Exemplo n.º 1
def test():
    # Regression test: make sure neutron sld is an isotope property
    # Note: it is important that this test be run separately
    D2O = periodictable.formula('D2O',density=20./18)
    D2O_coh,D2O_abs,D2O_inc = periodictable.neutron_sld(D2O)
    D2O_coh2,D2O_abs2,D2O_inc2 = periodictable.neutron_sld(D2O)
    H2O = periodictable.formula('H2O',density=1)
    H2O_coh,H2O_abs,H2O_inc = periodictable.neutron_sld(H2O)
    assert D2O_coh == D2O_coh2
    assert D2O_coh != H2O_coh
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_formula(data,scale=False):
    recursivily create formula
    data : list, dict, or string
     if string, get formula of string.
     if list, of form [(formula,mass_frac),...]
     if dict, of form {formula:mass_frac,...}
    scale : bool
     if false, don't scale mix (default)
     if true, scale mix
    formula : periodic.table.Formula
    if isinstance(data,PTFormula):
        return data
    elif isinstance(data,Compound):
        return data.formula
    elif _is_string_like(data):
        return PT.formula(data)
    elif _is_list_like(data):
        pairs = data[:]
    elif _is_dict_like(data):
        pairs = list(data.iteritems())
        raise ValueError('bad formula',data)

    pairs = [(get_formula(f),m) for f,m in pairs if m>0]

    result = PT.formula()
    if len(pairs) > 0:
        # cell mass = mass
        # target mass = q
        # cell mass * n = target mass
        #   => n = target mass / cell mass
        #        = q / mass
        if scale: 
            scale = min(q/f.mass for f,q in pairs)
            scale = 1.0
        for f,q in pairs:
            result += ((q/f.mass)/scale) * f
        if all(f.density for f,_ in pairs):
            volume = sum(q/f.density for f,q in pairs)/scale
            result.density = result.mass/volume
    return result
def simple_oxides(cation, output='formula'):
    Creates a list of oxides for a cationic element
    (oxide of ions with c=1+ and above).
    if not isinstance(cation, pt.core.Element):
        catstr = titlecase(cation)  # edge case of lowercase str such as 'cs'
        cation = getattr(pt, catstr)

    ions = [c for c in cation.ions if c > 0]  # Use only positive charges
    oxides = [pt.formula(f'{cation}{1}O{c//2}') if not c%2
              else pt.formula(f'{cation}{2}O{c}') for c in ions]
    if not output == 'formula':
        oxides = [ox.__str__() for ox in oxides]
    return oxides
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     """Inititialze variables"""
     # the calculator default value for wavelength is 6
     self.compound = "Cd"
     self.density = 4.0
     self.wavelength = 6.0
     self.sld_formula = formula(self.compound, density=self.density)
def get_cations(oxide, exclude=['O']):
    Returns the principal cations in an oxide component.
    atms = pt.formula(oxide).atoms
    cations = [el for el in atms.keys() if not el.__str__() in exclude]
    return cations
Exemplo n.º 6
    def calculate_xray_sld(self, element):
        Get an element and compute the corresponding SLD for a given formula

        :param element:  elements a string of existing atom

        myformula = formula(str(element))
        if len(myformula.atoms) != 1:
        element = myformula.atoms.keys()[0]
        energy = xray_energy(element.K_alpha)

        self.sld_formula = formula(str(self.compound), density=self.density)
        atom = self.sld_formula.atoms
        return xray_sld_from_atoms(atom, density=self.density, energy=energy)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def retrieving_molecular_mass_and_number_of_atoms_worked(self, chemical_formula):
        '''this method will parse the formula to go from Nantid format to periodictable library format, in order
        to calculate the molecular mass

        return: True if the string has been correctly formatted
        False if something went wrong

        list_element = chemical_formula.split(" ")
        periodictable_list_element_format = []
        total_number_of_atoms = 0.
            for _element in list_element:
                [formated_element, number_of_atoms] = self.get_periodictable_formatted_element_and_number_of_atoms(_element)
                total_number_of_atoms += number_of_atoms

            periodictable_format = " ".join(periodictable_list_element_format)
            periodictable_formula = formula(periodictable_format)
            self.molecular_mass = periodictable_formula.mass
            self.total_number_of_atoms = total_number_of_atoms
            return True

            return False
Exemplo n.º 8
 def setUp(self):
     """Inititialze variables"""
     self.compound = "D2O"
     self.density = 1.1
     self.wavelength = 6.0
     self.sld_formula = formula(self.compound, density=self.density)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_formula():
    M = formula('B4C', density=2.52)
    sld,xs,depth = neutron_scattering(M,wavelength=4.75)
    # Compare to Alan Munter's numbers:
    #   SLD=7.65e-6 - 2.34e-7i /A^2
    #   inc,abs XS = 0.193, 222.4 / cm
    #   1/e = 0.004483 cm
    #   Cu/Mo K-alpha = 2.02e-5 + 1.93e-8i / 2.01e-5 + 4.64e-9i
    # Using lambda=1.798 rather than 1.8
    #   abs XS => 222.6
    #   1/e => 0.004478
    assert abs(sld[0]-7.649)<0.001
    assert abs(sld[1]-0.234)<0.001
    assert abs(xs[1]-222.6)<0.1
    #assert abs(xs[2]-0.193)<0.001   # TODO: fix test
    #assert abs(depth-0.004478)<0.000001 # TODO: fix test
    # Check that sld_inc and coh_xs are consistent
    #   cell_volume = (molar_mass/density) / N_A * 1e24
    #   number_density = num_atoms/cell_volume
    #   sigma_i = inc_xs/number_density
    #   sld_inc = number_density * sqrt ( 100/(4*pi) * sigma_i ) * 10
    #   sld_re = number_density * b_c * 10
    #   sigma_c = 4*pi/100*b_c**2
    #   coh_xs = sigma_c * number_density
    Nb = 0.13732585020640778
    sld_inc = Nb*sqrt(100/(4*pi)*xs[2]/Nb)*10
    coh_xs = Nb*4*pi/100*(sld[0]/(10*Nb))**2
    assert abs(sld[2] - sld_inc) < 1e-14
    assert abs(xs[0] - coh_xs) < 1e-14
Exemplo n.º 10
def isotope_substitution(formula, source, target, portion=1):
    Substitute one atom/isotope in a formula with another in some proportion.

    *formula* is the formula being updated.

    *source* is the isotope/element to be substituted.

    *target* is the replacement isotope/element.

    *portion* is the proportion of source which is substituted for target.
    atoms = formula.atoms
    if source in atoms:
        mass = formula.mass
        mass_reduction = atoms[source]*portion*(source.mass - target.mass)
        density = formula.density * (mass - mass_reduction)/mass
        atoms[target] = atoms.get(target, 0) + atoms[source]*portion
        if portion == 1:
            del atoms[source]
            atoms[source] *= 1-portion
        density = formula.density
    return pt.formula(atoms, density=density)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, formula=None, name=None, use_incoherent=False,
              density=None, natural_density=None,
              fitby='bulk_density', value=None):
     self.formula = periodictable.formula(formula, density=density,
     self.name = name if name is not None else str(self.formula)
     self.use_incoherent = use_incoherent
     self.fitby(type=fitby, value=value)
Exemplo n.º 12
def molecule_table():
    # Table of scattering length densities for various molecules
    print("SLDS for some molecules")
    for molecule,density in [('SiO2',2.2),('B4C',2.52)]:
        atoms = formula(molecule).atoms
        rho,mu,inc = neutron_sld(atoms,density,wavelength=4.75)
        print("%s(%g g/cm**3)  rho=%.4g mu=%.4g inc=%.4g"
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_composite():
    from periodictable.nsf import neutron_composite_sld
    calc = neutron_composite_sld([formula(s) for s in ('HSO4','H2O','CCl4')],
    sld = calc(numpy.array([3,1,2]),density=1.2)
    sld2 = neutron_sld('3HSO4+1H2O+2CCl4',density=1.2,wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(abs(v-w)<1e-14 for v,w in zip(sld,sld2))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def calculateSld(self, event):
         Calculate the neutron scattering density length of a molecule
         #Check validity user inputs
         flag, msg = self.check_inputs()
         if self.base is not None and msg.lstrip().rstrip() != "":
             msg = "SLD Calculator: %s" % str(msg)
             wx.PostEvent(self.base, StatusEvent(status=msg))
         if not flag:
         #get ready to compute
         self.sld_formula = formula(self.compound,
         (sld_real, sld_im, _), (_, absorp, incoh), \
                     length = neutron_scattering(compound=self.compound,
         if self.xray_source == "[A]":
             energy = xray_energy(self.xray_source_input)
             xray_real, xray_im = xray_sld_from_atoms(self.sld_formula.atoms,
         elif self.xray_source == "[keV]":
             xray_real, xray_im = xray_sld_from_atoms(self.sld_formula.atoms,
         elif self.xray_source == "Element":
             xray_real, xray_im = self.calculate_sld_helper(element=self.xray_source_input,
         # set neutron sld values
         val = format_number(sld_real * _SCALE)
         val = format_number(math.fabs(sld_im) * _SCALE)
         # Compute the Cu SLD
         self.xray_sld_real_ctl.SetValue(format_number(xray_real * _SCALE))
         val = format_number(math.fabs(xray_im) * _SCALE)
         # set incoherence and absorption
         # Neutron length
         # display wavelength
         if self.base is not None:
             msg = "SLD Calculator: %s" % (sys.exc_value)
             wx.PostEvent(self.base, StatusEvent(status=msg))
     if event is not None:
def aggregate_cation(df, cation, form='oxide', unit_scale=10000):
    Aggregates cation information from oxide and elemental components to a single series.
    Allows scaling (e.g. from ppm to wt% - a factor of 10,000).
    elstr = cation.__str__()
    oxstr = [o for o in df.columns if o in simple_oxides(elstr, output='str')][0]
    el, ox = pt.formula(elstr), pt.formula(oxstr)
    if form == 'oxide':
        convert_function = swap_simple_oxide(ox, el)
        df.loc[:, oxstr] += convert_function(df.loc[:, elstr]) * unit_scale
        df = df.loc[:, [i for i in df.columns if not i == elstr]]
    elif form == 'element':
        convert_function = swap_simple_oxide(el, ox)
        df.loc[:, elstr] += convert_function(df.loc[:, oxstr]) * unit_scale
        df = df.loc[:, [i for i in df.columns if not i == oxstr]]
    return df
Exemplo n.º 16
def time_composite():
    from periodictable.nsf import neutron_composite_sld
    import time
    calc = neutron_composite_sld([formula(s) for s in ('HSO4','H2O','CCl4')],
    q = numpy.array([3,1,2])
    N = 1000
    bits = [formula(s) for s in ('HSO4','H2O','CCl4')]
    tic = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        sld = calc(q,density=1.2)
    toc = time.time()-tic
    print("composite %.1f us"%(toc/N*1e6))
    tic = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        sld = neutron_sld(q[0]*bits[0]+q[1]*bits[1]+q[2]*bits[2],
    toc = time.time()-tic
    print("direct %.1f us"%(toc/N*1e6))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, parts=None):
     # Split [M1, N1, M2, N2, ...] into [M1, M2, ...], [N1, N2, ...]
     formula = [parts[i] for i in range(0, len(parts), 2)]
     count = [parts[i] for i in range(1, len(parts), 2)]
     # Convert M1, M2, ... to materials if necessary
     formula = [periodictable.formula(p) for p in formula]
     count = [Par.default(w, limits=(0, inf), name=str(f)+" count")
              for w, f in zip(count, formula)]
     self.parts = formula
     self.count = count
Exemplo n.º 18
    def check_inputs(self):
        """Check validity user inputs"""
        flag = True
        msg = ""
        if check_float(self.density_ctl):
            self.density = float(self.density_ctl.GetValue())
            flag = False
            msg += "Error for Density value :expect float"

        self.wavelength = self.wavelength_ctl.GetValue()
        if str(self.wavelength).lstrip().rstrip() == "":
            self.wavelength = WAVELENGTH
            msg += "Default value for wavelength is 6.0"
            if check_float(self.wavelength_ctl):
                self.wavelength = float(self.wavelength)
                flag = False
                msg += "Error for wavelength value :expect float"

        self.compound = self.compound_ctl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip()
        if self.compound != "":
            try :
                flag = False
                msg += "Enter correct formula"
            flag = False
            msg += "Enter a formula"
        return flag, msg
Exemplo n.º 19
def calculate_xray_sld(element, density, molecule_formula):
    Get an element and compute the corresponding SLD for a given formula
    :param element:  elements a string of existing atom
    element_formula = formula(str(element))
    if len(element_formula.atoms) != 1:
    element = element_formula.atoms.keys()[0] 
    energy = xray_energy(element.K_alpha)
    atom = molecule_formula.atoms
    return xray_sld_from_atoms(atom, density=density, energy=energy)
Exemplo n.º 20
def _nucleic_acid_average(bases, code_table):
    Compute average over possible nucleotides, assuming equal weight if
    precise nucleotide is not known
    n = len(bases)
    D, cell_volume = pt.formula(), 0
    for c in bases:
        D += code_table[c].formula
        cell_volume += code_table[c].cell_volume
    if n > 0: D, cell_volume = (1/n) * D, cell_volume/n
    return D, cell_volume
def to_molecular(df: pd.DataFrame, renorm=True):
    Converts mass quantities to molar quantities of the same order.
    mass% --> mol%
    mass-ppm --> mol-ppm
    MWs = [pt.formula(c).mass for c in df.columns]
    if renorm:
         return renormalise(df.div(MWs))
        return df.div(MWs)
def to_weight(df: pd.DataFrame, renorm=True):
    Converts molar quantities to mass quantities of the same order.
    mol% --> mass%
    mol-ppm --> mass-ppm
    MWs = [pt.formula(c).mass for c in df.columns]
    if renorm:
        return renormalise(df.multiply(MWs))
        return df.multiply(MWs)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test():
    # Create private table
    private = PeriodicTable("mine")

    # Test that it matches public table
    assert elements.Cm.mass == private.Cm.mass
    assert elements.Cm.density == private.Cm.density
    assert elements.Cm.crystal_structure == private.Cm.crystal_structure
    assert elements.Cm.covalent_radius == private.Cm.covalent_radius
    slde,abse = elements.Cm.xray.sld(energy=8)
    sldp,absp = private.Cm.xray.sld(energy=8)
    assert slde == sldp
    assert abse == absp

    # Check that modifications to private table don't change public table.
    private.Cm._mass = elements.Cm.mass+1
    assert elements.Cm.mass != private.Cm.mass
    private.Cm._density = elements.Cm.density+1
    assert elements.Cm.density != private.Cm.density
    private.Cm.covalent_radius = elements.Cm.covalent_radius+1
    assert elements.Cm.covalent_radius != private.Cm.covalent_radius
    private.Cm.xray.newfield = 5
    assert not hasattr(elements.Cm.xray,'newfield')

    # Check that the formula parser can use a private table
    privateH2O = formula('H2O', table=private)
    publicH2O = formula('H2O', table=elements)
    for el in privateH2O.atoms.keys():
        assert id(el) == id(private[el.number])
    assert privateH2O != publicH2O
    assert str(privateH2O) == str(publicH2O)
    assert privateH2O == publicH2O.change_table(private)
    private.H._mass = 1
    assert formula('H2',table=private).mass == 2
def recalculate_redox(df: pd.DataFrame,
    Recalculates abundances of redox-sensitive components (particularly Fe),
    and normalises a dataframe to contain only one oxide species for a given
    # Assuming either (a single column) or (FeO + Fe2O3) are reported
    # Fe columns - FeO, Fe2O3, FeOT, Fe2O3T
    FeO = pt.formula("FeO")
    Fe2O3 = pt.formula("Fe2O3")
    dfc = df.copy()
    ox_species = ['Fe2O3', f"Fe2O3{total_suffix}"]
    ox_in_df = [i for i in ox_species if i in dfc.columns]
    red_species = ['FeO', f"FeO{total_suffix}"]
    red_in_df = [i for i in red_species if i in dfc.columns]
    if to_oxidised:
        oxFe = swap_simple_oxide(FeO, Fe2O3)
        Fe2O3T = dfc.loc[:, ox_in_df].fillna(0).sum(axis=1) + \
                 oxFe(dfc.loc[:, red_in_df].fillna(0)).sum(axis=1)
        dfc.loc[:, 'Fe2O3T'] = Fe2O3T
        to_drop = red_in_df + \
                  [i for i in ox_in_df if not i.endswith(total_suffix)]
        reduceFe = swap_simple_oxide(Fe2O3, FeO)
        FeOT = dfc.loc[:, red_in_df].fillna(0).sum(axis=1) + \
               reduceFe(dfc.loc[:, ox_in_df].fillna(0)).sum(axis=1)
        dfc.loc[:, 'FeOT'] = FeOT
        to_drop = ox_in_df + \
                  [i for i in red_in_df if not i.endswith(total_suffix)]

    dfc = dfc.drop(columns=to_drop)

    if renorm:
        return renormalise(dfc)
        return dfc
Exemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, name, sequence, type='aa'):

        codes = _CODE_TABLES[type]
        parts = tuple(codes[c] for c in sequence)
        cell_volume = sum(p.cell_volume for p in parts)
        charge = sum(p.charge for p in parts)
        structure = []
        for p in parts: structure.extend(list(p.formula.structure))
        formula = pt.formula(structure).hill

        Molecule.__init__(self, name, formula, 
                          cell_volume=cell_volume, charge=charge)
        self.sequence = sequence
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, name, sequence, type='aa'):
        codes = CODE_TABLES[type]
        sequence = sequence.split('*', 1)[0]  # stop at first '*'
        sequence = sequence.replace(' ', '')  # ignore spaces
        parts = tuple(codes[c] for c in sequence)
        cell_volume = sum(p.cell_volume for p in parts)
        charge = sum(p.charge for p in parts)
        structure = []
        for p in parts:
        formula = pt.formula(structure).hill

        Molecule.__init__(self, name, formula,
                          cell_volume=cell_volume, charge=charge)
        self.sequence = sequence
Exemplo n.º 27
def _code_average(bases, code_table):
    Compute average over possible nucleotides, assuming equal weight if
    precise nucleotide is not known
    n = len(bases)
    formula, cell_volume, charge = pt.formula(), 0, 0
    for c in bases:
        base = code_table[c]
        formula += base.formula
        cell_volume += base.cell_volume
        charge += base.charge
    if n > 0:
        formula, cell_volume, charge = (1/n) * formula, cell_volume/n, charge/n
    return formula, cell_volume, charge
Exemplo n.º 28
    def calculate(self):
            formula = pt.formula(self.ui.chemical_formula.text(),)

        except (pyparsing.ParseException, TypeError, ValueError):

        density = self.ui.mass_density.value()
        molecular_volume = self.ui.molecular_volume.value()
        neutron_wavelength = self.ui.neutron_wavelength.value()
        xray_energy = self.ui.xray_energy.value()

        if self.ui.use_volume.isChecked():
            density = formula.molecular_mass / formula.volume(

        elif self.ui.use_density.isChecked():
            volume = formula.mass / density / \
                pt.constants.avogadro_number * 1e24

        real, imag, mu = pt.neutron_sld(formula,

            '%.6g' %
            real +
            ' + ' +
            '%.6g' %
            imag +

        real, imag = pt.xray_sld(formula,

        self.ui.xray_SLD.setText('%.6g' % real + ' + ' + '%.6g' % imag + 'j')
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, name, formula, cell_volume=None, density=None, charge=0):
        # Fill in density or cell_volume
        M = pt.formula(formula, natural_density=density)
        if cell_volume != None:
            M.density = 1e24*M.molecular_mass/cell_volume if cell_volume>0 else 0
            #print name, M.molecular_mass, cell_volume, M.density
            cell_volume = 1e24*M.molecular_mass/M.density

        Hnatural = isotope_substitution(M, pt.T, pt.H)
        H = isotope_substitution(M, pt.T, pt.H[1])
        D = isotope_substitution(M, pt.T, pt.D)

        self.name = name
        self.formula = M
        self.cell_volume = cell_volume
        self.sld = pt.neutron_sld(Hnatural, wavelength=5)[0]
        self.Hsld = pt.neutron_sld(H, wavelength=5)[0]
        self.Dsld = pt.neutron_sld(D, wavelength=5)[0]
        self.mass, self.Hmass, self.Dmass = Hnatural.mass, H.mass, D.mass
        self.D2Omatch = D2Omatch(self.Hsld, self.Dsld)
        self.charge = charge
Exemplo n.º 30
 def addElement(self, elementName, elementMols):
   """Add an element to the glass"""
   # raise exceptions
   if (elementMols <= 0):
     raise RuntimeError("elementMols must be positive")
   atoms = PT.formula(elementName).atoms
   if (len(atoms) != 1):
     raise RuntimeError("elementName must have only one atom")
   for i in atoms:
     if (atoms[i] != 1):
       raise RuntimeError("elementName must have only one atom")
   # determine if added element is new or already exists
   nameList = self._data["elements"]["name"]
   inList,index = F.findInList(elementName, nameList)
   if (inList):
     self._data["elements"]["mols"][index] += elementMols
     molecularWeight = PT.elements.symbol(elementName).mass
Exemplo n.º 31
def endmember_decompose(composition,
    Decompose a given mineral composition to given endmembers.

    composition : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` | :class:`~pandas.Series` | :class:`~periodictable.formulas.Formula` | :class:`str`
        Composition to decompose into endmember components.
    endmembers : :class:`str` | :class:`list` | :class:`dict`

    drop_zeros : :class:`bool`, :code:`True`
        Whether to omit components with zero estimated abundance.
    molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`True`
        Whether to *convert* the chemistry to molecular before calculating the
    ord : :class:`int`
        Order of regularization passed to :func:`unmix`, defaults to L1 for sparsity.
    det_lim : :class:`float`
        Detection limit, below which minor components will be omitted for sparsity.

    # parse composition ----------------------------------------------------------------
    assert isinstance(composition,
                      (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, pt.formulas.Formula, str))
    if not isinstance(composition,
                      pd.DataFrame):  # convert to a dataframe representation
        if isinstance(composition, pd.Series):
            # convert to frame
            composition = to_frame(composition)
        elif isinstance(composition, (pt.formulas.Formula, str)):
            formula = composition
            if isinstance(composition, str):
                formula = pt.formula(formula)

    # parse endmember compositions -----------------------------------------------------
    aliases = None
    if not endmembers:
            "No endmembers specified, using all minerals. Expect non-uniqueness."
        # try a decomposition with all the minerals; this will be non-unique
        endmembers = list_minerals()

    if isinstance(endmembers, str):  # mineral group
        Y = get_mineral_group(endmembers).set_index("name")
    elif isinstance(endmembers, (list, set, dict, tuple)):
        if isinstance(endmembers, dict):
            aliases, endmembers = list(endmembers.keys()), list(
        Y = pd.DataFrame([parse_composition(em) for em in endmembers],
                         index=aliases or endmembers)
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown endmember specification format.")

    # calculate the decomposition ------------------------------------------------------
    X = renormalise(composition, scale=1.0)
    Y = renormalise(
            Y, to=composition.columns).loc[:, composition.columns].fillna(0),
    if molecular:
        X, Y = to_molecular(X), to_molecular(Y)
    # optimise decomposition into endmember components
    modal = pd.DataFrame(
        unmix(X.fillna(0).values, Y.fillna(0).values, ord=ord,
    if drop_zeros:
        modal = modal.loc[:, modal.sum(axis=0) > 0.0]

    modal = renormalise(modal)
    return modal
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, name, sequence, type='aa'):

        codes = _CODE_TABLES[type]
        parts = tuple(codes[c] for c in sequence)
        cell_volume = sum(p.cell_volume for p in parts)
        charge = sum(p.charge for p in parts)
        structure = []
        for p in parts: structure.extend(list(p.formula.structure))
        formula = pt.formula(structure).hill

        Molecule.__init__(self, name, formula, 
                          cell_volume=cell_volume, charge=charge)
        self.sequence = sequence

# Water density at 20C; neutron wavelength doesn't matter (use 5 A).
H2O_SLD = pt.neutron_sld(pt.formula("[email protected]"),wavelength=5)[0]
D2O_SLD = pt.neutron_sld(pt.formula("[email protected]"),wavelength=5)[0]

def D2Omatch(H_sld, D_sld):
    Find the D2O% concentration of solvent such that neutron SLD of the
    material matches the neutron SLD of the solvent.

    *H_sld*, *D_sld* are the SLDs for the hydrogenated and deuterated forms 
    of the material respectively, where *D* includes all the labile protons 
    swapped for deuterons.  Water SLD is calculated at 20 C.

    Note that the resulting percentage is only meaningful between 
    0% to 100%.  Beyond 100% you will need an additional constrast agent 
    in the 100% D2O solvent to increase the SLD enough to match.
Exemplo n.º 33
# Sample stack
sample = (glass(0, 7.460)
          | seed(22.9417, 8.817)
          | FePt(146.576, 8.604)
          | NiFe(508.784, 12.736)
          | cap(31.8477, 10.715)
          | air)

# Layers from the stack
Lglass, Lseed, LFePt, LNiFe, Lcap, Lair = sample

# grower values
if search == "grower":
    # Materials
    fPt = formula("Pt")
    fNiFe = formula("Ni80Fe20", density=0.8 * Ni.density + 0.2 * Fe.density)
    fFePt = formula("Fe55Pt45", density=0.55 * Fe.density + 0.45 * Pt.density)
    # Note: we have been given the Cu K-alpha SLD of the glass substrate
    # but the formula itself was not provided.  The common glass
    # preparations below do not come close to matching the given SLD
    # unless density is lowered to about 1.85.  Since most glass has
    # a density in [2.2, 2.5], none of these formulas can be used, and we
    # will restrict ourselves to an approximate SLD provided by the grower.
    #fglass = formula("SiO2",density=2.2)
    #fglass = mix_by_weight('SiO2',75,'Na2O',15,'CaO',10,density=2.52)
    #fglass = mix_by_weight('SiO2',73,'B2O3',10,'Na2O',8,'K2O',8,'CaO',1,density=2.2)
    glass_sld = 15, 0.5

    # Bulk SLD
    cap.rho.value, cap.irho.value = xray_sld(fPt, wavelength=Cu.K_alpha)
Exemplo n.º 34
def test():
    H, He, D, O = elements.H, elements.He, elements.D, elements.O
    assert H.neutron.absorption == 0.3326
    assert H.neutron.total == 82.02
    assert H.neutron.incoherent == 80.26
    assert H.neutron.coherent == 1.7568
    assert elements.Ru[101].neutron.bp == None
    assert H[1].nuclear_spin == '1/2'
    assert H[2].nuclear_spin == '1'
    assert not H[6].neutron.has_sld()

    assert He[3].neutron.b_c_i == -1.48
    assert He[3].neutron.bm_i == -5.925

    Nb = elements.Nb
    assert Nb.neutron.absorption == Nb[93].neutron.absorption

    # Check that b_c values match abundance-weighted values
    # Note: Currently they do not for match within 5% for Ar,V,Sm or Gd
    for el in elements:
        if not hasattr(el, 'neutron'): continue
        b_c = 0
        complete = True
        for iso in el:
            if iso.neutron != None:
                if iso.neutron.b_c == None:
                    complete = False
                    b_c += iso.neutron.b_c * iso.neutron.abundance / 100.
        if complete and b_c != 0 and abs((b_c - el.neutron.b_c) / b_c) > 0.05:
            err = abs((b_c - el.neutron.b_c) / b_c)
            ## Printing suppressed for the release version
            #print "%2s %.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f"%(el.symbol,err,b_c,el.neutron.b_c)

    # Check neutron_sld and neutron_xs against NIST calculator
    # Note that we are using different tables, so a general comparison with
    # NIST numbers is not possible, but ^30Si and ^18O are the same in both.
    M = formula('Si[30]O[18]2', density=2.2)
    sld, xs, depth = neutron_scattering(M, wavelength=4.75)
    sld2 = neutron_sld(M, wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-10 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))
    # Alan's numbers:
    assert abs(sld[0] - 3.27) < 0.01
    assert abs(sld[1] - 0) < 0.01
    assert abs(xs[2] - 0.00292) < 0.00001
    assert abs(xs[1] - 0.00569) < 0.00001
    assert abs(1 / sum(xs) - 4.329) < 0.001

    # Cu/Mo K-alpha = 1.89e-5 + 2.45e-7i / 1.87e-5 + 5.16e-8i

    Ni, Si = elements.Ni, elements.Si

    # Make sure molecular calculation corresponds to direct calculation
    sld = neutron_sld('Si', density=Si.density, wavelength=4.75)
    sld2 = Si.neutron.sld(wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-10 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))

    sld, _, _ = Si.neutron.scattering(wavelength=4.75)
    sld2 = Si.neutron.sld(wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-10 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))

    sld, xs, depth = neutron_scattering('Si',
    sld2, xs2, depth2 = Si.neutron.scattering(wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-10 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-10 for v, w in zip(xs, xs2))
    assert abs(depth - depth2) < 1e-14

    # incoherent cross sections for Ni[62] used to be negative
    sld, xs, depth = neutron_scattering('Ni[62]',
    assert sld[2] == 0 and xs[2] == 0
    sld, xs, depth = Ni[62].neutron.scattering(wavelength=4.75)
    assert sld[2] == 0 and xs[2] == 0
    assert Ni[62].neutron.sld()[2] == 0

    # Test call from periodictable
    sld, xs, depth = periodictable.neutron_scattering('H2O',
    sld2, xs2, depth2 = neutron_scattering('H2O', density=1, wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-10 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-10 for v, w in zip(xs, xs2))
    assert depth == depth2
    sld = periodictable.neutron_sld('H2O', density=1, wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-10 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))

    # Check empty formula
    sld, xs, depth = neutron_scattering('', density=0, wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(v == 0 for v in sld)
    assert all(v == 0 for v in xs)
    assert numpy.isinf(depth)

    # Check density == 0 works
    sld, xs, depth = neutron_scattering('Si', density=0, wavelength=4.75)
    assert all(v == 0 for v in sld)
    assert all(v == 0 for v in xs)
    assert numpy.isinf(depth)

    # Test natural density
    D2O_density = (2 * D.mass + O.mass) / (2 * H.mass + O.mass)
    sld, xs, depth = neutron_scattering('D2O',
    sld2, xs2, depth2 = neutron_scattering('D2O',
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-14 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-14 for v, w in zip(xs, xs2))
    assert abs(depth - depth2) < 1e-14

    # Test that sld depends on density not on the size of the unit cell
    D2O_density = (2 * D.mass + O.mass) / (2 * H.mass + O.mass)
    sld, xs, depth = neutron_scattering('D2O',
    sld2, xs2, depth2 = neutron_scattering('2D2O',
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-14 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-14 for v, w in zip(xs, xs2))
    assert abs(depth - depth2) < 1e-14

    # Test energy <=> velocity <=> wavelength
    assert abs(
        nsf.neutron_wavelength_from_velocity(2200) -
        1.7981972618436388) < 1e-14
    assert abs(nsf.neutron_wavelength(25) - 1.8) < 0.1
    assert abs(nsf.neutron_energy(nsf.neutron_wavelength(25)) - 25) < 1e-14

    # Confirm scattering functions accept energy and wavelength
    sld, xs, depth = neutron_scattering('H2O', density=1, wavelength=4.75)
    sld2, xs2, depth2 = neutron_scattering('H2O',
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-14 for v, w in zip(sld, sld2))
    assert all(abs(v - w) < 1e-14 for v, w in zip(xs, xs2))
    assert abs(depth - depth2) < 1e-14
Exemplo n.º 35
 def hf(self):
     return pt.formula(self.head_formula)
Exemplo n.º 36
 def formula(self):
     return pt.formula(self.head_formula) + pt.formula(self.tail_formula)
Exemplo n.º 37
    "Fe-Hy": {"name": "ferrosilite", "formulae": "FeO SiO2", "SINCLAS_abbrv": "HYF"},
    "Mg-Hy": {"name": "enstatite", "formulae": "MgO SiO2", "SINCLAS_abbrv": "HYM"},
    # additions
    "Tn": {"name": "titanite", "formulae": "CaO TiO2 SiO2", "SINCLAS_abbrv": "SPH"},
    "Wo": {"name": "wollastonite", "formulae": "CaO SiO2"},
    "Di": {"name": "diopside", "formulae": "CaO MgO 2SiO2"},
    "Hy": {"name": "hypersthene", "formulae": "MgO SiO2"},
    "Ol": {"name": "olivine", "formulae": "2MgO SiO2"},
    "Hl": {"name": "halite", "formulae": "NaCl", "SINCLAS_abbrv": "HL"},
    "Nc": {"name": "cancrinite", "formulae": "Na2O CO2", "SINCLAS_abbrv": "CAN"},

# Add standard masses to minerals
for mineral in NORM_MINERALS.keys():
    NORM_MINERALS[mineral]["mass"] = pt.formula(NORM_MINERALS[mineral]["formulae"])

def unmix(comp, parts, ord=1, det_lim=0.0001):
    From a composition and endmember components, find a set of weights which best
    approximate the composition as a weighted sum of components.

    comp : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Array of compositions (shape :math:`n_S, n_C`).
    parts : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Array of endmembers (shape :math:`n_E, n_C`).
    ord : :class:`int`
        Order of regularization, defaults to L1 for sparsity.
Exemplo n.º 38
def SCSS(df, T, P, kelvin=False, grid=None, outunit="wt%"):
    Obtain the sulfur content at sulfate and sulfide saturation [#ref_1]_ [#ref_2]_.

    df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Dataframe of compositions.
    T : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    P : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Pressure (kbar)
    kelvin : :class:`bool`
        Whether temperature values are in kelvin (:code:`True`) or celsuis (:code:`False`)
    grid : :code:`None`, :code:`'geotherm'`, :code:`'grid'`
        Whether to consider temperature and pressure as a geotherm (:code:`geotherm`),
        or independently (as a grid, :code:`grid`).

    sulfate, sulfide : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Arrays of mass fraction sulfate and sulfide abundances at saturation.


    For anhydrite-saturated systems, the sulfur content at sulfate saturation is given
    by the following:

    .. math::

        ln(X_S) = &10.07
        - 1.151 \cdot (10^4 / T_K)
        + 0.104 \cdot P_{kbar}\\
        &- 7.1 \cdot X_{SiO_2}
        - 14.02 \cdot X_{MgO}
        - 14.164 \cdot X_{Al_2O_3}\\

    For sulfide-liquid saturated systems, the sulfur content at sulfide saturation is
    given by the following:

    .. math::

        ln(X_S) = &{-1.76}
        - 0.474 \cdot (10^4 / T_K)
        + 0.021 \cdot P_{kbar}\\
        &+ 5.559 \cdot X_{FeO}
        + 2.565 \cdot X_{TiO_2}
        + 2.709 \cdot X_{CaO}\\
        &- 3.192 \cdot X_{SiO_2}
        - 3.049 \cdot X_{H_2O}\\

    .. [#ref_1] Li, C., and Ripley, E.M. (2009).
        Sulfur Contents at Sulfide-Liquid or Anhydrite Saturation in Silicate Melts:
        Empirical Equations and Example Applications. Economic Geology 104, 405–412.
        doi: `gsecongeo.104.3.405 <https://doi.org/10.2113/gsecongeo.104.3.405>`__

    .. [#ref_2] Smythe, D.J., Wood, B.J., and Kiseeva, E.S. (2017).
        The S content of silicate melts at sulfide saturation:
        New experiments and a model incorporating the effects of sulfide composition.
        American Mineralogist 102, 795–803.
        doi: `10.2138/am-2017-5800CCBY <https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2017-5800CCBY>`__

    * Produce an updated version based on log-regressions?
    * Add updates from Smythe et al. (2017)?
    T, P = np.array(T), np.array(P)
    if not kelvin:
        T = T + 273.15

    C = np.ones(df.index.size)
    assert grid in [None, "geotherm", "grid"]
    if grid == "grid":
        cc, tt, pp = np.meshgrid(C, T, P, indexing="ij")
    elif grid == "geotherm":
        assert T.shape == P.shape
        cc = C[:, np.newaxis]
        tt = T[np.newaxis, :]
        pp = P[np.newaxis, :]
    elif grid is None:
        _dims = C.size, T.size, P.size
        maxdim = max(_dims)
        assert all([x == maxdim or x == 1 for x in _dims])
        cc, tt, pp = C, T, P

    comp = set(df.columns) & (__common_elements__ | __common_oxides__)
    moldf = to_molecular(df.loc[:, comp], renorm=True) / 100  # mole-fraction
    molsum = to_molecular(df.loc[:, comp], renorm=False).sum(axis=1)

    def gridify(ser):
        arr = ser.replace(np.nan, 0).values
        if grid == "grid":
            return arr[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        elif grid == "geotherm":
            return arr[:, np.newaxis]
        elif grid is None:
            return arr

    ln_sulfate = 10.07 * cc - 1.151 * 10**4 / tt + 0.104 * pp
    for x, D in [("SiO2", -7.1), ("MgO", -14.02), ("Al2O3", -14.164)]:
        if x in moldf:
            ln_sulfate += gridify(moldf[x]) * D * cc

    ln_sulfide = -1.76 * cc - 0.474 * 10**4 / tt + 0.021 * pp

    for x, D in [
        ("FeO", 5.559),
        ("TiO2", 2.565),
        ("CaO", 2.709),
        ("SiO2", -3.192),
        ("H2O", -3.049),
        if x in moldf:
            ln_sulfide += gridify(moldf[x]) * D * cc

    sulfate, sulfide = np.exp(ln_sulfate), np.exp(ln_sulfide)

    _s = gridify(molsum * pt.S.mass) * scale("wt%", outunit)
    _so4 = gridify(molsum * pt.formula("SO4").mass) * scale("wt%", outunit)
    sulfide *= _s
    sulfate *= _so4

    if sulfate.size == 1:  # 0D
        return sulfate.flatten()[0], sulfide.flatten()[0]
    else:  # 2D
        return sulfate, sulfide
Exemplo n.º 39
def test_xsf():

    # Check some K_alpha and K_beta1 values
    assert Cu.K_alpha == 1.5418
    assert Cu.K_beta1 == 1.3922

    # Check scalar scattering factor lookup
    f1, f2 = Ni.xray.scattering_factors(energy=xray_energy(Cu.K_alpha))
    assert abs(f1 - 25.0229) < 0.0001
    assert abs(f2 - 0.5249) < 0.0001

    # Check array scattering factor lookup
    f1, f2 = Ni.xray.scattering_factors(wavelength=Cu.K_alpha)
    m1, m2 = Ni.xray.scattering_factors(wavelength=Mo.K_alpha)
    B1, B2 = Ni.xray.scattering_factors(wavelength=[Cu.K_alpha, Mo.K_alpha])
    assert (B1 == [f1, m1]).all() and (B2 == [f2, m2]).all()

    # Check that we can lookup sld by wavelength and energy
    Fe_rho, Fe_mu = Fe.xray.sld(wavelength=Cu.K_alpha)
    assert abs(Fe_rho - 59.45) < 0.01
    Si_rho, Si_mu = Si.xray.sld(energy=8.050)
    assert abs(Si_rho - 20.0701) < 0.0001
    assert abs(Si_mu - 0.4572) < 0.0001

    # Check that wavelength is the default
    Fe_rho_default, Fe_mu_default = Fe.xray.sld(wavelength=Cu.K_alpha)
    assert Fe_rho == Fe_rho_default and Fe_mu == Fe_mu_default

    # Check array form of sld lookup
    f1, f2 = Si.xray.sld(wavelength=Cu.K_alpha)
    m1, m2 = Si.xray.sld(wavelength=Mo.K_alpha)
    B1, B2 = Si.xray.sld(wavelength=[Cu.K_alpha, Mo.K_alpha])
    assert (B1 == [f1, m1]).all() and (B2 == [f2, m2]).all()

    # Check energy conversion is consistent
    f1, f2 = Si.xray.sld(energy=xray_energy(Cu.K_alpha))
    m1, m2 = Si.xray.sld(energy=xray_energy(Mo.K_alpha))
    assert (B1 == [f1, m1]).all() and (B2 == [f2, m2]).all()
    B1, B2 = Si.xray.sld(energy=xray_energy([Cu.K_alpha, Mo.K_alpha]))
    assert (B1 == [f1, m1]).all() and (B2 == [f2, m2]).all()

    #print Cu.xray.sftable
    # Table of scattering length densities for various molecules
    for molecule,density in [('SiO2',2.2),('B4C',2.52)]:
        atoms = formula(molecule).atoms
        rho,mu = xray_sld(atoms,density,wavelength=Cu.K_alpha)
        print "sld for %s(%g g/cm**3)  rho=%.4g mu=%.4g"\

    # Cross check against mo
    rho, mu = xray_sld({Si: 1}, density=Si.density, wavelength=1.54)
    rhoSi, muSi = Si.xray.sld(wavelength=1.54)
    assert abs(rho - rhoSi) < 1e-14
    assert abs(mu - muSi) < 1e-14

    # Check that xray_sld works as expected
    atoms = formula('SiO2').atoms
    rho, mu = xray_sld(atoms, density=2.2, energy=xray_energy(Cu.K_alpha))
    assert abs(rho - 18.87) < 0.1
    atoms = formula('B4C').atoms
    rho, mu = xray_sld(atoms, density=2.52, energy=xray_energy(Cu.K_alpha))
    assert abs(rho - 20.17) < 0.1

    F = formula('', density=0)
    rho, mu = xray_sld('', density=0, wavelength=Cu.K_alpha)
    assert rho == mu == 0

    # Check natural density calculations
    D2O_density = (2 * D.mass + O.mass) / (2 * H.mass + O.mass)
    rho, mu = xray_sld('D2O', natural_density=1, wavelength=1.54)
    rho2, mu2 = xray_sld('D2O', density=D2O_density, wavelength=1.54)
    assert abs(rho - rho2) < 1e-14 and abs(mu - mu2) < 1e-14

    # Check f0 calculation for scalar, vector, array and empty
    Q1, Q2 = 4 * pi / Cu.K_alpha, 4 * pi / Mo.K_alpha
    f0 = Ni.xray.f0(Q=Q1)
    assert abs(f0 - 10.11303) < 0.00001
    assert isnan(Ni.xray.f0(Q=7 * 4 * pi))

    f0 = Ni.xray.f0(Q=Q1)
    m0 = Ni.xray.f0(Q=Q2)
    B0 = Ni.xray.f0(Q=[Q1, Q2])
    assert (B0 == [f0, m0]).all()

    f0 = Ni.xray.f0(Q=[])
    assert len(f0) == 0

    f0 = Ni.xray.f0(Q=[[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert f0[0, 0] == Ni.xray.f0(1)
    assert f0[0, 1] == Ni.xray.f0(2)
    assert f0[1, 0] == Ni.xray.f0(3)
    assert f0[1, 1] == Ni.xray.f0(4)

    # Check f0 calculation for ion
    Ni_2p_f0 = Ni.ion[2].xray.f0(Q=Q1)
    assert abs(Ni_2p_f0 - 10.09535) < 0.00001
    Ni58_2p_f0 = Ni[58].ion[2].xray.f0(Q=Q1)
    assert Ni_2p_f0 == Ni58_2p_f0

    # The following test is implementation specific, and is not guaranteed
    # to succeed if the extension interface changes.
    assert '_xray' not in Ni[58].__dict__
Exemplo n.º 40
 def eval_formula(self):
     current_formula = "".join(
         [calc.formula for index, calc in self.calculations.items()])
     current_formula = periodictable.formula(current_formula).atoms
     return current_formula
Exemplo n.º 41
from collections import OrderedDict
import uncertainties as uct
from scipy import constants
import periodictable as ptable
from ..conversion import vol_uc2mol
from .objs import MGEOS, JHEOS
from ..conversion import vol_mol2uc

v_ref = 3.9231**3  # default v0
n = 1.
z = 4.
ef_v = 0.001
ef_temp = 0.05
mass = ptable.formula("Pt").mass * 1.e-3
v0_mol = vol_uc2mol(v_ref, z)
rho0 = mass / v0_mol  # kg/m^3

class Fei2004(MGEOS):
    Fei et al. 2004 PEPI 143-144, 515+
    def __init__(self, v0=v_ref):
        params_st = OrderedDict([('v0', uct.ufloat(v0, ef_v)),
                                 ('k0', uct.ufloat(273., 3.0)),
                                 ('k0p', uct.ufloat(4.8, 0.03))])
        params_th = OrderedDict([('v0', uct.ufloat(v0, ef_v)),
                                 ('gamma0', uct.ufloat(2.69, 0.03)),
                                 ('q', uct.ufloat(0.5, 0.5)),
                                 ('theta0', uct.ufloat(230., 0.0))])
        reference = 'Fei et al. 2004 PEPI 143-144, 515+'
import numpy as np
import periodictable as ptable

# Possible additions include a better input system

initial_amount = float(input('Input the initial amount '))
initial_units = str(input('Input the initial units '))
initial_formula = str(input('Input the initial compound '))

mole_ratio = float(input('Input the mole ratio '))

final_units = str(input('Input the final units '))
final_formula = str(input('Input the final compound '))

if initial_units == 'g':
    final_amount = initial_amount / ptable.formula(initial_formula).mass
    final_amount = initial_amount

final_amount *= mole_ratio

if final_units == 'g':
    final_amount *= ptable.formula(final_formula).mass

print('{} {} {}'.format(final_amount, final_units, final_formula))
Exemplo n.º 43
    def read(self, path):
        Load data file

        :param path: file path
        :return: MagSLD
        :raise RuntimeError: when the file can't be opened
        pos_x = np.zeros(0)
        pos_y = np.zeros(0)
        pos_z = np.zeros(0)
        sld_n = np.zeros(0)
        sld_mx = np.zeros(0)
        sld_my = np.zeros(0)
        sld_mz = np.zeros(0)
        vol_pix = np.zeros(0)
        pix_symbol = np.zeros(0)
        x_line = []
        y_line = []
        z_line = []
        x_lines = []
        y_lines = []
        z_lines = []
            input_f = open(path, 'rb')
            buff = decode(input_f.read())
            lines = buff.split('\n')
            num = 0
            for line in lines:
                    # check if line starts with "ATOM"
                    if line[0:6].strip().count('ATM') > 0 or \
                                line[0:6].strip() == 'ATOM':
                        # define fields of interest
                        atom_name = line[12:16].strip()
                            atom_name = atom_name[1].upper()
                        except Exception:
                            if len(atom_name) == 4:
                                atom_name = atom_name[0].upper()
                            elif line[12] != ' ':
                                atom_name = atom_name[0].upper() + \
                                atom_name = atom_name[0].upper()
                        _pos_x = float(line[30:38].strip())
                        _pos_y = float(line[38:46].strip())
                        _pos_z = float(line[46:54].strip())
                        pos_x = np.append(pos_x, _pos_x)
                        pos_y = np.append(pos_y, _pos_y)
                        pos_z = np.append(pos_z, _pos_z)
                            val = nsf.neutron_sld(atom_name)[0]
                            # sld in Ang^-2 unit
                            val *= 1.0e-6
                            sld_n = np.append(sld_n, val)
                            atom = formula(atom_name)
                            # cm to A units
                            vol = 1.0e+24 * atom.mass / atom.density / NA
                            vol_pix = np.append(vol_pix, vol)
                        except Exception:
                            logger.error("Error: set the sld of %s to zero" %
                            sld_n = np.append(sld_n, 0.0)
                        sld_mx = np.append(sld_mx, 0)
                        sld_my = np.append(sld_my, 0)
                        sld_mz = np.append(sld_mz, 0)
                        pix_symbol = np.append(pix_symbol, atom_name)
                    elif line[0:6].strip().count('CONECT') > 0:
                        toks = line.split()
                        num = int(toks[1]) - 1
                        val_list = []
                        for val in toks[2:]:
                                int_val = int(val)
                            except Exception:
                            if int_val == 0:
                        #need val_list ordered
                        for val in val_list:
                            index = val - 1
                            if (pos_x[index], pos_x[num]) in x_line and \
                               (pos_y[index], pos_y[num]) in y_line and \
                               (pos_z[index], pos_z[num]) in z_line:
                            x_line.append((pos_x[num], pos_x[index]))
                            y_line.append((pos_y[num], pos_y[index]))
                            z_line.append((pos_z[num], pos_z[index]))
                    if len(x_line) > 0:
                except Exception as exc:

            output = MagSLD(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, sld_n, sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz)
            output.set_conect_lines(x_line, y_line, z_line)
            output.filename = os.path.basename(path)
            output.sld_unit = '1/A^(2)'
            return output
        except Exception:
            raise RuntimeError("%s is not a sld file" % path)
# This code does combustion analysis for MOST CH and CHO fuels provided the fuel mass, CO2 mass, and H2O mass

# Import numpy and periodictable to do the chemistry
import numpy as np
import periodictable as ptable

# User input for necessary masses (initial fuel, CO2, and H2O)
fuel_mass = float(input('Input the mass of compound combusted '))
CO2_mass = float(input('Input the mass of CO2 produced '))
H2O_mass = float(input('Input the mass of H2O produced '))

# Calling ptable to convert CO2 mass to C mass to C mol
C_mass = CO2_mass * ptable.C.mass / ptable.formula('CO2').mass
C_mol = C_mass / ptable.C.mass

# Same for H2O to H mass to H mol
H_mass = H2O_mass * 2 * ptable.H.mass / ptable.formula('H2O').mass
H_mol = H_mass / ptable.H.mass

# O mass is the remaining mass in the fuel, convert to moles
O_mass = fuel_mass - H_mass - C_mass
O_mol = O_mass / ptable.O.mass

# A list of valid mole values
mol_values = [C_mol, H_mol]

# If the O_mass is valid, then O_mol is added to the moles list. If not, ignore it
if O_mass < 0.01:
    O_mol = 0
    mol_values = mol_values + [O_mol]
Exemplo n.º 45
    def check_inputs(self):
        """Check validity user inputs"""
        flag = True
        msg = ""
        if check_float(self.density_ctl):
            self.density = float(self.density_ctl.GetValue())
            flag = False
            msg += "Error for Density value :expect float"

        self.neutron_wavelength = self.neutron_wavelength_ctl.GetValue()
        self.xray_source_input = self.xray_source_input_ctl.GetValue()

        if str(self.neutron_wavelength).lstrip().rstrip() == "":
            self.neutron_wavelength = WAVELENGTH
            msg += "Default value for wavelength is 6.0"
            if check_float(self.neutron_wavelength_ctl):
                self.neutron_wavelength = float(self.neutron_wavelength)
                flag = False
                msg += "Error for wavelength value :expect float"

        if str(self.xray_source_input).lstrip().rstrip() == "":
            self.xray_source_input = WAVELENGTH
            msg += "Default value for wavelength is 6.0"
            if (self.xray_source == '[A]') or (self.xray_source == '[keV]'):
                if check_float(self.xray_source_input_ctl):
                    self.xray_source_input = float(self.xray_source_input)
                    flag = False
                    msg += "Error for wavelength value :expect float"
            elif (self.xray_source == 'Element'):
                    import periodictable
                    exec("periodictable." + self.xray_source_input)
                except AttributeError:
                    flag = False
                    msg += "X-ray element supplied isn't in the database"

        self.compound = self.compound_ctl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip()
        if self.compound != "":
                flag = False
                msg += "Enter correct formula"
            flag = False
            msg += "Enter a formula"
        return flag, msg
Exemplo n.º 46
def recalc_cations(
    Fe_species=["FeO", "Fe", "Fe2O3"],
    Recalculate a composition to a.p.f.u.
    assert ideal_cations is not None or ideal_oxygens is not None
    # if Fe2O3 and FeO are specified, calculate based on oxygen
    moles = to_frame(df)
    moles = moles.div([pt.formula(c).mass for c in moles.columns])
    moles = moles.where(~np.isclose(moles, 0.0), np.nan)

    # determine whether oxygen is an open or closed system
    Fe_species = [i for i in moles
                  if i in Fe_species]  # keep dataframe ordering
    count_iron_species = len(Fe_species)
    oxygen_constrained = oxygen_constrained
    if not oxygen_constrained:
        if count_iron_species > 1:  # check that only one is defined
            oxygen_constrained = (count_iron_species - pd.isnull(
                moles.loc[:, Fe_species]).all(axis=1).sum()) > 1

            if oxygen_constrained:
                    "Multiple iron species defined. Calculating using oxygen.")
                    "Single iron species defined. Calculating using cations.")

    components = moles.columns
    as_oxides = len(list(pt.formula(components[0]).atoms)) > 1
    schema = []
    # if oxygen_constrained:  # need to specifically separate Fe2 and Fe3
    if as_oxides:
        parts = [pt.formula(c).atoms for c in components]
        for p in parts:
            oxygens = p[pt.O]
            other_components = [i for i in list(p) if not i == pt.O]
            assert len(other_components) == 1  # need to be simple oxides
            other = other_components[0]
            charge = oxygens * 2 / p[other]
            ion = other.ion[charge]
            schema.append({str(ion): p[other], "O": oxygens})
        # elemental composition
        parts = components
        for part in parts:
            p = list(pt.formula(part).atoms)[0]
            if p.charge != 0:
                charge = p.charge
                charge = p.default_charge
            schema.append({p.ion[charge]: 1})

    ref = pd.DataFrame(data=schema)
    ref.columns = ref.columns.map(str)
    ref.index = components

    cation_masses = {c: pt.formula(c).mass for c in ref.columns}
    oxygen_index = [i for i in ref.columns if "O" in i][0]
    ref = ref.loc[:, [i for i in ref.columns if not i == oxygen_index] +
    moles_ref = ref.copy(deep=True)
    moles_ref.loc[:, :] = (ref.values * moles.T.values
                           )  # this works for series, not for frame

    moles_O = moles_ref[oxygen_index].sum()
    moles_cations = (
                      [i for i in moles_ref.columns
                       if not i == oxygen_index]].sum().sum())
    if not oxygen_constrained:  # oxygen unquantified, try to calculate using cations
        scale = ideal_cations / moles_cations
    else:  # oxygen quantified, try to calculate using oxygen
        scale = ideal_oxygens / moles_O

    moles_ref *= scale
    return moles_ref.sum(axis=0)
Exemplo n.º 47
 def tf(self):
     return pt.formula(self.tail_formula)
Exemplo n.º 48
import numpy as np

from periodictable import formula

# Set Plot Stlye

# Load Data and Create pypie.Pie object
data = 'sample_data' 
pie = pypie.Pie(data)

energy = 13.1

# Calibrate Mass Spectra
m1, m2 = formula('He').mass, formula('O2').mass
t1, t2 =  825, 3201 
pie.ms_calibrate( m1, m2, t1, t2)  # terms[file_key] format is ((m1, m2), (t1, t2))

# Plot and save mass spectra
save_path = 'sample_mass_spectrum.txt'

# Slice multiple PIEs with given formulae
formulae = [ 'CH4','C2H2','C2H4','C3H6','C4H6','C5H10','C6H6','C7H8','C7H8','C8H10']
masses = [ formula(form).mass for form in formulae ]
for f, m in zip(formulae, masses):
        pie.pie_slice(m, 0.5, label=f)
Exemplo n.º 49
def convert_atoms_to_formula(atoms):
    s = []
    for k, v in atoms.items():
        s.append([v, k])
    return pt.formula(s)
Exemplo n.º 50
from collections import OrderedDict
import uncertainties as uct
from scipy import constants
import periodictable as ptable
from ..conversion import vol_uc2mol, vol_mol2uc
from .objs import MGEOS, JHEOS

v_ref = 4.07860**3  # default v0
n = 1.
z = 4.
ef_v = 0.001
ef_temp = 0.05
mass = ptable.formula("Au").mass * 1.e-3
v0_mol = vol_uc2mol(v_ref, z)
rho0 = mass / v0_mol  # kg/m^3

class Jamieson1982L(JHEOS):
    Jamieson et al. 1982. High pressure research in geophysics.
    Fit C in table 2.
    def __init__(self, v0=v_ref):
        mass_shock = mass * 1.e3  # to mass in g
        three_r = 0.12500 / (3. * n * constants.R / mass_shock) *\
            3. * constants.R
        rho0 = 19.2827
        params_hugoniot = OrderedDict([('rho0', uct.ufloat(rho0, 0.0)),
                                       ('a', uct.ufloat(2.975, 0.0)),
                                       ('b', uct.ufloat(1.896, 0.0)),
                                       ('c', uct.ufloat(-0.309, 0.0))])
Exemplo n.º 51
 def get_mass(self, elements):
     mass = []
     for atom in elements:
     mass = np.array(mass, dtype=float)
     return mass
Exemplo n.º 52
def CIPW_norm(df, Fe_correction=None, Fe_correction_mode=None, adjust_all_Fe=False):
    Standardised calcuation of estimated mineralogy from bulk rock chemistry.
    Takes a dataframe of chemistry & creates a dataframe of estimated mineralogy.

    This is the CIPW norm of Verma et al. (2003).  This version only uses major

    df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Dataframe containing compositions to transform.
    Fe_correction : :class:`str`
        Iron correction to apply, if any. Will default to 'LeMaitre'.
    Fe_correction_mode : :class:`str`
        Mode for the iron correction, where applicable.
    adjust_all_Fe : :class:`bool`
        Where correcting iron compositions, whether to adjust all iron
        compositions, or only those where singular components are specified.



    Verma, Surendra P., Ignacio S. Torres-Alvarado, and Fernando Velasco-Tapia (2003).
    A Revised CIPW Norm. Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology 83, 2: 197–216.

    Verma, S. P., & Rivera-Gomez, M. A. (2013). Computer Programs for the
    Classification and Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks. Episodes, 36(2), 115–124.

    * Note whether data needs to be normalised to 1 or 100?

    The function expect oxide components to be in wt% and elemental data to be
    in ppm.
        "The current CIPW Norm implmentation is under continuting development, "
        "and does not yet return expected results."

    noncrit = [
    columns = (
        ["SiO2", "TiO2", "Al2O3", "Fe2O3", "FeO", "MnO", "MgO", "CaO"]
        + ["Na2O", "K2O", "P2O5"]
        + noncrit

    # Check that all of the columns we'd like are present
    to_impute = []
    if not set(columns).issubset(set(df.columns.values)):
        to_impute += [c for c in columns if c not in df.columns]
        # raise warning for missing critical columns
        crit_miss = [c for c in to_impute if (c not in noncrit)]
        if crit_miss:
            logger.warning("Required columns missing: {}".format(", ".join(crit_miss)))

    # Reindex columns to be expected and fill missing ones with zeros
    if to_impute:  # Note that we're adding the columns with default values.
        logger.debug("Adding empty (0) columns: {}".format(", ".join(to_impute)))

    if Fe_correction is None:  # default to LeMaitre_Fe_correction
        Fe_correction = "LeMaitre"

    if adjust_all_Fe:
        logger.debug("Adjusting all Fe values.")
        fltr = np.ones(df.index.size, dtype="bool")  # use all samples
        # check where the iron speciation is already specified or there is no iron
        logger.debug("Adjusting Fe values where FeO-Fe2O3 speciation isn't given.")
        iron_specified = (
            (df.reindex(columns=["FeO", "Fe2O3"]) > 0).sum(axis=1) == 2
        ) | (
                df.reindex(columns=["FeO", "Fe2O3", "FeOT", "Fe2O3T"]).sum(axis=1), 0
        fltr = ~iron_specified  # Use samples where iron is not specified

    if Fe_correction.lower().startswith("lemait"):
        df.loc[fltr, ["FeO", "Fe2O3"]] = LeMaitre_Fe_correction(
            df.loc[fltr, :], mode=Fe_correction_mode
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Iron correction {} not recognised.".format(Fe_correction)

    # select just the columns we'll use; remove e.g. FeOT, Fe2O3T which have been recalcuated
    df = df.reindex(columns=columns).fillna(0)

    majors = [

    trace = ["F", "Cl", "S", "Ni", "Co", "Sr", "Ba", "Rb", "Cs", "Li", "Zr", "Cr", "V"]

    # convert ppm traces to wt%
    df.loc[:, trace] *= scale("ppm", "wt%")

    # define the form which we want our minor and trace components to be in
    minors_trace = [

    SO3 = df["SO3"]

    # convert to a single set of oxides and gas traces
    df = df.pyrochem.convert_chemistry(to=majors + minors_trace, renorm=False).fillna(0)

    df["SO3"] = SO3

    # Normalization
    # Adjust majors wt% to 100% then adjust again to account for trace components
    # Rounding to 3 dp
    df.loc[:, majors] = df.loc[:, majors].round(3)

    # First adjustment
    df["initial_sum"] = df.loc[:, majors].sum(axis=1)
    adjustment_factor = 100.0 / df["initial_sum"].values
    df.loc[:, majors] = df.loc[:, majors].mul(adjustment_factor, axis=0)

    # Second adjustment
    df["major_minor_sum"] = df.loc[:, majors].sum(axis=1) + df.loc[:, minors_trace].sum(
    adjustment_factor = 100.0 / df["major_minor_sum"]

    df.loc[:, majors + minors_trace] = df.loc[:, majors + minors_trace].mul(
        adjustment_factor, axis=0

    # Mole Calculations
    # TODO: update to use df.pyrochem.to_molecular()
    for component in majors + minors_trace:
        df.loc[:, component] /= pt.formula(component).mass

    # Combine minor components, compute minor component fractions and correct masses
    corrected_mass = pd.DataFrame()

    for major, minors in [
        ("FeO", ["MnO", "NiO", "CoO"]),
        ("CaO", ["SrO", "BaO"]),
        ("K2O", ["Rb2O", "Cs2O"]),
        ("Na2O", ["Li2O"]),
        ("Cr2O3", ["V2O3"]),
        _aggregate_components(df, major, minors, corrected_mass)

    # Corrected molecular weight of Ca, Na and Fe
    corrected_mass["Ca"] = corrected_mass["CaO"] - pt.O.mass
    corrected_mass["Na"] = (corrected_mass["Na2O"] - pt.O.mass) / 2
    corrected_mass["Fe"] = corrected_mass["FeO"] - pt.O.mass

    # Get mineral data, update with corrected masses

    minerals = {
        k: {**v} for k, v in NORM_MINERALS.items()
    }  # copy the dictionary rather than edit it

    _update_molecular_masses(minerals, corrected_mass)

    df["Y"] = 0

    # Calculate normative components

    # Normative Zircon
    df["Z"] = df["ZrO2"]
    df["Y"] = df["Z"]

    # Normative apatite

    df["Ap"] = np.where(
        df["CaO"] >= (3 + 1 / 3) * df["P2O5"], df["P2O5"], df["CaO"] / (3 + 1 / 3)

    df["CaO_"] = np.where(
        df["CaO"] >= (3 + 1 / 3) * df["P2O5"], df["CaO"] - (3 + 1 / 3) * df["Ap"], 0

    df["P2O5_"] = np.where(
        df["CaO"] < (3 + 1 / 3) * df["P2O5"], df["P2O5"] - df["Ap"], 0

    df["CaO"] = df["CaO_"]
    df["P2O5"] = df["P2O5_"]

    df["FREE_P2O5"] = df["P2O5"]

    # apatite options where F in present

    df["ap_option"] = np.where(df["F"] >= (2 / 3) * df["Ap"], 2, 3).T

    df["F"] = np.where(
        (df["ap_option"]) == 2 & (df["F"] > 0), df["F"] - (2 / 3 * df["Ap"]), df["F"]

    df["CaF2-Ap"] = np.where((df["ap_option"]) == 3 & (df["F"] > 0), df["F"] * 1.5, 0).T

    df["CaO-Ap"] = np.where(
        (df["ap_option"]) == 3 & (df["F"] > 0), df["P2O5"] - (1.5 * df["F"]), 0

    df["Ap"] = np.where(
        (df["ap_option"]) == 3 & (df["F"] > 0), df["CaF2-Ap"] + df["CaO-Ap"], df["Ap"]

    df["FREEO_12b"] = np.where(df["ap_option"] == 2, 1 / 3 * df["Ap"], 0).T
    df["FREEO_12c"] = np.where(df["ap_option"] == 3, df["F"] / 2, 0).T

    # Normative Fluorite
    df["Fr"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["F"] / 2, df["F"] / 2, df["CaO"]).T

    df["CaO"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["F"] / 2, df["CaO"] - df["Fr"], 0).T

    df["F"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["F"] / 2, df["F"], df["F"] - (2 * df["Fr"])).T

    df["FREEO_13"] = df["Fr"]
    df["FREE_F"] = df["F"]

    # Normative halite
    df["Hl"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= 2 * df["Cl"], df["Cl"], df["Na2O"] / 2).T

    df["Na2O"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= 2 * df["Cl"], df["Na2O"] - df["Hl"] / 2, 0).T

    df["Cl"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= 2 * df["Cl"], df["Cl"], df["Cl"] - df["Hl"]).T

    df["FREE_Cl"] = df["Cl"]
    df["FREEO_14"] = df["Hl"] / 2

    # Normative thenardite
    df["Th"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["SO3"], df["SO3"], df["Na2O"]).T

    df["Na2O"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["SO3"], df["Na2O"] - df["Th"], 0).T

    df["SO3"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["SO3"], df["SO3"], df["SO3"] - df["Th"]).T

    df["FREE_SO3"] = df["SO3"]

    # Normative Pyrite
    df["Pr"] = np.where(df["FeO"] >= 2 * df["S"], df["S"] / 2, df["FeO"]).T

    df["FeO"] = np.where(df["FeO"] >= 2 * df["S"], df["FeO"] - df["Pr"], 0).T

    df["FREE_S"] = np.where(df["FeO"] >= 2 * df["S"], 0, df["FeO"]).T

    df["FeO"] = df["FeO"] - df["FREE_S"]

    df["FREEO_16"] = df["Pr"]

    # Normative sodium carbonate (cancrinite) or calcite
    df["Nc"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["CO2"], df["CO2"], df["Na2O"]).T

    df["Na2O"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["CO2"], df["Na2O"] - df["Nc"], df["Na2O"]).T

    df["CO2"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["CO2"], df["CO2"], df["CO2"] - df["Nc"]).T

    df["Cc"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["CO2"], df["CO2"], df["CaO"]).T

    df["CaO"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["CO2"], df["CaO"] - df["Cc"], df["CaO"]).T

    df["CO2"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["CO2"], df["CO2"], df["CO2"] - df["Cc"]).T

    df["FREECO2"] = df["CO2"]

    # Normative Chromite
    df["Cm"] = np.where(df["FeO"] >= df["Cr2O3"], df["Cr2O3"], df["FeO"]).T

    df["FeO"] = np.where(df["FeO"] >= df["Cr2O3"], df["FeO"] - df["Cm"], 0).T
    df["Cr2O3"] = np.where(
        df["FeO"] >= df["Cr2O3"], df["Cr2O3"] - df["Cm"], df["Cr2O3"]

    df["FREE_CR2O3"] = df["Cm"]

    # Normative Ilmenite
    df["Il"] = np.where(df["FeO"] >= df["TiO2"], df["TiO2"], df["FeO"]).T

    df["FeO_"] = np.where(df["FeO"] >= df["TiO2"], df["FeO"] - df["Il"], 0).T

    df["TiO2_"] = np.where(df["FeO"] >= df["TiO2"], 0, df["TiO2"] - df["Il"]).T

    df["FeO"] = df["FeO_"]

    df["TiO2"] = df["TiO2_"]

    # Normative Orthoclase/potasium metasilicate

    df["Or_p"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["K2O"], df["K2O"], df["Al2O3"]).T

    df["Al2O3_"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["K2O"], df["Al2O3"] - df["Or_p"], 0).T

    df["K2O_"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["K2O"], 0, df["K2O"] - df["Or_p"]).T

    df["Ks"] = df["K2O_"]

    df["Y"] = np.where(
        df["Al2O3"] >= df["K2O"],
        df["Y"] + (df["Or_p"] * 6),
        df["Y"] + (df["Or_p"] * 6 + df["Ks"]),

    df["Al2O3"] = df["Al2O3_"]
    df["K2O"] = df["K2O_"]

    # Normative Albite (provisional)
    df["Ab_p"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["Na2O"], df["Na2O"], df["Al2O3"]).T

    df["Al2O3_"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["Na2O"], df["Al2O3"] - df["Ab_p"], 0).T

    df["Na2O_"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["Na2O"], 0, df["Na2O"] - df["Ab_p"]).T

    df["Y"] = df["Y"] + (df["Ab_p"] * 6)

    df["Al2O3"] = df["Al2O3_"]
    df["Na2O"] = df["Na2O_"]

    # Normative Acmite / sodium metasilicate - 2(NaFe3+Si2O6), Na2SiO3
    df["Ac"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["Fe2O3"], df["Fe2O3"], df["Na2O"]).T

    df["Na2O_"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["Fe2O3"], df["Na2O"] - df["Ac"], 0).T

    df["Fe2O3_"] = np.where(df["Na2O"] >= df["Fe2O3"], 0, df["Fe2O3"] - df["Ac"]).T

    df["Ns"] = df["Na2O_"]

    df["Y"] = np.where(
        df["Na2O"] >= df["Fe2O3"],
        df["Y"] + (4 * df["Ac"] + df["Ns"]),
        df["Y"] + 4 * df["Ac"],

    df["Na2O"] = df["Na2O_"]
    df["Fe2O3"] = df["Fe2O3_"]

    # Normative Anorthite / Corundum
    df["An"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["CaO"], df["CaO"], df["Al2O3"]).T

    df["Al2O3_"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["CaO"], df["Al2O3"] - df["An"], 0).T

    df["CaO_"] = np.where(df["Al2O3"] >= df["CaO"], 0, df["CaO"] - df["An"]).T

    df["C"] = df["Al2O3_"]

    df["Al2O3"] = df["Al2O3_"]

    df["CaO"] = df["CaO_"]

    df["Y"] = df["Y"] + 2 * df["An"]

    # Normative Sphene / Rutile
    df["Tn_p"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["TiO2"], df["TiO2"], df["CaO"]).T

    df["CaO_"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["TiO2"], df["CaO"] - df["Tn_p"], 0).T

    df["TiO2_"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["TiO2"], 0, df["TiO2"] - df["Tn_p"]).T

    df["CaO"] = df["CaO_"]
    df["TiO2"] = df["TiO2_"]

    df["Ru"] = df["TiO2"]

    df["Y"] = df["Y"] + df["Tn_p"]

    # Normative Magnetite / Hematite
    df["Mt"] = np.where(df["Fe2O3"] >= df["FeO"], df["FeO"], df["Fe2O3"]).T

    df["Fe2O3_"] = np.where(df["Fe2O3"] >= df["FeO"], df["Fe2O3"] - df["Mt"], 0.0).T

    df["FeO_"] = np.where(df["Fe2O3"] >= df["FeO"], 0.0, df["FeO"] - df["Mt"]).T

    df["Fe2O3"] = df["Fe2O3_"]

    df["FeO"] = df["FeO_"]

    # remaining Fe2O3 goes into haematite
    df["Hm"] = df["Fe2O3"]

    # Subdivision of some normative minerals
    df["MgFe_O"] = df[["FeO", "MgO"]].sum(axis=1)

    df["MgO_ratio"] = df["MgO"] / df["MgFe_O"]
    df["FeO_ratio"] = df["FeO"] / df["MgFe_O"]

    # Provisional normative dioside, wollastonite / Hypersthene
    df["Di_p"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["MgFe_O"], df["MgFe_O"], df["CaO"]).T

    df["CaO_"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["MgFe_O"], df["CaO"] - df["Di_p"], 0).T

    df["MgFe_O_"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["MgFe_O"], 0, df["MgFe_O"] - df["Di_p"]).T

    df["Hy_p"] = df["MgFe_O_"]

    df["Wo_p"] = np.where(df["CaO"] >= df["MgFe_O"], df["CaO_"], 0).T

    df["Y"] = np.where(
        df["CaO"] >= df["MgFe_O"],
        df["Y"] + (2 * df["Di_p"] + df["Wo_p"]),
        df["Y"] + (2 * df["Di_p"] + df["Hy_p"]),

    df["CaO"] = df["CaO_"]
    df["MgFe_O"] = df["MgFe_O_"]

    # Normative quartz / undersaturated minerals
    df["Q"] = np.where(df["SiO2"] >= df["Y"], df["SiO2"] - df["Y"], 0).T

    df["D"] = np.where(df["SiO2"] < df["Y"], df["Y"] - df["SiO2"], 0).T

    df["deficit"] = df["D"] > 0

    # Normative Olivine / Hypersthene - Mg2SiO4, MgSiO3
    df["Ol_"] = np.where((df["D"] < df["Hy_p"] / 2), df["D"], df["Hy_p"] / 2).T

    df["Hy"] = np.where((df["D"] < df["Hy_p"] / 2), df["Hy_p"] - 2 * df["D"], 0).T

    df["D1"] = df["D"] - df["Hy_p"] / 2

    df["Ol"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Ol_"], 0).T

    df["Hy"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Hy"], df["Hy_p"]).T

    df["deficit"] = df["D1"] > 0

    # Normative Sphene / Perovskite - CaTiSiO5 / CaTiO3
    df["Tn"] = np.where((df["D1"] < df["Tn_p"]), df["Tn_p"] - df["D1"], 0).T

    df["Pf_"] = np.where((df["D1"] < df["Tn_p"]), df["D1"], df["Tn_p"]).T

    df["D2"] = df["D1"] - df["Tn_p"]

    df["Tn"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Tn"], df["Tn_p"]).T
    df["Pf"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Pf_"], 0).T

    df["deficit"] = df["D2"] > 0

    # Normative Nepheline / Albite - 2(NaAlSi3O8) / 2(NaAlSiO8)
    df["Ne_"] = np.where((df["D2"] < 4 * df["Ab_p"]), df["D2"] / 4, df["Ab_p"]).T

    df["Ab"] = np.where((df["D2"] < 4 * df["Ab_p"]), df["Ab_p"] - df["D2"] / 4, 0).T

    df["D3"] = df["D2"] - 4 * df["Ab_p"]

    df["Ne"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Ne_"], 0).T
    df["Ab"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Ab"], df["Ab_p"]).T

    df["deficit"] = df["D3"] > 0

    # Normative Leucite / Orthoclase
    df["Lc"] = np.where((df["D3"] < 2 * df["Or_p"]), df["D3"] / 2, df["Or_p"]).T

    df["Or"] = np.where((df["D3"] < 2 * df["Or_p"]), df["Or_p"] - df["D3"] / 2, 0).T

    df["D4"] = df["D3"] - 2 * df["Or_p"]

    df["Lc"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Lc"], 0).T
    df["Or"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Or"], df["Or_p"]).T

    df["deficit"] = df["D4"] > 0

    # Normative dicalcium silicate / wollastonite
    df["Cs"] = np.where((df["D4"] < df["Wo_p"] / 2), df["D4"], df["Wo_p"] / 2).T

    df["Wo"] = np.where((df["D4"] < df["Wo_p"] / 2), df["Wo_p"] - 2 * df["D4"], 0).T

    df["D5"] = df["D4"] - df["Wo_p"] / 2

    df["Cs"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Cs"], 0).T
    df["Wo"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Wo"], df["Wo_p"]).T

    df["deficit"] = df["D5"] > 0

    # Normative dicalcium silicate / Olivine Adjustment
    df["Cs_"] = np.where(
        (df["D5"] < df["Di_p"]), df["D5"] / 2 + df["Cs"], df["Di_p"] / 2 + df["Cs"]

    df["Ol_"] = np.where(
        (df["D5"] < df["Di_p"]), df["D5"] / 2 + df["Ol"], df["Di_p"] / 2 + df["Ol"]

    df["Di_"] = np.where((df["D5"] < df["Di_p"]), df["Di_p"] - df["D5"], 0).T

    df["D6"] = df["D5"] - df["Di_p"]

    df["Cs"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Cs_"], df["Cs"]).T
    df["Ol"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Ol_"], df["Ol"]).T
    df["Di"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Di_"], df["Di_p"]).T

    df["deficit"] = df["D6"] > 0

    # Normative Kaliophilite / Leucite
    df["Kp"] = np.where((df["Lc"] >= df["D6"] / 2), df["D6"] / 2, df["Lc"]).T

    df["Lc_"] = np.where((df["Lc"] >= df["D6"] / 2), df["Lc"] - df["D6"] / 2, 0).T

    df["Kp"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Kp"], 0).T
    df["Lc"] = np.where((df["deficit"]), df["Lc_"], df["Lc"]).T

    df["DEFSIO2"] = np.where(
        (df["Lc"] < df["D6"] / 2) & (df["deficit"]), df["D6"] - 2 * df["Kp"], 0
    # Allocate definite mineral proportions
    # Subdivide Hypersthene, Diopside and Olivine into Mg- and Fe- varieties
    # TODO: Add option for subdivision?

    df["Fe-Hy"] = df["Hy"] * df["FeO_ratio"]
    df["Fe-Di"] = df["Di"] * df["FeO_ratio"]
    df["Fe-Ol"] = df["Ol"] * df["FeO_ratio"]

    df["Mg-Hy"] = df["Hy"] * df["MgO_ratio"]
    df["Mg-Di"] = df["Di"] * df["MgO_ratio"]
    df["Mg-Ol"] = df["Ol"] * df["MgO_ratio"]

    # calculate free component molecular abundances
    # Note that this accounts for potential differnces between mass used in
    # Verma's implementation and that of periodictable
    FREE = pd.DataFrame()

    FREE["FREEO_12b"] = (
        (1 + ((0.1) * ((minerals["CaF2-Ap"]["mass"] / 328.86918) - 1)))
        * pt.O.mass
        * df["FREEO_12b"]
    FREE["FREEO_12c"] = (
            + (
                * (df["CaF2-Ap"] / df["Ap"])
                * ((minerals["CaF2-Ap"]["mass"] / 328.86918) - 1)
        * pt.O.mass
        * df["FREEO_12c"]

    FREE["FREEO_13"] = (
        (1 + ((pt.formula("CaO").mass / 56.0774) - 1)) * pt.O.mass * df["FREEO_13"]

    FREE["FREEO_14"] = (
        (1 + (0.5 * ((pt.formula("Na2O").mass / 61.9789) - 1)))
        * pt.O.mass
        * df["FREEO_14"]

    FREE["FREEO_16"] = (
        (1 + ((pt.formula("FeO").mass / 71.8444) - 1)) * pt.O.mass * df["FREEO_16"]

    FREE["O"] = FREE[
        ["FREEO_12b", "FREEO_12c", "FREEO_13", "FREEO_14", "FREEO_16"]

    # get masses of free components
    FREE["CO2"] = df["FREECO2"] * pt.formula("CO2").mass  # 44.0095

    FREE["P2O5"] = df["FREE_P2O5"] * pt.formula("P2O5").mass  # 141.94452
    FREE["F"] = df["FREE_F"] * pt.F.mass  # 18.9984032
    FREE["Cl"] = df["FREE_Cl"] * pt.Cl.mass  # 35.4527
    FREE["SO3"] = df["FREE_SO3"] * pt.formula("SO3").mass  # 80.0642
    FREE["S"] = df["FREE_S"] * pt.S.mass  # 32.066
    FREE["Cr2O3"] = df["FREE_CR2O3"] * pt.formula("Cr2O3").mass  # 151.990

    FREE["OXIDES"] = FREE[["P2O5", "F", "Cl", "SO3", "S", "Cr2O3"]].sum(axis=1)

    FREE["DEFSIO2"] = df["DEFSIO2"] * pt.formula("SiO2").mass  # 60.0843
    FREE.drop(["P2O5", "F", "Cl", "SO3", "S", "Cr2O3"], axis=1, inplace=True)

    # populate tables of molecular proportions and masses
    mineral_proportions = pd.DataFrame()
    mineral_pct_mm = pd.DataFrame()

    for mineral in minerals.keys():
        if mineral == ["Ap"]:
            # deal with the results of apatite options
            # get the abundance weighted total mass of apatite where split
            # otherwise just get the apatite mass
            mineral_pct_mm[mineral] = np.where(
                df["ap_option"] == 2,
                df[mineral] * minerals["Ap"]["mass"],
                (df["CaF2-Ap"] * minerals["CaF2-Ap"]["mass"])
                + (df["CaO-Ap"] * minerals["Ap"]["mass"]),
            mineral_proportions[mineral] = df.loc[:, mineral]
            mineral_pct_mm[mineral] = df.loc[:, mineral] * minerals[mineral]["mass"]

    # rename columns with proper names rather than abbreviations
    mineral_pct_mm.columns = [
        minerals[mineral]["name"] for mineral in mineral_pct_mm.columns
    mineral_pct_mm.fillna(0, inplace=True)

    return mineral_pct_mm
Exemplo n.º 53
total_compounds_int = len(total_compounds_dict)
total_symbols_list = []

# A list of symbols is a requirement for sp.linsolve to appropriately solve the system, and each one must be converted
# to sp.Symbol
for key in total_compounds_dict.keys():

# Checking if the system is balanced by calling the check_rxn_balance function from Chemistry
balance = check_rxn_balance(reactants, products)

# If the balance fails then the magic of sympy will solve it by setting up a system of linear equations and a matrix
if balance is False:
    # The total elements in the equation (H, C, O, etc) need to be obtained
    total_elements_list = list(
        ptable.formula(''.join(str(compound) for compound in reactants)).atoms)

    # The rows of the equation matrix is each element in the equation
    rows = len(total_elements_list)

    # The columns are the total compounds present in the equation
    cols = total_compounds_int

    # The equation matrix is defined using the zeros function, al slots are set to zero for easy manipulation
    equation_matrix = sp.zeros(rows, cols)

    # y is the counter variable for elements, it represents where the program is in the rows
    y = 0

    for compound in reactants:
        # x does the same thing as y, but for the columns
Exemplo n.º 54
from collections import OrderedDict
import uncertainties as uct
import periodictable as ptable
import scipy.constants as constants
from ..conversion import vol_uc2mol, vol_mol2uc
from .objs import MGEOS, JHEOS

v_ref = 74.698  # 3.9231**3  # default v0
n = 2.
z = 4.
ef_v = 0.001
ef_temp = 0.05
mass = ptable.formula("MgO").mass * 1.e-3  # to kg
v0_mol = vol_uc2mol(v_ref, z)
rho0 = mass / v0_mol  # kg/m^3

class Jamieson1982(JHEOS):
    Jamieson et al. 1982. High pressure research in geophysics.
    def __init__(self, v0=v_ref):
        mass_shock = mass * 1.e3  # to mass in g
        three_r = 1.23754 / (3. * n * constants.R / mass_shock) * 3. *\
        rho0 = 3.585  # g/cm^3 from Jamieson
        params_hugoniot = OrderedDict([('rho0', uct.ufloat(rho0, 0.0)),
                                       ('c0', uct.ufloat(6.597, 0.0)),
                                       ('s', uct.ufloat(1.369, 0.0))])
        v0 = vol_mol2uc(mass / (rho0 * 1.e3), z)
        params_therm = OrderedDict([('v0', uct.ufloat(v0, ef_v)),
Exemplo n.º 55
    H2O, D2O, DHO, Si, Al2O3, Au, Ni8Fe2

If you want to adjust the density you will need to make your own copy of
these materials.  For example, for permalloy::

    >>> NiFe=Material(permalloy.formula,density=permalloy.bulk_density)
    >>> NiFe.density.pmp(10)  # Let density vary by 10% from bulk value
    Parameter(permalloy density)
import periodictable
from .material import Vacuum, Material

__all__ = [
    'air', 'water', 'H2O', 'heavywater', 'D2O', 'lightheavywater', 'DHO',
    'silicon', 'Si', 'sapphire', 'Al2O3', 'gold', 'Au', 'permalloy', 'Ni8Fe2'

# Set the bulk density of heavy water assuming it has the same packing
# fraction as water, but with heavier H[2] substituted for H[1].
rho_D2O = periodictable.formula('D2O').mass / periodictable.formula('H2O').mass
rho_DHO = periodictable.formula('DHO').mass / periodictable.formula('H2O').mass

air = Vacuum()
water = H2O = Material('H2O', density=1, name='water')
heavywater = D2O = Material('D2O', density=rho_D2O)
lightheavywater = DHO = Material('DHO', density=rho_DHO)
silicon = Si = Material('Si')
sapphire = Al2O3 = Material('Al2O3', density=3.965, name='sapphire')
gold = Au = Material('Au', name='gold')
permalloy = Ni8Fe2 = Material('Ni8Fe2', density=8.692, name='permalloy')
Exemplo n.º 56
def test():
    ikaite = formula()
    # Note: this should be a tuple of tuples
    ikaite.structure = ((1, Ca), (1, C), (3, O), (6, ((2, H), (1, O))))

    # Test print
    assert str(ikaite) == "CaCO3(H2O)6"

    # Test constructors
    assert ikaite == formula([(1, Ca), (1, C), (3, O), (6, [(2, H), (1, O)])])
    assert ikaite == formula(ikaite)
    assert ikaite is not formula(ikaite)
    assert ikaite.structure is formula(ikaite).structure

    # Test parsers
    assert formula("Ca") == formula([(1, Ca)])
    assert formula("Ca") == formula(Ca)
    assert formula("CaCO3") == formula([(1, Ca), (1, C), (3, O)])
    assert ikaite == formula("CaCO3+6H2O")
    assert ikaite == formula("(CaCO3+6H2O)1")
    assert ikaite == formula("CaCO3 6H2O")
    assert ikaite == formula("CaCO3(H2O)6")
    assert ikaite == formula("(CaCO3(H2O)6)1")
    assert ikaite.hill == formula("CCaO3(H2O)6").hill
    assert str(ikaite.hill) == "CH12CaO9"
    assert formula([(0.75, Fe), (0.25, Ni)]) == formula("Fe0.75Ni0.25")

    # Test composition
    #print formula("CaCO3") + 6*formula("H2O")
    assert ikaite == formula("CaCO3") + 6 * formula("H2O")
    f = formula('')
    assert not (3 * f).structure
    f = formula('H2O')
    assert id((1 * f).structure) == id(f.structure)

    # Check atom count
    assert formula("Fe2O4+3H2O").atoms == {Fe: 2, O: 7, H: 6}

    # Check charge
    assert formula("P{5+}O{2-}4").charge == -3
        raise Exception("No exception raised for invalid charge")
    except ValueError:
    assert formula("Na{+}Cl{-}").charge == 0
    Na_frac = Na.ion[1].mass / (Na.ion[1].mass + Cl.ion[-1].mass)
    assert abs(formula("Na{+}Cl{-}").mass_fraction[Na.ion[1]] -
               Na_frac) < 1e-14

    # Check the mass calculator
    assert formula('H2O').mass == 2 * H.mass + O.mass
    assert formula("Fe2O4+3H2O").mass == 2 * Fe.mass + 7 * O.mass + 6 * H.mass
    assert (formula("Fe2O[18]4+3H2O").mass == 2 * Fe.mass + 4 * O[18].mass +
            3 * O.mass + 6 * H.mass)

    # Check natural density support
    assert (formula('D2O',
                    natural_density=1).density == (2 * D.mass + O.mass) /
            (2 * H.mass + O.mass))
    D2O = formula('D2O', natural_density=1)
    D2Os = formula('D2O')
    D2Os.natural_density = 1
    assert abs(D2O.density - D2Os.density) < 1e-14
    assert abs(D2O.natural_density - 1) < 1e-14
    assert abs(D2Os.natural_density - 1) < 1e-14

    # Test isotopes; make sure this is last since it changes ikaite!
    assert ikaite != formula("CaCO[18]3+6H2O")
    assert formula("O[18]").mass == O[18].mass

    # Check x-ray and neutron sld
    rho, mu, inc = formula('Si', Si.density).neutron_sld(wavelength=4.5)
    rhoSi, muSi, incSi = Si.neutron.sld(wavelength=4.5)
    assert abs(rho - rhoSi) < 1e-14
    assert abs(mu - muSi) < 1e-14
    assert abs(inc - incSi) < 1e-14

    rho, mu = formula('Si', Si.density).xray_sld(wavelength=1.54)
    rhoSi, muSi = Si.xray.sld(wavelength=1.54)
    assert abs(rho - rhoSi) < 1e-14
    assert abs(mu - muSi) < 1e-14

    # Check that names work
    permalloy = formula('Ni8Fe2', 8.692, name='permalloy')
    assert str(permalloy) == 'permalloy'

    # Check that get/restore state works
    assert deepcopy(permalloy).__dict__ == permalloy.__dict__

    # Check that copy constructor works
    #print permalloy.__dict__
    #print formula(permalloy).__dict__
    assert formula(permalloy).__dict__ == permalloy.__dict__
    assert formula('Si', name='Silicon').__dict__ != formula('Si').__dict__

    H2O = formula('H2O', natural_density=1)
    D2O = formula('D2O', natural_density=1)
    fm = mix_by_weight(H2O, 3, D2O, 2)
    fv = mix_by_volume(H2O, 3, D2O, 2)
    # quantity of H+D should stay in 2:1 ratio with O
    assert abs(fv.atoms[H] + fv.atoms[D] - 2 * fv.atoms[O]) < 1e-14
    assert abs(fm.atoms[H] + fm.atoms[D] - 2 * fm.atoms[O]) < 1e-14
    # H:D ratio should match H2O:D2O ratio when mixing by volume, but should
    # be skewed toward the lighter H when mixing by mass.
    assert abs(fv.atoms[H] / fv.atoms[D] - 1.5) < 1e-14
    assert abs(fm.atoms[H] / fm.atoms[D] -
               1.5 * D2O.density / H2O.density) < 1e-14
    # Mass densities should average according to H2O:D2O ratio when
    # mixing by volume but be skewed toward toward the more plentiful
    # H2O when mixing by mass
    H2O_fraction = 0.6
    assert abs(fv.density - (H2O.density * H2O_fraction + D2O.density *
                             (1 - H2O_fraction))) < 1e-14
    H2O_fraction = (3 / H2O.density) / (3 / H2O.density + 2 / D2O.density)
    assert abs(fm.density - (H2O.density * H2O_fraction + D2O.density *
                             (1 - H2O_fraction))) < 1e-14

    # Make sure we are independent of unit cell size
    H2O = formula('3.2H2O', natural_density=1)
    D2O = formula('4.1D2O', natural_density=1)
    fm = mix_by_weight(H2O, 3, D2O, 2)
    fv = mix_by_volume(H2O, 3, D2O, 2)
    # quantity of H+D should stay in 2:1 ratio with O
    assert abs(fv.atoms[H] + fv.atoms[D] - 2 * fv.atoms[O]) < 1e-14
    assert abs(fm.atoms[H] + fm.atoms[D] - 2 * fm.atoms[O]) < 1e-14
    # H:D ratio should match H2O:D2O ratio when mixing by volume, but should
    # be skewed toward the lighter H when mixing by mass.
    assert abs(fv.atoms[H] / fv.atoms[D] - 1.5) < 1e-14
    assert abs(fm.atoms[H] / fm.atoms[D] -
               1.5 * D2O.density / H2O.density) < 1e-14
    # Mass densities should average according to H2O:D2O ratio when
    # mixing by volume but be skewed toward toward the more plentiful
    # H2O when mixing by mass
    H2O_fraction = 0.6
    assert abs(fv.density - (H2O.density * H2O_fraction + D2O.density *
                             (1 - H2O_fraction))) < 1e-14
    H2O_fraction = (3 / H2O.density) / (3 / H2O.density + 2 / D2O.density)
    assert abs(fm.density - (H2O.density * H2O_fraction + D2O.density *
                             (1 - H2O_fraction))) < 1e-14

    # Pickle test
    assert loads(dumps(fm)) == fm
    ion = Fe[56].ion[2]
    assert id(loads(dumps(ion))) == id(ion)

    # zero quantities tests in mixtures
    f = mix_by_weight(H2O, 0, D2O, 2)
    assert f == D2O
    f = mix_by_weight(H2O, 2, D2O, 0)
    assert f == H2O
    f = mix_by_weight(H2O, 0, D2O, 0)
    assert f == formula()
    f = mix_by_volume(H2O, 0, D2O, 2)
    assert f == D2O
    f = mix_by_volume(H2O, 2, D2O, 0)
    assert f == H2O
    f = mix_by_volume(H2O, 0, D2O, 0)
    assert f == formula()

    # mix by weight with unknown component density
    # can't do mix by volume without component densities
    glass = mix_by_weight('SiO2', 75, 'Na2O', 15, 'CaO', 10, density=2.52)

    # layers and mixtures
    check_formula(formula('1mm Fe // 1mm Ni'), formula('50%vol Fe // Ni'))
    check_formula(formula('50%vol Co // Ti'), formula('2mL Co // 2mL Ti'))
    check_formula(formula('50%wt Co // Ti'), formula('2g Co // 2g Ti'))
    check_formula(formula('2mL Co // 2mL Ti'),
                  formula(((1.5922466356368357, Co), (1, Ti))))
    check_formula(formula('2g Co // 2g Ti'),
                  formula(((1, Co), (1.231186412350889, Ti))))
    check_formula(formula('5g NaCl // 50mL H2O@1'),
                  formula('5g NaCl // 50g H2O'))
    check_formula(formula('5g NaCl // 50mL H2O@1'),
                  formula(((1, Na), (1, Cl), (32.4407, ((2, H), (1, O))))),
    assert abs(formula('1mm Fe // 1mm Ni').thickness - 0.002) < 0.002 * 1e014
    assert abs(formula('2g Co // 2g Ti').total_mass - 4) < 4 * 1e-14
    check_mass(formula('2mL Co // 2mL Ti'), mass=2 * (Co.density + Ti.density))
    check_mass(formula("50 g (49 mL H2O@1 // 1 g NaCl) // 20 mL D2O@1n"),
               mass=50 + 20 * D2O.density)
        formula("50 mL (45 mL H2O@1 // 5 g NaCl)@1.0707 // 20 mL D2O@1n"),
        mass=50 * 1.0707 + 20 * D2O.density)

    # fasta
    check_formula(formula('aa:A'), formula('C3H4H[1]NO'))
Exemplo n.º 57
    def __init__(self):
        self.exp_props = {
            'Fe': {
                'a': 2.87,
                'Ec': 4.28,
                'Evf': 1.79,
                'B': 170,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 226,
                    'C12': 140,
                    'C44': 116
            'V': {
                'a': 3.03,
                'Ec': 5.31,
                'B': 47,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 229,
                    'C12': 140,
                    'C44': 116
                'Evf': 2.2
            'Mo': {
                'a': 3.1472,
                'Ec': 6.82,
                'Evf': 3.10,
                'B': 230,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 463.7,
                    'C12': 157.8,
                    'C44': 109.2
            'Nb': {
                'a': 3.3,
                'Ec': 7.57,
                'Evf': 2.75,
                'B': 170,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 247,
                    'C12': 135,
                    'C44': 28.7
            'Ta': {
                'a': 3.3,
                'Ec': 8.1,
                'Evf': 2.18,
                'B': 200,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 266.3,
                    'C12': 158.2,
                    'C44': 87.4
            'W': {
                'a': 3.16,
                'Ec': 8.9,
                'Evf': 3.95,
                'B': 310,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 532,
                    'C12': 204.9,
                    'C44': 163.1
            'Cu': {
                'a': 3.61,
                'Ec': 3.49,
                'Evf': 1.28,
                'B': 140,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 168.4,
                    'C12': 121.4,
                    'C44': 75.4
            'Ag': {
                'a': 4.09,
                'Ec': 2.95,
                'Evf': 1.1,
                'B': 100,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 124,
                    'C12': 93.7,
                    'C44': 46.1
            'Au': {
                'a': 4.08,
                'Ec': 3.81,
                'Evf': 0.9,
                'B': 220,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 192.3,
                    'C12': 163.1,
                    'C44': 42.0
            'Ni': {
                'a': 3.52,
                'Ec': 4.44,
                'Evf': 1.6,
                'B': 180,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 245,
                    'C12': 140,
                    'C44': 125
            'Pd': {
                'a': 3.89,
                'Ec': 3.89,
                'Evf': 1.4,
                'B': 180,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 227.1,
                    'C12': 176.1,
                    'C44': 71.7
            'Pt': {
                'a': 3.92,
                'Ec': 5.84,
                'Evf': 1.5,
                'B': 230,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 347.0,
                    'C12': 251,
                    'C44': 76.5
            'Al': {
                'a': 4.05,
                'Ec': 3.34,
                'Sh': 26,
                'B': 76,
                'Pr': 0.35,
                'E': 70,
                'cijcalc': {
                    'fcc': {
                        'C11': 101.0,
                        'C12': 61,
                        'C44': 25.4
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 114.0,
                    'C12': 61.9,
                    'C44': 31.6
            'Mg': {
                'Ec': 1.53,
                'B': 45,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 59.3,
                    'C33': 61.5,
                    'C44': 16.4,
                    'C12': 25.7,
                    'C13': 21.4
            'Ti': {
                'Ec': 1.87,
                'B': 116,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 160,
                    'C33': 181,
                    'C44': 46.5,
                    'C12': 90,
                    'C13': 66
            'Zr': {
                'Ec': 6.136,
                'B': 'nd',
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 144,
                    'C33': 166,
                    'C44': 33.4,
                    'C12': 74,
                    'C13': 67
            'Co': {
                'Ec': 4.387,
                'B': 180,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 295,
                    'C33': 335,
                    'C44': 71,
                    'C12': 159,
                    'C13': 111
            'Pb': {
                'Ec': 2.04,
                'B': 46,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 55.5,
                    'C12': 45.4,
                    'C44': 19.4
            'Cr': {
                'Ec': 4.1,
                'B': 279,
                'a': 2.91,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 391,
                    'C12': 90.0,
                    'C44': 103.2
            'Y': {
                'Ec': 4.387,
                'B': 41,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 77.9,
                    'C33': 76.9,
                    'C44': 24.3,
                    'C12': 29.2,
                    'C13': 20
            'Si': {
                'a': 5.430099,
                'Ec': 4.64,
                'Sh': 'no-data',
                'B': 100,
                'Pr': 'no-data',
                'E': 47,
                'cijcalc': {
                    'fcc': {
                        'C11': 64.4,
                        'C12': 87.2,
                        'C44': 4.7
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 166.0,
                    'C12': 63.9,
                    'C44': 79.6
            'U': {
                'Ec': 5.405,
                'B': 100,
                'cijexp': {
                    'C11': 13.6,
                    'C44': 165.6,
                    'C12': 20.2
                'cijcalc': {
                    'fcc': {
                        'C11': 13.6,
                        'C44': 165.6,
                        'C12': 20.2

        for e in self.exp_props:
            #print e, exp_props[e].keys()
            form = pt.formula(e)
            a = form.structure[0][1].crystal_structure
            self.exp_props[e]['crystal_structure'] = a
Exemplo n.º 58
from periodictable import elements
from uncertainties import ufloat
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSON
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from flask_sqlalchemy import BaseQuery
from geoalchemy2.types import Geometry
from slugify import slugify
from collections import defaultdict

from .image import ProbeImage
from ..converter import Converter
from .compute import oxygen_basis, compute_mineral
from ...core.models import BaseModel, db

FORMULAE = {k: pt.formula(k) for k in OXIDES}

tags = db.Table(
    db.Column('tag_name', db.String(64), db.ForeignKey('tag.name')),
    db.Column('page_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('probe_measurement.id')))

class Tag(BaseModel):
    name = db.Column(db.String(64), primary_key=True)
    __str__ = lambda self: self.name
    __repr__ = lambda self: "Tag {0}".format(self)

class ProbeSession(BaseModel):
    __tablename__ = "probe_session"
Exemplo n.º 59
 def formula(self):
     if _is_list_like(self._formula):
         return get_formula(self._formula)
         return PT.formula(self._formula)
Exemplo n.º 60
def chemicalformula2exactmass(chemicalformula):
    """ calculate exact mass from chemical formula with periodictable """
    chemformula = periodictable.formula(chemicalformula)
    return chemformula.mass