def test_setup_both_dimensions(self):
        """setup_figure() with both sizes specific dimensions..."""
        # Dimensions and their size in inches.
        dims = {
            '1in': 1,
            '2.5 inch': 2.5,
            '3 inches': 3,
            '2.54cm': 1,
            '1 centimetre': 0.3937,
            '8 centimetres': 3.14961,
            '1.0 centimeter': 0.3937,
            '8.0 centimeters': 3.14961,
            '80mm': 3.14961,
            '200 millimetre': 7.8740,
            '123.4 millimetres': 4.8583,
            '200 millimeter': 7.8740,
            '123.4 millimeters': 4.8583,
            '340pt': 4.7046,
            '120point': 1.6604,
            '960 points': 13.2835,

        # Check each combination.
        for wstr, winch in dims.items():
            for hstr, hinch in dims.items():
                setup_figure(width=wstr, height=hstr)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(winch, rel=1e-3)
                assert h == approx(hinch, rel=1e-3)
    def test_setup_height_fraction(self):
        """setup_figure() with specific width and height as a fraction..."""
        # Dimensions and their size in inches.
        dims = {
            '1in': 1,
            '2.5 inch': 2.5,
            '3 inches': 3,
            '2.54cm': 1,
            '1 centimetre': 0.3937,
            '8 centimetres': 3.14961,
            '1.0 centimeter': 0.3937,
            '8.0 centimeters': 3.14961,
            '80mm': 3.14961,
            '200 millimetre': 7.8740,
            '123.4 millimetres': 4.8583,
            '200 millimeter': 7.8740,
            '123.4 millimeters': 4.8583,
            '340pt': 4.7046,
            '120point': 1.6604,
            '960 points': 13.2835,

        # Check various combinations.
        for wstr, winch in dims.items():
            for n in np.linspace(0.3, 2.5, 17):
                setup_figure(width=wstr, height=n)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(winch, rel=1e-3)
                assert h == approx(n *
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_save_with_figure(self):
     """Test save() works when given an explicit figure instance..."""
     setup_figure(width=1, height=1)
     from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
     fig = plt.figure()
    def test_setup_arg_priority(self):
        """Test priority of columns/margin/full_width arguments to setup_figure()..."""
        text = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_width')
        sep = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_sep')
        margin = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_width')
        full = text + sep + margin
        height = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_height')

        # All three: full width should take priority.
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(full)
        assert h == approx(0.4 * height)

        # Margin and full width: full width should take priority.
        setup_figure(width=1, height=0.4, margin=True, full_width=True)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(full)
        assert h == approx(0.4 * height)

        # Margin and columns: margin should take priority.
        setup_figure(width=1, height=0.4, columns=1, margin=True)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(margin)
        assert h == approx(0.4 * height)
    def test_setup_both_fractions(self):
        """setup_figure() with both sizes fractions..."""
        # Simple case.
        setup_figure(width=1, height=1)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == _config['tex'].getdimension('text_width')
        assert h == _config['tex'].getdimension('text_height')

        # More complicated fractions.
        for m in np.linspace(0.1, 2.1, 13):
            for n in np.linspace(0.1, 2.1, 13):
                setup_figure(width=m, height=n)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(m *
                assert h == approx(n *
    def test_setup_margin(self):
        """Test setup_figure() generates margin figures with margin=True..."""
        margin = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_width')
        height = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_height')

        # Fractional tests.
        for w_in in {1.0, 0.5, 1.2}:
            for h_in in {0.3, 0.25, 0.5}:
                setup_figure(width=w_in, height=h_in, margin=True)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(w_in * margin)
                assert h == approx(h_in * height)

        # Specific size.
        setup_figure(width="1.8in", height="1.2in", margin=True)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(1.8)
        assert h == approx(1.2)
    def test_setup_full_width(self):
        """Test setup_figure() generates full-width figures with full_width=True..."""
        text = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_width')
        sep = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_sep')
        margin = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_width')
        full = text + sep + margin
        height = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_height')

        # Fractional tests.
        for w_in in {1.0, 0.75, 1.1}:
            for h_in in {0.4, 0.35, 0.15}:
                setup_figure(width=w_in, height=h_in, full_width=True)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(w_in * full)
                assert h == approx(h_in * height)

        # Specific size.
        setup_figure(width="5.5in", height="3.6in", full_width=True)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(5.5)
        assert h == approx(3.6)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_save_with_nonfigure_fails(self):
     """Test save() fails when given a non-figure object..."""
     setup_figure(width=1, height=1)
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Exemplo n.º 9
from pgfutils import setup_figure, add_dependencies, save
setup_figure(width=1, height=1)

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

t = np.linspace(0, 10, 201)
s = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 0.5 * t)

add_dependencies("data.file", "another.file")

plt.plot(t, s)
Exemplo n.º 10
# Set up the figure environment.
from pgfutils import setup_figure, save
setup_figure(width=0.9, height=0.4)

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Generate square wave from a few terms of its Fourier series.
f = 3
t = np.linspace(0, 1, 501)
square = np.zeros(t.shape)
for n in range(1, 12, 2):
    # Create this harmonic and plot it as a dashed
    # partially-transparent line.
    component = np.sin(2 * n * np.pi * f * t) / n
    plt.plot(t, component, '--', alpha=0.4)

    # Add it to the overall signal.
    square += component

# Scale the final sum.
square *= 4 / np.pi

# Plot and label the figure.
plt.plot(t, square, 'C0')
plt.xlim(0, 1)
plt.ylim(-1.2, 1.2)
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Amplitude (V)")

# Save as a PGF image.
Exemplo n.º 11
from pgfutils import setup_figure, save
setup_figure(width=1, height=1, figure_background='red')
Exemplo n.º 12
from pgfutils import setup_figure, save
Exemplo n.º 13
from pgfutils import setup_figure, save
setup_figure(width=1, height=0.4, extra_tracking="netCDF4")

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
s = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3 * t)

ds = netCDF4.Dataset("", "w")
samples = ds.createDimension("sample", len(t))
times = ds.createVariable("time", "f8", ("sample", ))
times[:] = t
voltage = ds.createVariable("voltage", "f8", ("sample", ))
voltage[:] = s

plt.plot(t, s)

Exemplo n.º 14
from pgfutils import setup_figure, save, _config


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

t = np.linspace(-4, 4, 201)
plt.plot(t, 2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 2.5 * t))

Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_kwargs_rejects_unknown(self):
     """Test setup_figure() rejects unknown configuration options..."""
     with raises(KeyError):
         setup_figure(width=1, height=1, border_width=3)
Exemplo n.º 16
from pgfutils import setup_figure, save
setup_figure(width=1, height=0.4, columns=3)

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

t = np.linspace(0, 10, 400)
s = 0.3 * t + 2.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 0.85 * t) - 0.8

plt.plot(t, s)
plt.xlim(0, 10)

Exemplo n.º 17
from pgfutils import setup_figure, save

from custom_lib import get_data
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

t, s = get_data()
plt.plot(t, s)

Exemplo n.º 18
def test_two_columns():
    """Check behaviour for document with two columns..."""
    params = {'text_width': 8.0, 'text_height': 4, 'num_columns': 2, 'columnsep': 1}

    # Check some simple cases.
    setup_figure(width=1, height=1, columns=None, **params)
    assert rcParams['figure.figsize'] == [8, 4], "Wrong width for columns=None, width=1."
    setup_figure(width=1, height=1, columns=1, **params)
    assert rcParams['figure.figsize'] == [3.5, 4], "Wrong width for one column, width=1."
    setup_figure(width=1, height=1, columns=2, **params)
    assert rcParams['figure.figsize'] == [8, 4], "Wrong width for two columns, width=1."

    # And now with some fractional widths.
    setup_figure(width=0.6, height=1, columns=None, **params)
    assert rcParams['figure.figsize'] == [4.8, 4], "Wrong width for columns=None, width=0.6."
    setup_figure(width=0.5, height=1, columns=1, **params)
    assert rcParams['figure.figsize'] == [1.75, 4], "Wrong width for one column, width=0.5."
    setup_figure(width=0.85, height=1, columns=2, **params)
    assert rcParams['figure.figsize'] == [6.8, 4], "Wrong width for two columns, width=0.85."

    # And some error conditions.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        setup_figure(width=1, height=1, columns=-1, **params)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        setup_figure(width=1, height=1, columns=0, **params)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        setup_figure(width=1, height=1, columns=3, **params)