Exemplo n.º 1
def gfSOLO_createdict(cf,ds,series):
    """ Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about the SOLO data used
        to gap fill the tower data."""
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf,series=series,mode="quiet")
    # return without doing anything if the series isn't in a control file section
    if len(section)==0:
        msg = "GapFillUsingSOLO: "+series+" not found in control file, skipping ..."
    # create the solo directory in the data structure
    if "solo" not in dir(ds): ds.solo = {}
    # name of SOLO output series in ds
    output_list = cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"].keys()
    # loop over the outputs listed in the control file
    for output in output_list:
        # create the dictionary keys for this series
        ds.solo[output] = {}
        # get the target
        if "target" in cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]:
            ds.solo[output]["label_tower"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]["target"]
            ds.solo[output]["label_tower"] = series
        # site name
        ds.solo[output]["site_name"] = ds.globalattributes["site_name"]
        # list of SOLO settings
        if "solo_settings" in cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]:
            ss_list = ast.literal_eval(cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]["solo_settings"])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"] = {}
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["nodes_target"] = int(ss_list[0])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["training"] = int(ss_list[1])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["factor"] = int(ss_list[2])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["learningrate"] = float(ss_list[3])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["iterations"] = int(ss_list[4])
        # list of drivers
        ds.solo[output]["drivers"] = ast.literal_eval(cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]["drivers"])
        # apply ustar filter
        opt = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,[section,series,"GapFillUsingSOLO",output],
        ds.solo[output]["turbulence_filter"] = opt
        opt = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,[section,series,"GapFillUsingSOLO",output],
        ds.solo[output]["daynight_filter"] = opt
        # results of best fit for plotting later on
        ds.solo[output]["results"] = {"startdate":[],"enddate":[],"No. points":[],"r":[],
                                      "Bias":[],"RMSE":[],"Frac Bias":[],"NMSE":[],
                                      "Avg (obs)":[],"Avg (SOLO)":[],
                                      "Var (obs)":[],"Var (SOLO)":[],"Var ratio":[],
        # create an empty series in ds if the SOLO output series doesn't exist yet
        if output not in ds.series.keys():
            data,flag,attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds,output)
Exemplo n.º 2
def gfClimatology_createdict(cf, ds, series):
    """ Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about the climatological data used
        to gap fill the tower data."""
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf, series=series,mode="quiet")
    # return without doing anything if the series isn't in a control file section
    if len(section) == 0:
        msg = "GapFillFromClimatology: "+series+" not found in control file, skipping ..."
    # create the climatology directory in the data structure
    if "climatology" not in dir(ds):
        ds.climatology = {}
    # name of alternate output series in ds
    output_list = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"].keys()
    # loop over the outputs listed in the control file
    for output in output_list:
        # create the dictionary keys for this output
        ds.climatology[output] = {}
        ds.climatology[output]["label_tower"] = series
        # site name
        ds.climatology[output]["site_name"] = ds.globalattributes["site_name"]
        # Climatology file name
        file_list = cf["Files"].keys()
        lower_file_list = [item.lower() for item in file_list]
        # first, look in the [Files] section for a generic file name
        if "climatology" in lower_file_list:
            # found a generic file name
            i = lower_file_list.index("climatology")
            ds.climatology[output]["file_name"] = cf["Files"][file_list[i]]
            # no generic file name found, look for a file name in the variable section
            ds.climatology[output]["file_name"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output]["file_name"]
        # climatology variable name if different from name used in control file
        if "climatology_name" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output]:
            ds.climatology[output]["climatology_name"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output]["climatology_name"]
            ds.climatology[output]["climatology_name"] = series
        # climatology gap filling method
        if "method" not in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output].keys():
            # default if "method" missing is "interpolated_daily"
            ds.climatology[output]["method"] = "interpolated_daily"
            ds.climatology[output]["method"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output]["method"]
        # create an empty series in ds if the climatology output series doesn't exist yet
        if output not in ds.series.keys():
            data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds, output)
            pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, output, data, flag, attr)
Exemplo n.º 3
def gfMergeSeries_createdict(cf,ds,series):
    """ Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about the merging of gap filled
        and tower data."""
    merge_prereq_list = ["Fsd","Fsu","Fld","Flu","Ts","Sws"]
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf,series=series,mode="quiet")
    # create the merge directory in the data structure
    if "merge" not in dir(ds): ds.merge = {}
    # check to see if this series is in the "merge first" list
    # series in the "merge first" list get merged first so they can be used with existing tower
    # data to re-calculate Fg, Fn and Fa
    merge_order = "standard"
    if series in merge_prereq_list: merge_order = "prerequisite"
    if merge_order not in ds.merge.keys(): ds.merge[merge_order] = {}
    # create the dictionary keys for this series
    ds.merge[merge_order][series] = {}
    # output series name
    ds.merge[merge_order][series]["output"] = series
    # site name
    ds.merge[merge_order][series]["source"] = ast.literal_eval(cf[section][series]["MergeSeries"]["Source"])
    # create an empty series in ds if the output series doesn't exist yet
    if ds.merge[merge_order][series]["output"] not in ds.series.keys():
        data,flag,attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds,ds.merge[merge_order][series]["output"])
Exemplo n.º 4
def gfalternate_createdict(cf, ds, series, ds_alt):
     Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about the alternate data used to gap fill the tower data.
    Side effects:
    Author: PRI
    Date: August 2014
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf, series=series, mode="quiet")
    # return without doing anything if the series isn't in a control file section
    if len(section)==0:
        msg = "GapFillFromAlternate: Series %s not found in control file, skipping ...", series
    # create the alternate directory in the data structure
    if "alternate" not in dir(ds):
        ds.alternate = {}
    # name of alternate output series in ds
    output_list = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"].keys()
    # loop over the outputs listed in the control file
    for output in output_list:
        # create the dictionary keys for this output
        ds.alternate[output] = {}
        ds.alternate[output]["label_tower"] = series
        # source name
        ds.alternate[output]["source"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["source"]
        # site name
        ds.alternate[output]["site_name"] = ds.globalattributes["site_name"]
        # alternate data file name
        # first, look in the [Files] section for a generic file name
        file_list = cf["Files"].keys()
        lower_file_list = [item.lower() for item in file_list]
        if ds.alternate[output]["source"].lower() in lower_file_list:
            # found a generic file name
            i = lower_file_list.index(ds.alternate[output]["source"].lower())
            ds.alternate[output]["file_name"] = cf["Files"][file_list[i]]
            # no generic file name found, look for a file name in the variable section
            ds.alternate[output]["file_name"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["file_name"]
        # if the file has not already been read, do it now
        if ds.alternate[output]["file_name"] not in ds_alt:
            ds_alternate = pfp_io.nc_read_series(ds.alternate[output]["file_name"],fixtimestepmethod="round")
            ds_alt[ds.alternate[output]["file_name"]] = ds_alternate
        # get the type of fit
        ds.alternate[output]["fit_type"] = "OLS"
        if "fit" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]:
            if cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["fit"].lower() in ["ols","ols_thru0","mrev","replace","rma","odr"]:
                ds.alternate[output]["fit_type"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["fit"]
                logger.info("gfAlternate: unrecognised fit option for series %s, used OLS", output)
        # correct for lag?
        if "lag" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]:
            if cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["lag"].lower() in ["no","false"]:
                ds.alternate[output]["lag"] = "no"
            elif cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["lag"].lower() in ["yes","true"]:
                ds.alternate[output]["lag"] = "yes"
                logger.info("gfAlternate: unrecognised lag option for series %s", output)
            ds.alternate[output]["lag"] = "yes"
        # choose specific alternate variable?
        if "usevars" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]:
            ds.alternate[output]["usevars"] = ast.literal_eval(cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["usevars"])
        # alternate data variable name if different from name used in control file
        if "alternate_name" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]:
            ds.alternate[output]["alternate_name"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["alternate_name"]
            ds.alternate[output]["alternate_name"] = series
        # results of best fit for plotting later on
        ds.alternate[output]["results"] = {"startdate":[],"enddate":[],"No. points":[],"No. filled":[],
                                           "r":[],"Bias":[],"RMSE":[],"Frac Bias":[],"NMSE":[],
                                           "Avg (Tower)":[],"Avg (Alt)":[],
                                           "Var (Tower)":[],"Var (Alt)":[],"Var ratio":[]}
        # create an empty series in ds if the alternate output series doesn't exist yet
        if output not in ds.series.keys():
            data,flag,attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds,output)
Exemplo n.º 5
def rpLT_createdict(cf, ds, series):
     Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about estimating ecosystem
     respiration using the Lloyd-Taylor method.
    Author: PRI
    Date October 2015
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf, series=series, mode="quiet")
    # return without doing anything if the series isn't in a control file section
    if len(section) == 0:
        logger.error("ERUsingLloydTaylor: Series " + series +
                     " not found in control file, skipping ...")
    # check that none of the drivers have missing data
    driver_list = ast.literal_eval(
    target = cf[section][series]["ERUsingLloydTaylor"]["target"]
    for label in driver_list:
        data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, label)
        if numpy.ma.count_masked(data) != 0:
            logger.error("ERUsingLloydTaylor: driver " + label +
                         " contains missing data, skipping target " + target)
    # create the dictionary keys for this series
    rpLT_info = {}
    # site name
    rpLT_info["site_name"] = ds.globalattributes["site_name"]
    # source series for ER
    opt = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,
                                       [section, series, "ERUsingLloydTaylor"],
    rpLT_info["source"] = opt
    # target series name
    rpLT_info["target"] = cf[section][series]["ERUsingLloydTaylor"]["target"]
    # list of drivers
    rpLT_info["drivers"] = ast.literal_eval(
    # name of SOLO output series in ds
    rpLT_info["output"] = cf[section][series]["ERUsingLloydTaylor"]["output"]
    # results of best fit for plotting later on
    rpLT_info["results"] = {
        "startdate": [],
        "enddate": [],
        "No. points": [],
        "r": [],
        "Bias": [],
        "RMSE": [],
        "Frac Bias": [],
        "NMSE": [],
        "Avg (obs)": [],
        "Avg (LT)": [],
        "Var (obs)": [],
        "Var (LT)": [],
        "Var ratio": [],
        "m_ols": [],
        "b_ols": []
    # create the configuration dictionary
    rpLT_info["configs_dict"] = get_configs_dict(cf, ds)
    # create an empty series in ds if the output series doesn't exist yet
    if rpLT_info["output"] not in ds.series.keys():
        data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds, rpLT_info["output"])
        pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, rpLT_info["output"], data, flag, attr)
    # create the merge directory in the data structure
    if "merge" not in dir(ds): ds.merge = {}
    if "standard" not in ds.merge.keys(): ds.merge["standard"] = {}
    # create the dictionary keys for this series
    ds.merge["standard"][series] = {}
    # output series name
    ds.merge["standard"][series]["output"] = series
    # source
    ds.merge["standard"][series]["source"] = ast.literal_eval(
    # create an empty series in ds if the output series doesn't exist yet
    if ds.merge["standard"][series]["output"] not in ds.series.keys():
        data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(
            ds, ds.merge["standard"][series]["output"])
        pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, ds.merge["standard"][series]["output"],
                               data, flag, attr)
    return rpLT_info