Exemplo n.º 1
def test_signature_proof():
    mG = BilinearGroupPair()
    keypair = BBSPlusKeypair.generate(mG, 9)
    messages = [Bn(30), Bn(31), Bn(32)]

    pk, sk = keypair.pk, keypair.sk
    generators, h0 = keypair.generators, keypair.h0

    creator = BBSPlusSignatureCreator(pk)
    lhs = creator.commit(messages)
    presignature = sk.sign(lhs.com_message)
    signature = creator.obtain_signature(presignature)
    e, s, m1, m2, m3 = (Secret() for _ in range(5))
    secret_dict = {
        e: signature.e,
        s: signature.s,
        m1: messages[0],
        m2: messages[1],
        m3: messages[2],

    p1 = BBSPlusSignatureStmt([e, s, m1, m2, m3], pk, signature)
    prover = p1.get_prover(secret_dict)
    p2 = BBSPlusSignatureStmt([Secret() for _ in range(5)], pk)
    verifier = p2.get_verifier()
    pc = prover.precommit()
    com = prover.commit()
    chal = verifier.send_challenge(com)
    resp = prover.compute_response(chal)
    assert verifier.verify(resp)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_ec_sum(group):
    g = group.generator()
    assert group.sum([g] * 10) == (10 * g)

    order = group.order()
    h = order.random() * g
    assert group.wsum([Bn(10), Bn(20)], [g, h]) == 10 * g + 20 * h
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_signature_non_interactive_proof():
    mG = BilinearGroupPair()
    keypair = BBSPlusKeypair.generate(mG, 9)
    messages = [Bn(30), Bn(31), Bn(32)]

    pk, sk = keypair.pk, keypair.sk
    generators, h0 = keypair.generators, keypair.h0

    creator = BBSPlusSignatureCreator(pk)
    lhs = creator.commit(messages)
    presignature = sk.sign(lhs.com_message)
    signature = creator.obtain_signature(presignature)
    e, s, m1, m2, m3 = (Secret() for _ in range(5))
    secret_dict = {
        e: signature.e,
        s: signature.s,
        m1: messages[0],
        m2: messages[1],
        m3: messages[2],

    p1 = BBSPlusSignatureStmt([e, s, m1, m2, m3], pk, signature)
    tr = p1.prove(secret_dict)
    p1 = BBSPlusSignatureStmt([Secret() for _ in range(5)], pk)
    assert p1.verify(tr)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_gt_prod():
    g = GT.generator()
    assert group.prod([g] * 10) == (g ** 10)

    order = GT.order()
    h = g ** order.random()
    assert group.wprod([Bn(10), Bn(20)], [g, h]) == g ** 10 * h ** 20
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_issue_request(server_pk, attributes):
        """Gets all known attributes (subscription) of a user and creates an issuance request.
        You are allowed to add extra attributes to the issuance.

        You should design the issue_request as you see fit.
        attributes = [Bn.from_binary(hashlib.sha256(attr.encode()).digest()) for attr in attributes]
        gen_g1 = server_pk[0]
        t = G1.order().random()

        #Gen C
        C = gen_g1 ** t
        for e in zip(server_pk[1:], attributes):
            C = C * e[0] ** e[1]
        #Gen commitment
        comm_values = [G1.order().random() for _ in range(len(attributes) + 1)]
        comm = gen_g1 ** comm_values[0]
        for e in zip(server_pk[1:], comm_values[1:]):
            comm  = comm * e[0] ** e[1]
        #Gen challenge
        challenge = hashlib.sha256(jsonpickle.encode(C).encode())
        challenge = Bn.from_binary(challenge.digest())

        #Generate response
        response = [e[0].mod_sub(challenge * e[1],G1.order()) for e in zip(comm_values, [t] + attributes)]

        return IssuanceRequest(C, comm, challenge, response),t
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_gt_exponentiation():
    g = GT.generator()

    assert g ** 3 == g * g * g
    assert g ** (-1) == g.inverse()
    assert g ** 10 == g.pow(10)
    assert g ** Bn(10) == g.pow(Bn(10))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_bn_prime():
    for safe in (0, 1):
        p = Bn.get_prime(128, safe=safe)
        assert p > Bn(0)
        assert p.is_prime()
        assert not Bn(16).is_prime()
        assert p.num_bits() > 127
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_gt_exponentiation():
    group = GTGroup()
    g = group.generator()

    assert g**3 == g * g * g
    assert g**(-1) == g.inv()
    assert g**10 == g.exp(10)
    assert g**Bn(10) == g.exp(Bn(10))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def sign(self, message, revealed_attr):
        """Signs the message.

            message (byte []): message
            revealed_attr (string []): a list of revealed attributes

            Signature: signature
        #public_key separation
        nb_attr_public_key = (len(self.server_pk) - 3) // 2
        gen_g1_pk = self.server_pk[0]
        public_key1 = self.server_pk[1:nb_attr_public_key + 1]
        gen_g2_pk = self.server_pk[nb_attr_public_key + 1]
        x_g2_pk = self.server_pk[nb_attr_public_key + 2]
        public_key2 = self.server_pk[nb_attr_public_key + 3:]

        #Gen signature
        r = G1.order().random()
        t = G1.order().random()
        signature = (self.credential[0] ** r, (self.credential[1] * self.credential[0]**t)**r)

        #attributes work
        revealed_attributes_idx = [self.attributes.index(attr) for attr in self.attributes if attr in revealed_attr]
        revealed_attributes_bn = [Bn.from_binary(hashlib.sha256(attr.encode()).digest()) for attr in revealed_attr]
        hidden_attributes_idx = [self.attributes.index(attr) for attr in self.attributes if attr not in revealed_attr]
        hidden_attributes_bn = [Bn.from_binary(hashlib.sha256(attr.encode()).digest()) for attr in self.attributes if attr not in revealed_attr]

        #Gen C (left-hand side)
        C = signature[1].pair(gen_g2_pk) / signature[0].pair(x_g2_pk)
        for i in range(len(revealed_attr)):
            C = C * signature[0].pair(public_key2[revealed_attributes_idx[i]]) ** (-revealed_attributes_bn[i] % G1.order())

        #Gen commitment (to prove right-hand side)
        comm_values = [G1.order().random() for _ in range(len(hidden_attributes_idx) + 1)]
        comm = signature[0].pair(gen_g2_pk) ** comm_values[0]
        for e in zip(hidden_attributes_idx, comm_values[1:]):
            comm = comm * signature[0].pair(public_key2[e[0]])**e[1]

        #Gen Challenge
        challenge = hashlib.sha256(jsonpickle.encode(C).encode())
        challenge = Bn.from_binary(challenge.digest())

        #Gen Responses
        response = [e[0].mod_sub(challenge * e[1],G1.order()) for e in zip(comm_values, [t] + hidden_attributes_bn)]

        return Signature(signature, comm, challenge, response, revealed_attributes_idx)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_odd():
    assert Bn(1).is_odd()
    assert Bn(1).is_bit_set(0)
    assert not Bn(1).is_bit_set(1)

    assert Bn(3).is_odd()
    assert Bn(3).is_bit_set(0)
    assert Bn(3).is_bit_set(1)

    assert not Bn(0).is_odd()
    assert not Bn(2).is_odd()

    assert Bn(100).is_bit_set(Bn(100).num_bits() - 1)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_wsum_groups(group):
    g = group.generator()

    g1 = 10 * g
    g2 = 20 * g
    a1 = Bn(2)
    a2 = Bn(4)

    s = group.wsum([g1, g2], [a1, a2])
    assert s == 100 * g

    # Make sure the type is still correct
    assert s.__class__ == g.__class__
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_signature_setup():
    mG = BilinearGroupPair()
    keypair = BBSPlusKeypair.generate(mG, 9)
    messages = [Bn(30), Bn(31), Bn(32), Bn(12)]

    pk, sk = keypair.pk, keypair.sk
    generators, h0 = keypair.generators, keypair.h0

    creator = BBSPlusSignatureCreator(pk)
    com = creator.commit(messages, zkp=True)
    presignature = sk.sign(com.com_message)
    signature = creator.obtain_signature(presignature)

    assert com.verify_blinding(pk) and signature.verify_signature(pk, messages)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def verify(self, issuer_public_info, public_attrs, message):
        """Verifies a signature.

            issuer_public_info (): output of issuer's 'get_serialized_public_key' method
            public_attrs (dict): public attributes
            message (byte []): list of messages

            valid (boolean): is signature valid
        #public_key separation
        nb_attr_public_key = (len(issuer_public_info) - 3) // 2
        gen_g1_pk = issuer_public_info[0]
        public_key1 = issuer_public_info[1:nb_attr_public_key + 1]
        gen_g2_pk = issuer_public_info[nb_attr_public_key + 1]
        x_g2_pk = issuer_public_info[nb_attr_public_key + 2]
        public_key2 = issuer_public_info[nb_attr_public_key + 3:]

        #attributes work
        nb_attr = len(self.response) - 1 + len(public_attrs)
        public_attributes_idx = self.attributes_idx
        public_attributes_bn = [Bn.from_binary(hashlib.sha256(attr.encode()).digest()) for attr in public_attrs]
        hidden_attributes_idx = [i for i in range(nb_attr) if i not in public_attributes_idx]

        #Gen C (left-hand side)
        C = self.signature[1].pair(gen_g2_pk) / self.signature[0].pair(x_g2_pk)
        for i in range(len(public_attrs)):
            C = C * self.signature[0].pair(public_key2[public_attributes_idx[i]]) ** (-public_attributes_bn[i] % G1.order())

        #Gen Challenge
        challenge = hashlib.sha256(jsonpickle.encode(C).encode())
        challenge = Bn.from_binary(challenge.digest())

        #check challenge
        challenge_valid = challenge == self.challenge

        #Compute zkp
        candidate = C ** challenge * self.signature[0].pair(gen_g2_pk) ** self.response[0]
        for e in zip(hidden_attributes_idx, self.response[1:]):
            candidate = candidate * self.signature[0].pair(public_key2[e[0]]) ** e[1]

        proof_valid = candidate == self.commitment

        return challenge_valid and proof_valid 
Exemplo n.º 14
 def sign(cls, sk, messages):
     m = Bn.from_binary(hashlib.sha256(messages).digest())
     h = G1.generator() ** G1.order().random()   
     while h == G1.neutral_element():
         h = G1.generator() ** G1.order().random()
     sig = [h, h ** (sk[0] + sk[1] * m)]
     return sig
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_ec_arithmetic(group):
    g = group.generator()
    assert not g == 5
    assert g != 5
    assert g + g == g + g
    assert g + g == g.double()
    assert g + g == Bn(2) * g
    assert g + g == 2 * g

    assert g + g != g + g + g
    assert g + (-g) == group.neutral_element()
    d = {}
    d[2 * g] = 2
    assert d[2 * g] == 2

    q = group.generator()
    q *= 10

    assert q == g * 10

    q *= 10
    assert q == g * 10 * 10

    # Test long names
    assert (g + g).eq(g + g)
    assert g + g == g.add(g)
    assert -g == g.neg()
    assert 10 * g == g.mul(10)

    assert len(str(g)) > 0

    # Bug for large factors multiplication.
    a = 4 * group.order()
    assert (g * a).is_neutral_element()
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_ec_arithmetic(group):
    g = group.generator()
    assert g + g == g + g
    assert g + g == g.double()
    assert g + g == Bn(2) * g
    assert g + g == 2 * g

    assert g + g != g + g + g
    assert g + (-g) == group.neutral_element()
    d = {}
    d[2 * g] = 2
    assert d[2 * g] == 2

    # Test long names
    assert (g + g).eq(g + g)
    assert g + g == g.add(g)
    assert -g == g.neg()
    assert 10 * g == g.mul(10)

    assert len(str(g)) > 0

    neutral_element = group.neutral_element()

    assert group.infinity() == neutral_element

    assert g + neutral_element == g
    assert neutral_element + neutral_element == neutral_element
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_gt_multiplication():
    group = GTGroup()
    g = group.generator()
    assert g * g == g * g
    assert g * g == g.mul(g)
    assert g * g == g.sqr()
    assert g * g == g**Bn(2)
    assert g * g == g**2

    assert g * g != g * g * g
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_gt_multiplication():
    g = GT.generator()
    assert not g == 5
    assert g != 5
    assert g * g == g * g
    assert g * g == g.square()
    assert g * g == g ** Bn(2)
    assert g * g == g ** 2
    assert g * g * g == g ** 3

    assert g * g != g * g * g
Exemplo n.º 19
def bench_group(name, group):
    global grp, generator, scalars, points, points2
    global input_strings, input_strings_long

    order = group.order()

    # Generate scalars and elements for benchmark
    grp = group
    generator = group.generator()
    scalars = [order.random() for _ in range(NR_ELEMS)]
    points = [order.random() * group.generator() for _ in range(NR_ELEMS)]
    points2 = [order.random() * group.generator() for _ in range(NR_ELEMS)]
    input_strings = [secrets.token_bytes(32) for _ in range(NR_ELEMS)]
    input_strings_long = [secrets.token_bytes(1024) for _ in range(NR_ELEMS)]

    print_header("Group " + name)

    print_time("Square", "[p.double() for p in points]")

    print_time("Multiplication", "[p + q for p, q in zip(points, points2)]")

    print_time("Exponentiation (generator)",
               "[s * generator for s in scalars]")

    print_time("Exponentiation (point)",
               "[s * p for s, p in zip(scalars, points)]")

    for bits in [2**x for x in range(3, 9)]:
        scalars = [Bn.get_random(bits) for _ in range(NR_ELEMS)]
            "    (scalar is {:>4} bits)".format(bits),
            "[s * p for s, p in zip(scalars, points)]",

    if name != "GT":
            "Hash to point (32 bytes input)",
            "[grp.hash_to_point(s) for s in input_strings]",

            "Hash to point (1024 bytes input)",
            "[grp.hash_to_point(s) for s in input_strings]",

    print_time("Export", "[p for p in points]")

Exemplo n.º 20
def test_ec_arithmetic(group):
    g = group.generator()
    assert g + g == g + g
    assert g + g == g.pt_double()
    assert g + g == Bn(2) * g
    assert g + g == 2 * g

    assert g + g != g + g + g
    assert g + (-g) == group.infinite()
    d = {}
    d[2 * g] = 2
    assert d[2 * g] == 2

    # Test long names
    assert (g + g).pt_eq(g + g)
    assert g + g == g.pt_add(g)
    assert -g == g.pt_neg()
    assert 10 * g == g.pt_mul(10)

    assert len(str(g)) > 0
Exemplo n.º 21
    def issue(sk, request, username, attributes):
        """Issues a credential for a new user. 

        This function should receive a issuance request from the user
        (AnonCredential.create_issue_request), and a list of known attributes of the
        user (e.g. the server received bank notes for subscriptions x, y, and z).

        You should design the issue_request as you see fit.
        #extract public and secret key
        secret_key = sk[0]
        public_key = sk[1]

        #Derive challenge
        challenge = hashlib.sha256(jsonpickle.encode(request.C).encode())
        challenge = Bn.from_binary(challenge.digest())

        #Compare the derived challenge to the received challenge
        challenge_valid = challenge == request.challenge

        #Compute the zkp
        candidate = request.C ** challenge
        for e in zip(public_key, request.response):
            candidate = candidate * e[0] ** e[1]

        proof_valid = request.commitment == candidate

        #If the proof and the derived challenge is valid, sig the credential
        if proof_valid and challenge_valid:
            u = G1.order().random()
            sig = (public_key[0] ** u,(secret_key * request.C) ** u)
            return sig
        else :
            raise ValueError
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_bn_pow():
    assert Bn(2).pow(Bn(8)) == Bn(256)
    assert Bn(2).pow(8) == Bn(256)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_bn_abs():
    assert abs(Bn(1)) == Bn(1)
    assert abs(Bn(-1)) == Bn(1)

    assert Bn(5).abs() == Bn(5)
    assert Bn(-5).abs() == Bn(5)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _get_coords(self):
     x, y, z = Bn(), Bn(), Bn()
     _C.fp_prime_back(x.bn, self.pt[0].x)
     _C.fp_prime_back(y.bn, self.pt[0].y)
     _C.fp_prime_back(z.bn, self.pt[0].z)
     return (x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_bn_arithmetic():
    assert Bn(1) + Bn(1) == Bn(2)
    assert Bn(1).int_add(Bn(1)) == Bn(2)

    assert Bn(1) + 1 == Bn(2)
    # assert (1 + Bn(1) == Bn(2))

    assert Bn(1) + Bn(-1) == Bn(0)
    assert Bn(10) + Bn(10) == Bn(20)
    assert Bn(-1) * Bn(-1) == Bn(1)
    assert Bn(-1).int_mul(Bn(-1)) == Bn(1)

    assert Bn(10) * Bn(10) == Bn(100)
    assert Bn(10) - Bn(10) == Bn(0)
    assert Bn(10) - Bn(100) == Bn(-90)
    assert Bn(10) + (-Bn(10)) == Bn(0)
    s = -Bn(100)
    assert Bn(10) + s == Bn(-90)
    assert Bn(10) - (-Bn(10)) == Bn(20)
    assert -Bn(-10) == 10
    assert Bn(-10).int_neg() == 10

    assert divmod(Bn(10), Bn(3)) == (Bn(3), Bn(1))
    assert Bn(10).divmod(Bn(3)) == (Bn(3), Bn(1))

    assert Bn(10) // Bn(3) == Bn(3)
    assert Bn(10).int_div(Bn(3)) == Bn(3)

    assert Bn(10) % Bn(3) == Bn(1)
    assert Bn(10).mod(Bn(3)) == Bn(1)

    assert Bn(2)**Bn(8) == Bn(2**8)
    assert pow(Bn(2), Bn(8), Bn(27)) == Bn(2**8 % 27)

    pow(Bn(10), Bn(10)).binary()
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        pow(Bn(10), -1)

    assert pow(Bn(2), -1, 27) == 14

    assert pow(Bn(2), 0, 27) == 1

    assert pow(Bn(2), 8, 27) == 2**8 % 27

    assert Bn(3).mod_inverse(16) == 11

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        print("Got inverse")
    assert "No inverse" in str(excinfo.value)

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        x = Bn(0).mod_inverse(Bn(13))
        print("!!! Got inverse", x)
    assert "No inverse" in str(excinfo.value)

    # with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
    #    x = Bn(0).mod_inverse(Bn(13))
    #    print("Got inverse", x)
    # assert 'No inverse' in str(excinfo.value)

    assert Bn(10).mod_add(10, 15) == (10 + 10) % 15
    assert Bn(10).mod_sub(100, 15) == (10 - 100) % 15
    assert Bn(10).mod_mul(10, 15) == (10 * 10) % 15
    assert Bn(-1).bool()
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_bn_constructors():
    assert Bn.from_num(100) == 100
    assert Bn.from_num(-100) == -100

    assert Bn.from_num(Bn(100)) == 100
    assert Bn.from_num(Bn(-100)) == -100

    assert Bn.from_num("100") == NotImplemented

    assert Bn.from_decimal("100") == 100
    assert Bn.from_decimal("-100") == -100

    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    assert Bn.from_hex(Bn(-100).hex()) == -100
    assert Bn(15).hex() == Bn(15).hex()

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
    assert "negative" in str(excinfo.value)

    # assert Bn.from_binary(Bn(-100).binary()) == 100
    assert Bn.from_binary(Bn(100).binary()) == Bn(100)
    assert Bn.from_binary(Bn(100).binary()) == 100

    # assert Bn.from_binary(Bn(-100).binary()) != Bn(50)
    assert int(Bn(-100)) == -100

    assert repr(Bn(5)) == Bn(5).repr()
    assert repr(Bn(5)) == Bn(5).repr() == "Bn(5)"
    assert range(10)[Bn(4)] == 4

    d = {Bn(5): 5, Bn(6): 6}
    assert Bn(5) in d
Exemplo n.º 27
 def verify(cls, pk, messages, signature):
     m = Bn.from_binary(hashlib.sha256(messages).digest())
     is_gen = signature[0] == G1.neutral_element()
     is_valid = signature[0].pair(pk[1] * pk[2] ** m) == signature[1].pair(pk[0])
     return is_valid and not is_gen
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_bn_large_integer():
    num = 2**128 + 1
    a = Bn(num)

    assert a.num_bits() == 129
    assert a == Bn(2)**128 + 1
Exemplo n.º 29
 def restore(self, obj):
     return Bn.from_binary(base64.b64decode(obj["b64repr"]))
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_bn_large_negative_integer():
    num = -2**128 + 1
    a = Bn(num)

    assert a.num_bits() == 128
    assert a == -Bn(2)**128 + 1