Exemplo n.º 1
    def checkRawTimestamp(self):
        t = time.gmtime()
        ts1 = TimeStamp(*t[:6])
        ts2 = TimeStamp(`ts1`)

        self.assertEquals(ts1, ts2)
        self.assertEquals(ts1.timeTime(), ts2.timeTime())
        self.assertEqual(ts1.year(), ts2.year())
        self.assertEqual(ts1.month(), ts2.month())
        self.assertEqual(ts1.day(), ts2.day())
        self.assertEquals(ts1.hour(), ts2.hour())
        self.assertEquals(ts1.minute(), ts2.minute())
        self.assert_(abs(ts1.second() - ts2.second()) < EPSILON)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run(path, days, notPacked):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    now = datetime.date.today()

    stats = {}
    th = prev_txn(f)

    bool = True
    while bool:
        ts = TimeStamp(th.tid)
        then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
        delta = timedelta(days=int(days))
        if( not(now - then < delta)):
            bool = False
        th = th.prev_txn()

    reader = Reader()
    iterator = FileIterator(path, pos=th._pos)
    for i in iterator:
        object_types = {}
        for o in i:
            ot = reader.getIdentity(o.data)
                stats[ot] = stats[ot] + 1
            except KeyError:
                stats[ot] = 1

    for (o,n) in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v, reverse=True):
        print "%6d: %s" % (n,o)
Exemplo n.º 3
def run(path, days, notPacked):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    now = datetime.date.today()

    stats = {}
    th = prev_txn(f)

    bool = True
    while bool:
        ts = TimeStamp(th.tid)
        then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
        delta = timedelta(days=int(days))
        if( not(now - then < delta)):
            bool = False
        th = th.prev_txn()

    reader = Reader()
    iterator = FileIterator(path, pos=th._pos)
    for i in iterator:
        object_types = {}
        for o in i:
            ot = reader.getIdentity(o.data)
                stats[ot] = stats[ot] + 1
            except KeyError:
                stats[ot] = 1

    for (o,n) in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v, reverse=True):
        print "%6d: %s" % (n,o)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def checkFullTimeStamp(self):
        native_ts = int(time.time())  # fractional seconds get in the way
        t = time.gmtime(native_ts)  # the corresponding GMT struct tm
        ts = TimeStamp(*t[:6])

        # Seconds are stored internally via (conceptually) multiplying by
        # 2**32 then dividing by 60, ending up with a 32-bit integer.
        # While this gives a lot of room for cramming many distinct
        # TimeStamps into a second, it's not good at roundtrip accuracy.
        # For example, 1 second is stored as int(2**32/60) == 71582788.
        # Converting back gives 71582788*60.0/2**32 == 0.9999999962747097.
        # In general, we can lose up to 0.999... to truncation during
        # storing, creating an absolute error up to about 1*60.0/2**32 ==
        # 0.000000014 on the seconds value we get back.  This is so even
        # when we have an exact integral second value going in (as we
        # do in this test), so we can't expect equality in any comparison
        # involving seconds.  Minutes (etc) are stored exactly, so we
        # can expect equality for those.

        self.assert_(abs(ts.timeTime() - native_ts) < EPSILON)
        self.assertEqual(ts.year(), t[0])
        self.assertEqual(ts.month(), t[1])
        self.assertEqual(ts.day(), t[2])
        self.assertEquals(ts.hour(), t[3])
        self.assertEquals(ts.minute(), t[4])
        self.assert_(abs(ts.second() - t[5]) < EPSILON)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def checkTimeStamp(self):
     # Alternate test suite
     t = TimeStamp(2002, 1, 23, 10, 48, 5)  # GMT
     self.assertEquals(str(t), '2002-01-23 10:48:05.000000')
     self.assertEquals(repr(t), '\x03B9H\x15UUU')
     self.assertEquals(TimeStamp('\x03B9H\x15UUU'), t)
     self.assertEquals(t.year(), 2002)
     self.assertEquals(t.month(), 1)
     self.assertEquals(t.day(), 23)
     self.assertEquals(t.hour(), 10)
     self.assertEquals(t.minute(), 48)
     self.assertEquals(round(t.second()), 5)
     self.assertEquals(t.timeTime(), 1011782885)
     t1 = TimeStamp(2002, 1, 23, 10, 48, 10)
     self.assertEquals(str(t1), '2002-01-23 10:48:10.000000')
     self.assert_(t == t)
     self.assert_(t != t1)
     self.assert_(t < t1)
     self.assert_(t <= t1)
     self.assert_(t1 >= t)
     self.assert_(t1 > t)
     self.failIf(t == t1)
     self.failIf(t != t)
     self.failIf(t > t1)
     self.failIf(t >= t1)
     self.failIf(t1 < t)
     self.failIf(t1 <= t)
     self.assertEquals(cmp(t, t), 0)
     self.assertEquals(cmp(t, t1), -1)
     self.assertEquals(cmp(t1, t), 1)
     self.assertEquals(t1.laterThan(t), t1)
     self.assert_(t.laterThan(t1) > t1)
     self.assertEquals(TimeStamp(2002, 1, 23),
                       TimeStamp(2002, 1, 23, 0, 0, 0))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def checkFullTimeStamp(self):
        native_ts = int(time.time()) # fractional seconds get in the way
        t = time.gmtime(native_ts)   # the corresponding GMT struct tm
        ts = TimeStamp(*t[:6])

        # Seconds are stored internally via (conceptually) multiplying by
        # 2**32 then dividing by 60, ending up with a 32-bit integer.
        # While this gives a lot of room for cramming many distinct
        # TimeStamps into a second, it's not good at roundtrip accuracy.
        # For example, 1 second is stored as int(2**32/60) == 71582788.
        # Converting back gives 71582788*60.0/2**32 == 0.9999999962747097.
        # In general, we can lose up to 0.999... to truncation during
        # storing, creating an absolute error up to about 1*60.0/2**32 ==
        # 0.000000014 on the seconds value we get back.  This is so even
        # when we have an exact integral second value going in (as we
        # do in this test), so we can't expect equality in any comparison
        # involving seconds.  Minutes (etc) are stored exactly, so we
        # can expect equality for those.

        self.assert_(abs(ts.timeTime() - native_ts) < EPSILON)
        self.assertEqual(ts.year(), t[0])
        self.assertEqual(ts.month(), t[1])
        self.assertEqual(ts.day(), t[2])
        self.assertEquals(ts.hour(), t[3])
        self.assertEquals(ts.minute(), t[4])
        self.assert_(abs(ts.second() - t[5]) < EPSILON)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def checkTimeStamp(self):
     # Alternate test suite
     t = TimeStamp(2002, 1, 23, 10, 48, 5) # GMT
     self.assertEquals(str(t), '2002-01-23 10:48:05.000000')
     self.assertEquals(repr(t), '\x03B9H\x15UUU')
     self.assertEquals(TimeStamp('\x03B9H\x15UUU'), t)
     self.assertEquals(t.year(), 2002)
     self.assertEquals(t.month(), 1)
     self.assertEquals(t.day(), 23)
     self.assertEquals(t.hour(), 10)
     self.assertEquals(t.minute(), 48)
     self.assertEquals(round(t.second()), 5)
     self.assertEquals(t.timeTime(), 1011782885)
     t1 = TimeStamp(2002, 1, 23, 10, 48, 10)
     self.assertEquals(str(t1), '2002-01-23 10:48:10.000000')
     self.assert_(t == t)
     self.assert_(t != t1)
     self.assert_(t < t1)
     self.assert_(t <= t1)
     self.assert_(t1 >= t)
     self.assert_(t1 > t)
     self.failIf(t == t1)
     self.failIf(t != t)
     self.failIf(t > t1)
     self.failIf(t >= t1)
     self.failIf(t1 < t)
     self.failIf(t1 <= t)
     self.assertEquals(cmp(t, t), 0)
     self.assertEquals(cmp(t, t1), -1)
     self.assertEquals(cmp(t1, t), 1)
     self.assertEquals(t1.laterThan(t), t1)
     self.assert_(t.laterThan(t1) > t1)
     self.assertEquals(TimeStamp(2002,1,23), TimeStamp(2002,1,23,0,0,0))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def checkRawTimestamp(self):
        t = time.gmtime()
        ts1 = TimeStamp(*t[:6])
        ts2 = TimeStamp( ` ts1 `)

        self.assertEquals(ts1, ts2)
        self.assertEquals(ts1.timeTime(), ts2.timeTime())
        self.assertEqual(ts1.year(), ts2.year())
        self.assertEqual(ts1.month(), ts2.month())
        self.assertEqual(ts1.day(), ts2.day())
        self.assertEquals(ts1.hour(), ts2.hour())
        self.assertEquals(ts1.minute(), ts2.minute())
        self.assert_(abs(ts1.second() - ts2.second()) < EPSILON)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _check_ymd(self, yr, mo, dy):
        ts = TimeStamp(yr, mo, dy)
        self.assertEqual(ts.year(), yr)
        self.assertEqual(ts.month(), mo)
        self.assertEqual(ts.day(), dy)

        self.assertEquals(ts.hour(), 0)
        self.assertEquals(ts.minute(), 0)
        self.assertEquals(ts.second(), 0)

        t = time.gmtime(ts.timeTime())
        self.assertEquals(yr, t[0])
        self.assertEquals(mo, t[1])
        self.assertEquals(dy, t[2])
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _check_ymd(self, yr, mo, dy):
        ts = TimeStamp(yr, mo, dy)
        self.assertEqual(ts.year(), yr)
        self.assertEqual(ts.month(), mo)
        self.assertEqual(ts.day(), dy)

        self.assertEquals(ts.hour(), 0)
        self.assertEquals(ts.minute(), 0)
        self.assertEquals(ts.second(), 0)

        t = time.gmtime(ts.timeTime())
        self.assertEquals(yr, t[0])
        self.assertEquals(mo, t[1])
        self.assertEquals(dy, t[2])
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-n", "--number", dest="num",
                  help="display only the 'n' busiest days", default=20, type="int")
    parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", action="store", type="string",
                  help="your FileStorage")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--date", dest="date", action="store", type="string",
                  help="show the stats only for the date d (format dd-mm-yyyy)")
    parser.add_option("-a", "--days", dest="days", action="store", default="0", type="string",
                  help="show the stats only for the last 'a' days")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_false",
                  help="show percentage and time remaining")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    objectsToDisplay = options.num

    VERBOSE = False

    if options.filename:
        fname = options.filename
        print "You have to enter the filename, see --help for details"
        return 2

    if options.verbose != None:
        VERBOSE = True

    stats = {}
    start = time.time()
    size = os.stat(fname).st_size
    it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname)

    lastPercent = 0.0
    recordsCounter = 0
    interval = 0.005
    dataFound = False
    now = datetime.date.today()

        for t in it:

            #Format the date of the current transaction following dd-mm-yyyy
            ts = TimeStamp(t.tid)
            then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
            delta = timedelta(days=int(options.days))

            if((not int(options.days)) or (now - then < delta)):
                dateT = strftime("%d-%m-%Y", [int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()),1,1,1,1,1,1] )
                percent = float(it._file.tell())/float(size) * 100
                #Check if we found the searched date
                if options.date:
                    if str(dateT) == str(options.date):
                        dataFound = True
                    elif dataFound:

                #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time
                if(percent - lastPercent > interval):
                    spentTime = time.time() - start
                    remainingTime = spentTime / float(it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime
                    if VERBOSE:
                        sys.stderr.write("\r%f%% complete, time spent %s,  remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d" % (percent,GetInHMS(time.time() - start, True),  GetInHMS(remainingTime, False), recordsCounter))

                    lastPercent = percent

                stat = stats.get(dateT)
                if stat is None:
                    stat = stats[dateT] = Stat()
                    stat.n = 1
                    stat.n += 1

                for r in t:
                    #need to reduce the time of the dictionary stats from time to time
                    if recordsCounter % (objectsToDisplay*100) == 0:
                        tmp = {}
                        for date, s in sorted(
                            stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]:
                            tmp[date] = s
                            tmp[dateT] = stats[dateT]
                        except KeyError:

                        stats = tmp

                    if r.data:
                        mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(r.data)
                        l = len(r.data)
                        stat = stats.get(dateT)
                        stat.records += 1
                    recordsCounter += 1

                stat = stats.get(dateT)
                if stat is not None:

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print "\n"
    print "%-15s %17s %17s %22s" % ("Date", "Transactions","Records Changed", "Average interval")
    print "%s" % "_" * 74

    if options.date:
        for date, s in sorted(
            stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True):
            meanTime = 0
            for i in range(1,len(s.mean)):
                meanTime += s.mean[i] - s.mean[i-1]
            if str(date) == str(options.date):
                print "%-15s | %15d | %15d | %15f secs" % (date, (s.n),s.records, meanTime/s.n)
        for date, s in sorted(
            stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]:
            meanTime = 0
            for i in range(1,len(s.mean)):
                meanTime += s.mean[i] - s.mean[i-1]

            print "%-15s | %15d | %15d | %15f secs" % (date, (s.n), s.records, meanTime/s.n)
Exemplo n.º 12
def run(path, days, notPacked):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    size = os.path.getsize(path)

    now = datetime.date.today()

    notPackedDays = []

    for day in range(notPacked):
        notPackedDays.append(str(now - timedelta(days=day + 1)))

        # day->size
    stats = {}
    th = prev_txn(f)
    bool = True
    while bool:
        ts = TimeStamp(th.tid)
        then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
        delta = timedelta(days=int(days))

        if now - then < delta:
            dateT = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", [int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
                stats[dateT] = stats[dateT] + th.length
            except KeyError:
                stats[dateT] = th.length
            bool = False
        th = th.prev_txn()


    total = 0
    totalPacked = 0
    daysPacked = 0
    for (d, s) in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True):
        print d, "size:", pretty_size(s),
        date = str(d)
        if date in notPackedDays or date == str(now):
            print "(not yet packed)"
            totalPacked = totalPacked + s
            daysPacked = daysPacked + 1
        total = total + s

    if int(totalPacked):
        average = totalPacked / int(daysPacked)
        average = 0

    print "\n-- ALREADY PACKED DAYS--"
    print "The amount of data added in", daysPacked, "days is", pretty_size(totalPacked)
    print "Average", pretty_size(average), "per day"

    print "Following this trend, the size of the database will be:"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 + size), " in 1 year"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 * 2 + size), " in 2 years"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 * 10 + size), " in 10 years"

    print "\n-- ALL DAYS --"
    print "The amount of data added in", days, "days is", pretty_size(total)
    if int(total):
        print "Average", pretty_size(total / int(days)), "per day"
        print "Average 0bytes per day"
Exemplo n.º 13
def main():
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
                      help="display only the n biggest objects",
                      help="the FileStorage")
                      help="show percentage and time remaining")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    VERBOSE = False

    if options.filename:
        fname = options.filename
        print "You have to enter the FileStorage filename, see --help for details"
        return 2

    if options.verbose != None:
        VERBOSE = True

    objectsToDisplay = options.num
    stats = {}
    start = time.time()
    size = os.stat(fname).st_size

    it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname)

    lastPercent = 0.0
    recordsCounter = 0
    interval = 0.005
    now = datetime.date.today()


        for t in it:
            percent = float(it._file.tell()) / float(size) * 100
            #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time
            if (percent - lastPercent > interval):
                spentTime = time.time() - start
                remainingTime = spentTime / float(
                    it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime
                if VERBOSE:
                        "\r%f%% complete, time spent %s,  remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d"
                        % (percent, GetInHMS(time.time() - start),
                           GetInHMS(remainingTime), recordsCounter))
                lastPercent = percent

            for r in t:
                #need to reduce the time of the dictionary stats from time to time
                ts = TimeStamp(t.tid)
                then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()),
                delta = timedelta(days=3)

                #don't reduce the size of the dictionary when analysing last 3 days transactions
                if recordsCounter % (objectsToDisplay * 100) == 0 and (
                        now - then > delta):
                    tmp = {}
                    for class_name, s in sorted(
                            stats.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.size,
                        tmp[class_name] = s
                    stats = tmp

                if r.data:
                    mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(r.data)
                    l = len(r.data)
                    class_name = mod + "." + klass + " oid: " + oid_repr(
                    stat = stats.get(class_name)

                    if stat is None:
                        stat = stats[class_name] = Stat()
                        stat.size = stat.min = stat.max = l
                        stat.oid = oid_repr(r.oid).strip()
                        stat.className = mod + "." + klass
                        stat.number = 1
                        stat.min = min(stat.min, l)
                        stat.max = max(stat.max, l)
                        stat.number = stat.number + 1
                        stat.size = stat.size + l

                    recordsCounter += 1

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print "\n"

    print "%-41s %9s %15s %15s %9s %9s %9s" % ("Module.ClassName", "Oid",
                                               "Percentage", "Total Size",
                                               "Min", "Max", "Copies")
    print "%s" % "_" * 114

    for class_name, s in sorted(stats.items(),
                                key=lambda (k, v): v.size,

        class_name = s.className
        if len(class_name) > 40:
            class_name = class_name[::-1][0:35][::-1]
            class_name = "[..]" + class_name
        print "%-40s | %8s | %13f%% | %13s | %7s | %7s | %7s" % (
            class_name, s.oid, (s.size * 100.0 / size), pretty_size(
                s.size), pretty_size(s.min), pretty_size(s.max), s.number)
Exemplo n.º 14
def main():
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-n", "--number", dest="num",
                  help="display only the 'n' busiest days", default=20, type="int")
    parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", action="store", type="string",
                  help="your FileStorage")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--date", dest="date", action="store", type="string",
                  help="show the stats only for the date d (format dd-mm-yyyy)")
    parser.add_option("-a", "--days", dest="days", action="store", default="0", type="string",
                  help="show the stats only for the last 'a' days")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_false",
                  help="show percentage and time remaining")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    objectsToDisplay = options.num

    VERBOSE = False

    if options.filename:
        fname = options.filename
        print "You have to enter the filename, see --help for details"
        return 2

    if options.verbose != None:
        VERBOSE = True

    stats = {}
    start = time.time()
    size = os.stat(fname).st_size
    it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname)

    lastPercent = 0.0
    recordsCounter = 0
    interval = 0.005
    dataFound = False
    now = datetime.date.today()

        for t in it:

            #Format the date of the current transaction following dd-mm-yyyy
            ts = TimeStamp(t.tid)
            then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
            delta = timedelta(days=int(options.days))

            if((not int(options.days)) or (now - then < delta)):
                dateT = strftime("%d-%m-%Y", [int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()),1,1,1,1,1,1] )
                percent = float(it._file.tell())/float(size) * 100
                #Check if we found the searched date
                if options.date:
                    if str(dateT) == str(options.date):
                        dataFound = True
                    elif dataFound:

                #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time
                if(percent - lastPercent > interval):
                    spentTime = time.time() - start
                    remainingTime = spentTime / float(it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime
                    if VERBOSE:
                        sys.stderr.write("\r%f%% complete, time spent %s,  remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d" % (percent,GetInHMS(time.time() - start, True),  GetInHMS(remainingTime, False), recordsCounter))

                    lastPercent = percent

                stat = stats.get(dateT)
                if stat is None:
                    stat = stats[dateT] = Stat()
                    stat.n = 1
                    stat.n += 1

                for r in t:
                    #need to reduce the time of the dictionary stats from time to time
                    if recordsCounter % (objectsToDisplay*100) == 0:
                        tmp = {}
                        for date, s in sorted(
                            stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]:
                            tmp[date] = s
                            tmp[dateT] = stats[dateT]
                        except KeyError:

                        stats = tmp

                    if r.data:
                        mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(r.data)
                        l = len(r.data)
                        stat = stats.get(dateT)
                        stat.records += 1
                    recordsCounter += 1

                stat = stats.get(dateT)
                if stat is not None:

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print "\n"
    print "%-15s %17s %17s %22s" % ("Date", "Transactions","Records Changed", "Average interval")
    print "%s" % "_" * 74

    if options.date:
        for date, s in sorted(
            stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True):
            meanTime = 0
            for i in range(1,len(s.mean)):
                meanTime += s.mean[i] - s.mean[i-1]
            if str(date) == str(options.date):
                print "%-15s | %15d | %15d | %15f secs" % (date, (s.n),s.records, meanTime/s.n)
        for date, s in sorted(
            stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]:
            meanTime = 0
            for i in range(1,len(s.mean)):
                meanTime += s.mean[i] - s.mean[i-1]

            print "%-15s | %15d | %15d | %15f secs" % (date, (s.n), s.records, meanTime/s.n)
Exemplo n.º 15
def main():
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-n", "--number", dest="num",
                  help="display only the n biggest objects", default=-1, type="int")
    parser.add_option("-f", "--output", dest="filename", action="store", type="string",
                  help="the FileStorage")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_false",
                  help="show percentage and time remaining")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    VERBOSE = False

    if options.filename:
        fname = options.filename
        print "You have to enter the FileStorage filename, see --help for details"
        return 2

    if options.verbose != None:
        VERBOSE = True

    objectsToDisplay = options.num
    stats = {}
    start = time.time()
    size = os.stat(fname).st_size

    it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname)

    lastPercent = 0.0
    recordsCounter = 0
    interval = 0.005
    now = datetime.date.today()


        for t in it:
            percent = float(it._file.tell())/float(size) * 100
            #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time
            if(percent - lastPercent > interval):
                spentTime = time.time() - start
                remainingTime = spentTime / float(it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime
                if VERBOSE:
                    sys.stderr.write("\r%f%% complete, time spent %s,  remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d" % (percent,GetInHMS(time.time() - start),  GetInHMS(remainingTime), recordsCounter))
                lastPercent = percent

            for r in t:
                #need to reduce the time of the dictionary stats from time to time
                ts = TimeStamp(t.tid)
                then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
                delta = timedelta(days=3)

                #don't reduce the size of the dictionary when analysing last 3 days transactions
                if recordsCounter % (objectsToDisplay*100) == 0 and (now - then > delta):
                    tmp = {}
                    for class_name, s in sorted(
                        stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.size, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]:
                        tmp[class_name] = s
                    stats = tmp

                if r.data:
                    mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(r.data)
                    l = len(r.data)
                    class_name = mod + "." + klass + " oid: " +  oid_repr(r.oid).strip()
                    stat = stats.get(class_name)

                    if stat is None:
                        stat = stats[class_name] = Stat()
                        stat.size = stat.min = stat.max = l
                        stat.oid = oid_repr(r.oid).strip()
                        stat.className = mod + "." + klass
                        stat.number = 1
                        stat.min = min(stat.min, l)
                        stat.max = max(stat.max, l)
                        stat.number = stat.number + 1
                        stat.size = stat.size + l

                    recordsCounter += 1

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print "\n"

    print "%-41s %9s %15s %15s %9s %9s %9s" % ("Module.ClassName", "Oid",  "Percentage", "Total Size", "Min", "Max", "Copies")
    print "%s" % "_" * 114

    for class_name, s in sorted(
        stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.size, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]:

        class_name = s.className
        if len(class_name) > 40:
            class_name = class_name[::-1][0:35][::-1]
            class_name = "[..]" + class_name
        print "%-40s | %8s | %13f%% | %13s | %7s | %7s | %7s" % (class_name, s.oid, (s.size*100.0/size) , pretty_size(s.size), pretty_size(s.min), pretty_size(s.max), s.number)
Exemplo n.º 16
def run(path, days, notPacked):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    size = os.path.getsize(path)

    now = datetime.date.today()

    notPackedDays = []

    for day in range(notPacked):
        notPackedDays.append(str(now - timedelta(days=day + 1)))

    stats = {}
    th = prev_txn(f)
    bool = True
    while bool:
        ts = TimeStamp(th.tid)
        then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
        delta = timedelta(days=int(days))

        if (now - then < delta):
            dateT = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", [
                int(ts.day()), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                stats[dateT] = stats[dateT] + th.length
            except KeyError:
                stats[dateT] = th.length
            bool = False
        th = th.prev_txn()


    total = 0
    totalPacked = 0
    daysPacked = 0
    for (d, s) in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True):
        print d, "size:", pretty_size(s),
        date = str(d)
        if (date in notPackedDays or date == str(now)):
            print "(not yet packed)"
            totalPacked = totalPacked + s
            daysPacked = daysPacked + 1
        total = total + s

    if int(totalPacked):
        average = totalPacked / int(daysPacked)
        average = 0

    print "\n-- ALREADY PACKED DAYS--"
    print "The amount of data added in", daysPacked, "days is", pretty_size(
    print "Average", pretty_size(average), "per day"

    print "Following this trend, the size of the database will be:"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 + size), " in 1 year"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 * 2 + size), " in 2 years"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 * 10 + size), " in 10 years"

    print "\n-- ALL DAYS --"
    print "The amount of data added in", days, "days is", pretty_size(total)
    if int(total):
        print "Average", pretty_size(total / int(days)), "per day"
        print "Average 0bytes per day"