Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    screen = pew.Pix()

    while True:
        screen.box(0, 0, 0)
        board = Board(screen)

        while not pew.keys():

        while True:

            keys = pew.keys()
            if keys & pew.K_UP:
                board.move_paddle(board.left_paddle, Direction.UP)
            if keys & pew.K_DOWN:
                board.move_paddle(board.left_paddle, Direction.DOWN)
            if keys & pew.K_O:
                board.move_paddle(board.right_paddle, Direction.UP)
            if keys & pew.K_X:
                board.move_paddle(board.right_paddle, Direction.DOWN)

            except BallOut:
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     self.screen = pew.Pix()
     self.cursorx, self.cursory = 4, 4
     self.counter = 0
     self.pressing = False
Exemplo n.º 3
def start():

def main():

    # -- animations ----

    def blink(row):
        while len(animations) > 1:
        while True:
            for x, y in row:
                screen.pixel(x, y + 2, 0)

    def drop(color, x, y):
        for i in range(1, y):
            screen.pixel(x, y, 0)
            screen.pixel(x, i, color)

    # -- initialization ----

    screen = pew.Pix()
    board = pew.Pix(7, 6)
    cursor = 3
    opcursor = 3
    turn = 1
    prevk = 0b111111
    won = False
    animations = []

    with open('four-name', 'rb') as f:
        myname = f.read()
    lobbyprefix = b'fourinarow/lobby/'
    lobbytopic = lobbyprefix + myname
    joinprefix = b'fourinarow/join/'
    jointopic = joinprefix + myname
    client = mqtt.MQTTClient('', 'mqtt.kolleegium.ch')
    client.set_last_will(lobbytopic, b'', True)

        # -- lobby initialization ----

        client.publish(lobbytopic, b'1', True)
        joined = None
        lobby = set()
        lobbylist = ['>exit']
        menu = menugen(screen, lobbylist)

        def onMessageLobby(topic, message):
            nonlocal joined, mycolor
            if topic.startswith(lobbyprefix):
                username = topic[len(lobbyprefix):]
                if message:
                    screen.box(1, 0, 7, 8, 1)
                    screen.box(2, 0, 7, 8, 1)
                lobbylist[:-1] = [
                    str(n, 'ascii') for n in lobby if n != myname
            elif topic == jointopic:
                joined = message
                mycolor = 2

        client.subscribe(lobbyprefix + b'+')

        # -- lobby loop ----

        for selected in menu:
            if joined:
            pew.tick(1 / 24)
            if selected < len(lobbylist) - 1:
                joined = bytes(lobbylist[selected], 'ascii')
                client.publish(joinprefix + joined, myname)
                mycolor = 1
        client.publish(lobbytopic, b'', True)

        if not joined:

        # -- game initialization ----

        mygameprefix = b'fourinarow/game/' + myname + b'/'
        mycursortopic = mygameprefix + b'cursor'
        mydroptopic = mygameprefix + b'drop'
        opgameprefix = b'fourinarow/game/' + joined + b'/'
        opcursortopic = opgameprefix + b'cursor'
        opdroptopic = opgameprefix + b'drop'

        def move(cursor):
            nonlocal won, turn
            y = 0
            while y < 6 and board.pixel(cursor, y) == 0:
                y += 1
            if y != 0:
                board.pixel(cursor, y - 1, turn)
                animations.append(drop(turn, cursor, y + 1))
                won = check(board)
                if won:
                turn = 3 - turn

        def onMessageGame(topic, message):
            nonlocal opcursor
            if topic == opcursortopic and len(message) == 1:
                opcursor = message[0]
            elif topic == opdroptopic and len(
                    message) == 1 and turn == 3 - mycolor:

        client.subscribe(opgameprefix + b'#')
        client.publish(mycursortopic, bytes((cursor, )), True)

        # -- game loop ----

        while True:

            # -- input handling ----

            k = pew.keys()
            if not won:
                if k & pew.K_LEFT:
                    if cursor > 0:
                        cursor -= 1
                        client.publish(mycursortopic, bytes((cursor, )), True)
                if k & pew.K_RIGHT:
                    if cursor < 6:
                        cursor += 1
                        client.publish(mycursortopic, bytes((cursor, )), True)
                if k & ~prevk & (pew.K_DOWN | pew.K_O
                                 | pew.K_X) and turn == mycolor:
                    client.publish(mydroptopic, bytes((cursor, )), False)
                if prevk == 0 and k != 0 and len(animations) == 1:
            prevk = k


            # -- drawing ----

            screen.box(0, 0, 0, 8, 2)
            if not won:
                screen.pixel(cursor, 0, mycolor)
                screen.pixel(opcursor, 0,
                             3 if cursor == opcursor else 3 - mycolor)
                if turn == mycolor:
                    screen.pixel(7, 1, turn)
            screen.blit(board, 0, 2)
            for i in range(len(animations) - 1, -1, -1):
                except StopIteration:
                    del animations[i]

        client.publish(lobbytopic, b'', True)
Exemplo n.º 5
import struct
import usb_hid
import pew

screen = pew.Pix()
for gamepad in usb_hid.devices:
    if gamepad.usage_page == 0x01 and gamepad.usage == 0x05:
    raise RuntimeError("Gamepad HID device not found")
report = bytearray(6)

while True:
    buttons = pew.keys()
    report_buttons = 0

    if buttons & pew.K_O:
        screen.pixel(6, 3, 3)
        report_buttons |= 0x01
        screen.pixel(6, 3, 1)

    if buttons & pew.K_X:
        screen.pixel(6, 5, 3)
        report_buttons |= 0x02
        screen.pixel(6, 5, 1)

    if buttons & pew.K_UP:
        y = -127
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     self.screen = pew.Pix()
Exemplo n.º 7
def main_loop(ins):
    main loop of the program. Takes an instruction
    set and calls it iteratively to process the
    pushed buttons and update the display.
    Button 'O' exits the loop
    # initialize PewPew console

    # Load start screens
    for start_screen in start_screens:

    # initialization stage

    # flags used throughout the loop
    bool_loop = True
    old_keys = 0

    while bool_loop:
        keys = pew.keys()

        if keys != 0 and keys != old_keys:
            old_keys = keys

            # dispatch the pushed buttons
            if keys & pew.K_X:
                value = pew.K_X
            elif keys & pew.K_DOWN:
                value = pew.K_DOWN
            elif keys & pew.K_LEFT:
                value = pew.K_LEFT
            elif keys & pew.K_RIGHT:
                value = pew.K_RIGHT
            elif keys & pew.K_UP:
                value = pew.K_UP
            elif keys & pew.K_O:
                value = pew.K_O
                bool_loop = False
                value = 0


        elif keys == 0:
            # this is necessary to be able to push
            # a button twice in a row
            old_keys = keys

        # update the screen and wait for 20ms

    # the program has been terminated.
    # display the final sequence
    for final_screen in final_screens:
import pew
import random
import pygame
import numpy as np

dis = pew.init()
screen = pew.Pix()

game_speed = 4
snake = [(2, 4)]
dx, dy = 1, 0
apple_x, apple_y = 6, 4
screen.pixel(apple_x, apple_y, 2)

#circuit graphics
#add backgorund
ima = pygame.image.load('background.jpeg')
dis.blit(ima, (0, 320))
#gate backkgorund
ima2 = pygame.image.load('gateback.jpeg')
dis.blit(ima2, (0, 320))
#add gate, change from H to Z to Meas by key stroke
font1 = pygame.font.Font(None, 100)
text = font1.render('H', True, (0, 255, 0))
dis.blit(text, (10, 330))
gates = np.zeros(3, dtype=str)
gates[0] = 'H'
gates[1] = 'Z'
gates[2] = 'M'
g = 0
Exemplo n.º 9
# Simple moving dot from random start position
import pew
from random import randint

pew.init()  # intialise device
screen = pew.Pix()  # create empty screen image

x = randint(0, 7)  # random intial x position
y = randint(0, 7)  # random intial y position

dx = 1  # initial x step
dy = 1  # initial y step

while True:
    screen.pixel(x, y, 0)  #make previuos pixel not lit
    if x < 0 or x > 7:  #if next x position is off screen
        dx = -dx  #reverse its direction
    if y < 0 or y > 7:  #if next y position is off screen
        dy = -dy  #reverse its direction
    x += dx  #update x position
    y += dy  #update y position
    screen.pixel(x, y, 2)  #plot next pixel
    pew.show(screen)  #update screen
    pew.tick(1 / 12)  #pause approx 1/2 second
Exemplo n.º 10
def run():

    cos = [
        4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -3, -4, -4, -4, -3, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1,
        2, 3, 3, 4
    sin = cos[18:] + cos[:18]

    with open('m3dlevel.bmp', 'rb') as f:
        textures = f.read(64)
        textures = bytes(textures[4 * i] for i in range(16))
        level = f.read()

    def bresenham(ax, ay, bx, by):
        x = ax
        y = ay
        dx = bx - ax
        if dx < 0:
            dx = -dx
            ix = -1
            ix = 1
        dy = by - ay
        if dy < 0:
            dy = -dy
            iy = -1
            iy = 1
        dx <<= 1
        dy <<= 1
        sx = dx
        sy = dy
        if dx >= dy:
            sx >>= 1
            while x != bx:
                if sx < sy:
                    y += iy
                    sx += dx
                x += ix
                sy += dy
                yield x, y
            sy >>= 1
            while y != by:
                if sy < sx:
                    x += ix
                    sy += dy
                y += iy
                sx += dx
                yield x, y

    def lookup(x, y):
        b = level[(y << (_LOG_LEVEL_W - 1 - 2)) & (((1 << _LOG_LEVEL_H) - 1) <<
                                                   (_LOG_LEVEL_W - 1)) |
                  ((x >> 3) & ((1 << (_LOG_LEVEL_W - 1)) - 1))]
        return (b & 0xF) if (x & 4) else (b >> 4)

    screen = pew.Pix()

    x = (1 << (_LOG_LEVEL_W + 1))
    y = (1 << (_LOG_LEVEL_H + 1))
    nx = None
    b = 6
    sb = sin[b]
    cb = cos[b]

    while pew.keys():
    while True:
        keys = pew.keys()
        if keys & pew.K_X:
        if keys & pew.K_RIGHT:
            if keys & pew.K_O:
                nx = x + sb
                ny = y - cb
                b = (b + 23) % 24
                sb = sin[b]
                cb = cos[b]
                #print('xy:', x, y, 'b:', b)
        if keys & pew.K_LEFT:
            if keys & pew.K_O:
                nx = x - sb
                ny = y + cb
                b = (b + 1) % 24
                sb = sin[b]
                cb = cos[b]
                #print('xy:', x, y, 'b:', b)
        if keys & pew.K_UP:
            nx = x + cb
            ny = y + sb
        if keys & pew.K_DOWN:
            nx = x - cb
            ny = y - sb
        if nx is not None and lookup(nx, ny) == 0:
            x = nx
            y = ny
            nx = None
            #print('xy:', x, y, 'b:', b)

        rx = x + 16 * cb - 14 * sb
        ry = y + 16 * sb + 14 * cb
        for c in range(8):
            p = 0
            for bx, by in bresenham(x, y, rx, ry):
                p = lookup(bx, by)
                if p != 0:
                    bxy = max(abs(bx - x), abs(by - y))
                    rxy = max(abs(rx - x), abs(ry - y))
                    for r in range(8):
                        t = (7 * rxy - 8 * bxy * (5 - 2 * r)) // (4 * rxy) - 1
                            c, r, 0 if t < 0 else 73 - 8 * r if t >= 4 else
                            ((textures[p] >>
                              (t << 1)) & 3) + 4 * (bxy * 15 // rxy))
                    #if keys != 0:
                    #	print(rx, ',', ry, ':', bx, ',', by, '=', p, 'z', 64*bxy/rxy)
                for r in range(8):
                    screen.pixel(c, r, 0 if r < 3 else 73 - 8 * r)

            rx += 4 * sb
            ry -= 4 * cb

Exemplo n.º 11
                      (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3), (0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0)),
                     ((0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0), (3, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 3),
                      (3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3), (3, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3),
                      (3, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 3), (3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3),
                      (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3), (0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0)),
                     ((0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0), (3, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 3),
                      (3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3), (3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 3),
                      (3, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 3), (3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3),
                      (3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3), (0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0)),
                     ((0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0), (3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3),
                      (3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3), (3, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3),
                      (3, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 3), (3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3),
                      (3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3), (0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0)))
    i = 0  # frame counter
    value = 0  # holds the selected level (0 = none)
    pew.init()  # initialize the PewPew console

    while not value:
        # check for pressed keys
        keys = pew.keys()
        if keys & pew.K_UP:
            value = 1
        elif keys & pew.K_RIGHT:
            value = 2
        elif keys & pew.K_DOWN:
            value = 3
        elif keys & pew.K_LEFT:
            value = 4

        # display the next frame of the animation
        animation = (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 12
# 6 Sided die - graphic display = press X for next number

from random import randint  # import random integer function

import pew  # Import pewpew library

pew.init()  # Initlise library

screen = pew.Pix()  # Create blsnk screen

# Define pattern for 1 dot
score1 = pew.Pix.from_iter((
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),

# Define pattern for 2 dots
score2 = pew.Pix.from_iter((
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0),
Exemplo n.º 13
import pew  # setting up tools for the pewpew
import random
from microqiskit import QuantumCircuit, simulate  # setting up tools for quantum

pew.init()  # initialize the game engine...
screen = pew.Pix()  # ...and the screen

qc = QuantumCircuit(
    2, 2)  # create an empty circuit with two qubits and two output bits
qc.cx(0, 1)

# create circuits with the required measurements, so we can add them in easily
meas = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
meas.measure(0, 0)
meas.measure(1, 1)

# loop over the squares centered on (1,2), (6,2) (1,4) and (6,4) and make all dim
for (X, Y) in [(1, 4), (6, 4)]:
    for dX in [+1, 0, -1]:
        for dY in [+1, 0, -1]:
            screen.pixel(X + dX, Y + dY, 2)

for (X, Y) in [(1, 4), (6, 4)]:
    screen.pixel(X, Y, 0)  # turn off the center pixels of the squares

old_keys = 0
while True:  # loop which checks for user input and responds

    # look for and act upon key presses
def main():

    # -- animations ----

    # these functions need access to `screen`, which is a local variable of the main() function, so they must be defined locally as well (or, alternatively, they could take it passed as an argument)

    # Generator function that takes a winning row in the format returned by
    # check() and makes it blink by alternatingly doing nothing (leaving the
    # pixels in their original color) and overwriting them with black.
    def blink(row):
        # as long as a drop animation is still running, do nothing
        while len(animations) > 1:
        # infinite loop, the blinking does not end by itself
        while True:
            # odd iterations: do nothing -> colored pixels
            # even iterations: black pixels
            for x, y in row:
                # x, y are in board coordinates, add 2 to convert to screen coordinates
                screen.pixel(x, y + 2, 0)

    # Generator function that takes the color and final position of a piece and
    # animates it dropping from the top down to that position.
    # Drawn over a board where the piece is already in the final position, so
    # - the final pixel must be erased
    # - the animation ends one before the final position
    def drop(color, x, y):
        # start at 1 (because the cursor was already at 0) and run up to and excluding y
        for i in range(1, y):
            # erase final position with black
            screen.pixel(x, y, 0)
            # draw at current position
            screen.pixel(x, i, color)

    # -- initialization ----

    # the framebuffer
    screen = pew.Pix()
    # the board
    board = pew.Pix(7, 6)
    # x coordinate of my cursor
    cursor = 3
    # x coordinate of opponent's cursor
    opcursor = 3
    # color value of whose turn it is (1=green, 2=red)
    turn = 1
    # keys pressed in the previous game loop iteration (pew.keys() value),
    # initialized to "all keys pressed" in binary so that there cannot be a
    # rising edge in the first iteration
    prevk = 0b111111
    # whether the game has ended, expressed by the return value of check():
    # either False or the winning row, which counts as "true" becaues it is a
    # non-empty sequence
    won = False
    # a list of generators that implement any currently running animations
    animations = []

    # read the player name from the configuration file
    # open for reading ('r'), in binary mode ('b') because we want the name as bytes, not as a string
    with open('four-name', 'rb') as f:
        myname = f.read()
    # various common parts of MQTT topics as bytes
    lobbyprefix = b'fourinarow/lobby/'
    lobbytopic = lobbyprefix + myname
    joinprefix = b'fourinarow/join/'
    jointopic = joinprefix + myname
    # set up the MQTT client object
    client = mqtt.MQTTClient('', 'mqtt.kolleegium.ch')
    # last will is the "leaving the lobby" message
    client.set_last_will(lobbytopic, b'', True)
    # Whatever happens from now on, whether we exit by an error or by a
    # deliberate return, we want to close the connection in the end. Use a
    # try-finally statement for that.

        # -- lobby initialization ----

        # I am present
        client.publish(lobbytopic, b'1', True)
        # the name of the player who joined us or whom we joined, currently nobody
        joined = None
        # all the player names in the lobby, as a set so we can easily add and remove them by value without getting duplicates
        lobby = set()
        # the lobby as a list for the menu, which can't directly take a set, and with the additional "exit" entry at the end
        lobbylist = ['>exit']
        # create the menu generator, it keeps a reference to the list and will automatically pick up changes to it
        menu = menugen(screen, lobbylist)

        # callback for handling incoming MQTT messages while we're in the lobby
        def onMessageLobby(topic, message):
            # declare variables from the outer context that we want to assign to, otherwise assignment would create them as local variables of this function
            # access to other outer variables such as lobby or screen is read-only and needs no declaration
            nonlocal joined, mycolor
            # messages about players arriving and leaving
            if topic.startswith(lobbyprefix):
                username = topic[len(lobbyprefix):]
                # message is b'', which counts as false, or non-empty (expected b'1'), which counts as true
                if message:
                    # flash a green bar at the bottom to indicate arrival
                    # this works because onMessageLobby is called from client.check_msg(), which occurs after drawing the menu (in `for selected in menu`) but before `pew.show(screen)`
                    screen.box(1, 0, 7, 8, 1)
                    # use discard(), not remove() to avoid an exception if the name is not there
                    # (it should, but we have no control over what messages others send us)
                    # red bar at the bottom to indicate departure
                    screen.box(2, 0, 7, 8, 1)
                # update the list form of the lobby by
                # - transforming the elements of the set form using a list comprehension (they are bytes but the menu wants strings)
                # - inserting them using a slice index that replaces everything but the ">exit" item at the end
                # it's important that we modify this list in place, not create a totally new list, because this list is the one the menu generator has a reference to
                lobbylist[:-1] = [
                    str(n, 'ascii') for n in lobby if n != myname
            # messages about someone joining us
            elif topic == jointopic:
                # message content is the name of the other player
                joined = message
                # the joined player (us) gets red
                mycolor = 2

        # subscribe to all topics 1 level deep in the lobby (= user names)
        client.subscribe(lobbyprefix + b'+')

        # -- lobby loop ----

        # repeatedly poke the menu generator, which draws the menu and handles buttons, until the user selects an entry - conveniently done by a for loop
        # assigns the returned index to `selected` every time - we don't need it during the loop, we only need the value from the last iteration afterwards
        for selected in menu:
            # while in the menu, we also repeatedly need to check for incoming MQTT messages - this calls onMessageLobby if there is any, which may set joined
            if joined:
                # leave the for loop
            # this is the frame rate expected by the menu for an appropriate animation speed
            pew.tick(1 / 24)
        # we can leave the loop above in two ways:
        # 1. when the menu generator ends, which is when the local user has selected an emtry from the menu
        # 2. by the `break` statement when someone else has sent us a join message
        # the `else` block of a `for` statement is executed in case 1 but not in case 2
            # if selected == len(lobbylist) - 1, the user selected ">exit", otherwise another player
            if selected < len(lobbylist) - 1:
                # selected someone to join, look up who by their index, convert from string to bytes, and send them a join message
                joined = bytes(lobbylist[selected], 'ascii')
                client.publish(joinprefix + joined, myname)
                # the joining player gets green
                mycolor = 1
        # in any case (whether we joined someone, were joined, or are exiting), we now leave the lobby
        client.publish(lobbytopic, b'', True)
        # clear the menu from the screen

        # if the user chose ">exit", we're done, return from the main() function
        if not joined:
            # (the `finally` block at the end will still be executed because we're jumping out from inside the `try` block)

        # -- game initialization ----

        # more MQTT topics
        mygameprefix = b'fourinarow/game/' + myname + b'/'
        mycursortopic = mygameprefix + b'cursor'
        mydroptopic = mygameprefix + b'drop'
        opgameprefix = b'fourinarow/game/' + joined + b'/'
        opcursortopic = opgameprefix + b'cursor'
        opdroptopic = opgameprefix + b'drop'

        # Execute a move by dropping a piece of whose turn it is at the given column.
        def move(cursor):
            nonlocal won, turn
            # determine the topmost occupied (or beyond-the-bottom) place in the column by iterating from the top
            y = 0
            while y < 6 and board.pixel(cursor, y) == 0:
                y += 1
            # now either y == 6 (all were free) or place y was occupied, in both cases y-1 is the desired free place
            # unless the whole column was full (y == 0)
            if y != 0:
                # place the piece in the final position
                board.pixel(cursor, y - 1, turn)
                # start the drop animation - doesn't draw anything yet, just sets up the generator that will draw when poked
                animations.append(drop(turn, cursor, y + 1))
                # check for winning rows
                won = check(board)
                # won is either False or a non-empty sequence that counts as true
                if won:
                    # start the blink animation
                # reverse the turn: 1 -> 2, 2 -> 1
                turn = 3 - turn

        # callback for handling incoming MQTT messages while we're in the game
        def onMessageGame(topic, message):
            nonlocal opcursor
            # input validation: check length, otherwise if someone sends us an empty message we crash with an IndexError on the following line
            if topic == opcursortopic and len(message) == 1:
                opcursor = message[0]
            # input validation: the opponent is only allowed to make a move when it is their turn
            elif topic == opdroptopic and len(
                    message) == 1 and turn == 3 - mycolor:
                # opponent's move

        # subscribe to all of the opponent's game topics (cursor and drop)
        client.subscribe(opgameprefix + b'#')
        # initial update so the opponent knows where my cursor is from the start
        # convert number to one-element bytes by packing it into an intermediate tuple (needs trailing comma to distinguish from grouping parentheses)
        client.publish(mycursortopic, bytes((cursor, )), True)

        # -- game loop ----

        while True:

            # -- input handling ----

            k = pew.keys()
            # key handling is different depending on whether the game is running or over
            if not won:
                # check for bits in k using the bitwise AND operator - the result is zero or nonzero, which count as false or true
                if k & pew.K_LEFT:
                    # move cursor left if possible and publish the new position
                    if cursor > 0:
                        cursor -= 1
                        client.publish(mycursortopic, bytes((cursor, )), True)
                if k & pew.K_RIGHT:
                    # move cursor right if possible and publish the new position
                    if cursor < 6:
                        cursor += 1
                        client.publish(mycursortopic, bytes((cursor, )), True)
                # drop only if the respective key was not pressed in the last iteration, otherwise we would repeatedly drop while the key is held down (edge detection)
                if k & ~prevk & (pew.K_DOWN | pew.K_O
                                 | pew.K_X) and turn == mycolor:
                    # my move
                    client.publish(mydroptopic, bytes((cursor, )), False)
                # when the game is over, exit on a key press - several conditions to check:
                # - the first time we're getting here, the key that dropped the final piece may still be pressed - do nothing until all keys have been up in the previous iteration
                # - do nothing until the drop animation has completed and only the blink animation (which is endless) remains
                if prevk == 0 and k != 0 and len(animations) == 1:
            # save the pressed keys for the next iteration to detect edges
            prevk = k

            # check for incoming messages, which may execute an opponent's move via onMessageGame

            # -- drawing ----

            # clear previous cursor, dropping piece, and turn indicator
            screen.box(0, 0, 0, 8, 2)
            if not won:
                # draw two cursors - if they overlap, in orange, otherwise in their respective color
                screen.pixel(cursor, 0, mycolor)
                screen.pixel(opcursor, 0,
                             3 if cursor == opcursor else 3 - mycolor)
                # turn indicator
                if turn == mycolor:
                    screen.pixel(7, 1, turn)
            # draw the board (in unanimated state)
            screen.blit(board, 0, 2)
            # poke all active animations to draw one iteration each
            # we'll be removing items from the list while iterating over it, so we need to do it backwards to avoid skipping items
            # start at the last position (len-1), continue to 0 inclusively which is -1 exclusively, in steps of -1
            for i in range(len(animations) - 1, -1, -1):
                    # next() pokes, it raises StopIteration when the generator is exhausted (animation is over)
                except StopIteration:
                    # remove completed animations
                    del animations[i]
            # done drawing into the framebuffer, send it to the display
            # wait until it's time for the next frame
            # 0.15 seconds is an appropriate frame time for our animations and key repeating - increase it if you still find it hard to move the cursor by exactly one pixel
            # drawing at a faster rate would require more complex key repeat handling

        # end of game loop

        # however we exited from the try block, by an error or by a deliberate return, leave the lobby and close the connection
        client.publish(lobbytopic, b'', True)