def deleteMember(): if 'userEmail' in session: useremail = session['userEmail'] deletePerson = request.form['memberEmail'] fromGroup = request.form['deleteGroup'] # remove deletes a person from the selected group if request.form.get('Remove') == 'Remove': cursor = conn.cursor() # delete a person from your group deleteQuery1 = 'DELETE FROM Belong WHERE email = %s AND fg_name = %s AND owner_email = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery1, (deletePerson, fromGroup, useremail)) conn.commit() cursor.close() return removeMember(fromGroup) # if you want to completely sever your relationship with the person elif request.form.get('Sever') == 'Sever': cursor = conn.cursor() # removes the person from all their groups deleteQuery2 = 'DELETE FROM Belong WHERE email = %s AND owner_email = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery2, (deletePerson, useremail)) conn.commit() conn.rownumber = 0 # deletes the user from all of deleted persons group to sever friendship deleteQuery3 = 'DELETE FROM Belong WHERE email = %s AND owner_email = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery3, (useremail, deletePerson)) conn.commit() cursor.close() return removeMember(fromGroup) # deletes the whole group which also deletes the shared content elif request.form.get('Delete') == 'Delete': cursor = conn.cursor() # query delete everyone from belong table deleteQuery4 = 'DELETE FROM Belong WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery4, (useremail, fromGroup)) conn.commit() conn.rownumber = 0 # query deletes the shared content associated with the user's group deleteQuery5 = 'DELETE FROM Share WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery5, (useremail, fromGroup)) conn.commit() conn.rownumber = 0 # deletes the group from the database deleteQuery6 = 'DELETE FROM FriendGroup WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery6, (useremail, fromGroup)) conn.commit() cursor.close() return redirect('/') else: return removeMember(fromGroup) else: return redirect('/')
def removeMember(nameGroup): if 'userEmail' in session: useremail = session['userEmail'] cursor = conn.cursor() # selects the members of the people who belong in the user's group showMemQuery = 'SELECT * FROM Belong WHERE fg_name = %s AND email != %s AND owner_email=%s' cursor.execute(showMemQuery, (nameGroup, useremail, useremail)) memNames = cursor.fetchall() # if there are members in the group # nameData is an array with the first and last names of people in the group if memNames: nameData = [] for x in range(len(memNames)): searchEmail = memNames[x]['email'] # query to select first and last name of associated email nameQuery = 'SELECT * FROM Person WHERE email = (%s)' cursor.execute(nameQuery, searchEmail) nameData.extend(cursor.fetchall()) cursor.close() return render_template('removeMember.html', memNames=memNames, nameGroup=nameGroup, nameData=nameData, user=useremail) else: # if there are no members the group will be deleted cursor = conn.cursor() # delete everyone from belong deleteQuery4 = 'DELETE FROM Belong WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery4, (useremail, nameGroup)) conn.commit() conn.rownumber = 0 # delete the shared content deleteQuery5 = 'DELETE FROM Share WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery5, (useremail, nameGroup)) conn.commit() conn.rownumber = 0 # delete the group deleteQuery6 = 'DELETE FROM FriendGroup WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s' cursor.execute(deleteQuery6, (useremail, nameGroup)) conn.commit() cursor.close() # error = "There is no one in this group. Return home to add people" return redirect('/') else: return redirect('/')
def rate(): user_email = session['userEmail'] cursor = conn.cursor() page = 'index' item = list(request.form.keys())[0] # if the user is rating on the shared page, make page = sharedPosts # otherwise, it is already initialized to index page if 'share' in item: page = 'sharedPosts' cursor.rownumber = 0 # retrieve the item_id of what is being rated rate_id = int(item.split('te')[-1]) # determine whether the rating already exists query = "SELECT * FROM Rate WHERE item_id = %s AND email = %s" cursor.execute(query, (rate_id, user_email)) rate_exist = cursor.fetchone() cursor.rownumber = 0 # if rating already exists, uopdate the row if rate_exist: query = "UPDATE Rate SET rate_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, emoji = %s WHERE item_id = %s AND email = %s" cursor.execute(query, (request.form[item], rate_id, user_email)) # otherwise, insert a new row for the rating else: query = "INSERT INTO Rate (email, item_id, rate_time, emoji) VALUES (%s, %s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, %s)" cursor.execute(query, (user_email, rate_id, request.form[item])) conn.commit() cursor.close() return redirect(url_for(page))
def shareAction(owner_email, fg_name, postid): query = "INSERT INTO share VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (owner_email, fg_name, postid)) conn.commit() cursor.close() return redirect('/')
def post(): user_email = session['userEmail'] cursor = conn.cursor() blog = request.form['content'] pub = request.form.get('pub') file = request.files.getlist('image') destination = None if file: contentType = "image" # the three lines below are to create the path if it doesn't exist already target = app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] + '/images' if not os.path.isdir(target): os.makedirs(target) # loop through submitted images for file in request.files.getlist('image'): filename = file.filename destination = "/".join([target, filename]) else: contentType = "text" pub = True if pub else False # This query just throws the post info we got into the contentitem table query = 'INSERT INTO ContentItem(email_post, file_path, content_type, item_name, is_pub) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' cursor.execute(query, (user_email, destination, contentType, blog, pub)) # if there was a photo, make sure we saved it if file: # commit our changes conn.commit() cursor.close() return redirect(url_for('index'))
def registerAuth(): # grabs information from the forms fname = request.form['fname'] lname = request.form['lname'] user_email = request.form['userEmail'] password = request.form['password'] # cursor used to send queries cursor = conn.cursor() # executes query query = 'SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE email = %s' cursor.execute(query, user_email) data = cursor.fetchone() if data: error = "This user already exists" cursor.close() return render_template('signup.html', error=error) else: ins = 'INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES(%s, SHA2(%s, 256), %s, %s)' cursor.execute(ins, (user_email, password, fname, lname)) conn.commit() cursor.close() return render_template('index.html')
def pending_tag(): user_email = session['userEmail'] cursor = conn.cursor() # find all tag requests where status = false to display on tag page query = "SELECT * FROM Tag NATURAL JOIN ContentItem WHERE email_tagged = %s AND status = 'False'" cursor.execute(query, user_email) pends = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return render_template('pendingTags.html', pendings=pends)
def commentsubmit(postid): if 'userEmail' in session: comment_content = request.form['content'] query = 'INSERT INTO comments (content, commentor_email, item_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (comment_content, session['userEmail'], postid)) conn.commit() cursor.close() return redirect(url_for('comments', postid=postid))
def share(postid): if 'userEmail' in session: # This query is to select all the groups that we can share this post with. # Makes sure we don't allow you to share with groups that you've already shared the post with query = 'SELECT owner_email, fg_name FROM belong WHERE email = %s AND (owner_email, fg_name) ' \ 'NOT IN (SELECT owner_email, fg_name FROM share WHERE item_id = %s)' cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (session['userEmail'], postid)) data = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() # if there are no groups left to share with, just redirect home if data: return render_template('share.html', postid=postid, data=data) return redirect('/')
def loginAuth(): user_email = request.form['userEmail'] password = request.form['password'] cursor = conn.cursor() query = 'SELECT fname, lname FROM PERSON WHERE email = %s and password = SHA2(%s, 256)' cursor.execute(query, (user_email, password)) data = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() if data: session['userEmail'] = user_email return redirect(url_for('index')) else: error = "Invalid email or password" return render_template('login.html', error=error)
def comments(postid): if 'userEmail' in session: # just grabs all the comments linked to this query = 'SELECT content, commentor_email FROM comments WHERE item_id = %s' cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query, postid) data = cursor.fetchall() cursor.rownumber = 0 query2 = 'SELECT * FROM ContentItem WHERE item_id = %s' cursor.execute(query2, postid) main_post = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return render_template('comments.html', data=data, post=main_post, postid=postid)
def tag_auth(): user_email = session['userEmail'] cursor = conn.cursor() item = list(request.form.keys())[0] lst = item.split('') tagger, item_id = lst[0], int(lst[1]) status = request.form[item] # if user accepted tag, update row in table to be true if status == "Accept": query = "UPDATE Tag SET status = 'True' WHERE email_tagger = %s" \ " AND email_tagged = %s AND item_id = %s" # otherwise, delete the row from the table else: query = "DELETE FROM Tag WHERE email_tagger = %s" \ "AND email_tagged = %s AND item_id = %s" cursor.execute(query, (tagger + '', user_email, item_id)) conn.commit() cursor.close() return redirect(url_for('pending_tag'))
def sharedPosts(): if 'userEmail' in session: user_email = session['userEmail'] cursor = conn.cursor() # Fetching all the shared posts seen by the user query = "SELECT * FROM Share NATURAL JOIN Belong NATURAL JOIN ContentItem WHERE email = %s ORDER BY post_time DESC" cursor.execute(query, user_email) shares = cursor.fetchall() cursor.rownumber = 0 # Fetching all the emojis for emoji count of the shared posts query = "SELECT item_id, emoji, count(*) AS emoji_count FROM Rate GROUP BY item_id, emoji" cursor.execute(query) rate_stats = cursor.fetchall() cursor.rownumber = 0 # Fetch user's rating for the posts query = "SELECT item_id, emoji FROM Rate WHERE email = %s" cursor.execute(query, (session['userEmail'])) rate_data = cursor.fetchall() cursor.rownumber = 0 # Fetch all the tags for each post query = "SELECT item_id, fname, lname" \ " FROM Tag NATURAL JOIN Person WHERE email_tagged = email and status = 'True'" cursor.execute(query) tags = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return render_template('sharedPosts.html', shares=shares, rate_stats=rate_stats, rates=rate_data, tags=tags) else: return redirect(url_for('index'))
def content(inSession, contentType): cursor = conn.cursor() # the user is allowed to filter content by the type so they can see all, text only posts or just images if inSession: # if user is logged in they are allowed to see posts that are public to them # posts are ordered by most recent if contentType == "Text": query = "SELECT * FROM ContentItem WHERE ((is_pub = 1 AND post_time + INTERVAL 24 hour >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) OR email_post = %s) AND" \ " content_type = 'text' ORDER BY post_time DESC" cursor.execute(query, session['userEmail']) elif contentType == "Images": query = "SELECT * FROM ContentItem WHERE ((is_pub = 1 AND post_time + INTERVAL 24 hour >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) OR email_post = %s) AND" \ " content_type = 'image' ORDER BY post_time DESC" cursor.execute(query, (session['userEmail'])) else: query = "SELECT * FROM ContentItem WHERE (is_pub = 1 AND post_time + INTERVAL 24 hour >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) OR email_post = %s" \ " ORDER BY post_time DESC" cursor.execute(query, session['userEmail']) # user not logged in and can only see public posts else: if contentType == "Text": query = "SELECT * FROM ContentItem WHERE is_pub = 1 AND content_type = 'text'" \ " AND post_time + INTERVAL 24 hour >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY post_time DESC" cursor.execute(query) elif contentType == "Images": query = "SELECT * FROM ContentItem WHERE is_pub = 1 AND content_type = 'image'" \ " AND post_time + INTERVAL 24 hour >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY post_time DESC" cursor.execute(query) else: query = "SELECT * FROM ContentItem WHERE is_pub = 1 AND" \ " post_time + INTERVAL 24 hour >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY post_time DESC" cursor.execute(query) data = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return data
def createNewGroup(): user_email = session['userEmail'] groupName = request.form['groupName'] groupDesc = request.form['groupDesc'] cursor = conn.cursor() # the query checks is the user already owns a group with the inputted name checkQuery = 'SELECT fg_name FROM FriendGroup WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s' cursor.execute(checkQuery, (user_email, groupName)) groupData = cursor.fetchone() # if group exits, send error if groupData: cursor.rownumber = 0 error = "You have already created a group with this name" cursor.close() return render_template('newGroup.html', displayNewGroup="true", error=error) # the group doesn't exist so the group is created with the user as the owner # the owner is automatically put into the Belong table so they are a member of the group they own else: newGroupQuery = 'INSERT INTO FriendGroup(owner_email, fg_name, description) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)' cursor.execute(newGroupQuery, (user_email, groupName, groupDesc)) conn.commit() cursor.rownumber = 0 addSelf = 'INSERT INTO Belong(email,owner_email,fg_name) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)' cursor.execute(addSelf, (user_email, user_email, groupName)) conn.commit() cursor.close() # allows the user to add members to the group they just created if request.form.get('AddMember') == 'AddMember': return render_template('newGroup.html', displayAddMember="true", dispGroupName=groupName) cursor.close() return redirect(url_for('index'))
def addNewMember(): user_email = session['userEmail'] groupName = request.form['groupName'] newMemberF = request.form['newMemFname'] newMemberL = request.form['newMemLname'] duplicateTest = request.form['duplicateTest'] cursor = conn.cursor() # check that the member you're adding exists checkExist = 'SELECT * FROM Person WHERE fname = %s AND lname = %s' cursor.execute(checkExist, (newMemberF, newMemberL)) memExist = cursor.fetchall() # if there is more than one user, an email is required if duplicateTest == "True": cursor.rownumber = 0 newMemEmail = request.form['newMemEmail'] # check if they're already in your group checkInQuery = 'SELECT * FROM Belong WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s AND email = %s' cursor.execute(checkInQuery, (user_email, groupName, newMemEmail)) memExistData2 = cursor.fetchall() # if the member already in user's group, the user retrieves an error message if memExistData2: cursor.close() error = "This person is already in your group" return render_template('newGroup.html', displayAddMember="true", dispGroupName=groupName, error=error) # if the user exists and isn't in the group, they are added else: cursor.rownumber = 0 addMemQuery2 = 'INSERT INTO Belong (email, owner_email, fg_name) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' cursor.execute(addMemQuery2, (newMemEmail, user_email, groupName)) message = "you successfully added a member" conn.commit() cursor.close() return render_template('newGroup.html', displayAddMember="true", dispGroupName=groupName, message=message) #if we don't know if there are duplicates, we have to check the how many people have the same name else: # if there is only one person with the inputted name if len(memExist) == 1: cursor.rownumber = 0 # if the member exists - check if they're already in your group newMember = memExist[0]['email'] checkMemQuery = 'SELECT * FROM Belong WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s AND email = %s' cursor.execute(checkMemQuery, (user_email, groupName, newMember)) memExistData = cursor.fetchone() # if they're already in your group send an error message if memExistData: error = "This person is already in your group" cursor.close() return render_template('newGroup.html', displayAddMember="true", dispGroupName=groupName, error=error) else: # if the member exists and is not in group, add them to your group cursor.rownumber = 0 addMemberQuery = 'INSERT INTO Belong (email, owner_email, fg_name) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' cursor.execute(addMemberQuery, (newMember, user_email, groupName)) message = "You successfully added a member" conn.commit() cursor.close() return render_template('newGroup.html', displayAddMember="true", dispGroupName=groupName, message=message) # if the user doesn't exist, an error message is sent elif len(memExist) == 0: error = "This person does not exist, try another name" cursor.close() return render_template('newGroup.html', displayAddMember="true", dispGroupName=groupName, error=error) # if the query returns something longer than one, that means there are multiple people with the same name # will render the page with an error message and a list of the emails associated with that name # the user must enter the correct email to add the person else: error = "There are multiple people with the same name. Enter the correct email and to move on" return render_template('newGroup.html', displayAddMember="true", dispGroupName=groupName, error=error, duplicate="true", memExist=memExist)
def index(): sessionBool = False friendData = None memberData = None rate_data = None tagged_items = None if 'userEmail' in session: sessionBool = True try: contentType = request.form['contentType'] # if no filter selected, show all content except Exception: contentType = "All" # call content to select data that is shown on homepage # different if user logged in or not data = content(sessionBool, contentType) cursor = conn.cursor() if 'userEmail' in session: #display the names of the groups that you own friendQuery = "SELECT fg_name FROM FriendGroup WHERE owner_email = %s" cursor.execute(friendQuery, session['userEmail']) friendData = cursor.fetchall() cursor.rownumber = 0 # display the name of the groups you belong to, but do now own memberQuery = "SELECT fg_name FROM Belong WHERE email = %s AND owner_email != %s" useremail = session['userEmail'] cursor.execute(memberQuery, (useremail, useremail)) memberData = cursor.fetchall() cursor.rownumber = 0 # looks for rating that the user did for a specific post query = "SELECT item_id, emoji FROM Rate WHERE email = %s" cursor.execute(query, (session['userEmail'])) rate_data = cursor.fetchall() cursor.rownumber = 0 # select the posts and the name of the person who was tagged in the posts # only posts that the user has accepted to be tagged in tag_query = "SELECT item_id, fname, lname" \ " FROM Tag NATURAL JOIN Person WHERE email_tagged = email and status = 'True'" cursor.execute(tag_query) tagged_items = cursor.fetchall() cursor.rownumber = 0 # finds the number of rates per emoji for ever post query = "SELECT item_id, emoji, count(*) AS emoji_count FROM Rate" \ " GROUP BY item_id, emoji" cursor.execute(query) rate_stats = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() if 'userEmail' in session: # if the user is logged in, they're redirected to the homepage where they can see their groups # they can also go to pages to see whose tagged them in posts and whose shared posts with them # user can see posts that public to them return render_template('index.html', ownedGroups=friendData, memberGroups=memberData, posts=data, rates=rate_data, rate_stats=rate_stats, email=session['userEmail'], contentType=contentType, tags=tagged_items) else: # if user is not logged in they are only allowed to see public posts that have been posted within the last 24 hours return render_template('index.html', posts=data, rate_stats=rate_stats, contentType=contentType)
def tag(): user_email = session['userEmail'] cursor = conn.cursor() item = list(request.form.keys())[0] taggee = request.form[item] cursor.rownumber = 0 tag_id = int(item.split('d')[-1]) # check to see if email to be tagged exist query = "SELECT * FROM Person WHERE email = %s" cursor.execute(query, taggee) tag_email_exist = cursor.fetchone() # generate error if email does not exist on home page if not tag_email_exist: error = "This email has not been registered." flash(error) return redirect(url_for('index')) # check to see if the tag already exists query = "SELECT * FROM Tag WHERE item_id = %s AND email_tagger = %s AND email_tagged = %s" cursor.execute(query, (tag_id, user_email, taggee)) tag_exist = cursor.fetchone() cursor.rownumber = 0 # if tag does not exist if not tag_exist: # check to see if the content is public query = "SELECT is_pub FROM ContentItem WHERE item_id = %s" cursor.execute(query, tag_id) is_public = cursor.fetchone() cursor.rownumber = 0 if is_public['is_pub']: status = "False" # if tagging yourself, automatically accept the tag if user_email == taggee: status = "True" # insert the pending/accepted tag into the tag table query = "INSERT INTO Tag(email_tagged, email_tagger, item_id, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(query, (taggee, user_email, tag_id, status)) # if it's a private post, confirm that you are tagging someone who you already shared the post with else: query = "SELECT * FROM Belong NATURAL JOIN Share WHERE email = %s AND item_id = %s" cursor.execute(query, (taggee, tag_id)) is_shared = cursor.fetchone() # if post is shared, insert row into table if is_shared: query = "INSERT INTO Tag(email_tagged, email_tagger, item_id, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(query, (taggee, user_email, tag_id, "False")) # otherwise, all cases failed # generate the error to the home page else: error = "Tag request cannot be done." flash(error) return redirect(url_for('index')) # generate error saying that email is already tagged else: error = "You already tagged " + taggee + " for this post!" flash(error) return redirect(url_for('index')) conn.commit() cursor.close() return redirect(url_for('index'))