Exemplo n.º 1
def get_tcc(configuration, tccrawfile, box, rcut=1., criterium="not marked"):
    "Get the connected cluster formed by  marked or not marked particles"
    xyz = pl.loadtxt(configuration, skiprows=2, usecols=[1, 2, 3])
    cl = pl.loadtxt(tccrawfile, skiprows=3, dtype="S1")

    if criterium == 'not marked':
        select = xyz[(cl == 'A') + (cl == 'B')]
    if criterium == "marked":
        select = xyz[(cl == 'C') + (cl == 'D')]

    T = PeriodicCKDTree(box, select)
    # Find neighbors within a fixed distance of a point
    balls = T.query_ball_point(select, r=rcut)

    visited = pl.zeros(select.shape[0])
    added = pl.zeros(select.shape[0])
    clusters = []

    def addballs(p, cluster):
        if visited[p] == 0:
            visited[p] = 1
            for e in balls[p]:
                addballs(e, cluster)

    for i in xrange(select.shape[0]):
        cluster = []
        addballs(i, cluster)
        if len(cluster) > 0:
    return clusters
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_marked(xyz, labels, box, marker=True, rcut=1.4, periodic=False):
    select = xyz[labels == marker]
    # print select
    if periodic:
        T = PeriodicCKDTree(box, select)
        T = cKDTree(select)
    # Find neighbors within a fixed distance of a point
    balls = T.query_ball_point(select, r=rcut)

    visited = pl.zeros(select.shape[0])
    added = pl.zeros(select.shape[0])
    clusters = []

    def addballs(p, cluster):
        if visited[p] == 0:
            visited[p] = 1
            for e in balls[p]:
                addballs(e, cluster)

    for i in xrange(select.shape[0]):
        cluster = []
        addballs(i, cluster)
        if len(cluster) > 0:
    return clusters
def test_random_ball_vectorized_compiled():

    n = 20
    m = 5
    bounds = np.ones(m)
    T = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, np.random.randn(n,m))

    r = T.query_ball_point(np.random.randn(2,3,m),1)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_random_ball_vectorized_compiled():

    n = 20
    m = 5
    bounds = np.ones(m)
    T = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, np.random.randn(n, m))

    r = T.query_ball_point(np.random.randn(2, 3, m), 1)
    assert_equal(r.shape, (2, 3))
    assert_(isinstance(r[0, 0], list))
    def compute_nn_list(self, file_name, start_row, num_nn):
        f1 = self.load_file(file_name, start_row)

        print "Loaded file: " + file_name
        print "Computing nearest-neighbour list..."

        bounds = array([1.999999999, 1.999999999, 1.999999999])  # Can't do exactly 2.0 because rounding
        atom_list = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, f1)
        nn = atom_list.query(f1, k=num_nn)
        self.save_file("build/" + file_name + "_nn", nn[1])

        print "Nearest-neighbour list successfully computed!"
Exemplo n.º 6
def run(file_name):
    print "Reading in the data from file"
    points = read_data(file_name)
    mean_density = calc_mean_density(len(points))
    print mean_density

    print "Initializing cKD Tree"
    kd = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, points)
    test(points, kd, mean_density)

    print "calculating local densities for each particle"
    t = time.time()

    local_density = calc_local_densities(points, kd)
    local_density = sorted(local_density, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)

    in_halo = set()
    # array of tuples (center, radius, number)
    halos = []

    for tup in local_density:
        if tup[0] not in in_halo:
            #print i
            halo = get_radius_neighbors(points[tup[0]], kd, mean_density)
            for index in halo[1]:
            halos.append((points[tup[0]], halo[0], len(halo[1])))
            #print "Found halo of size %g" %(len(halo[1]))

    create_mass_plot(halos, "halos_" + file_name)
    print "Total time to run: %g" % (time.time() - t)
Exemplo n.º 7
def find_k_nn_theta(grp, num_nn_k=None):
    '''This function will find the k nearest neighbors for theta and add 
    columns to the data frame that include the nn number (1st, 2nd,...), the
    particle id of the nn, and the distance of that nn. The function respects
    boundary conditions of the data such that it is periodic at 360 degrees.
    The way to use this function is as such:
    df=df.groupby('frame', group_keys=False).apply(find_k_nn_theta, num_nn_k=x)
    The group_keys kwrg prevents a redundant frames column. Reseting the index
    will give the data frame a regular integer index like before the function
    is applied. The second line rearranges the columns to the correct order.
    from periodic_kdtree import PeriodicCKDTree
    bounds = np.array([360])
    data = grp['theta'].values
    data = np.reshape(data, [len(data), 1])
    tree = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, data)
    if num_nn_k == None:
        num_nn_k = len(data)
    elif num_nn_k > len(data)-1:
        num_nn_k = len(data)
    elif num_nn_k != None:
        num_nn_k += 1
    d, i = tree.query(data, k=num_nn_k)
    if len(d) == 1:  # If only one particle return the group
        grp['theta_nn_num'] = np.nan
        grp['theta_nn_id'] = np.nan
        grp['theta_nn_dist'] = np.nan        
        return grp
    # Create particle id column
    particle_ids = grp['track id'].values
    track_ids = np.tile(particle_ids, (num_nn_k, 1))
    track_ids = track_ids.T[:, 1:].flatten()
    nn_ids = particle_ids[i]
    # Create nn number column (1st, 2nd, etc)
    nn_num = np.arange(num_nn_k)
    nn_num = np.tile(nn_num, (len(particle_ids), 1))[:, 1:]
    nn_num = nn_num.flatten()
    # Create corresponding nn track id
    nn_ids = nn_ids[:, 1:].flatten()
    nn_dist = d[:, 1:].flatten()
    # Merge with current group
    nn_df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack((track_ids, nn_num, nn_ids, nn_dist)).T,
                         columns=['track id', 'theta_nn_num', 'theta_nn_id', 'theta_nn_dist'])
    new_df = pd.merge(grp, nn_df, left_on='track id', right_on='track id')
    return new_df
Exemplo n.º 8
    def velocity_profile(self):
        radius_array = np.linspace(0, 200, self.N + 1)
        velocity_profile = np.zeros(self.N + 1)
        N_in_velocity = np.zeros(self.N + 1)

        bounds = np.array([self.box_size, self.box_size, self.box_size])
        tree = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, self.galaxy_cat)
        print "Calculating velocity profile"
        for i in range(len(self.void_cat[:, 0])):
            #print i
            current_number_of_galaxies = 0
            current_velocity = 0
            for j in range(1, self.N + 1):
                neighbor_inds = tree.query_ball_point(self.void_cat[i, :],
                r_void = self.void_cat[i]
                galaxies_near_point = self.galaxy_cat[neighbor_inds]
                v_galaxy = self.velocity_cat[neighbor_inds]
                r_vec = r_void - galaxies_near_point
                galaxies_near_point = len(galaxies_near_point[:, 0])
                galaxies_in_shell = galaxies_near_point - current_number_of_galaxies

                radial_velocity = (v_galaxy * r_vec).sum(
                    axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(r_vec, axis=1)
                radial_velocity = np.sum(radial_velocity) - current_velocity

                velocity_profile[j] += radial_velocity / np.maximum(
                    1.0, galaxies_in_shell)
                N_in_velocity[j] += galaxies_in_shell

                current_velocity += radial_velocity
                current_number_of_galaxies += galaxies_in_shell
            #print velocity_profile / np.maximum(np.ones(self.N+1), N_in_velocity)
        v_final = (velocity_profile / len(self.void_cat[:, 0])
                   )  #/ np.maximum(np.ones(self.N+1), N_in_velocity))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        ax.plot(radius_array, v_final)
        ax.set_xlabel("radius [Mpc/h]")
        ax.set_xlabel(r"$v_r(r)$ km/s")
        np.save("datafiles/velocity_profiles/velocity_profile" + self.handle,
        fig.savefig("figures/velocity_profiles/velocity_profile" +
                    self.handle + ".pdf")
Exemplo n.º 9
 def setUp(self):
     n = 100
     m = 4
     self.data = np.random.randn(n, m)
     self.bounds = np.ones(m)
     self.T = PeriodicCKDTree(self.bounds, self.data, leafsize=2)
     self.x = np.random.randn(m)
     self.p = 2.
     self.eps = 0
     self.d = 0.2
 def setUp(self):
     self.data = np.array([[0,0,0],
     self.bounds = 1.1 * np.ones(3)
     self.kdtree = PeriodicCKDTree(self.bounds, self.data)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def kdtree(self, bounds=[1., 1., 1.]):
     Return a KDTree with all halos, accounting for periodic boundaries
     if not hasattr(self, '_ctree'):
         from periodic_kdtree import PeriodicCKDTree
         points = np.array([
             halo['pos'].in_units("Mpc") / self.boxsize.in_units("Mpc")
             for halo in self
         T = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, points)
         self._ctree = T
     return self._ctree
def bonded(snap, i, j, box):
    type_list = snap.particles.types
    index_B = type_list.index('B')

    positions = snap.particles.position
    bodies = snap.particles.body
    type_id = snap.particles.typeid
    pos_i = positions[i, :]
    pos_j = positions[j, :]
    loc_B_i = np.where((bodies == i) & (type_id == index_B))[0]
    pos_B_i = positions[loc_B_i, :]
    loc_B_j = np.where((bodies == j) & (type_id == index_B))[0]
    pos_B_j = positions[loc_B_j, :]

    bounds = np.array([box.Lx, box.Ly, box.Lz])
    T = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, pos_B_j)

    for m in range(len(pos_B_i)):
        cur_pos = pos_B_i[m, :]
        nn_dist, idx = T.query(cur_pos, k=1)
        if (nn_dist < 2.5):
            return True
    return False
class test_vectorization_compiled:
    def setUp(self):
        self.data = np.array([[0,0,0],
        self.bounds = 1.1 * np.ones(3)
        self.kdtree = PeriodicCKDTree(self.bounds, self.data)

    def test_single_query(self):
        d, i = self.kdtree.query([0,0,0])

    def test_vectorized_query(self):
        d, i = self.kdtree.query(np.zeros((2,4,3)))

    def test_vectorized_query_noncontiguous_values(self):
        qs = np.random.randn(3,1000).T
        ds, i_s = self.kdtree.query(qs)
        for q, d, i in zip(qs,ds,i_s):

    def test_single_query_multiple_neighbors(self):
        s = 23
        kk = 27*self.kdtree.n+s
        d, i = self.kdtree.query([0,0,0],k=kk)

    def test_vectorized_query_multiple_neighbors(self):
        s = 23
        kk = 27*self.kdtree.n+s
        d, i = self.kdtree.query(np.zeros((2,4,3)),k=kk)
Exemplo n.º 14
class test_vectorization_compiled:
    def setUp(self):
        self.data = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1],
                              [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]])
        self.bounds = 1.1 * np.ones(3)
        self.kdtree = PeriodicCKDTree(self.bounds, self.data)

    def test_single_query(self):
        d, i = self.kdtree.query([0, 0, 0])
        assert_(isinstance(d, float))
        assert_(isinstance(i, int))

    def test_vectorized_query(self):
        d, i = self.kdtree.query(np.zeros((2, 4, 3)))
        assert_equal(np.shape(d), (2, 4))
        assert_equal(np.shape(i), (2, 4))

    def test_vectorized_query_noncontiguous_values(self):
        qs = np.random.randn(3, 1000).T
        ds, i_s = self.kdtree.query(qs)
        for q, d, i in zip(qs, ds, i_s):
            assert_equal(self.kdtree.query(q), (d, i))

    def test_single_query_multiple_neighbors(self):
        s = 23
        kk = 27 * self.kdtree.n + s
        d, i = self.kdtree.query([0, 0, 0], k=kk)
        assert_equal(np.shape(d), (kk, ))
        assert_equal(np.shape(i), (kk, ))
        assert_(np.all(i[-s:] == self.kdtree.n))

    def test_vectorized_query_multiple_neighbors(self):
        s = 23
        kk = 27 * self.kdtree.n + s
        d, i = self.kdtree.query(np.zeros((2, 4, 3)), k=kk)
        assert_equal(np.shape(d), (2, 4, kk))
        assert_equal(np.shape(i), (2, 4, kk))
        assert_(np.all(~np.isfinite(d[:, :, -s:])))
        assert_(np.all(i[:, :, -s:] == self.kdtree.n))
Exemplo n.º 15
n = 10000
r = 1000

bounds = np.ones(m)
data = np.concatenate((np.random.randn(n//2,m),
queries = np.concatenate((np.random.randn(r//2,m),

print "dimension %d, %d points" % (m,n)

t = time.time()
T1 = PeriodicKDTree(bounds, data)
print "PeriodicKDTree constructed:\t%g" % (time.time()-t)
t = time.time()
T2 = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, data)
print "PeriodicCKDTree constructed:\t%g" % (time.time()-t)

t = time.time()
w = T1.query(queries)
print "PeriodicKDTree %d lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time()-t)
del w

t = time.time()
w = T2.query(queries)
print "PeriodicCKDTree %d lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time()-t)
del w

T3 = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds,data,leafsize=n)
t = time.time()
w = T3.query(queries)
Exemplo n.º 16
xmax = np.max(x[:, 0])
dx = xmax - xmin
ymin = np.min(x[:, 1])
ymax = np.max(x[:, 1])
dy = ymax - ymin
zmin = np.min(x[:, 2])
zmax = np.max(x[:, 2])
dz = zmax - zmin
s = (len(x), 10)
Nlist = np.zeros(s, dtype=np.int)
# Boundaries (0 or negative means open boundaries in that dimension)
#changing bounds manually
bounds = np.array([dx, dy, dz])  # xy periodic, open along z

# Build kd-tree
T = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, x)

# Find 4 closest neighbors to a random point
# (d[j], i[j]) = distance and index of jth closest point
# Find neighbors within a fixed distance of a point
print "Building Neighborlist..."

neighbors = []
for i in xrange(len(x)):
    localneigh = T.query_ball_point(
        x[i], r=2.1)  #r = cutoff (Angstrom) for making Nlist
    localneigh.insert(0, i)
def Run_Correlated_Sphere_Packing(input_parameters_filename='Parameters.in', seed_increment = 0):
    parameters = read_input_parameters(input_parameters_filename)

    '''increment in case of reinitialization'''

    '''use input parameters'''
    ndimensions,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,num_neighbors,set_leafsize_factor,periodic_geometry,kdt_eps,pnorm,filename,radii_dist,radius_mu,radius_sig2,nbins,nsamples,show_hist,target_porosity,percentilemin,percentilemax,find_all_neighbors,search_radius_factor_of_max_diameter,set_dt,blfac,damping,tstep,tprint,tstepmax,force_abstol,fmin,force_absmax_factor,force_reltol,max_overlap_factor,seed,Cmu,Csig,set_leafsize \
    =parameter_values(parameters, *parameters.values())
#     print(xmin,xmax)
    RandomState = np.random.RandomState(seed)

    '''form uniform hexahedral mesh'''
    ncells = nsamples
    dcell = np.diff(xx)[0]
    domain_volume = (xmax-xmin)**3

    periodic_bounds = np.array([xmax,ymax,zmax])[:ndimensions]

    #PART I
    '''sample radii'''
    # #sample radii 
    # while target_porosity < v0:
    # v0 = (radii**3 * 4*np.pi/(3 * (xmax-xmin)**3))
    # v0 = v0/v0.sum()
        mu = np.log(radius_mu)
        sig2 = radius_sig2
        Z = RandomState.lognormal(mu,sig2,nsamples)
        radii = np.exp(Z)


    pmin = np.percentile(radii,percentilemin),
    pmax = np.percentile(radii,percentilemax)
    radii = radii[radii<pmax]
    radii = radii[radii>pmin]
    nsamplesclip = nsamples - radii.shape[0]
    nsamples = radii.shape[0]# - nsamplesclip
    radii = np.sort(radii)

    print('1,99 percentiles ', pmin,pmax)
    print('max, min, mean', radii.max(),radii.min(),radii.mean())

    '''rescale radii to obtain desired porosity'''
    rscale = ( (  np.sum(4*np.pi*(1/3.) * radii**3) ) / ( domain_volume * target_porosity ) )**(1/3)
    radii_scaled = radii/rscale
    radius_mu_scaled = radius_mu / rscale
    radius_sig2_scaled = radius_sig2 / rscale**2
    rmax = ( radii_scaled ).max()
    dmax = 2*rmax
    delta = dcell - 2*rmax
    search_radius = 2*dmax#+delta

    '''sample isotropic gaussian correlation'''
    Cnorm = RandomState.multivariate_normal(Cmu,Csig,nsamples)#,[nsamples,ndimensions])

    '''sample points uniformly in space '''
    pts = RandomState.uniform(xmin,xmax,[nsamples,ndimensions])

    '''sort radii and points '''
    radii_scaled = radii_scaled[::-1]
    pts = pts[::-1,:]
    '''get nearest neighbor distances'''
    t0 = time.time()

        kdt = PeriodicCKDTree(periodic_bounds, pts)
        kdt = scipy.spatial.KDTree(pts,leafsize=set_leafsize)
        dist,neighbors = kdt.query(pts, k=num_neighbors, eps=kdt_eps, p = pnorm)

        print("NNE time " , time.time()-t0)

        '''sort by func(distances) eg sum'''
        distsum = (dist[:,1:].sum(axis=1))
        distmean = (dist[:,1:].mean(axis=1))
        distmedian = np.median(dist[:,1:],axis=1)
        distmin = (dist[:,1:].min(axis=1))
        distmax = (dist[:,1:].max(axis=1))

        isort_pts = np.argsort(distmedian)
        isort_radii = np.argsort(isort_pts)

        sorted_radii = radii[isort_radii].copy()
        edges = from_neighbors_to_edges(neighbors)[0]

    max_overlap = radius_mu_scaled * max_overlap_factor
    #find neighbors I interesect (in 3/9/27 cells), use centers and radii to move away by dx if ||dx||<overlap_max

    '''BC, EQ separation, pore throat size, collision distances, PD'''
    boundary_layer = [blfac, xmax *(1- blfac)]
    iboundary = np.any(((pts<boundary_layer[0]).astype(int)+(pts>boundary_layer[1]).astype(int)) , axis=1)
    iinterior = np.all((pts>boundary_layer[0]).astype(int)*(pts<boundary_layer[1]).astype(int),axis=1)

    #formerly, scaled_radii was defined another way
    scaled_radii = radii_scaled.copy()
    scaled_radius_mu = radius_mu_scaled.copy()

    num_inclusions_per_dim = int((nsamples)**(1/ndimensions))
        eq_length_factor = (scaled_radii[neighbors[:,0:1]] + scaled_radii[neighbors[:,1:]])
        eq_length_factor = (4 * np.pi * (1/3) * (scaled_radii**3).mean())**(1/3) * np.array([[1]]) #???
    pore_space_per_particle = (xmax - eq_length_factor.mean()*num_inclusions_per_dim)/num_inclusions_per_dim
    medimean_eq_length = np.median( eq_length_factor.mean(axis=1))
    porespace_per_dim = num_inclusions_per_dim * medimean_eq_length
    porespace_per_particle  = (porespace_per_dim / (num_inclusions_per_dim - 1))/2
    scaled_radius_diam = scaled_radius_mu*2
    #set spacing
    collision_length_factor = eq_length_factor.copy()# - pore_space_per_particle /2
    eq_length_factor = eq_length_factor + pore_space_per_particle /2
    horizon_factor = eq_length_factor * 1
    # nneighbors = neighbors.shape[1]
    tsteps = np.arange(0,tstepmax)

    zmin = ymin = xmin
    zmax = ymax = xmax

    # pts.T[-1][ (pts.T[-1] - radii.T)>xmax]
    # (p - radii.T)>xmax
    (pts.T[-1]+radii_scaled > xmax).sum()
    ((pts**2).sum(axis=1)+radii_scaled**2 > xmax**2).sum()

    cond, conds = where_boundary_intersect(parameters,pts,radii_scaled)
    # (np.linalg.norm(pts,2,axis=1)+radii_scaled > xmax).sum()
    # pts.min()

    # while flag==0:
    pts, radii_scaled,flag = get_reflected_pts(pts,radii_scaled,xmin,xmax)
    nsamples = radii_scaled.shape[0]
    assert(radii_scaled.shape[0] == pts.shape[0])

    ''' Detect Collisions and Translate Spheres '''
    registered = []
    unregistered = [i for i in range(nsamples)]
    boundary = []
    t_list = []
    tlast = time.time()
    for i,(x,r) in enumerate(zip( pts , radii_scaled)):
            print(i,x,r, time.time())
            pts[i] = x
            radii_scaled[i] = r
            x,reinit_flag = overlap_correction(i, x, r, pts, radii_scaled, kdt, registered, unregistered,dmax, search_radius_factor_of_max_diameter, pnorm=2, eps=kdt_eps)
            pts[i] = x
            radii_scaled[i] = r

        t_list.append(time.time() - tlast)
        tlast = time.time()

        print(" \n Reinitializing Simulation \n")
        return Run_Correlated_Sphere_Packing(seed_increment+1)
        print("\n No collisions found, continuing.. \n")
    t_list = np.array(t_list)

    registered = np.array(registered)

    pvolumes = radii_scaled**3 * 4 * np.pi / 3 if ndimensions==3 else radii_scaled**2 * np.pi 

    return parameters, radii_scaled, registered, unregistered, pts, pvolumes
Exemplo n.º 18
 def setUp(self):
     self.kdtree = PeriodicCKDTree(self.bounds, self.data, leafsize=1)
delta = dcell - 2*rmax
search_radius = 2*dmax#+delta

'''sample isotropic gaussian correlation'''
Cnorm = np.random.multivariate_normal(Cmu,Csig,nsamples)#,[nsamples,ndimensions])

'''sample points'''
pts = np.random.uniform(xmin,xmax,[nsamples,ndimensions])

'''get nearest neighbor distances'''
t0 = time.time()

    kdt = PeriodicCKDTree(periodic_bounds, pts)
    kdt = scipy.spatial.KDTree(pts,leafsize=set_leafsize)
    dist,neighbors = kdt.query(pts, k=num_neighbors, eps=kdt_eps, p = pnorm)
    print("NNE time " , time.time()-t0)

    '''sort by func(distances) eg sum'''
    distsum = (dist[:,1:].sum(axis=1))
    distmean = (dist[:,1:].mean(axis=1))
    distmedian = np.median(dist[:,1:],axis=1)
    distmin = (dist[:,1:].min(axis=1))
    distmax = (dist[:,1:].max(axis=1))

    isort_pts = np.argsort(distmedian)
Exemplo n.º 20
def boundary_stk(xvol, yvol, zvol, x_same_zone_bn, y_same_zone_bn, z_same_zone_bn, vol_same_zone_bn, zn, rad_val):
	# This function takes in the location of the boundary points (likely volume averaged) and
	# bins them to find the profile

	# Create tree of volume weighted boundary points
	boundary_pts = zip(xvol, yvol, zvol) 
	periodic_tree_boundary = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, boundary_pts)

	x_part = []
	y_part = []
	z_part = []

	# Find particles within rad_val of zone radius that are not in zone
	idx = periodic_tree.query_ball_point([x_vol[zn],y_vol[zn],z_vol[zn]],rad_val)

	new_idx = [] # index of particles not in zone, but within 2*R_eff of zone
	for i in idx:
		if zone[i] != zn:

	cls_dist = []
	cls_idx = []
	cls_dist_non_zn = []
	cls_idx_non_zn = []

	# Find closest distance for each particle in a zone to the boundary particle
	for i in range(0,len(x_same_zone_bn)):

	# Find closest distance for each particle not in a zone to the boundary particle
	for i in range(0,len(x_part)):

	# Calculate density for each cell in the zone
	# den_same_zone_bn = [(1./volume) for volume in vol_same_zone_bn[0]]
	vol_same_zone_bn = [(volume) for volume in vol_same_zone_bn[0]]

	# Calculate density for each particle 
	vol_non_zn_part = []
	for i in new_idx:
		# den_non_zn_part.append(1./vol[i])
	# Bin the density, distance, and number counts from 0 to 2.5.  This binning is normalized to effective radius of each zone 
	den_bins = [] 
	dist_bins = []
	ncnt_bins = []

	den_bins_non_zn = []
	dist_bins_non_zn = []
	ncnt_bins_non_zn = []

	# Find den, dist, cnt for particles in zone
	for i in range(0,len(bins)-1):
		# Density, distance, and num counts of for each bin.  Bins are normalized to the effective radius of each zone
		den_temp, dist_temp, ncnt_temp = boundary_bin(vol_same_zone_bn, cls_dist, bins[i], bins[i+1])

		# Make arrays of den, dist, num counts of for bins
		if den_temp != np.nan:

		if dist_temp != np.nan:
		if ncnt_temp != np.nan:

	# Find den, dist, cnt for particle not in zone
	for i in range(0,len(bins)-1):
		# Density, distance, and num counts of for each bin.  Bins are normalized to the effective radius of each zone
		den_temp2, dist_temp2, ncnt_temp2 = boundary_bin(vol_non_zn_part, cls_dist_non_zn, bins[i], bins[i+1])

		# Make arrays of den, dist, num counts of for bins
		if den_temp2 != np.nan:

		if dist_temp2 != np.nan:
		if ncnt_temp2 != np.nan:

	return den_bins, dist_bins, ncnt_bins, den_bins_non_zn, dist_bins_non_zn, ncnt_bins_non_zn
Exemplo n.º 21

# Effective radii of each cell in slice that's within a zone
for i in slice_zone_idx:

denminrad = np.int(find_nearest(x_slice_zone, x_denmin[np.int(zone[arb_ind])]))


### CREATE TREE FOR X,Y,Z COORDINATES FOR ALL HALOS #########################

# Create tree with period boundary conditions
halos = zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()) #makes x,y,z single arrays
bounds = np.array([Lbox,Lbox,Lbox])
periodic_tree = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, halos)


### CREATE SPHERICAL DENSITY PROFILE FOR A SINGLE ZONE ###############################

# This will take any void and build shells around it up to 2*R_v
# and find the number density per shell using the volume of the shell.

R_shell = np.linspace(0.001, 2*zone_rad[np.int(zone[arb_ind])], 20) #shells from ~0 to 2*R_v in units of Mpc/h
V_shell = ((4.*pi)/3.)*R_shell**3. #volume of each shell in units of Mpc**3 
tot_numden = numpart/(Lbox**3.)

count = []
Exemplo n.º 22
 def setUp(self):
     self.kdtree = PeriodicCKDTree(self.bounds, self.data)
Exemplo n.º 23
n = 10000
r = 1000

bounds = np.ones(m)
data = np.concatenate(
    (np.random.randn(n // 2, m), np.random.randn(n - n // 2, m) + np.ones(m)))
queries = np.concatenate(
    (np.random.randn(r // 2, m), np.random.randn(r - r // 2, m) + np.ones(m)))

print "dimension %d, %d points" % (m, n)

t = time.time()
T1 = PeriodicKDTree(bounds, data)
print "PeriodicKDTree constructed:\t%g" % (time.time() - t)
t = time.time()
T2 = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, data)
print "PeriodicCKDTree constructed:\t%g" % (time.time() - t)

t = time.time()
w = T1.query(queries)
print "PeriodicKDTree %d lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time() - t)
del w

t = time.time()
w = T2.query(queries)
print "PeriodicCKDTree %d lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time() - t)
del w

T3 = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, data, leafsize=n)
t = time.time()
w = T3.query(queries)
Exemplo n.º 24
def overdensity_cylinder(gals,
    Find overdensity statistics over the whole simulation box for cylindrical apertures.

        gals - dataframe of galaxy properties
        coods - coordinates to calculate statistcis at. Typically defined as galaxy or random coordinates.
        R - aperture radius, cMpc
        dc - half aperture depth, cMpc
        L - box length, cMpc
        pc_stats - bool, calculate completeness and purity of each region
        cluster_mass_lim - limiting descendant mass above which to classify clusters, z0_central_mcrit200
        n - chunk length
        out_stats - output statistics, numpy array of shape [len(coods), 4]
                    0 - overdensity
                    1 - completeness
                    2 - purity
                    3 - descendant mass

    dimensions = np.array([L, L, L])

    if verbose: print "Building KDtree..."
    T = PeriodicCKDTree(dimensions, gals[['zn_x', 'zn_y', 'zn_z']])

    avg = float(gals.shape[0]) / L**3  # average overdensity cMpc^-3

    out_stats = np.zeros((len(coods), 4))

    vol_avg = np.pi * R**2 * (2 *
                              dc) * avg  # average overdensity in chosen volume

    for j, c in coods.groupby(
            np.arange(len(coods)) //
            n):  # can't calculate distances all in one go, so need to chunk

        if verbose:  # print progress
            if j % 100 == 0:
                print round(
                    float(c.shape[0] * (j + 1)) / coods.shape[0] * 100, 2), '%'

        # find all galaxies within a sphere of radius the max extent of the cylinder
        gal_index = T.query_ball_point(c, r=(R**2 + dc**2)**0.5)

        # filter by cylinder using norm_coods()
        gal_index = [
                gals.iloc[gal_index[k]][['zn_x', 'zn_y', 'zn_z']].values,
                c.ix[k + j * n].values,
                L=L)] for k in range(len(c))

        start_index = (j * n)  # save start index

        # calculate dgal
        out_stats[start_index:(start_index + len(c)),
                  0] = (np.array([len(x)
                                  for x in gal_index]) - vol_avg) / vol_avg

        if pc_stats:  # calculate completeness and purity statistics

            for i in range(len(gal_index)):

                cluster_ids = gals.iloc[gal_index[i]]
                cluster_ids = Counter(
                    cluster_ids[cluster_ids['z0_central_mcrit200'] >

                if len(cluster_ids) > 0:

                    cstats = np.zeros((len(cluster_ids), 2))

                    for k, (q, no) in enumerate(cluster_ids.items()):
                        cluster_gals = gals.ix[gals['z0_centralId'] == q]
                        cstats[k, 0] = float(no) / len(
                            cluster_gals)  # completeness
                        cstats[k, 1] = float(no) / len(gal_index[i])  # purity

                    # find id of max completeness and purity in cstats array
                    max_completeness = np.where(
                        cstats[:, 0] == cstats[:, 0].max())[0]
                    max_purity = np.where(cstats[:, 1] == cstats[:,

                    # sometimes multiple clusters can have same completeness or purity in a single candidate
                    # - use the cluster with the highest complementary completeness/purity
                    if len(max_completeness) > 1:

                        # get matches between completeness and purity
                        matches = [x in max_purity for x in max_completeness]

                        if np.sum(matches) > 0:
                            # just use the first one
                            max_completeness = [np.where(matches)[0][0]]
                            max_purity = [np.where(matches)[0][0]]
                            max_completeness = [
                                    cstats[max_completeness, 1])]

                    if len(max_purity) > 1:

                        matches = [x in max_completeness for x in max_purity]

                        if np.sum(matches) > 0:
                            max_completeness = [np.where(matches)[0][0]]
                            max_purity = [np.where(matches)[0][0]]

                            max_purity = [

                    # sometimes the cluster with the highest completeness does not have the highest purity, or vice versa
                    # - use the cluster with the highest combined purity/completeness added in quadrature
                    if max_completeness[0] != max_purity[0]:
                        max_completeness = [
                            np.argmax([pow(np.sum(x**2), 0.5) for x in cstats])
                        max_purity = max_completeness

                    # save completeness and purity values
                    out_stats[start_index + i, 1] = cstats[max_completeness[0],
                                                           0]  # completeness
                    out_stats[start_index + i, 2] = cstats[max_purity[0],
                                                           1]  # purity

                    # save descendant mass
                    # filter by cluster id, save z0 halo mass
                    # can use either max_completeness or max_purity, both equal by this point

                    out_stats[start_index + i,
                              3] = gals.loc[gals['z0_centralId'] == cluster_ids

                else:  # if no galaxies in aperture
                    out_stats[start_index + i, 1] = 0.
                    out_stats[start_index + i, 2] = 0.
                    out_stats[start_index + i, 3] = np.nan

    return out_stats
Exemplo n.º 25
    def delta_and_sigma_vz_galaxy(self, array_files=None, dictionary=False):
        Calculates the density profile and velocity dispersion of voids in real space.
        Requires xi_vg_real_func() to be run first as this gives the upper and lower bounds
        for the radius array to avoid out of bounds for splines.
        #radius_array = np.linspace(0, self.r_corr[-1], self.N + 1)
        radius_array = np.linspace(1, 200, self.N + 1)
        if array_files == None:
            bounds = np.array([self.box_size, self.box_size, self.box_size])
            tree = PeriodicCKDTree(bounds, self.galaxy_cat)

            delta = np.zeros(self.N + 1)
            v_z = np.zeros(self.N + 1)
            E_vz = np.zeros(self.N + 1)
            E_vz2 = np.zeros(self.N + 1)
            sigma_vz = np.zeros(self.N + 1)
            galaxies_in_shell_arr = np.zeros(self.N + 1)

            print "Starting density profile and velocity dispersion calculation"
            for i in range(len(self.void_cat[:, 0])):
                current_number_of_galaxies = 0
                current_E_vz = 0
                current_E_vz2 = 0
                E_vz_in_shell = 0
                E_vz2_in_shell = 0

                for j in range(1, self.N + 1):
                    # Find galaxy position and velocity in a given radius around the current void
                    neighbor_inds = tree.query_ball_point(self.void_cat[i, :],
                    shell_volume = 4.0 * np.pi * (radius_array[j]**3 -
                                                  radius_array[j - 1]**3) / 3.0
                    velocity_near_point = self.galaxy_vz[neighbor_inds]
                    galaxies_near_point = self.galaxy_cat[neighbor_inds]
                    galaxies_near_point = len(galaxies_near_point[:, 0])
                    galaxies_in_shell = galaxies_near_point - current_number_of_galaxies  # Subtracting previous sphere to get galaxies in current shell.

                    # calulcating terms used in expectation values E[v_z**2] and E[v_z]**2
                    if galaxies_near_point > 0:
                        E_vz2_in_shell = (sum(velocity_near_point**2) -
                        E_vz_in_shell = (sum(velocity_near_point) -

                    galaxies_in_shell_arr[j] += galaxies_in_shell

                    E_vz[j] += E_vz_in_shell
                    E_vz2[j] += E_vz2_in_shell
                    delta[j] += galaxies_in_shell / shell_volume

                    current_E_vz += E_vz_in_shell
                    current_E_vz2 += E_vz2_in_shell
                    current_number_of_galaxies += galaxies_in_shell

            delta /= (len(self.void_cat[:, 0]) * len(self.galaxy_cat[:, 0]) /
            delta -= 1
            for j in range(self.N + 1):
                if galaxies_in_shell_arr[j] > 0:
                    E_vz[j] /= galaxies_in_shell_arr[j]
                    E_vz2[j] /= galaxies_in_shell_arr[j]
            sigma_vz = np.sqrt(E_vz2 - E_vz**2)

            # Replacing zero values to avoid division by zero later
            sigma_vz[np.where(sigma_vz < 10.0)] = 100.0

            if dictionary:
                #Output for victor code
                r_dict = np.linspace(2.11, 118.0, 30)
                sigma_vz_spline = interpolate.interp1d(radius_array, sigma_vz)
                delta_spline = interpolate.interp1d(radius_array, delta)

                delta_new = delta_spline(r_dict)
                sigma_vz_new = sigma_vz_spline(r_dict)
                vr_dict = {}
                vr_dict["rvals"] = r_dict
                vr_dict["sigma_v_los"] = sigma_vz_new
                    "datafiles/velocity_profiles/sigma_vz_dict" + self.handle,

                delta_dict = {}
                delta_dict["rvals"] = r_dict
                delta_dict["delta"] = delta_new
                np.save("datafiles/density_profiles/delta_dict" + self.handle,

            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            ax.plot(radius_array, delta)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            ax.plot(radius_array, sigma_vz)
            print len(delta)
            np.save("datafiles/density_profiles/delta" + self.handle, delta)
            np.save("datafiles/velocity_profiles/sigma_vz" + self.handle,

            delta = np.load(array_files[0])
            sigma_vz = np.load(array_files[1])
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            ax.plot(radius_array, delta)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            ax.plot(radius_array, sigma_vz)

        print "Splining density profile"
        print len(radius_array), len(delta)
        self.delta = interpolate.interp1d(radius_array, delta, kind="cubic")
        self.sigma_vz = interpolate.interp1d(radius_array,

        return self.delta, self.sigma_vz
Exemplo n.º 26
def NN_finder_all(initial_config_data, cut_off_distance, box_dim, path_to_test_dir, atom_list = None, save_results = False, re_calc = False):
	A very general nearest neigbor finder function calculate multiple atom's nearest neighbor all at once using
	the efficient cKDTree algorithm, the multiple atoms whose item number 
	is listed inside the atom_list input argument,
	the default is to calculate all atoms inside initial_config_data file
	User can customize which atoms to calculate by specifying in atom_list
	Input arguments:
	initial_config_data: instance of pandas.Dataframe
		configuration data
	cut_off_distance: dict
		dictionary contains the multiple pair cut-off distance
		currently use tuples as keys for immutability, frozenset may be another way
		but it reduce duplicates
		in order to access the turple key without order preference, convert
		For example,
		{(1,1):3.7,(1,2):2.7,(2,2):3.0} means that atom_type 1 and 1 cut-off
		is 3.7, etc
	box_dim: list
		a list containing the spatial dimension of simulation box size in x, y, z
	path_to_test_dir: str
		str of current test result dir, under it, it save data into nn_results.pkl
	atom_list: list
		the list containing the item number of interested atoms whose nearest neighbors
		are being found
	save_results: boolean, default True
		specify whether to save the results dictionary into a nn_results_dict.pkl file
	this cKDtree algorithm is efficient when:
	you have many points whose neighbors you want to find, you may save 
	substantial amounts of time by putting them in a cKDTree and using query_ball_tree
	for molecular simulation: 
		nn: dict()
			key is item id of interested atom
			values is the pandas.Dataframe of nearest neighbor for atom
			of interest
	# set up path_to_file and check results out of this function before calling it
	# if check_results is True: 
	# if path_to_file is None or os.path.exists(path_to_file):
	# raise Exception("NN results file not found, please specify the correct path to the file")
	path_to_nn_results = path_to_test_dir + "/nn_results_dict.pkl"
	if re_calc is False:
		if os.path.exists(path_to_nn_results):
			print "nn results dictionary already calculated and saved in pkl file, skip calculation"
			return pickle.load(open(path_to_nn_results,'r'))
	nn = dict()
	# if there is no atom_list specified, use all atoms in initial_config_data
	if atom_list is None:
		atom_list = (initial_config_data["item"]).tolist()
	_data = initial_config_data
	groups = Atom.classify_df(_data)
	#_atom_data = initial_config_data[['x','y','z']]
	_interested_data = _data.loc[_data['item'].isin(atom_list)]
	interested_groups = Atom.classify_df(_interested_data)
	#_interested_atom = _interested_data[['x','y','z']]
	# build the efficient nearest neighbor KDTree algorithm
	# default distance metric Euclidian norm p = 2
	# create tree object using the larger points array
	for (i, int_group) in interested_groups.items():
		for (j, atom_group) in groups.items():
			# comparing atom_type_i and atom_type_j
			for pair in [(i,j),(j,i)]:
				if pair in cut_off_distance:
					 curr_cut_off = cut_off_distance[pair]
			# iterate over each row seems inefficient for (index, curr_atom) in int_group.iterrows()
			result_tree = PeriodicCKDTree(box_dim, atom_group[['x','y','z']].values)
			result_groups = result_tree.query_ball_point(int_group[['x','y','z']].values, curr_cut_off)
			#indices = np.unique(IT.chain.from_iterable(result_groups))
			#for (int_NN,(index,int_atom)) in (result_groups,int_group.iterrows()):
			k = 0
			for index,int_atom in int_group.iterrows():
				# int_NN is a list of index of NN, index is according to the order
				# in atom_group 
				# curr_NN is a dataframe storing NN found for current atom_group
				int_NN = result_groups[k]
				curr_NN = atom_group.iloc[int_NN]
				if int_atom["item"] not in nn:
					nn[int_atom["item"]] = curr_NN
				elif int_atom["item"] in nn:
					nn[int_atom["item"]] = nn[int_atom["item"]].append(curr_NN)				
				k = k + 1	
	# it is best practice to save this NN dictionary results into a pkl file 
	# to prevent rerun, if this file exists, let user know that
	# the file_of_nearest_neighbor exists before calling it
	if save_results is True:
		with open(path_to_nn_results, 'w') as f:
	return nn
Exemplo n.º 27
 def setUp(self):
     self.data = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1],
                           [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]])
     self.bounds = 1.1 * np.ones(3)
     self.kdtree = PeriodicCKDTree(self.bounds, self.data)
def Run_Correlated_Sphere_Packing(input_parameters_filename="Parameters.in",
    parameters = read_input_parameters(input_parameters_filename)
    reinit_flag = 0
    '''debugging, ignore this'''
    print(','.join(np.array([name for name in parameters.keys()])))

        if (seed is not None):
            parameters['seed'] = seed
    except Exception as e:
        print('no seed specified')

        if (periodic_geometry is not None):
            parameters['periodic_geometry'] = periodic_geometry
    except Exception as e:
        print('no periodicv geometry specified')

        if (nsamples is not None):
            parameters['nsamples'] = nsamples
    except Exception as e:
        print('no nsampels specified')

        if (target_porosity is not None):
            parameters['target_porosity'] = target_porosity
    except Exception as e:
        print('no porosity specified')
    '''increment in case of reinitialization'''
    print(" seed_increment ", seed_increment, " type ", type(seed_increment))
    parameters['seed'] += seed_increment
    '''use input parameters'''
    periodic_geometry,ndimensions,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,seed,radius_mu,radius_sig2,Cmu,Csig,filename,radii_dist,nsamples,target_porosity,nbins,num_neighbors,set_leafsize_factor,kdt_eps,pnorm,search_radius_factor_of_max_diameter,find_all_neighbors,percentilemin,percentilemax,show_hist,set_dt,blfac,damping,tstep,tprint,tstepmax,force_abstol,fmin,force_absmax_factor,force_reltol,max_overlap_factor,set_leafsize_factor \
    =parameter_values(parameters, *parameters.values())
    #     print(xmin,xmax)
    RandomState = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    '''form uniform hexahedral mesh'''
    ncells = nsamples
    xx = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, ncells + 1)
    dcell = np.diff(xx)[0]
    domain_volume = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) * (zmax - zmin)

    periodic_bounds = np.array([xmax, ymax, zmax])[:ndimensions]

    #PART I
    '''sample radii'''
    # #sample radii
    # while target_porosity < v0:
    # v0 = (radii**3 * 4*np.pi/(3 * (xmax-xmin)**3))
    # v0 = v0/v0.sum()
    if (radii_dist == 'lognormal'):
        Z = RandomState.lognormal(np.log(radius_mu), radius_sig2, nsamples)
        radii = np.exp(Z)

    if (show_hist == True):
        plt.hist(radii, nbins)

    pmin = np.percentile(radii, percentilemin),
    pmax = np.percentile(radii, percentilemax)
    radii = radii[radii < pmax]
    radii = radii[radii > pmin]
    nsamplesclip = nsamples - radii.shape[0]
    nsamples = radii.shape[0]  # - nsamplesclip
    radii = np.sort(radii)

    print('1,99 percentiles ', pmin, pmax)
    print('max, min, mean', radii.max(), radii.min(), radii.mean())
    '''rescale radii to obtain desired porosity'''
    rscale = ((np.sum(4 * np.pi * (1 / 3.) * radii**3)) /
              (domain_volume * (1 - target_porosity)))**(1 / 3)
    radii_scaled = radii / rscale
    radius_mu_scaled = radius_mu / rscale
    radius_sig2_scaled = radius_sig2 / rscale**2
    rmax = (radii_scaled).max()
    dmax = 2 * rmax
    delta = dcell - 2 * rmax
    search_radius = 2 * dmax  #+delta

    '''sample isotropic gaussian correlation'''
    Cnorm = RandomState.multivariate_normal(
        Cmu, Csig, nsamples)  #,[nsamples,ndimensions])
    '''sample points uniformly in space '''
    pts = RandomState.uniform(0, 1, [nsamples, ndimensions])
    pts[:, 0] = (pts[:, 0]) * (xmax - xmin) + xmin
    pts[:, 1] = (pts[:, 1]) * (ymax - ymin) + ymin
    pts[:, 2] = (pts[:, 2]) * (zmax - zmin) + zmin
    '''sort radii and points '''
    radii_scaled = radii_scaled[::-1]
    pts = pts[::-1, :]
    '''get nearest neighbor distances'''
    t0 = time.time()

    if (periodic_geometry == True):
        kdt = PeriodicCKDTree(periodic_bounds, pts)
        kdt = scipy.spatial.KDTree(
            pts)  #,leafsize=set_leafsize_factor * num_neighbors )
    if (find_all_neighbors == True):
        dist, neighbors = kdt.query(pts, k=num_neighbors, eps=kdt_eps, p=pnorm)

        print("NNE time ", time.time() - t0)
        '''sort by func(distances) eg sum'''
        distsum = (dist[:, 1:].sum(axis=1))
        distmean = (dist[:, 1:].mean(axis=1))
        distmedian = np.median(dist[:, 1:], axis=1)
        distmin = (dist[:, 1:].min(axis=1))
        distmax = (dist[:, 1:].max(axis=1))

        isort_pts = np.argsort(distmedian)
        isort_radii = np.argsort(isort_pts)

        sorted_radii = radii[isort_radii].copy()
        edges = from_neighbors_to_edges(neighbors)[0]
    max_overlap = radius_mu_scaled * max_overlap_factor
    #find neighbors I interesect (in 3/9/27 cells), use centers and radii to move away by dx if ||dx||<overlap_max
    '''BC, EQ separation, pore throat size, collision distances, PD'''
    boundary_layer = [blfac, xmax * (1 - blfac)]
    print("BOUINDARY LAYER", boundary_layer)
    iboundary = np.any(((pts < boundary_layer[0]).astype(int) +
                        (pts > boundary_layer[1]).astype(int)),
    iinterior = np.all((pts > boundary_layer[0]).astype(int) *
                       (pts < boundary_layer[1]).astype(int),
    print("IBOUNDARY ", iboundary)
    print("IINTERIOR ", iinterior)
    print('\n \n \n ', " NUMBER OF BOUNDARY SPHERES ", iboundary.sum(),
          " TOTAL CONSIDERED ",
          iboundary.shape, '\n \n \n ', "NUMBER OF INTERIOR SPHERES",
          iinterior.sum(), " TOTAL CONSIDERED ", iinterior.shape, '\n \n \n ')
    # ,iboundary.sum()
    ''' Detect Collisions and Translate Spheres '''
    registered = []
    unregistered = [i for i in range(nsamples)]
    boundary = []
    t_list = []
    tlast = time.time()
    for i, (x, r) in enumerate(zip(pts, radii_scaled)):
        if (i % 1000 == 0):
            print(i, x, r, time.time())
        if (i == 0):
            pts[i] = x
            radii_scaled[i] = r
            x, reinit_flag = overlap_correction(
            if (reinit_flag == 1):
            pts[i] = x
            radii_scaled[i] = r

        t_list.append(time.time() - tlast)
        tlast = time.time()

    if (reinit_flag == 1):
        print(" \n Reinitializing Simulation \n")
        return Run_Correlated_Sphere_Packing(seed_increment + 1)
        print("\n No collisions found, continuing.. \n")
    t_list = np.array(t_list)

    registered = np.array(registered)

    indices_boundary = np.where(iboundary)
    indices_interior = np.where(iinterior)

    interior_points = pts[indices_interior]
    boundary_points = pts[indices_boundary]

    print("SET POINT IDs (to keep track of boundary image spheres)")
    idx_points = np.arange(0, len(registered))

    boundary, boundary_indices, boundary_radii = [], [], [
    ]  #np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([])
    if (periodic_geometry == 1):
        print("NUM POINTS BEFORE BOUNDARY IMAGE COPY", pts.shape)
        flag = 0
        # while flag==0:
        # pts, radii_scaled,idx_points, flag = get_reflected_pts(pts,idx_points, radii_scaled,xmin,xmax)

        pts, radii_scaled, idx_points, boundary, boundary_indices, boundary_radii, flag = get_reflected_pts(
            pts, idx_points, boundary, boundary_indices, boundary_radii,
            radii_scaled, xmin, xmax)
        nsamples = radii_scaled.shape[0]
        assert (radii_scaled.shape[0] == pts.shape[0])
        print("NUM POINTS AFTER ", pts.shape)

    pvolumes = radii_scaled**3 * 4 * np.pi / 3 if ndimensions == 3 else radii_scaled**2 * np.pi
    porosity = 1 - (domain_volume - pvolumes.sum()) / domain_volume

    print("\n domain size ", " [xmin,xmax] ", xmin, xmax, " [ymin,ymax] ",
          ymin, ymax, " [zmin,zmax] ", zmin, zmax, " volume ", domain_volume)
    print('particle volumes: sum, mean, median, min, max', pvolumes.sum(),
          pvolumes.mean(), np.median(pvolumes), pvolumes.min(), pvolumes.max())
    print("\n \n \n porosity ", porosity)
    print("\n number of spheres ", registered.shape)
    print("\n number of registered spheres ", registered.shape)
    print("\n number of unregistered spheres ", registered.shape)
    print("\n sphere distribution parameters ", radius_mu, radius_sig2)
    print("\n mean coordination number ", )
    print("\n \n \n ")
    return parameters, radii_scaled, registered, unregistered, pts, pvolumes, idx_points, boundary, boundary_indices, boundary_radii
Exemplo n.º 29
def event_local_atom_index(initial_config_data, triggered_atom_list, num_of_involved_atom, path_to_init_sad, box_dim, save_results = True, re_calc = False):
	this function get the local atom atom_ids as a list of lists (that will be flattern into a single list)
	from the triggered atoms (whose item_ids in triggered_atom_list) item_ids
	and num_of_involved atoms NN
	For example, each trigger atom has k th NN. Then for x triggered atoms,
	it would be a x element list of lists (each list with k elements). 
	It will be flattern into a list with k*N, that will be returned 
	As in NN_finder_all, PeriodicCkDtree can be easily extended to
	find kth NN for each of the triggered atoms.
	Currently, only one atom is triggered,
	In this case, triggered_atom_list is a single element list
	triggered_atoms_NN_list: a list 
		comes from a flatten numpy array shape (len(triggered_atom_list)*k, )
		a numpy contains all NN of all triggered atoms preserving the order
		of the appearance of triggered atom in triggered_atom_list
		e.g. 1st k elements in triggered_atoms_NN_list belongs to the 1st
		element of triggered_atom_list, etc
	path_to_local_nn_results = path_to_init_sad + "/local_nn_results_dict.pkl"
	print "the triggering atoms are:", triggered_atom_list
	if re_calc is False:
		if os.path.exists(path_to_local_nn_results):
			print "local nn results already calculated and saved in local_nn_results_dict.pkl file, skip calculation"
			local_nn = pickle.load(open(path_to_local_nn_results,'r'))
			return (np.array(local_nn.values()).flatten()).tolist()
	local_nn = dict()
	if triggered_atom_list is None:
		raise Exception("try to calculate the NN for triggered atoms, but no triggered atom has been specified")
	_data = initial_config_data
	_interested_data = _data.loc[_data['item'].isin(triggered_atom_list)]
	result_tree = PeriodicCKDTree(box_dim, _data[['x','y','z']].values)
	# the query method calculated NN includes the triggered atom itself as the 1st NN with distance 0
	distances,locations = result_tree.query(_interested_data[['x','y','z']].values, num_of_involved_atom)
	if len(triggered_atom_list) > 1 and num_of_involved_atom >1:
		# the 1st element in the return numpy array with shape (k*len(triggered_atom_list),) 
		# is the triggered atom since the distance to itself is 0, which is the minumum
		# locations are ordered in terms of their increasing distance to the triggered atom
		for index,row in _interested_data.iterrows():
			NN_array = np.array((_data.iloc[locations[k]])['item'])
			local_nn[row['item']]= (NN_array).tolist()
		loc_index = locations.flatten()
		final_locations = np.array((_data.iloc[loc_index])['item']).tolist()
	elif len(triggered_atom_list) == 1:
		if type(locations) == int or type(locations) == float:
			loc_index = np.array([locations])
			loc_index = locations.flatten()
		locations = np.array((_data.iloc[loc_index])['item']).tolist()
		local_nn[triggered_atom_list[0]] = locations
		final_locations = locations
		# len(triggered_atom_list) >1 and num_of_involved_atom == 1:
		for x in triggered_atom_list:
			local_nn[x] = [x]
		final_locations = triggered_atom_list
	if save_results is True:
		with open(path_to_local_nn_results, 'w') as f:
	return final_locations