gce_subnet_region is given.')
    'gce_remote_access_firewall_rule', None, 'The name of an '
    'already created firewall rule which allows remote access '
    'instead of creating a new one.')
    'gcp_instance_metadata_from_file', [],
    'A colon separated key-value pair that will be added to the '
    '"--metadata-from-file" flag of the gcloud cli (with the colon replaced by '
    'the equal sign). Multiple key-value pairs may be specified by separating '
    'each pair by commas. This option can be repeated multiple times. For '
    'information about GCP instance metadata, see: --metadata-from-file from '
    '`gcloud help compute instances create`.')
    'gcp_instance_metadata', [],
    'A colon separated key-value pair that will be added to the '
    '"--metadata" flag of the gcloud cli (with the colon replaced by the equal '
    'sign). Multiple key-value pairs may be specified by separating each pair '
    'by commas. This option can be repeated multiple times. For information '
    'about GCP instance metadata, see: --metadata from '
    '`gcloud help compute instances create`.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('gce_boot_disk_size', None,
                     'The boot disk size in GB for GCP VMs.')
flags.DEFINE_enum('gce_boot_disk_type', None, ['pd-standard', 'pd-ssd'],
                  'The boot disk type for GCP VMs.')
Exemplo n.º 2
    'subnet to use instead of creating a new one.')
    'gce_subnet_region', None, 'Region to create subnet in '
    'instead of automatically creating one in every region.')
    'gce_subnet_addr', '', 'Address range to the '
    'subnet, given in CDR notation. Not used unless '
    '--gce_subnet_region is given.')
    'gce_remote_access_firewall_rule', None, 'The name of an '
    'already created firewall rule which allows remote access '
    'instead of creating a new one.')
    'gcp_instance_metadata_from_file', [],
    'A colon separated key-value pair that will be added to the '
    '"--metadata-from-file" flag of the gcloud cli (with the colon replaced by '
    'the equal sign). Multiple key-value pairs may be specified by separating '
    'each pair by commas. This option can be repeated multiple times. For '
    'information about GCP instance metadata, see: --metadata-from-file from '
    '`gcloud help compute instances create`.')
    'gcp_instance_metadata', [],
    'A colon separated key-value pair that will be added to the '
    '"--metadata" flag of the gcloud cli (with the colon replaced by the equal '
    'sign). Multiple key-value pairs may be specified by separating each pair '
    'by commas. This option can be repeated multiple times. For information '
    'about GCP instance metadata, see: --metadata from '
    '`gcloud help compute instances create`.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('gce_boot_disk_size', None,
                     'The boot disk size in GB for GCP VMs.')
flags.DEFINE_enum('gce_boot_disk_type', None, ['pd-standard', 'pd-ssd'],
                  'The boot disk type for GCP VMs.')
Exemplo n.º 3
    'ceph_monitors', [], 'IP addresses and ports of Ceph Monitors. '
    'Must be provided when Ceph scratch disk is required. '
    'Example: ","')

    'username', 'root',
    'User name that Perfkit will attempt to use in order to '
    'SSH into Docker instance.')

    'docker_in_privileged_mode', True,
    'If set to True, will attempt to create Docker containers '
    'in a privileged mode. Note that some benchmarks execute '
    'commands which are only allowed in privileged mode.')
    'kubernetes_anti_affinity', True,
    'If set to True, PKB pods will not be scheduled on the '
    'same nodes as other PKB pods.')
    'k8s_volume_parameters', None,
    'A colon separated key-value pair that will be '
    'added to Kubernetes storage class parameters.')
    'kubernetes.io/azure-disk', 'kubernetes.io/gce-pd',
    'kubernetes.io/aws-ebs', 'kubernetes.io/glusterfs'
    'k8s_volume_provisioner', None, _K8S_PROVISIONERS,
    'The name of the provisioner to use for K8s storage '
Exemplo n.º 4
    'GCS bucket to upload records to. Bucket must exist.')

    'es_uri', None,
    'The Elasticsearch address and port. e.g. http://localhost:9200')

    'es_index', 'perfkit', 'Elasticsearch index name to store documents')

flags.DEFINE_string('es_type', 'result', 'Elasticsearch document type')

    'A colon separated key-value pair that will be added to the labels field '
    'of all samples as metadata. Multiple key-value pairs may be specified '
    'by separating each pair by commas.')

    'influx_uri', None,
    'The Influx DB address and port. Expects the format hostname:port'
    'If port is not passed in it assumes port 80. e.g. localhost:8086')

    'influx_db_name', 'perfkit',
    'Name of Influx DB database that you wish to publish to or create')

DEFAULT_JSON_OUTPUT_NAME = 'perfkitbenchmarker_results.json'
DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_JSON = 'credentials.json'
Exemplo n.º 5
CONFIG_CONSTANTS = 'default_config_constants.yaml'
FLAGS_KEY = 'flags'
IMPORT_REGEX = re.compile('^#import (.*)')

    'benchmark_config_file', None,
    'The file path to the user config file which will '
    'override benchmark defaults. This should either be '
    'a path relative to the current working directory, '
    'an absolute path, or just the name of a file in the '
    'configs/ directory.')
    'config_override', None,
    'This flag can be used to override any config value. It is applied after '
    'the user config (specified via --benchmark_config_file_path), so it has '
    'a higher priority than that config. The value of the flag should be '
    'fully.qualified.key=value (e.g. --config_override=cluster_boot.vm_groups.'

class _ConcatenatedFiles(object):
    """Class that presents several files as a single object.

  The class exposes a single method (read) which is all that yaml
  needs to interact with a stream.

    files: A list of opened file objects.
    current_file_index: The index of the current file that is being read from.
Exemplo n.º 6
flags.DEFINE_list('ssh_options', [], 'Additional options to pass to ssh.')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('use_ipv6', False, 'Whether to use ipv6 for ssh/scp.')
    'benchmarks', [benchmark_sets.STANDARD_SET],
    'Benchmarks and/or benchmark sets that should be run. The '
    'default is the standard set. For more information about '
    'benchmarks and benchmark sets, see the README and '
flags.DEFINE_string('archive_bucket', None,
                    'Archive results to the given S3/GCS bucket.')
    'project', None, 'GCP project ID under which '
    'to create the virtual machines')
    'zone', [],
    'Similar to the --zones flag, but allows the flag to be specified '
    'multiple times on the commandline. For example, --zone=a --zone=b is '
    'equivalent to --zones=a,b. Furthermore, any values specified by --zone '
    'will be appended to those specfied by --zones.')
    'zones', [], 'A list of zones within which to run PerfKitBenchmarker. '
    'This is specific to the cloud provider you are running on. '
    'If multiple zones are given, PerfKitBenchmarker will create 1 VM in '
    'zone, until enough VMs are created as specified in each '
    'benchmark. The order in which this flag is applied to VMs is '
    'extra_zones', [],
    'Zones that will be appended to the "zones" list. This is functionally '
    'the same, but allows flag matrices to have two zone axes.')
# TODO(user): note that this is currently very GCE specific. Need to create a
#    module which can translate from some generic types to provider specific
Exemplo n.º 7
    'edw_service_cluster_password', None,
    'If set, the password authorized on cluster (only '
    'applicable when using snapshots).')
flags.DEFINE_string('snowflake_snowsql_config_override_file', None,
                    'The SnowSQL configuration to use.'
                    'https://docs.snowflake.net/manuals/user-guide/snowsql-config.html#snowsql-config-file')  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
flags.DEFINE_string('snowflake_connection', None,
                    'Named Snowflake connection defined in SnowSQL config file.'
                    'https://docs.snowflake.net/manuals/user-guide/snowsql-start.html#using-named-connections')  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
flags.DEFINE_integer('edw_suite_iterations', 1,
                     'Number of suite iterations to perform.')
# TODO(user): Revisit flags for accepting query lists.
flags.DEFINE_string('edw_simultaneous_queries', None,
                    'CSV list of simultaneous queries to benchmark.')
    'concurrency_streams', [], 'List of all query streams to execute. Each '
    'stream should be passed in separately and the queries should be comma '
    'separated, e.g. --concurrency_streams=1,2,3 --concurrency_streams=3,2,1')
flags.DEFINE_string('snowflake_warehouse', None,
                    'A virtual warehouse, often referred to simply as a - '
                    'warehouse, is a cluster of compute in Snowflake. '
                    'https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/warehouses.html')  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    'snowflake_database', None,
    'The hosted snowflake database to use during the benchmark.')
    'snowflake_schema', None,
    'The schema of the hosted snowflake database to use during the benchmark.')
    'snowflake_client_interface', 'JDBC', ['JDBC'],
    'The Runtime Interface used when interacting with Snowflake.')
Exemplo n.º 8
`--data_search_paths` flag.

import abc
import logging
import os
import shutil
import perfkitbenchmarker
from perfkitbenchmarker import flags
from perfkitbenchmarker import temp_dir
import pkg_resources


    'data_search_paths', ['.'], 'Additional paths to search for data files. '
    'These paths will be searched prior to using files '
    'bundled with PerfKitBenchmarker.')

_RESOURCES = 'resources'

class ResourceNotFound(ValueError):
    """Error raised when a resource could not be found on the search path."""

class ResourceLoader(object):
    """An interface for loading named resources."""

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta