Exemplo n.º 1
def ecdsa_verify(G, pub_verify, message, sig):
    """ Verify the ECDSA signature on the message """
    plaintext = message.encode("utf8")
    digest = sha256(plaintext).digest()
    res = do_ecdsa_verify(G, pub_verify, sig, digest)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
    def verify(self, message, sig):
        """ Verify the message and the signature """

        assert len(message) == 32
        lr, r, ls, s = unpack("H32sH32s", sig)
        sig = Bn.from_binary(r[:lr]), Bn.from_binary(s[:ls])
        return do_ecdsa_verify(self.G, self.pub, sig, message)
def ecdsa_verify(G, pub_verify, message, sig):
    """ Verify the ECDSA signature on the message """
    plaintext =  message.encode("utf8")
    digest = sha256(plaintext).digest()
    res = do_ecdsa_verify(G,pub_verify,sig,digest) 

    return res
Exemplo n.º 4
def dh_decrypt(priv, ciphertext, aliceVer = None):
    """ Decrypt a received message encrypted using your public key, 
    of which the private key is provided. Optionally verify 
    the message came from Alice using her verification key."""
    # ciphertext be (iv, ciphertext, tag, sender_pub, sig)
    # bob decrypting: check sig using alice's pub ver key,
    # then decrypt using shared key derived from priv (bob's private key)

    # check input parameter format
    if (not isinstance(ciphertext, tuple)) or (isinstance(ciphertext, tuple) and len(ciphertext) != 5):
        raise Exception("Expecting tuple (iv, ciphertext, tag, sender public key, signature).")
    iv, encmsg, tag, sender_pub, sig = ciphertext

    # verify signature
    if aliceVer:
        if not sig:
           raise Exception("Signature required before decyption.")
        elif not do_ecdsa_verify(EcGroup(), aliceVer, sig, sha256(encmsg).digest()):
           raise Exception("Signature verification failed.")
    # shared key = bob priv x alice's pub point
    shared_key = priv * sender_pub
    # hash
    shared_key = sha256(shared_key.export()).digest()

    # decrypt
    aes = Cipher("aes-256-gcm")
    plaintext = aes.quick_gcm_dec(shared_key, iv, encmsg, tag)

    return plaintext.encode("utf-8")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def steady_decrypt(self, ciphertext):
        assert len(self.Ks) > 0
        decode = CryptoDec().decode
        gcm_dec = self.aes.quick_gcm_dec

        [iv, ciphertext, tag] = decode(ciphertext)

        assert isinstance(ciphertext, bytes)
        assert isinstance(iv, bytes)
        assert isinstance(tag, bytes)

        ## Decrypt and check integrity
        plaintext = gcm_dec(self.Ks[-1], iv, ciphertext, tag)

        assert isinstance(plaintext, bytes)
        ## Check signature
        [xname, xplain, r, s] = decode(plaintext.decode("utf8"))
        md = sha1(self.Ks[-1] + bytes(xplain)).digest()
        sig = (r,s)
        pub = self.current_dict[xname.decode("utf8")]
        if not do_ecdsa_verify(self.G, pub, sig, bytes(md)):
            return None

        return (xname, xplain)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def verify(self, message, sig):
        """ Verify the message and the signature """

        assert len(message) == 32
        lr, r, ls, s = unpack("H32sH32s", sig)
        sig = Bn.from_binary(r[:lr]), Bn.from_binary(s[:ls])
        return do_ecdsa_verify(self.G, self.pub, sig, message)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def steady_decrypt(self, ciphertext):
        assert len(self.Ks) > 0
        decode = CryptoDec().decode
        gcm_dec = self.aes.quick_gcm_dec

        [iv, ciphertext, tag] = decode(ciphertext)

        assert isinstance(ciphertext, bytes)
        assert isinstance(iv, bytes)
        assert isinstance(tag, bytes)

        ## Decrypt and check integrity
        plaintext = gcm_dec(self.Ks[-1], iv, ciphertext, tag)

        assert isinstance(plaintext, bytes)

        ## Check signature
        [xname, xplain, r, s] = decode(plaintext.decode("utf8"))
        md = sha1(self.Ks[-1] + bytes(xplain)).digest()

        sig = (r, s)
        pub = self.current_dict[xname.decode("utf8")]
        if not do_ecdsa_verify(self.G, pub, sig, bytes(md)):
            return None

        return (xname, xplain)
Exemplo n.º 8
def ecdsa_verify(G, pub_verify, message, sig):
    """ Verify the ECDSA signature on the message """
    plaintext =  message.encode("utf8")

    res = do_ecdsa_verify(G, pub_verify, sig, plaintext)

    return res
Exemplo n.º 9
def CompareHashesOfTwoArr(hashes, sigs, Gx, pub_verifyx):
    failed = 0
    result = True
    for a, b in zip(hashes, sigs):
        res = do_ecdsa_verify(Gx, pub_verifyx, b, a)
        if (res == False):
            result = False
    return result
Exemplo n.º 10
def verify(mixnet_data, signature, params):
    signature = canonical.from_unicode_canonical(signature)
    digest = sha256(mixnet_data).digest()
    sig = tuple(map(bn_decode, (signature["r"], signature["s"])))
    ver_key = mk_EcPt(signature["public"], params)
    valid = ecdsa.do_ecdsa_verify(params.group.G, ver_key, sig, digest)
    key_id = get_key_id_from_key_data(ver_key)
    return valid, key_id
Exemplo n.º 11
def validate_sig(sig, pub, msg="proof"):
    # check that the signature on the proof is correct
    hasher = sha256()
    # verify signature
    (G, _, _, _) = setup()
    if not do_ecdsa_verify(G, unpack(pub), unpack(sig), hasher.digest()):
        raise Exception("Invalid signature")
Exemplo n.º 12
def transfer_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns, dependencies):
        amount = loads(parameters[0])
        input_from_account = loads(inputs[0])
        input_to_account = loads(inputs[1])
        output_from_account = loads(outputs[0])
        output_to_account = loads(outputs[1])
        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 2 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(outputs) != 2 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False

        if input_from_account['pub'] != output_from_account['pub'] or input_to_account['pub'] != output_to_account['pub']:
            return False

        # check tokens
        if input_from_account['type'] != 'BankAccount' or input_to_account['type'] != 'BankAccount':
            return False
        if output_from_account['type'] != 'BankAccount' or output_to_account['type'] != 'BankAccount':
            return False

        # amount transfered should be non-negative
        if amount < 0:
            return False

        # amount transfered should not exceed balance
        if input_from_account['balance'] < amount:
            return False

        # consistency between inputs and outputs
        if input_from_account['balance'] != output_from_account['balance'] + amount:
            return False
        if input_to_account['balance'] != output_to_account['balance'] - amount:
            return False

        # verify transaction
        if input_from_account['callback'] == None:
            sig = unpack(parameters[1])
            pub = unpack(input_from_account['pub'])
            hasher = sha256()
            G = setup()[0]
            if not do_ecdsa_verify(G, pub, sig, hasher.digest()): return False
            # verify depend transaction -- specified by 'callback'
            # NOTE: the checker of the dependency is automatcally called
            callback = dependencies[0]
            if callback['contractID']+'.'+callback['methodID'] != input_from_account['callback']: return False
            # NOTE: this is not enough -- this only verifes that a particular process has been called,
            # we also need to verify the inputs of that process: e.g., verifying that a bank transfer has been done
            # is useless if you don't verify the beneficiary. Any idea ?

        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False
Exemplo n.º 13
def verify_signature(sig_pk, sig, message):
    """Verify a signature.

    :param petlib.EcPt sig_pk: Signature verification key
    :param sig: Signature
    :type sig: tuple of bignums (``petlib.bn.Bn``)
    :param bytes message: Message
    pp = PublicParams.get_default()
    G = pp.ec_group
    digest = pp.hash_func(message).digest()
    return do_ecdsa_verify(G, sig_pk, sig, digest)
def auth_transfer_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns, dependencies):
        amount = loads(parameters[0])
        input_from_account = loads(inputs[0])
        input_to_account = loads(inputs[1])
        output_from_account = loads(outputs[0])
        output_to_account = loads(outputs[1])
        sig = unpack(parameters[1])

        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 2 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(outputs) != 2 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False
        if input_from_account['pub'] != output_from_account['pub'] or input_to_account['pub'] != output_to_account['pub']:
            return False

        # check tokens
        if input_from_account['type'] != 'BankAccount' or input_to_account['type'] != 'BankAccount':
            return False
        if output_from_account['type'] != 'BankAccount' or output_to_account['type'] != 'BankAccount':
            return False

        # amount transfered should be non-negative
        if amount < 0:
            return False

        # amount transfered should not exceed balance
        if input_from_account['balance'] < amount:
            return False

        # consistency between inputs and outputs
        if input_from_account['balance'] != output_from_account['balance'] + amount:
            return False
        if input_to_account['balance'] != output_to_account['balance'] - amount:
            return False

        # hash message to verify signature
        hasher = sha256()

        # recompose signed digest
        pub = unpack(input_from_account['pub'])

        # verify signature
        (G, _, _, _) = setup()
        return do_ecdsa_verify(G, pub, sig, hasher.digest())

        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False
Exemplo n.º 15
def ecdsa_verify(G, pub_verify, message, sig):
    """ Verify the ECDSA signature on the message """
    plaintext = message.encode("utf8")

    digest = sha256(
        plaintext).digest()  #prdouce hash function as binary string

    res = do_ecdsa_verify(
        G, pub_verify, sig,
        digest)  # verify  by applying the verification function
    return res
Exemplo n.º 16
def create_petition_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs,
                            returns, dependencies):
        # retrieve petition
        petition = loads(outputs[1])
        # retrieve ID list
        spent_list = loads(outputs[2])
        # retrieve parameters
        sig = pet_unpack(parameters[0])

        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 1 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(
                outputs) != 3 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False

        # check types
        if loads(inputs[0])['type'] != 'PToken' or loads(
                outputs[0])['type'] != 'PToken':
            return False
        if petition['type'] != 'PObject' or spent_list['type'] != 'PList':
            return False

        # check fields
        petition['UUID']  # check presence of UUID
        petition['verifier']  # check presence of verifier
        options = petition['options']
        scores = petition['scores']
        pub_owner = pet_unpack(petition['owner'])
        if len(options) < 1 or len(options) != len(scores): return False

        # check initalised scores
        if not all(init_score == 0 for init_score in scores): return False

        # verify signature
        pet_params = pet_setup()
        hasher = sha256()
        if not do_ecdsa_verify(pet_params[0], pub_owner, sig, hasher.digest()):
            return False

        # verify that the spent list is empty
        if spent_list['list']: return False

        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False
Exemplo n.º 17
def tally_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns,

        # retrieve vote
        vote = loads(inputs[0])
        result = loads(outputs[0])

        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 1 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(
                outputs) != 1 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False
        if len(vote['options']) != len(result['outcome']):
            return False

        # check tokens
        if result['type'] != 'VoteResult':
            return False

        # generate params, retrieve tally's public key and the parameters
        params = setup()
        (G, _, (h0, _, _, _), _) = params
        tally_pub = unpack(vote['tally_pub'])
        proof_dec = loads(parameters[0])
        sig = unpack(parameters[1])
        outcome = result['outcome']

        # verify proof of correct decryption
        for i in range(0, len(vote['scores'])):
            a, b = unpack(vote['scores'][i])
            ciphertext = (a, b - outcome[i] * h0)
            if not verifyzero(params, tally_pub, ciphertext,
                return False

        # verify signature
        hasher = sha256()
        if not do_ecdsa_verify(G, tally_pub, sig, hasher.digest()):
            return False

        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False
Exemplo n.º 18
def add_reading_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns,

        # get objects
        old_meter = loads(inputs[0])
        new_meter = loads(outputs[0])

        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 1 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(
                outputs) != 1 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False
        if old_meter['pub'] != new_meter['pub'] or old_meter[
                'info'] != new_meter['info']:
            return False
        if old_meter['tariffs'] != new_meter['tariffs'] or old_meter[
                'billing_period'] != new_meter['billing_period']:
            return False

        # check tokens
        if old_meter['type'] != new_meter['type']:
            return False

        # check readings' consistency
        if new_meter['readings'] != old_meter['readings'] + [
            return False

        # hash message to sign
        hasher = sha256()

        # verify signature
        G = setup()[0]
        pub = unpack(old_meter['pub'])
        sig = unpack(parameters['signature'])
        if not do_ecdsa_verify(G, pub, sig, hasher.digest()):
            return False

        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False
Exemplo n.º 19
def submit_bid_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns, dependencies):
        input_token = loads(inputs[0])
        output_token = loads(outputs[0])
        output_bid = loads(outputs[1])
        smart_meter = loads(reference_inputs[0])
        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 1 or len(reference_inputs) != 1 or len(outputs) != 2 or len(parameters) != 2 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False

        # check tokens
        if input_token['type'] != 'EBToken' or output_token['type'] != 'EBToken':
            return False
        if output_bid['type'] != 'EBBuy' and output_bid['type'] != 'EBSell':
            return False
        if smart_meter['type'] != 'SMMeter':
            return False
        if output_bid['pub'] != smart_meter['pub']:
            return False
        # hash message to verify signature
        hasher = sha256()

        # recompose signed digest
        pub = unpack(smart_meter['pub'])
        sig = unpack(parameters[1])

        # verify signature
        (G, _, _, _) = setup()
        if not do_ecdsa_verify(G, pub, sig, hasher.digest()):
            return False

        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False
Exemplo n.º 20
digest = sha1(b"Something I wish to sign").digest()

print hexlify(digest)
"""Next we can sign it. We need the elliptic curve parameter `G` which we can get from the params we created in the setup. We pass it the public key we generated earlier"""

(G, _, _, _) = params

kinv_rp = do_ecdsa_setup(G, private_key)
"""Now we can sign our digest"""

sig = do_ecdsa_sign(G, private_key, digest, kinv_rp=kinv_rp)

print pack(sig)
"""Finally we can verify it using the public key from our keypair"""

do_ecdsa_verify(G, public_key, sig, digest)
"""Here is a bunch of crypto functions for [homomorphic encryption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homomorphic_encryption)

See [here](https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/45040/can-elliptic-curve-cryptography-encrypt-with-public-key-and-decrypt-with-private) for an answer about doing encryption with elliptic curve cryptography.

In order to do [asymetric encryption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography)  using ECC you first have to turn your message into a point on the curve,you can then encrypt using a public key which can be decrypted with the private key. 

There is a scheme for more general encrpytion, the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_Encryption_Scheme which allows two parties to generate a symetric key that they can use to encrypt a message between them

def enc_side(params, pub, counter):
    """ encrypts the values of a small counter """
    assert -2**8 < counter < 2**8
    (_, g, (h0, _, _, _), o) = params
Exemplo n.º 21
def verify_signature(sig_pk, sig, message):
    pp = PublicParams.get_default()
    G = pp.ec_group
    digest = pp.hash_func(message).digest()
    return do_ecdsa_verify(G, sig_pk, sig, digest)
Exemplo n.º 22
def add_vote_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns,

        # retrieve vote
        old_vote = loads(inputs[0])
        new_vote = loads(outputs[0])
        num_votes = len(old_vote['options'])

        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 1 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(
                outputs) != 1 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False
        if num_votes != len(new_vote['scores']) or num_votes != len(
            return False
        if new_vote['participants'] == None:
            return False
        if old_vote['tally_pub'] != new_vote['tally_pub']:
            return False

        # check tokens
        if new_vote['type'] != 'VoteObject':
            return False

        # check that voter has been removed from participants
        if not parameters[2] in old_vote['participants']:
            return False
        if parameters[2] in new_vote['participants']:
            return False
        if len(old_vote['participants']) != len(new_vote['participants']) + 1:
            return False

        # generate params, retrieve tally's public key and the parameters
        params = setup()
        tally_pub = unpack(old_vote['tally_pub'])
        added_vote = loads(parameters[0])
        sig = unpack(parameters[1])
        voter_pub = unpack(parameters[2])
        proof_bin = loads(parameters[3])
        proof_sum = unpack(parameters[4])

        # verify signature
        (G, _, _, _) = params
        hasher = sha256()
        if not do_ecdsa_verify(G, voter_pub, sig, hasher.digest()):
            return False

        # verify proofs of binary (votes have to be bin values)
        for i in range(0, num_votes):
            if not verifybin(params, tally_pub, unpack(added_vote[i]),
                return False

        # verify proof of sum of votes (sum of votes has to be 1)
        sum_a, sum_b = unpack(added_vote[-1])
        sum_c = (sum_a, sum_b)
        for i in range(0, num_votes - 1):
            sum_c = add(sum_c, unpack(added_vote[i]))
        if not verifyone(params, tally_pub, sum_c, proof_sum):
            return False

        # verify that output == input + vote
        for i in range(0, num_votes):
            tmp_c = add(unpack(old_vote['scores'][i]), unpack(added_vote[i]))
            if not new_vote['scores'][i] == pack(tmp_c):
                return False

        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False